#isn't that who jo yeong is: his right hand.
radialarch · 1 year
was gonna write a completely different post but then i free-associated all the way to "jo yeong amnesia" and now need to go lie down
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carmenlire · 1 year
hi hi! it’s se anon again and i wanna talk a lil about gongjo if thats ok since ive been rewatching tkem djdh and the scene with gon saving taeeul with his cavalry just makes me think about how more emotional that scene would be if yeong was the one getting saved. his years of training for situations of kidnapping kicks in and he escapes after days of dehydration and starvation so hes exhausted when he tries to find a safe spot but doesnt lead them back to the palace so gon is safe- (1/?)
+and completely prepared to die when he sees more traitors chasing after him. he thinks about how he always prepared to die for gon but best case scenario he’d die in his arms, but he’s alone. one against many with only a knife in his hand and his gun empty of bullets. but when he sees a helicopter fly over him with the king’s cars with guards and finally gon himself with the cavalry, fully armed to protect his Sword, the palpable relief and shock he feels that gon is risking so much to save him-
+and the fact that /his/ guards, the ones he trained and also look after, are protecting him is something he never imagined before. and especially not gon willingly going into battle himself, blood on his sword and his hands, just to run up to yeong and hug him. i just think the potential of it would be SO good. also sorry for all the rambles!! jfjfjd and going back to the jangchu tkem au, this scene would also be everything with king jaeyoung and Sword sangwoo :’) (3/3)
hi hi! oh my gosh I LOVE THIS!!!!! I'm still very much insane over gonjo and one of my favorite things ever is seeing Person A injured and see Person B just going feral! I was literally breathless the first time I saw that scene but whenever you spin it so that it's Yeong who's in tae-eul's place? I'M YELLING!!!!
I think it would be so breathtaking. I wrote a little fic in the fall about how yeong's trained very seriously to protect gon and the monarchy ever since he was little and how that's involved a lot of unsavory things that both he and gon have to live with/reconcile. So saying, in this new AU, I would love if Yeong was missing for like a week? two weeks? something longer because he really needs to be pushed past his limits-- even if he never truly breaks.
Gosh, just imagining The Jo Yeong driving like a bat out of hell and being the ruthless badass we know he is! calling the palace and just giving a goodbye to gon not asking to be saved just wanting to get his last words out!! the fact that when he thinks it's the end, it isn't defeat hunching his shoulders-- he meets his presumed end with are solved stare and a straight spine!!
and then gon saves him!!! and it takes yeong a moment to realize what he's seeing and even though he's exhausted and at his limit, his training kicks in and he ends up also fighting with gon side by side using just his body and the knife, a last wave of adrenaline pushing him on!!
and you're so right!!! seeing the guards that he has trained help him! the people that he considers his stepping in and protecting him!! it literally makes yeong cry (in the moment or later in the hospital, you choose lol). and he's so worried that his guards will, like, think less of him or some shit but they all go on and on about how they wouldn't have lasted as long as he did and omg he is so impressive his fighting skill/style is just awe-inspiring!!!
and then it's over and finally, finally yeong can rest and he collapses in gon's arms!!! and gon feels a wave of relief/emotion that he never has before!! his yeong=ah is okay :') and gon's ENTIRE focus is just on making sure yeong gets the finest medical care available-- the king's own suite in the hospital, just all the stops! and he doesn't leave his side!!
I absolutely love that you sent me this because I just read an amazing gonjo fic last? week? and just-- yeah, i'm still crazy about them and the potential of their relationship/these characters are so damn compelling!!
and with the SE AU, I think it would be particularly striking to see sangwoo-- who is so deadpan and stoic and independent? reserved?-- absolutely fall into Jaeyoung's arms as soon as it's safe to do so and to see jaeyoung sweep him up in his arms and glower at Anyone who tries to get too close!!!
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enterenews · 1 year
Joseon Marriage Ban' Park Joo-hyun finally revealed his identity!
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In the MBC Friday/Saturday drama 'Golden Marriage, Joseon Marriage Ban', which aired on January 20th, Sorang (Park Joo-hyun) confirmed his love for Lee Heon (Kim Young-dae) and wanted to be by his side.
With the help of Lee Shin-won (Kim Woo-seok), Lee Hun pursued the bossam boss to find out that Seo's wife (Park Seon-yeong) and Jo Seong-gyun (Yang Dong-geun) were behind it. He made Lee Heon even more angry by shouting, "Seven years ago, I was ordered to kill someone in the palace."
As the selection continued, the tricks of the fake Ye Hyeon-seon (Song Ji-woo) became even more heinous and heinous. So-rang (Park Joo-hyun) noticed that something was inside Hwa-yoon's (Jo Su-min) teacup and signaled her.
Thanks to this, Hwa-yun did not drink tea, but another girl drank tea and got red spots all over her body. The courtiers, including the Queen Mother, were surprised and said, "It's scarlet fever," but Hwa-yun said, "This isn't a disease, it's lacquer."
As Hwa-yun said, it turned out to be lacquer, but So-rang, who touched the tea water to inform the truth, was accused of the lacquer. Hwa-yun was nominated for the last two along with Ye Hyun-seon, but was taken aback when So-rang was accused of being a criminal.
Meanwhile, her maid (Hwang Jung-min) confirms that her husband and her brother are married and taking care of her son, so she returns to the palace. When she returned, she confirmed that she had given her a jade hairpin, and she confidently replied, "I've never seen such a jade hairpin!"
Her courtiers conspired against her to conceal the fact that she had received bribes from Mrs. Seo. However, she escaped the crisis thanks to the court lady who helped her a lot in the past, and asked her for the right words.
The day before the final exam, Hwa-yun was shocked by the news that "So-rang, a child from prison, disappeared without even knowing it!" In the end, Hwa-yun raised her hand the next day, saying, “There is no reason to be the mother of this country.”
The Great King Dae-dae finally decided on Gyu-su to become her middle-jeon and met Lee Heon on her way. The Great Queen Mother and Lee Heon opened the door to the people in front of the palace, saying, "Abolish the Golden Spirit!"
Lee Heon said, “There was a terrible bloodbath in the prolongation of the golden marriage! Every year there was a flesh change. I made it into a corpse so that no one can become a heavy war!” “Now, we are finally able to welcome the owner of Junggungjeon. It is thanks to you who endured the pain together,” said Heon Lee, conveying his heart to the people.
The Great Queen Daebi called the name of Ye Hyeon-seon as the final decision was made. The fake Ye Hyeon-seon was delighted and as she climbed up in front of the Great Queen Mother, she was surprised to find out who was going up the same way. It was a cow.
Viewers were curious about what the final episode would be like. "I've been waiting for this scene!", "It's pretty to wear formal clothes", "I like it because the main characters go straight".
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convenientalias · 3 years
I'm greedy, I want all the fic meme questions for Time Travelling Juice (seonho/sungrok) and for Long Car Rides (jo yeong/shinjae)!!
Oho. Yes. I could definitely ramble about those. (Also this post is long, so I'm adding a cut.)
Time Travelling Juice, for those not in the know, is the Sung-rok/Seon-ho time travel fix it fic I wrote. It's like 40k so I can admit I put some effort into it.
☼: how i came up with the idea-- The first seed wasn't actually a time travel fic. You see, when Seon-ho said to Sung-rok in the burning house that he was going to be a ruler of darkness I kind of thought he meant they were going to become bandits together or something. So I was like "AU where they really do run off to become bandits together." But then I was like "an IC Seon-ho will never abandon politics until he's used up his very last chance bc he's too damn ambitious". Then I was like "the only Seon-ho who wants to just go chill with the ppl he loves is Seon-ho the week he dies. and Sung-rok doesn't even really get to see that Seon-ho. Tragic." So then I was like "AU where dead Seon-ho does a Peggy Sue but also Sung-rok comes along and they Run Away and Become Bandits."
The fix-it aspect of this fic and the political intrigue etc that make up the majority of the fic were kind of incidental lols. Bc even in a second life, Seon-ho isn't going to just drop things that easily.
I also thought Sung-rok deserved a chance to yell at Seon-ho for only surviving him by a couple days. ☄: what the writing process was like-- Pretty typical. I made an outline for like. A long oneshot or a twoshot or a threeshot or something. Then I realized there was too much plot for that when I'd written a whole chapter and nothing had happened except Sung-rok time traveling. So I went on, reoutlining and reoutlining as inevitably chapters didn't cover as much ground as planned, until eventually I reached the ending. ✄: something i deleted before the final draft-- I don't think I deleted anything I actually wrote, or at least nothing too major, but in my initial outline Seon-ho was going to kind of kidnap Yeon when he ran away (for her protection, of course) and also possibly kidnap Bang-seok (to prevent his future murder). The latter would have been hilarious bc of how much Sung-rok would have objected to it on grounds of practicality. Unfortunately Sung-rok was right so that plot point had to be abandoned. ♡: my favorite part-- uhhhh this bar scene of pining and time travel reflections:
“Do you know,” he said, “none of the workers here recognize me?”
“Hurt your pride?”
“Don’t be stupid. You know what I mean.”
Sung-rok did know what he meant. After Yeon’s death, after Seon-ho had come here a number of times, a couple of the servers had known his name, as had the proprietor. They’d known Sung-rok, too, as the man who came to drag him out. They hadn’t particularly liked either one of them less. Seon-ho was a paying customer but he worked for the government and could easily be trouble. Sung-rok clearly hated the place but he got Seon-ho out before Seon-ho could get too drunk and troublesome. In short, their attitude had been solidly neutral. But if it had been an ambivalent relationship, there had been a relationship nonetheless, now erased.
“You’ve never been here,” Sung-rok said, “and in the future, we won’t come here again.”
Seon-ho turned and smiled at him. “So resolute. Sung-rok, you know, it doesn’t matter. My body has never been here. It’s never tried opium either. But I still know the high, and I still know this place. Turning back time doesn’t make me clean.”
“If it doesn’t,” Sung-rok said, “then I will.” He met Seon-ho’s gaze evenly. “In this life, you’ll never run to drink or to smoke. You’ll never so much as want to. I will never allow you to be hurt again.” ☠: something i found challenging-- It was kind of hard to balance the different kinds of fix-it-ing I wanted to be doing. Like on the one hand, I wanted Seon-ho to cut all his political and familial ties. On the other hand, he had to settle some things with Yeon and Hwi. And on a third hand, I really just wanted to be writing a Sung-rok/Seon-ho slow burn but I'm honestly much more of a fast-burn writer. And I was kind of trying to at least touch on of each of these things (1. politics and plotting 2. Yeon and Hwi 3. Sung-rok romance) in each chapter, which was kind of a lot to handle. ☾: how i thought people would respond to the fic-- Wasn't expecting it to be super popular bc Sung-rok is a minor character. But ppl like time travel, so I still expected some readers :) ☽: how people *actually* responded-- It got a bit more attention than I expected, and I had a few regular commenters, so that was nice. ∞: something i wish i’d done differently-- Well now I kind of wish that Yeon HAD run off with Seon-ho and Sung-rok but I also think she and Hwi should be together and forcing Hwi and Sung-rok to hang out for a prolonged period of time would be a disaster so. I guess I don't really wish I'd done that.
★: something i’m proud to have accomplished-- I think this is still the only multi-chapter Sung-rok/Seon-ho fic on AO3, so that's cool. And possibly the fandom's only time travel fic? We have some reincarnation fic which is kind of similar but a Peggy Sue fix-it is a specific genre and I don't think there are any other MCTNA Peggy Sues.
Long Car Rides is a Jo Yeong/Kang Sin-jae fic where the two go on a trip to Haenam to investigate a lead on Lee Lim's organization. Shippy happenings ensue.
☼: how i came up with the idea-- This was an exchange fic for chiiyo86. They mentioned liking casefic. I can't remember how I got from there to "also there should be a road trip" but I'm sure there was some logic behind it. ☄: what the writing process was like-- Brainstorming based off chiiyo86's letter, writing an outline, writing the fic. Pretty simple. ✄: something i deleted before the final draft-- Again I don't think I deleted anything I actually wrote but due to circumstances I had to scrap forcing a "there was only one bed" situation. Great tragedy for me. ♡: my favorite part-- Yeong getting petty bc he wants Sin-jae to pay for their not-date. (If Sin-jae pays... maybe it's a date???)
“You’ll pay for Jo Eun-sup’s chicken but not for mine?” Yeong leaned back in his seat, smile turning to scowl. “Why not pay for it? It’s on sale.”
Sin-jae stared at him. “…are you actually that cheap?”
“Cheap?” Yeong’s scowl intensified. “I’ve been making and buying you coffee for months now.”
“Wait, that was supposed to be some sort of quid pro quo? I thought it was…” He’d really just thought it was Yeong being rich and, well, sort of friendly. But fuck if he was going to admit they were friends. “I thought you were trying to bribe me into coming back to the Kingdom of Corea. Like, look how good we can treat you in the Royal Guard, come join up kind of shit.” ☠: something i found challenging-- The casefic aspect. I kind of suck at casefic. How do ppl write mysteries? I don't know at all. ☾: how i thought people would respond to the fic-- I hoped a lot of ppl would like it! Yeong/Sin-jae is a bit niche but my last Yeong/Sin-jae fic had gotten a lot of comments. ☽: how people *actually* responded-- A bit less attention than I'd hoped for, but more comments/kudos accumulated over time. More comments/kudos than I get on average, certainly. ∞: something i wish i’d done differently-- Eh, no real regrets. Could be longer? That comes down to the casefic aspect again, though. To prolong it I would have needed better ideas for that element. ★: something i’m proud to have accomplished-- Hmm I don't think I did anything super interesting with this fic but I do think it's cute and kind of funny. So I'm satisfied.
Thanks for the ask! I didn't have the energy to answer all the questions last night lols. But I did enjoy rambling about my writing, as always.
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