#is this cowardly? mayhaps. but currently my capability is coward or silence so. hhnng.
notcatherinemorland Β· 2 years
personal gobshite tumblr void diary thats actually bad.
oh boy gotta love a return of the eating disorder i thought i was through with :^) this is soo much fun, love this for my brain :^) god i am just like. exhausted. the reason i have been going ham through the eps of c/r last month is because its theatre of the mind and there’s no like. significant physical body visuals i need to obsess over & it’s 4hrs of immersion at a time. anyway cant admit this at all offline so onto the tumblr diary it shall go. if i have not spoken to u in a month and u know me offline or online this is whyyy & i am sorry here and i will apologise in ur dms at a later date. anyway my uni top tip: dont get an eating disorder! it ruins all.
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