#isat sky:cotl! au
kyri45 · 3 months
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Soundtrack of this part! If you recognize the track from the game then you know where we are headed boys!
Asmcaksncjanscakmsc i’m chewing concrete I love drawing Sif flying it just looks right.
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primrosechronicles · 4 months
Sky Cotl x ISAT Fanfic!
Performance Guide and Siffrin (strictly platonic)
Summary: The performance guide and Their moth meet again Warnings: Nothing that I can think off...? Word Count: 1784 PART 2 HERE
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You step into the backstage of the village theater, taking a moment to appreciate all the preparations you and your crew did to make the theater more accessible to both moths and citizens alike. It took a lot of hard work, from assembling the stage to ensuring the levers operated properly. Despite the challenges, it was all worth it for the grand opening of the theater. 
You carefully walk up the stairs behind the levers, with the lively chatter of your beloved crew filling your ears.
“Director!” The crew’s resident dancer quickly stands up and crosses the room towards you.
“Dancer.”  You greet back. a smile creeping up your face. “What are you guys doing?”
“Me and the crew were discussing some things to put in your comedy!”
You tilt your head curiously “Any particular reason why..?” 
“We, uh, wanted to shake off the nerves... You know, we're all pretty jittery about tomorrow…” They shake their head “And! And.. you looked like you had a hard time figuring out the punchlines..”
You smile and give them a pat on the shoulder “Thank you.. And to be honest I'm nervous as well…”
“Well let's be nervous together!” They giggle joyfully, grab your hand, and lead you toward the group.
You sit with your crew and you observe the Stagehand frantically calculating the materials needed for the props and your Storyteller conversing with the Musician, though they seem to forget that the comedy is a.. Comedy.
“How about you, Dancer? Do you plan on writing a play? I'm sure you would be very good at it.” You ask.
Your Dancer shakes their head “Oh no! I could never make a play as well as you or the storyteller…”
“Oh don't be modest, Dancer.. I'm sure whatever you write will be wonderful.”
They smile at you and go back to continue whatever they did before approaching you. You sigh contently, you love being like this, being surrounded by the people you love, you could live like this forever.
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Hand in hand with your crew and cast members, you all bow. The sound of whistles, cheers and honks fills the ears of your cast. You look at your audience, their smiles fill you with joy as you are reminded of why you and your crew decided to make the theater.
Your Musician begins to play a mellow melody as your Stagehand hands you the mic. The rest of the cast quietly slips offstage.
“My beloved audience.. Welcome! To the village theater.” you pause then breathe in and out. “As I stand here before you, I'm filled with gratitude for your support and for the opportunity to bring stories to life on this stage.” 
You continue “This is a place to play many parts, whether it be to play music.. Or to dance… or to tell stories!” you turn to your crew and smile gratefully at them.
“This is the Season of Performance! So come and share your vision with us all!” The audience erupts into applause and cheers, giving your crew a successful opening night.
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You smile as you and your Storyteller converse with the audience members.
“--And the part when the girl almost got caught by the krill! It was so terrifying I was at the edge of my seat!” You laugh in response “Hah! Yea, our musician did an amazing job on the music on that part!” “There was a krill part…?”
You smile wider as more audience members praise the work of you and your crew, but then something catches your eye in your peripheral vision. You take a closer look and notice a mother gesturing at you while her child, embarrassed, tries to run away. You deduct from the child's age that they’re a moth, but they aren’t dressed how moths usually look? Instead of the usual brown cape, it is replaced with a white one, with smooth ends instead of the uniform jagged edges that make it resemble actual wings. Two pins are placed just below their chin, pulling the whole look together.
You walk up to them and kneel to be at eye level with the kid. “Hello! Did you enjoy the show?” The child jumps slightly, startled, then slowly nods. “I did…”
Their mother whispers in their ear “Tell them what you told me.” The child looks at their mom, nodding with slightly more confidence. “Uhm! I wanna do what you do! I wanna make stories and-and! Pretend it on there!” The child slowly lifts a trembling finger to point towards the stage, their eyes shining with a nervous excitement.
You turn to the mother “Ma’am, are you perhaps from the village of dreams?”
“Oh no.. We're actually staying at a relative's house right now to check out the new season."
"For how long...?" you ask, as an idea begins to take shape in your mind.
“About 1 or 2 months, my relatives love having us around and they usually prepare for us to stay for 3 months but there's something urgent I have to get back to by then..”
You smile and turn back to the kid “Welcome to the Season of Performance” You slowly place the season pendant around their neck “I hope to see you often during the months that you're here?” The little moth nods furiously. “Yes!”
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"Guys?! Where are you?! I have an idea!" you burst into the building, searching for your crew members. "We're on the second floor!" the familiar voice of your Dancer exclaims.
With a surge of adrenaline, you sprint up the stairs (that honestly looked like ramps instead of stairs) to the second floor, your fast footsteps echoing throughout the hall.
You reach the top of the stairs, where they're all gathered around the mini stage they've set up. You make eye contact with your crew’s Stagehand and they gesture for you to sit on the cushion next to them.
Tea in hand you breathe in and out, “Each season goes as follows: teach them some simple craft spells then the other stuff that's unique to each season” you smirk, gaining more confidence with your idea. "What about the “ stuff that's unique to each season “ part is a workshop for the moths! And… for people who are interested! We could teach them about theater, how to write a play, and everything else we do here. It would be a great way to share our passion and get more people involved."
Your crew members exchange eager glances, nodding in agreement.
"Yeah, that's a fantastic idea! I could teach them some sick riffs!" your Musician exclaims, playing their guitar with determination.
The Stagehand chimes in, "I could show them the ropes of stagecraft, from lighting to set design."
You turn to your crew's Storyteller, who smiles warmly. "I'll help them find their voices and tell their stories."
"I can lead sessions on movement and expression," the Dancer suggests. "I can teach participants how to use their bodies to tell stories and convey emotions on stage."
The excitement in the room is palpable as everyone starts brainstorming ideas for the workshop. You can already picture the theater bustling with little moths, eager to learn and create.“This is a great idea Director! Where’d you get the inspiration?” Your Stagehand asks you.
Your thoughts go back to that moth earlier, you smile warmly thinking of them “Just an idea i had..”
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After a week of planning with your crew, the workshop is finally ready.
After a comedy skit performed by some members of the Season of Dreams you go up on stage mic in hand.
“Okay guys announcement! So, first of all, thank you so much for your creative And hilarious—” you wink at the Season of Dreams members “---Plays!”
"Now, as everybody knows, every single season has its events themed after, well.. The seasons theme!”
"So… without further ado, we are thrilled to announce our upcoming workshop series," you continue, your voice filled with enthusiasm. "Starting next week, we'll be hosting a series of sessions right here at the village theater. We'll cover everything from writing your own play to stagecraft, movement, and more!"
A wave of excitement washes over the audience as you outline the workshop's details. Your crew members stand beside you, beaming at the enthusiasm of the audience members"We want to invite all of you to join us," you say, scanning the crowd warmly. "Whether you're a seasoned playwright or a parent wanting your little moth to experience new things—” You wave towards the familiar moth and their mother “---this workshop is for you. Let's come together and create something magical!"
The applause and cheers that follow are filling you with a sense of accomplishment and joy. You glance over at your crew, sharing a proud and excited look. Then you look over to the moth that started it all, you see them look at you with wonder in their eyes, fiddling with their season pendant. You wink at them, they give you an attempt-wink back.
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You walk through the excited crowd trying to reach that little moth and their mom. They spot you approaching and their faces light up with anticipation.
"Hi ma’am! Little moth!" you greet them warmly, kneeling down to the moth’s eye level. "I'm so glad you're here. Are you excited about the workshop?"
The child nods eagerly, a shy smile playing on their lips. Their mom smiles gratefully at you.
"I think it's going to be a lot of fun," you continue, glancing between them. "We have so many exciting things planned, like learning how to write plays, creating characters, and even some dancing!"
The child's eyes widen in excitement at the mention of dancing. "Can we really dance like the actors did?" they ask eagerly."Absolutely! Our Dancer is going to show us all how to move and express ourselves on stage. It's going to be fantastic!" you reply with a chuckle.
You thought a bit and realized… “Hey, i never got your name!” They look back at you and give you a smile you will remember for decades “It’s ____—”
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You wake up to the chatter of your beloved crew. “Director! Thank the stars you’re awake!” You are then squished by the weight of your crew hugging you “We were so worried!” “You won't believe what happened!” “you were out for multiple—”
You shout, overwhelmed by the voices. “Guys! One at a time what happened?” Your Dancer looks at you with an expression you have never seen them wear. “Well—” “Director?”
You all turn to the unfamiliar voice, five figures fill your vision, four foreigners and one… Wait a minute… white cape with smooth ends… Two pins placed below their chin… Thats the— “_____?”
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A/N: IM FINISHED!! yay,,, this took me like two drinks of mountain jew and! a couple of days..
So for my Sky: Cotl audience, the moth in the fic is the main character from In stars and time and the Fic was inspired by @kyri45 who did a wonderful job on her cross AU of the two games!
For my ISAT audience the fic is set in the game called "sky children of the light"
@kyri45 I HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS! your au really got my brain tickled!! thank you for re-igniting my sky grind and thank you for feeding me with ur yummy AU
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ninjaturtl1 · 2 months
After some trial and error, I finally figured out the ISAT theme in Sky:Cotl
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kyri45 · 3 months
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Mantas are the best flying instructor :) Again, here's the Soundtrack of this part!
YOU GUYS HAVE NO IDEA HOW BEAUTIFUL IS TO SEE MY BABY SOARING HAPPY THROUGHOUT THE AIR! THEY DESERVE ALL THE HAPPINESS!! Also this one is my fav area of the game but holy shit if it’s hard to draw.
Odile is having the worst time while Bonnie their best LMAO
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kyri45 · 3 months
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PREV / / NEXT / ALL / FIRST (ISAT Sky: Cotl!AU!)
Day 4 of trying to draw with my left hand: not even a casted arm can stop my hyperfixation. Also thank you all for the message I'm resting i swear but if i don't draw stuff i will literally go insane lol
SO! SEASON OF DREAMS GUIDE APPEARS!! (mama guide my beloved) Also Siffrin learned a new spell: sharedy memory! finally the gang can see the habitant as well!
Sky Kids appearance! (from left to right):
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kyri45 · 2 months
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Finally! The official timeline for the ISAT Sky:Cotl!AU is here!
As you can see, I moved just a little the seasons so that the shattering is the period of 10 years in which the darkness/ wish take over the Country.
Season of Little Prince and Nine coloured Deer are removed for now, since those are based on stories that I don’t know if they even exist in the ISAT world, but feel free to add them in their respective order if you prefer!
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primrosechronicles · 3 months
Sky Cotl x ISAT Fanfic!
Performance Guide and Siffrin (strictly platonic)
Summary: Rekindling bonds Warnings: MAJOR SPOILERS FOR ISAT (?) Word count: 1951 PART 1 HERE
“Mom! Mom, hurry! The play is about to start!” You say, pointing towards the path leading to the Theater, where vibrant lights shine, the sounds of the people fill your ears as you feel your fate changing with each step you take towards the theater. 
You grab your Mom’s hand and hurriedly pull her towards the theater, she laughs at the action and taps your shoulder “Starlight, remember what the director told you? About patience?”
You nod excitedly “Yes I do! They said—” you clear your throat and try to emulate the Directors voice “‘For patience is key, the best performances come from those who take their time and let the magic unfold naturally.’” Your Mom giggles and ruffles your hair “That was pretty good! You’re really paying attention at those theater workshops huh?” 
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You breathe in and out, the tension slowly begins to ease from your body. You look ahead at the Village Theater, its familiar silhouette becoming clearer with each step. Memories flood back—rehearsals, acting classes, script writing, shared laughter with your classmates, and the Director.
When you first step foot on the island, your memory of them becomes even more clearer with each step you took, and you honestly can't believe that your home was just mere seconds away.
Home.. Ha! That word seems so foreign to you now, you had a home before, but that was so long ago.. You don’t know what it's like anymore. You have a family, (not that you aren't grateful for them!) You love your found family, but that never really stopped that yearning feeling of wanting a family, a permanent home.
You stop walking, Do they even want you? Do they still consider you as family? You start to panic– what if they really don't want you? Oh stars, what if they hate you? You feel a large hand on your shoulder “Sif?” 
"Nervous?" Isabeau says softly, as if reading your thoughts. "Yea… it’s just, I haven't seen these people for so long, years… Decades! have passed for us, to them it’ll feel like only seconds, would they even recognize me? Would they still see me as family?” 
Recognizing your distress, your feelings buddy, Mirabelle, holds your hand. "Time may have passed, but family doesn't forget," she says reassuringly. "They'll recognize you. To them, you'll always be family.” 
“Just like we’ll always remember you Frin!” Bonnie buts in. “And, no matter how much time has passed, you’ll always be Family to us.” Odile added.
You smile and stay quiet, despite the reassurance of your family, it's still very nerve-wracking to you; you can’t stop the millions of thoughts racing through your mind. But, with your family with you, you know you’ll be okay. 
And so, with a very nervous heart, you all walk hand in hand towards the theater.
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You see four people huddling around a person, from their body language, you assume they’re helping the Director— … “Director?”
They all snap their heads towards you, Your body trembles with anxiety; Lifting your leg to take a step feels so hard to do. it’s like all the strength from your body has disappeared. You try moving forward but it's as if a heavy boulder weighs you down. Stars! Why is this so hard? Harder than all the things you’re used to doing. because at least with those, you had some idea of what to expect. Now, you're stepping into the unknown, uncertain of what lies ahead. Bracing yourself, you hear the sound of footsteps approaching.
You see the Director staring back at you, their expression hidden by their penguin mask “H-hello..” you stutter, your voice breaking “do you all-.. Remember me?... I don’t know if you guys recognize me but uhm..” 
Your voice trembles and you avert your gaze from them. Your breath hitches in your throat. “I-I.. Used to take classes… here.. I’d tell you my name but… I guess I’ve forgotten my lines…” you chuckle pathetically.
“Astrophel…?” You look up, their mask now replaced with a quivering lip.
They move closer to you and wrap their arms around you “Director..” you whisper.
Stars… You haven't felt their embrace in ages; you can hardly remember the last time. It's almost unbelievable—here they are, holding you, and it's real. 
You start to hold on to them for dear life as you cry on their shoulder and your knees start to give out as your eyelids become heavy. You feel them carry you towards...
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You slowly wake up, your eyes adjusting to the lights of the building. You find yourself on a makeshift bed made of pillows.
As you take in your surroundings, you see that you and your makeshift bed is beside the mini stage.
You gasp, you remember this stage! This is where the Musician held their music lessons! You laugh as you remember the Musician teaching an easy music sheet to play, but when it got to the actual recital, the Musician accidentally taught the wrong song to half the group, leading to a very chaotic performance. 
Sitting up, you gaze down at the floor below. You see Isabeau, Mirabelle and Odile conversing with the Director, nearby, little Bonnie is clumsily playing the kalimba on a table, using it as a makeshift stage. Despite the awkward notes, the rest of the performance crew cheer them on, clearly enjoying the impromptu performance.
You walk over to the table where the Director and others are at.
“Ah! Afternoon Astrophel! How was your nap?” The Director Asks. “Astrophel… Do they mean Siffrin?” “Maybe.. They look like an Astrophel.. I do wanna know what it means though " "You want to know everything about Siffrin, Isabeau…”
You notice that the Director has their mask on again and that they’re holding a book, you walk over to them and point at the book “What’s that?” 
The Director blinks at you “A book..?” “No- like.. What’s in the book?” 
“Oh! I was just showing your friends all the photos I took when you still attended my classes!”
“Siffrin! You were such a cute child back then!” Mirabelle exclaims.
Odile asks “You seem to be wearing the same cloak as you did in these photos… do you even wash it..?” 
“You look very edgy in your tween years though.. So much eyeliner” Isabeau observed, looking at the rest of the photos.
You lift the collar of your cloak to cover your face. Oh my stars! you can't believe he saw that…..
You see Bonnie walk up to where the Director is sitting “Frin when they were a baby? I wanna see!”
NOPE! You try to grab the book as fast as you can from the Director…but CURSE THIS HEIGHT DIFFERENCE! They’re hanging the book from right over your head!
The Director runs to the side of the table opposite from you. You run to the right side of the table; the Director goes the opposite way. And it becomes a game of cat and mouse. 
You fly over the table and he dodges.
“If you’re both gonna run then do it outside!” The Dancer shouts.
You see the Director give them a thumbs up before they bolt out the main entrance. Without hesitation, you run after them.
Exiting harmony hall you see them leaning on the building, book in hand. You try to get the book from their hand but they stop you.
The Director chuckles “Don’t worry, your emo phase is safe with me.”
“Then why even try showing it to them..?”
They think for a second “I… wanted to get an excuse to talk to you I guess.”
You blink at them in surprise. They raise their hands defensively. “You know, I find it awkward to ask people to talk. I know that sounds weird coming from me, but...”
They pause, then continue, “Even though my job needs me to communicate constantly, I struggle with initiating personal conversations. I always worry I'll come across as intrusive or awkward.”
You nod at that, finding what they said relatable. “Let's talk then?”
“Shall we go to Hermit Valley? I remember that little piece of land you liked to go to when you wrote your plays.”
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You both land gently on the giant rock that sits in the middle of the sea of clouds. Before you, the sky is filled with the colors of the setting sun, casting a warm, golden glow across the ethereal landscape. You hear the sound of their mask drop to the ground.
“The sky looks so different now that those… shades..? Are here.” “Colors.”
You look at them; you see them looking back at you “What..?” “That “shade” is called a color Astrophel… or would you prefer Siffrin?”
“Oh! Uh.. Astrophel is fine…”
They nod and turn their gaze back to the sunset. 
A peaceful silence envelops both of you. You feel the urge to speak, knowing that's what they wanted. After a long moment of contemplation, they finally break the silence.
"I've missed moments like this," they say softly. “I remember when your mother used to have me babysit you… we used to go here.” They gesture to the rock.
They sigh “It feels like yesterday you were only thirteen.. But… It also felt like I was in that void for an eternity.”
“....thirteen years,” The Director blinks at you. “What..?”
“The… island has been gone for thirteen years.” you repeat.
The Director's eyes widen in shock and disbelief, and they stare at you, trying to process the words. "Thirteen years..." they whisper, the weight of lost time settling heavily in the air between you.
You take a deep breath, and exhale slowly, gathering your thoughts. As you begin to speak, the words come hesitantly at first, but soon they flow with the tide of pent-up emotions.
“I remember the day the island disappeared," you start, your voice barely above a whisper. "I… foolishly ran away from home because… I didn’t want to eat my vegetables…” you cringe “I.. wanted to scare my parents a bit… So I took my dads boat and then sailed a few feet from shore, then… I just saw it disappear.”
You glance at the Director “In the aftermath, I could not remember anything related to this place…”
“One day…” you continue “I saved these three people from a very strong monster. Because of that, they asked me to join them to save their country… and I did.. Because I had nothing better to do. Little did I know that these people will become.. My rock just like this one” you chuckle, patting the surface beneath you.
You pause, taking another deep breath, feeling the weight of your next words. “And then, there were the loops. They helped a lot at first… but when we beat the King… I realized that I was trapped. Everything after that was just me doing horrible stuff to get out of my horrible situation. Time became a relentless, unyielding cycle.”
Tears well up in your eyes, your voice trembling with emotion. “It’s been thirteen years, and so much that i remember has changed. I’ve missed you so much. I'm so sorry to have forgotten— no… to have abandoned you.”
The warmth of their embrace envelops you. You feel their heartbeat, it reminds you that you are present in this moment; you lean in, crying into their shoulder. “Don't say sorry… you couldn't have known that the island would disappear…” You hear them sniffle. “And I’m so sorry I wasn't there for you… you shouldn't have gone through that.. The King.. The loops.. Having to fend for yourself at such a young age…” 
The two of you sit there, your bond now rekindled. The silence that follows is not empty but filled with warmth. 
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ugdhjdkjdxcnzkxjz this was so fun too write...
i was ubering people today and told them about my ifc... they asked for the link and they said theyll read it for their bed time story JKDAKDKNANKJX
aaaaaaaaaaaaand tysm for @kyri45 for being an inspiration! LOVE YOUUUUUUUUU
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primrosechronicles · 4 months
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its been a while..... my tumblr acc has been collecting dust haha....
anyway have this isat x sky colt fanart that i drew after re-reading @kyri45 isat au for like the millionth time :P
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kyri45 · 5 months
ISAT Sequel - Sky: CotL Mix/Au
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So! I'm making this AU since so many elements about The Forgotten Island remind me of the Kingdom of Sky, and since I REALLY want a sequel, I'm making a masterpost of all the parts, worldbuilding, headcanons and fanart based on this!
Part 1: Beach of Dawn
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9
Part 2: Into the Forest
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10
Intermission: A Shortcut
1 - 2 - 3
Part 3: Through the Valley
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16
Part 4: Up the Vault
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
Part 5: The Eye of the Wish
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10
Other art
Siffrin Sky!AU fanart
Forgotten Country / Island Map
Headcanon Masterlist
Forgotten Country, AKA The Kingdom of Stars
Use of Wish Craft instead of lights/flames
The dock (based on Isle of Dawn)
Spotify Playlist! (CONTAINS SPOILERS!)
After travelling to Bambouche, rumors starts to spread about an Island appearing and dissapearing through the fog and clouds at the horizon. After Siffrin opens up about his home, the family decides to head towards the Island to find possible hints that could break the Wish, bringing back the memories and the colors as well.
And now that Siffrin created the first fracture, it might just be possible to save his home.
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kyri45 · 19 days
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Wow the ratio is changing we are getting REAL SERIOUS NOW BOYS. (siffrin in the meantime is dying in Eded lmao)
So we reached officially the endgame. From now on, things will be more and more different from Sky. In a good way I promise. For starter, we aint getting spirit, we got real, breathing people because even though I adore the spirits it's just so sad sometimes that we are basically sorrounded by a bunch of ghosts.
Second, the starting of the Aviary season / quest as you can see is slightly different but more or less will be the same.
It's kind of funny. With the new update, new player now start the game here, while for old players, it was the isla the starting point. So the gang started the journey just like the old Sky player and then got jumpscared with another homespace.
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kyri45 · 17 days
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*sonic loosing rings sound effect*
So be real, how many of you actually notice of those two little bitches statues just on the very left after the point of the start of the heavy storm? Because it took me 9 months to notice the first time.
so I have a question. Some of the next updates have blood and slight gore? How should I adress it in a safe way? Like is it better to add a warning image before the chapter starts or can I just write it in the tags? And is “tw blood” enough? Or are other tags better?
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kyri45 · 1 month
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OH BOY. Ok, here we are. I've been preparing for this part since FUC*ING MAY. So, here's the thing... we're not gonna do the rest of the story EXACTLY like in Sky. Well, yes but actually no. YOU WILL SEE.
And a shout-out to the last memories of our journey! (No, these wont be the last sky kids you will see)
Panel 7: sky kids by @queenofskys5 & @compellingwillow
Panel 8: sky kids by @sillyfluff @aesthetically-meme
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kyri45 · 29 days
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So how are we feeling?
So you know how veterans help moths arrive to the point of no return and then they have to say farewell and the moth has a mental breakdown? Well yeah this is exactly that but the opposite and 100% worse.
Drawing Panel 6 felt like the most important thing I did in the past 4 months.
And to think this started as a silly comic…
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kyri45 · 27 days
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Ahaha i’ve cried drawing this :)
(The spell is the Return Home option)
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kyri45 · 1 month
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Ahaha I lost so many wl trying to get these ref screenshots right :')
Also who else absolutely HATES that last bit? How is it that no matter how much I time myself I always get krilled god dammit.
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kyri45 · 23 days
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Our first habitant of the island is back after more than a decade! I think you can guess which season will be celebrated when everyone is back.
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