#istg if i see one more blatant disregard of his bisexuality ill go bonkers
kolapon-art · 1 year
A case for Hunter’s bisexuality and why it isn’t just a headcanon anymore
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I can’t believe I have to do this post but some people still think him being bi is more of a suggestion and not implied canon that has to be respected, so I guess I gotta make a case as the local bisexual and a Hunter fan.
So there’s two main reasons.
1. As we know Luz made a presentation about her coming out in which Gus and Amity participated so therefore we can conclude that those two are aware what being bi means. As for Willow? She put lesbian and bi flag stickers in her scrapbook. And if they know so does Hunter since he wont be excluded from Luz explaining to them. So Hunter is very aware what being bi means and he put it a rainbow patch in these colors on his sweater. 
2. Environmental storytelling.
Now that the in-universe reasons are out of the way, let’s talk about the crew putting that patch there. It is not the first time the crew has used a detail such as this to confirm a sexuality since something similar happened with Eda, with the bi rainbow on her box. So if the crew didnt want to allude to it, then they would have not put a rainbow patch there or would have used different colors.  But they used this very specific color scheme after they implied that hunter is very well aware what it means. Otherwise why would the misderect us like this, about a character whose sexuality was not confirmed until now? Things like this are very deliberate and not just “random”.
*additionally, it’s not the owl house but sasha from amphibia was confirmed in a similar way, with a bi sticker on her car’s rear view mirror and i don’t see anyone denying this as a solid confirmation
And now that the reasons are out of the way, I will address some arguments I’ve seen such as: 
“Hunter wanted to support Luz”
If he wanted to support Luz, he would have also supported Amity with a lesbian rainbow on that sweater. It’s why Camila doesn’t have a bi flag pin but the general rainbow flag pin since she is supporting all the kids, not just Luz. 
“The rainbow is random cause Hunter has all kinds of random patches there”
He indeed has random patches there but he also has patches that pertain to his interest and past (like the wolf and the golden triangle patch). So while some are random, others are very much not. And circling back to the environmental storytelling bit, the crew won’t play around lightly with flags and a character whose sexuality was not confirmed until now.
“It’s just a flag, it’s not a confirmation”
Amity was also never stated to be a lesbian in-show or Eda as a bisexual for that matter and yet we have subtle confirmations with both of them and no one will deny it. And going back to Sasha from Amphibia who was also confirmed with just a sticker. Still no one denies she is a bi. So why deny Hunter?
In conclusion, respect my boy’s bisexuality and cease the erasure cause I am starting to enter “stomping to death with my hooves” mode. 
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