#isutoburu | sabo
king-and-his-consorts · 7 months
Just a tag dump
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kugiuchi · 7 months
@isutoburu asked:
sabo lays on his back, pouting. "you know, i didn't expect you'd start to ignore me just because you have a cat now." he wants some attention but in his usual fashion, fails to say that... (is the man jealous of his own gift? possible)
It was true, Isuka had become rather attached to the feline - as she had to the Marine. Indeed, she had been cradling the cat against her chest like a mother would hold her baby, off in her own little world until Sabo spoke up.
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"Oh, I'm sorry. Are you jealous?" She teases, looking down at him with an amused smirk. "You brought this upon yourself by sending her to me, you know."
She didn't mean to ignore him, of course - but the cat's presence was oh so distracting.
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ravarui · 7 months
"shanks-san", sabo waves his hand with his friendliest expression. "miss makino always told me and my brothers, family shouldn't fight and since foosha village is somewhat of a family," he nods to himself, "i'd appreciate if you do not yonko conquerer haki my girlfriend too hard, yes? a little is okay... she's strong! but she works for the marines,that's kind of punishment enough, they're all... most of them, crazy." the blonde whispers: "she's not even allowed to drink! that's so sad, right? how do you even have a good time if you cannot drink here and then?" (very not serious chief of staff asking for his girlfriend not to be kicked over board too hard, just gently, ty -runs-)
A worried chief of staff Always Accepting @isutoburu @kugiuchi
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"Your girlfriend? I didn't know you were involved with a marine, guess that changes things a little then." He gave a serious nod, agreeing to the request of the blond. "You're right kid, not being allowed to drink and working for them must be horrible enough. No wonder all of them are always so tense and grim."
"So a little bit of haki is alright yes?" It would cause no serious harm at least. "But in my defense: I did ask her to surrender without a fight, your girlfriend is kind of stubborn in this regard."
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infloresco · 7 months
❛ how’s your night going? ❜ (from sabo)
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Eyes closed briefly, taking in the events of the day. It's been months since the last time she'd seen her Nakama. She knows it is for the best this time apart but missing the only family she'd ever known isn't easy, especially considering all that has happened since she joined the Straw Hats. But she knows they are all well, she has faith in them, and that's just a matter of time until Robin gets to see them again, and for the first time, she is putting her all into getting stronger. She / w i l l / do everything in her power to protect them when the time comes around.
As her mind wanders into the land of memories created in her time at the Sunny, Robin almost, a l m o s t, misses Sabo's question. The inquiry does register though, and it lingers for a moment before blue eyes open, landing on Luffy's brother. It was a surprise when she discovered their connection, but it was a welcome discovery. Made her feel less lonely.
"Uh, hey..." slowly she straightens, clearing her throat for a moment. Pretending that she wasn't just indulging in memories. "...It's alright. I'm just tired." She had been training after all. Koala had insisted on teaching her the basis of Fishman Karate and then everyone was giving her input on how to improve and that meant using the full extent of her body. It had Robin feeling like she used muscles that had been on standby her entire life. "How about yours?"
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ncfertari · 6 months
@isutoburu ~Liked for a starter~
The princess had been on the run from the government after they attempted to capture her. She was informed of her father's murder, but she did not know what actually happened or if Sabo really did it. It was by chance they both were hiding in the cargo of the same pirate ship only a few days after the incident. Vivi did not understand, but she recognized his face from his wanted poster. Anger and rage bubbled up inside of her as tears ran down her face. She was so tired.
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"I-I saw the articles about my father......you were there....please tell me what actually happened...Please."
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3katanas · 5 months
where do you hold your love?
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in your heart
you hold your love in your heart. love is intrinsic, inevitable, love is the beating core of everything; love is also hard to talk about. your love comes out with more rareness, mostly shows up for the big things in a big way- this doesn't mean it doesn't beat for the small stuff, you feel it all, in fact you feel it more intensely than most which is why it's so hard to get out. you hold your love inside you because it matters, it might be the only thing that does.
Tagged by: @bloodofthefates Tagging: @auburniivenus @n4kama (Harry) @isutoburu (sabo) and anyone that wants to steal it!
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3katanas · 7 months
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@isutoburu asked: Oops (sabo) from: Send “Oops” for your muse to catch mine in just a towel. (accepting)
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He'd finally finished up in the public bathroom the inn offered, scrubbing away the last layers of dirt and blood from his skin before soaking for an obscene amount of time. Muscles fully relaxed, the aches of long travel washed away....only to realize he'd forgotten to bring a clean change of clothing.
Unsure of what else to do and seeing no robes to borrow he shrugged. Bare feet padded over the smooth, clean wooden floors as he padded his way down the halls toward his room. Only to pause upon one of the doors opening and a familiar blonde appearing before him.
The sight of the other caused him to almost roll his eyes, utterly forgetting that he was standing in the hallway in nothing but a towel. "Why am I not even surprised anymore when I run into you at this point?"
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