#istg they're going down like flies
sirendeepity · 8 months
On my anti Cassian rampage after that bonus chapter
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ripaudio-witch · 3 years
I watched lord of the flies, here is what I thought about it.
Idiot just fell in
Music is top notch, one violin is great
The resolution is so low
The choir mannnn
How is Piggy the only one with glasses, weird…
Just drag the guy sure
They're speaking gibberish already? Not even 10 minutes in
What's a glow stick 'O'
"There's nothing here" what about the loud ass birds?
Eat the fat one.
Where's the conch?
The typical "main character staying awake" scenario
Ralph is ugly as hell
Don't go off into the forest alone. Moron
Ah yes, just drink from everywhere why don't ya?
How are all the rest of the boys still sleeping? Wouldn't finding food and water be your first priority?
You tell one kid you found water and suddenly everyone's awake.
Why isn't the topless kid the main character? It's probably Jake, but he looks way cooler than the other one who calls people sirrrrrr
I think the one with the broken arm is Ralph????
Which ones are the littleuns and the biguns? I can't tell the difference, maybe it's the low quality.
Yes kids, run towards the strange noise. They'll die first if they were in a horror movie.
I have not seen a single ginger in the group.
The pipsqueak voice, i'm dying
Why are some lads already stripping down, is it for dominance or something?
The best thing about this movie is that they don't play music the whole time. Only some of it. It actually adds to the suspence
Aren't they supposed to be british? Where are these accents coming from?
What happened to the guy that's moaning? Is he just like dying? Like casually.
How do they already know whos the oldest? Do they tell each other something about themselves? An ice breaker perhaps?
I loved Piggy in the book, but man is he a dweeb here.
Go to hell Jack with your all "logical" statements. You don't know how they trace planes dumbass.
The dialogue suckssssss
The typical primary school bullies.
Everyone's new here. It's because he's a nerd.
I know Jack's the bully and all, but he's actually helping out.
Piggy's poses are insane, man's standing like he's a superhero.
No Piggy, their just going to break your glasses, you know for the hell of it
How do the boys all know about running around the fire? 
Piggy isn't amused
They couldn't have done this on the sand?
I mean… you started a fire at least?
Why use leaves, wouldn't they just catch on fire too?
Where are they going to get the money for that fine?
Ah yes, horror stories on a deserted island, that'll go well.
How could you confuse thousands of claws for leaves and plants? If you're able to confuse them, than the claws aren't doing much are they?
kinky ;)
You didn't 'nearly' get him. You weren't even close.
Bruh what are they even eating. Like just eat the fruits :/
So there's a pilot? Is he a hallucination? What's his deal?
Charmeleon is officially my new favourite character
What happened to the pilot? Is he dying? But he was walking fine ???
Why do they want the kids to spit? That's the weirdest request
'O' A ginger!
To bad for the kids stuck in the sand, you'll drown when the tide comes in
Piggy stop being a loser, Mickey deserves to be ridiculed for that.
Kill the thief
Ralph whats going on with you, demerits. Really?
They'll find this island because there's smoke? That's why?
Why does Jack have a whole ass knife? Why does he have that?
Jacks a dumbass, why is he throwing rocks at the kids getting them food? Throw rocks at Piggy.
Is the pilot delusional or something? Why does Simon have to stay with him? 
Oppps pilots gone
He can't be dead. He has shoes on. Really?
Warpaint moment
Or is that blood?
Theres a lizard. New favourite character
Yes Piggy. Let's learn how to read sundials
The plane flies over the island. And doesn't see the people on it?
The pilot is blind istg
Jack is more concerned about a pig than being rescued? And people agreed with him???
Neither of them knows how to fight and it's hilarious
That mans dead
If there's a storm, don't go into the forest where things are crashing down, go onto the beach. Morons
Does the kid really think Peters just gonna pop up and say, "sorry I've been gone what's happening?"
Those bananas are supposed to have seeds in them. 
We knew that! But lets step away from the pig anyway
With all the overshots of this island, its not really an island, like it's too big
The pilots gotta do that to the poor kid. I wouldn't have minded if he got killed, he deserved it.
Nah their gone
Hey can I have some fire and I'll give you nightmares back!
Have they all forgotten about the pilot?
Depressed Ralph time
I mean… he did what you asked. He came down and got it himself.
Okay Piggy's crying now. Cool I guess.
Its over there in the forest! That doesn't slim it down AT ALL
Imagine just watching your leader just decapitate a pig, without knowing what's going on
They come in shouting at some guys playing tic-tac-toe. The wasted war cries smh
"Come on guys, like we rehearsed. YES NOW" >:D
To be in our tribe, you have to be FUNKY
Fly asmr
They have to have rehearsed the songs
At OH, we eat k?
The pig game is so obscure
The pilots dead
Simon just got obliterated
They're enemies until someone needs some fire.
They're torturing a kid. 
Jack is obviously mentally ill in some way or another
oh no Russians are bad i guess 
The Olympics?
They just keep rebuilding the shelters
So Piggy only cries about his glasses? Not about the dead kid? Priorities 
I have the high ground Anakin!
Piggy's death is so anticlimactic. A rock falls on him, the end.
Hunting down humans for sport, Ralphs already a billionaire in the making
Adults ruining all the fun
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jcsefinepettersen · 4 years
i've been back to work for 2 days now and this one bitch who got promoted ABOVE me really is out here telling me how to do my job when i've been working there for 3 YEARS & she's at 1. yet i TRAINED her to do the one thing she does all day aka process shipment. like.... istg... i'd also like to point out that i think i'm the ONLY person that cleans when we're supposed to be disinfecting everything every 30 minutes (i set a timer on my Apple Watch for every hour bc realistically i wouldn't be able to get anything done/handle customers if i was worried about wiping down the registers ever 30 mins). and!!!!!!! there's garbage and cardboard that's just been..... sitting in the store for ~4 days now (i want to say it's this long since it's been there since monday when i started again) and nobody has thought to go throw it out. i would offer to throw it out but I REFUSE TO BE THEIR GARBAGE BITCH ANYMORE. said manager from above knows how to do it, she can do it instead of looking at everyone like they're inferior or with her mouth open like she's ready to catch fucking FLIES. mind you! i'm very sweet to everyone bc i was raised to treat everyone equally but i will not stand as this BASIC WHITE BITCH looks down her nose at me as if she's better then me when WE'RE BOTH WORKING RETAIL.
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