#isaiah babenuex
keeloves · 5 years
My Version of Girl Meets World
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This what I imagine for the Girls of Girl Meets World going. I even have personalities for them and more fleshed back out back grounds for these characters. For the Girl Characters, I have Riley Matthews, Melinda Hunter, Maya Hart, and Isadoara Smackle. The male characters are Jet Hunter, Farkle Minkus, Lucas Friar and Isaiah Babineaux. I am doing it this way for a few reasons, one Shawnangela gets together in my version and Angela got pregnant with Shawn’s twins before she left for Europe, two Riley and Smackle’s friendship means so much to me and I think it is absolutely beautiful and underrated and three this is just a concept of that really appealed to me and I love it! So without further a do here are are the characters backgrounds interests and well hobbies. Hope you enjoy and let me know what you think and please be respectful.
Girls of Girl Meets World
Riley Matthews: The oldest child to Cory and Topanga and older brother to Auggie Matthews she is to quote Shawn “Cory with Topanga’s hair”. She is really sweet and bubbly, very smart and loves her friends dearly. She suffers from self esteem issues and is very dramatic. She is a straight A student and her favorite subject is science. She enjoys school, hanging out with friends and loves writing and photography. After school activities for Riley, include environmental club, the school paper and gamer club
Melinda Hunter: Daughter of Shawn and Angela and twin sister to Jet. She is super girly, and she will constantly experiment with her hair. She will wear hair in various fashions much like her mother. She is a sweetheart but also knows how to be assertive and she doesn’t let people push her around which is something Riley struggles with and Melinda and Maya help with that Melinda has her own insecurities as well but hardly shows them. She even knows how to bring out the best in people like her brother Jet who she is very close with. She loves animals, fashion and is very much into journalism and art because she is very creative. Her favorite animal in particular are pigs and she even plans to get a pet pig and name him Little Jet much like her father who once had a Pet Pig and named him Little Cory. Her after school activities involve, environmental club, fashion club and photography. She is well organized and plans to run for school president. 
Maya Hart: Daughter to Katy Hart. Maya is very much a rebel and is a bit of slacker and prankster. She is kind, caring and she loves to be playfully tease her friends especially Lucas with the way she goes “Ha Hur”. She is very rebellious but that gets better over time as she matures. She is very close with Riley because those two have known each other since they were five years old. Maya will go above and beyond to protect her friends. She loves music and art. She is a picture kind of gal. Her after school activities involve the Art Club, Fashion Club and Music club. She plays guitar and piano and she plans to sign up for the talent show.
Isadora Smackle: Like Farkle her family is quite wealthy. She has ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder)/Aspergers. She is very high functioning but she is not so good in social situations however she gets better thanks to Riley’s help. Out of all the friends from the female friend group Smackle is closest with Riley. Smackle loves science, debates and anything to do with physics. Her after school activities involve, science club, she is part of the mathletes and debate team. The three girls help Smackle gain more confidence by helping her with a make over but they don’t turn Smackle into their dress up doll they just help her with her clothing and help let down those pigtails. Smackle even does some after school tutoring and she gets heaps better with emotions and social situations.
Boys of Girl Meets World
Jet Hunter: Son of Shawn and Angela and twin sister to Melinda. Jet is very much like his father, a slacker, a trouble causer and spends and he pretty much lives in detention. He gets decent grades thanks to his sister’s help. He isn’t much into school so he doesn’t do a lot of school activities to do. Up until he moves to New York his twin sister was his only friend but unlike her he is a trouble causer. Like Shawn, Jet is very much a ladies man and has a thing for Maya Hart. Him and Maya get into the most trouble out of the friend group and like Maya he does the pictures. Jet is not into sports like his father the only physical activities he enjoys are skate boarding and swimming. He is very mechanical and knows how to fix cars and stuff. Since he is so skilled in mechanics and welding he joins the robotic team thanks to the encouragement of Melinda and Farkle. 
Farkle Minkus:  He is the son of Stewart Minkus and Jennifer Basset. Farkle is very much a flirt but is not as smooth as Jet or Lucas and he is a male version of Topanga. Farkle like Smackle is very awkward in social situations but is slightly better. He is very wealthy but is very embarrassed of his wealth because he just wants to fit in with the middle class. He is very smart and the class genius like Smackle. His favorite subject is science and he loves physics too. He down right hates sports the extent of his physical activities are clogging/tap dancing. His after school activities involve, science club, debate team, chess club and robotics club tap dancing which is something he has been into since he was 4 years old. 
Isaiah Babineaux: Like Lucas he came from Texas. Zay is a flirt and into feminine and masculine things. He loves football, horse back riding, and baseball. He also loves tap dancing, ballet which actually helps with his hand eye coordination in football. He is a very sensitive soul and very blunt. He is not afraid to express his feelings. This is something he helps Smackle and Farkle with. He is un-apologetically  himself and when he doesn’t like something he isn’t afraid to let people know. Him and Smackle are the most honest and the most blunt out of the friend group.
Lucas Friar: Grandson of Papi Joe and from Texas like Zay. Lucas came to New York because he got expelled from his old school and he got into fights a lot. Him going New York was a way for him to start fresh. His interests are sports and he loves animals like Melinda but not to the same extent she does. He still plans to be a vet. He is a little vain about his looks, super competive when it comes to sports very much like Buffy and has a temper so much so that his friends have to bring him back to reality and help calm him down. Underneath his competitiveness and his temper he is very insecure because he feels pressure to be perfect. He is very protective of his friends and his very compassionate as well. The reason Lucas is competive is because he wants to impress his grandfather and his father. He has a sensitive side which he learns to let out thanks to being Riley’s friend and being close with his mother. 
Honestly I had a lot of fun writing this out but Lucas was hardest for me to write a personality for because he is very bland. Anyways I hope you enjoyed reading this and please tell me what you think and remember keep your comments respectful. 
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