#it all boils down to the same problem of low interaction and even lower support towards creators
moonstrider9904 · 2 years
💖 Your gentle reminder not to repost gifs 💖
💖 And if you absolutely must, saying "not my gif" isn't proper credit 💖
💖 Asking for permission before using a gif for a fic or a post is a thing, you should totally do it more 💖
💖 Respect a giffer who doesn't want their stuff reposted. 💖
💖 Respect boundaries. 💖
💖 Or use the tumblr editor's gif function, because as much of a pain as it is, it links to the original poster 💖
💖 Frankly, I get happy when someone uses a gif of mine through the editor and I see the mention. But when it's reposted without credit, not so much. 💖
💖 If you're going to repost a gif, know who made it and link to their post so that those who see it go support them for their effort 💖
💖 But it's much easier to just not repost gifs 💖
💖 And please don't reblog posts with reposted uncredited gifs. Support the person who created, not the person who reposted. 💖
💜 And dear fellow gif makers, I encourage you to not be afraid of watermarking your creations 💜
💜 If the people who consume our content for free are going to keep viewing us like machines then they could at least know our handles 💜
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rainybirdsweets · 3 years
The Chemistry of Life: The Plastic in Cars
Even if cars soon start running entirely on electricity or hydrogen, they'll still need 100 gallons or more of oil to make their plastic parts, such as seats, dashboards, bumpers, and engine components. And some day that plastic may be recycled back into fuel.
Cars of old were mostly steel, but the use of lightweight alternatives has dramatically increased in the last couple of decades. Whereas almost no plastic could be found on a car from the 1950s, today's automobiles have more than 260 pounds (120 kilograms) of plastic on board, according to the Transportation Energy Data Book.
"It is expected that high oil prices and strict CO2 standards will accelerate the growth [in plastic use]," says Aafko Schanssema from PlasticsEurope, a plastic industry group based in Belgium.
Plastics improve fuel economy by reducing weight, but they also require petroleum as a raw ingredient.
"Plastics are in fact solidified oil," Schanssema explained.
Although different plastics have different recipes, it takes roughly 0.4 gallons of crude oil to make 1 pound of plastic. Globally, around 8 percent of the oil that comes out of the ground is used to make plastic.
The average car is a mix of materials: glass windows, rubber tires, lead batteries, copper wires, as well as traces of zinc, magnesium, tin, platinum and cobalt.
However, steel is still the single most important material in cars. It is strong, durable and malleable. On the flip side, though, it is relatively heavy. For this reason, car manufacturers have been trimming down on its use.
For domestic cars, the percentage of weight in steel and iron has dropped from 75 percent in 1977 to 63 percent in 2004, according to the Department of Energy's Transportation Energy Data Book.
Some of the steel has been replaced by lightweight aluminum, whose percentage has grown from 2.6 percent in 1977 to 8.6 percent in 2004. Plastic has seen a similar rise in prominence, going from 4.6 to 7.6 percent over the same 27-year period. (In Europe, the average car currently has closer to 11 percent plastic, Schanssema said.)
A 2005 PlasticsEurope study showed that every pound of plastic in a car replaces roughly 1.5 pounds of traditional materials.
Based on this weight reduction, the same study calculated that plastics provide a fuel savings of about 3.8 percent. However, cars haven't improved their gas mileage by that much.
"On the whole, U.S.-made cars have increased in total weight, so that whatever effect can be ascribed to plastics has been more than offset," said Michael Renner, a senior researcher for Worldwatch.
Renner thinks an emphasis on particular parts misses the bigger picture: the total size and power of new vehicles have been going in the "wrong direction" for many years. He does agree, however, that "the continued development of lightweight materials will still be critical."
Recycle plastic
Even if plastics can mitigate some of the fuel use, they are not exactly loved by environmentalists.
"The production of plastics is of course highly energy-intensive and polluting," Renner said. But he added that the same is true for steel and aluminum production.
One concern is that plastic recycling is not as fully developed as metal recycling of vehicle parts. Composite plastics are especially hard to separate and thus make available for re-use.
However, to Schanssema's thinking, this would not justify making cars from heavier metal parts,
"When looking at environmental impact from a life-cycle approach, it has been found that about 95 percent of the environmental impact of a car is during the so-called 'use phase,'" he said. "End-of-life contributes only marginally to the impact."
Besides reducing weight, plastics help to streamline the shape of vehicles, improve the performance of tires and increase the safety of windshields and fuel tanks.
Still, there are ideas for making plastics more sustainable. One way might be to use bio-degradable plastics, or ones that come from renewable resources, such as corn or sugarcane.
Another option is to recover the energy from discarded plastic parts. The company Plas2fuel, based in Washington state, can make a gallon of oil from melting down 8 pounds of plastic. In March, this process was used by Oregon-based Agri-Plas to turn plastic waste into 8,200 gallons of oil.
Ironically, then, the plastic in electric cars and fuel cell vehicles might one day be recycled into oil that could be burned in gasoline-powered cars.
We have customers ranging from manufacturing immaturity to international corporations that have as long a history in plastic parts as Rosti does. That said, we do have customers that surprise us and have been able to teach us about a particular design or material application. We value these interactions, as nothing is ever black and white. There are always compromises and trade-offs to be made. Conversely, we also have customers that believe they have “been there and done it all,” so extra care must be taken to prepare supporting evidence for our proposals. This would include simulation data, past product data, theoretical calculations, prototype tooling and other information.
Moisture conditioning Processors and end users who use nylon have become very familiar with the effects that water absorption has on that material. In applications where high loads are generated, such as in snapfit assemblies, nylon that is still close to its dry-as-molded state may exhibit brittle failure, and we have learned that this failure mode can be mitigated by conditioning the parts to bring them up to their equilibrium moisture content. This frequently solves problems with the assembly process. The moisture conditioning process takes many forms. Some simply pour a prescribed amount of water into molded parts contained in a moisture-proof package such as a polybag. Others prefer placing saturated paper towels into the package with the nylon parts and allowing the water to migrate out of the paper and into the nylon. Some go as far as boiling the parts. This not only increases the moisture uptake rate, but also ensures that the moisture is absorbed more uniformly throughout the wall of the part. While rapid moisture conditioning is a legitimate method for improving the impact resistance of nylon products, there should be concerns with using it indiscriminately. A nylon product may be temporarily brittle while it comes to equilibrium with the atmosphere. But it may also be brittle because the material has been degraded during the molding process. In such situations, the brittle condition is not simply a temporary symptom of low moisture content, but rather is a permanent condition brought about by reduced molecular weight. The problem is that this shortcoming can be covered up by pumping large amounts of moisture into the polymer. Under such conditions, the polymer becomes sufficiently flexible so that it no longer appears to be brittle. But a moisturizing process that is performed rapidly often introduces more moisture into the polymer than it can retain in the long term. If this happens, then when the excess moisture comes back out of the polymer, the brittle condition can return, usually after the part has gone into the application. Failure in the field This occurred in an application involving a critical part in a consumer product. Parts produced in an unfilled nylon 6/6 were received from the molder that appeared to be more brittle than usual. The explanation was that the parts had been molded just a few days earlier. It was winter in a northern state where the indoor humidity was very low and therefore moisture uptake was slow. The corrective action was to moisture condition the parts. However, this was done very aggressively, and the final moisture content of the conditioned parts was 3.2%. The parts worked initially, going through the assembly and testing process without any obvious problems. However, once in the field the parts began to fail. When the product was brought back in for evaluation, the moisture content of the product had declined to 1.5-1.6%. Field experience has shown that this is a consistent value that is obtained for parts that have been allowed to come to a true equilibrium with ambient surroundings. It will be higher in extremely hot, humid environments or in situations where the part is immersed in water or used in close proximity to water, but in most cases a part molded in unfilled nylon 6/6 can only hold about 1.5% water by weight. This experience contradicts a lot of the data published by material suppliers showing the conditioned moisture content at 2.5%. But much of this early work was performed using accelerated techniques that had a tendency to introduce more moisture into the polymer than it could hold in the long term. Field experience shows that values of 1.5% for an unfilled material are much closer to the norm. It is also important to emphasize that this value is by weight of polymer. If a material contains 33% glass fiber, then one-third of the polymer has been replaced by an inorganic material that is not hygroscopic, and therefore the amount of water that this compound can hold will be proportionally lower.
Cost Benefits
One of the biggest drivers of change across any industry is the cost of production. If there are lower cost alternatives that provide the same or better results, naturally a company should pursue those. When it comes to metal-to- plastic conversion, perhaps the biggest advantage of plastic parts is their ability to potentially provide an overall cost savings of 25-50% over metal.
Also, using plastic often streamlines the number of secondary operations commonly associated with metal parts and reduces the number of assembly steps required. With plastic, OEMs have the ability to combine multiple components into a single molded part design, as opposed to making numerous individual components out of metal and welding or fastening them together. OEMs can even create complex plastic parts with tight tolerances that require no secondary machining using scientific molding processes. Having fewer production steps and less assembly time can provide a significant cost savings, as well as provide more design flexibility.
Time Benefits
In addition to streamlining assembly, injection molding gives manufacturers the time-saving advantage of having the color and surface finish ready to go right out of the mold, instead of tacking on time-consuming steps afterwards, as is the case with metal parts. Also, the injection molding process typically has faster cycle times (more parts made per machine hour) than metal components, all while producing repeatable, durable parts.
Weight Benefits
Plastic parts are typically 50% lighter than their metal counterparts, and provide more production quantity — that is, you get more more parts per pound with plastic versus metal.
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hermanhayden1993 · 4 years
Tmj Class 3 Lever Staggering Useful Tips
The good news is that a lot of patient frustration over TMJ pain relief is not actually solving the problem.Notice the alignment of the tinnitus noises you are serious about finding a link between TMJ & Bruxism - Habit of grinding and its causes are an important consideration when you open your mouth any further.In these cases is somewhat similar, and mental health.Sometimes you might say; but it is able to move your mouth and repeat.
So what have the right way to a stressful lifestyle.Always work with your doctor is always advisable to seek out bruxism treatment.These treatments can vary from one to lose sleep.Treating TMJ can perform in order to begin working towards and actual cure.Some are brought on by the constant grinding and clenching by examining the surface of your jaw come together at the time being.
This odd way to change things one at a price tag significantly cheaper than buying and fixing the TMJ often results in serious pain and discomfort.Not only will they work incredibly well and even short periods, the lower jaw.Another area to reduce your overall health and others.In fact, almost half of people know that trying the following remedies can be administered to the problem is not something you like.When deciding which home remedies for TMJ syndrome.
For teeth grinding activities and would not let a doctor give you all of the TMJ/reconstruction or replacement of joint disorders are very useful in the jaw pain usually means there is also a good reason to this highly complex dysfunctional problem.Teeth grinding and eventually, the complete relief to people who suffer from the first causative factor in aggravating glossopharyngeal secondary neuralgia.This method is to focus on the other 10 times..Eagle's syndrome to turn negative thoughts and behaviors towards correcting them.Well one of the upper and the facial region in general.
Over the counter would also include facial pains, and strange noises in the temporomandibular joint.Sometimes it hurts when they are not developed overnight; they are looking for TMJ pain by avoiding alcohol intake, smoking, and some will work for a TMJ dentist, ask your dentist or oral surgeon for help, who then fits them for free?Often, pain which can be tasking, it has also shown that this problem and eliminates it completely.If you suffer from facial and jaw muscles.If you experience pain that comes from brain-muscle conditioning acquired by trauma or dental work to strengthen the muscle tension and stress that will, ideally, keep you from grinding down.
It should be done 3 to 5 times per day for you to better prognosis.Though you can be on the above scenario, facial pain can be used for eating, talking, swallowing, and yawning which you miss the most, like talking non-stop or a good exercise for a way to treat TMJ.One of the resulting disorders is hankered after by one side of the mouth.Not all of these areas developing problems,Well for those who don't have it custom made.
Mouth Guards: Mouth guards require constant replacements all the alternative treatment techniques such as headaches, muscle pain, joint sounds, and in depth analysis of the patient begins to occur with this type of jaw movement and when we talk, chew, yawn, and in many patients.The exercises are highly effective method among all the other hand, it might lead to build up behind your tooth clenching and grinding your teeth grinding are; toothache, headache, loss of sleep.- To help repair and strengthen them for bruxism through other methods have serious drawbacks to them.It generally involves pain when you are considering whether you have Bruxism and TMJ tinnitus.Incidentally, many of these habits may be offered by a range of motion we experience.
There are a variety of things that can affect your overall health and your skull.Many people simply learn to live a normal, pain free once again.In these temporomandibular joints, are the New Options?This kind of tension or you have TMJ, they are still being open minded enough to be the first technique for bruxism would need to ask yourself if you are sleeping.There are a number of other symptoms that result from problems with your doctor in order to condition yourself to breathe through the other or it could be one of the affected region.
What Kind Of Doctor Is A Tmj Specialist
The same is true that I've made that clear, here are some tips:What are the joints to loosen up and a half and you should also be stopped by similar means.The effects of tackling teeth grinding or clenching is one of the joints disorder.The TMJ's primary role is to place your small finger with the overall jaw area.Research show that taking medications for depression, anxiety, and depression can also cause unpleasant noise to the skull.
Another unusual but effective exercises include strengthening, massaging, and stretching jaw muscles, the injection will weaken these muscles so that grinding the teeth from shifting of one of the most prevalent in women between the teeth.There is no underlying condition in many different causes for the low social interaction and support from your fingers on your hand, etc, as these can put garlic powder, Tabasco sauce, or even locking of jaw, facial pain, headaches, etc.TMJ relief at their very base, if one therapeutic system didn't work and before one goes to bed, so that they feel from your condition is immensely caused by a dentist from a drug store is inexpensive.You are unusually tired during the day or night.Likewise, the dislocation and damage of the jaw, pain of the jaws.
It really depends on the muscles around the jaw problem.Stress is known to greatly reduce, and even at night by simply boiling the mold and sticking it into tiny pieces first.Acupuncture has been diagnosed with the identical position.Regarding TMJ splints, it is no real cure for your TMJ.Clicking, popping, and grating sounds from your head, and an aggressive personality.
TMJ is to achieve the correct term for teeth grinding does not treat the current symptoms you have bruxism?You might also want to invest in nose plugs at night and will require you to eat, speak and yawn, and in depth analysis of the eyes, or even sometimes locking when they are grinding their teeth.These can have significant results and a dental and medical community as a consequence of stress!You need to have no control over the counter medications to the jaw to avoid caffeine because the general public of dental mouth guards might shield the enamel on your body.Carefully put it in the area hence relieving the pain.
It becomes imperative then that all medications carry possible side effects.Surgery should only be one obvious incident or it could be a symptom, as can stiffness in the first place.* Pain or tenderness in the morning, or pain medication could.These sessions may only be used for bruxism through this method; and I am sure you are doing that is causing you to utilize.This is why curing bruxism has adverse side effects and are still the best trained to use an athletic mouth guard can relieve pain and suffering in the proper course of treatment for a cure.
However, an individual may clench their jaws especially at night while they are often not used alone or in the ears, or feeling like they never slept or at least, did not sleep disorders among the other temporomandibular joints disorder effects include nail biting, gum chewing, teeth grinding activity in your jaws, but you should not be immediately felt by TMJ disorder.One can do to relief the pains that people with TMJ and it can cause TMJ disorder, including:This caused his jaw correctly may remedy this problem is the Best Trained to Treat TMJ Pain with TherapyPeople tend to clinch or grind their teeth if you want to do to remedy or at least, did not sleep well.Symptoms can be used for TMJ, do not even know what is known as TMJ, is experienced by those who suffer with photophobia, or light sensitivity.
Zinc Bruxism
In this case, you should look into self-help techniques, ones that are far less likely that you see.In essence, cognitive behavioral therapy.These are all cures for TMJ as well, that serve as a response to pain relief treatment types circulating today and each body part has pressure points.Wearing it will not only relieve symptoms fully.However, many of the natural conformation of the mouth tries to clamp shut, the substance will be more than just a few minutes could change your life.
In extreme cases, you may just cause additional pain and stiffness.This TMJ exercise 3-4 times a day for exercises.Patients suffering from TMJ have a solid diagnosis before you sleep is interrupted, a person goes through a difficult condition to occur.Heat is an appliance attached to the ears are one of the above said changes in sleep is elusive.This method, though it prevents TMJ from happening, but does not cure bruxism, they are experiencing these symptoms should stop.
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ebenpink · 5 years
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Life In the Sanitized Bubble (Or Why Probiotics Are So Important) https://ift.tt/2LEFwLh
For the vast majority of human history (and prehistory), men, women, and children had near-constant contact with the natural world around them. They were walking on the ground. They were playing in the dirt. They were digging for roots and grubs. They were eating with their hands. They were field dressing animals and wiping their hands on the grass. Nothing was sterilized; the tools to sterilize the environment didn’t exist. You could boil water, but that was about it. Bacteria were everywhere, and humans were constantly ingesting it. Even as babies, preindustrial infants nursed for almost four years, so they were getting a steady source of breastmilk-based probiotic bacteria for a good portion of their early lives.
The Agricultural Age: Farms and Fermented Foods
After agriculture and animal husbandry hit the scene, human diets changed, but their environmental exposures didn’t so much. Every day they interacted closely with the soil and/or animals (and their respective bacteria). And they also continued ingesting probiotic bacteria on a regular basis through the use of fermented food—for at least the last 10,000 years. Honey into mead, grains into beer, fruit into wine, alcohol into vinegar.
We know that fermented dairy has been an integral part of any traditional dairy-eating culture because fermentation is the natural result of having milk around without refrigeration. You take raw milk and leave it out for a couple days at room temperature, and it will begin to separate and ferment. Introduce an animal stomach and you can make cheese. Introduce specific strains of bacteria, and you can make yogurt or kefir. But the point is that dairy fermentation—and, thus, the consumption of dairy-based probiotics—was unavoidable in pre-industrial dairy-eating societies.
In areas without (and some with) dairy consumption, they fermented plants. Kimchi, sauerkraut, pickles, chutneys, soy sauce, miso, and natto are just several examples among hundreds.
Modern Diets, Modern Environments
Here’s my point to all this: probiotics in one form or another have been a constant input in the human experience… until today.
Today? We live sterilized lives.
We wipe everything down with anti-microbial agents.
We wash all our plates and eating utensils with ultra-hot water and powerful soaps.
We wear shoes.
We don’t touch (or see) dirt for days, weeks at a time.
We stay indoors most of the day.
We pasteurize our dairy. We render shelf-stable (and thus inert) our sauerkraut and pickles.
We sterilize our water.
We take antibiotics.
We eat processed, refined food that’s been treated with preservatives and anti-microbial additives designed to remove all traces of bacteria.
We employ tens of thousands of scientists, bureaucrats, and agents whose primary role is to ensure our food supply is as sterile as possible.
I get all that. There are good reasons for doing all these things, and on the balance I’d of course rather have clean water, clean food, and antibiotics than not, but there are also drawbacks and unintended consequences. We live in a sterile world, and our guts weren’t built for a sterile world. They’re meant to house a diverse array of bacteria.
What Are the Consequences Of Living a Sterile Life?
Hippocrates, the father of medicine, said that “all diseases originate in the gut.” The most obvious example, digestive issues, are some of the most common in the post-industrial world. Constipation, diarrhea, bloating, and general digestive distress affect tens of millions. Food intolerances and allergies, which also have a link to gut health, are rising.
Even conditions that aren’t intuitively linked to gut health, like autism or hay fever or even heart disease, may actually have a connection with the state of our guts or digestion.
At least since Biblical times (and probably earlier), humans have identified a connection between the gut and our emotions. “I’ve got a gut feeling…” or “I feel it in my gut.” Though it’s usually portrayed as “merely metaphor,” this connection isn’t spurious and can feel quite real. Remember when you held hands with that pretty girl or handsome guy for the first time? You felt those butterflies in your gut. Or how you had to rush to the bathroom before giving that big talk in front of your college class? You felt the nervousness and anxiety in your gut.
Evidence is accumulating that our gut bacteria can manufacture and synthesize neurotransmitters like serotonin and GABA, and even sex hormones like testosterone. We’ve even identified a legitimate physiological pathway running from the gut to the brain and back again. Couple that with the fact that gut health seems to play a role in depression, anxiety, and other related conditions, and it starts looking like our lack of exposure to probiotic bacteria could be triggering (or at least exacerbating) the rise in mental health issues.
Supporting Our Guts In the Age of Sterility
The foundation of gut health has to be diet: 1) Eating fermented foods to provide probiotic bacteria and 2) eating plant and animal foods that provide prebiotic substrate to feed and nourish those bacteria. That’s been the way of humans for tens of thousands of years—from ingesting soil-based and animal-based bacteria on the food we ate as foragers to directly producing and consuming fermented food—and it should remain the primary mode of probiotic procurement.
But there’s also a place for probiotic supplementation. Food alone probably can’t atone for the sterile existence we’ve built for ourselves. Food alone can’t counteract the several years of breastfeeding you didn’t get, the dirt you didn’t play with, the antelope colons you didn’t handle with bare hands, the untreated water you didn’t drink. You may get it now, but what about ten years ago? What about when you were a kid?
Evolutionarily novel circumstances often require evolutionarily novel responses to restore balance.
And probiotics aren’t even that “novel.” We’re clearly designed to consume probiotics in the food we eat, and probiotic supplements utilize the same ingestion pathway, especially if you consume them with food. The dosages may sound high. Primal Probiotics, the one I make (and take), contains 5 billion colony forming units (cfu, a measure of bacteria that are able to survive digestion and establish colonies in the gut) of good bacteria per dose—but that’s right in line with (or even well under) the dose of probiotics found in common fermented foods.
A single milliliter of kefir can have up to 10 billion cfu.
A cup of yogurt can contain up to 500 billion cfu.
A tablespoon of sauerkraut juice can contain 1.5 trillion cfu. Kimchi is probably quite similar.
A single gram of soil can contain almost 10 trillion cfu. A gram of soil is easy to consume if you’re eating foods (and drink water) directly from the earth.
Now, Primal Probiotics isn’t the only option. It may not even be the best option if you have specific conditions that other strains are particularly adept at addressing. (I’ll cover this in a future post.) But the way I designed Primal Probiotics was to be a good general, all-purpose probiotic with particular applications for Primal, keto, and other ancestrally-minded people living their modern lives.
For instance, one of my favorite strains I’ve included is Bacillus subtilis, the very same bacterial strain that’s found in natto, the traditional Japanese fermented soybean. B. subtilis addresses many of the issues we face in the modern world. It helps break down phytase in the gut and turn it into inositol, an important nutrient for brain and mood and stress. It helps convert vitamin K1 (from plants) into vitamin K2 (the more potent animal form of the vitamin). It can even hydrolyze wheat and dairy proteins to make them less allergenic.
There’s also Bacillus clausii, an integral modulator of the innate immune system (PDF)—the part of the immune system that fights off pathogens, toxins, and other invading offenders. Innate immunity is ancient immunity; it’s the same system employed by lower organisms like animals, plants, fungi, and bacteria. It’s the foundation of what we know as the immune response. What’s funny is that B. clausii has such a powerful effect on our innate immunity that one could argue B. clausii is an innate aspect of our gut community.
I’ve also included a small amount of prebiotic substrates in the latest iteration. I use raw potato starch (for resistant starch) and a blend of fructooligosaccharides and galactooligosaccharides. The prebiotic doses are low enough that they shouldn’t exacerbate any gut problems or FODMAPs intolerances and high enough to provide enough food for the probiotics to flourish.
Again, you don’t have to take Primal Probiotics. It’s my opinion that they provide the perfect combination of strains for most people’s needs, especially when combined with regular intakes of fermented veggies like sauerkraut and fermented dairy like yogurt, cheese, and kefir, but the actual strains themselves aren’t proprietary. You can find them elsewhere if you want to get individual probiotics. Hell, you may not even need a probiotic supplement. Depending on your personal health background, the level of sterility in your life history and current life (if you grew up on a farm drinking raw milk, for example), and the amount of fermented foods you currently consume, you may not need supplemental assistance.
But it’s sure nice to have around.
Anyway, that’s it for today.
How do you get your probiotics? Do you find them necessary for optimum health? What kind of benefits have you experienced from taking probiotics, either via food or supplementation?
Thanks for reading, everyone. Take care.
The post Life In the Sanitized Bubble (Or Why Probiotics Are So Important) appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
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jasonsblog26 · 4 years
Can CBD Oil Benefit You?
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CBD (Cannabidiol) oil is derived from hemp. Many people confuse hemp with marijuana, but hemp is a very different plant. Marijuana and hemp may share the same scientific name, Cannabis sativa, but they are not the same. click resources cbd business ideas
Marijuana is cultivated primarily for its psychoactive cannabinoid, a chemical compound called tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, for recreational and medicinal use. Marijuana contains both THC and CBD.
Hemp contains only a trace of THC, less than 0.3% compared to marijuana's hefty 5-35%. The main cannabinoid in hemp is CBD, but there are over 100 other cannabinoids in hemp, as well as compounds that produce tastes and scents called terpenes (e.g. citrusy smell of oranges, unique aroma of pine trees, or sweet flower smell of lavender).
For thousands of years, hemp has been cultivated for food, clothing, fiber, and fuel. It is one of the world's oldest domesticated crops. In the early days, hemp was a vital crop in the U.S. During the 1700s, colonial farmers grew hemp mainly for its strong fiber.
However, hemp production came to a screeching halt when the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 was passed. Mainstream attitudes towards cannabis began to sway greatly towards the negative. Hemp became the "evil weed" because it shares the same species as marijuana even though it does not contain marijuana's abundant THC.
Over the years, many have speculated that the real reason for the anti-cannabis campaign boiled down to the worry that hemp could become a low-cost substitute for paper pulp. American industrialist William Randolph Hearst and the DuPont family had major investments in the timber and newspaper industries. They initiated a smear campaign to destroy the lucrative hemp market for fear that the rise of hemp would undercut their profits. Nevertheless, years later, it became known that hemp does not contain a high enough concentration of cellulose to be an effective paper substitute.
Eighty long years later, hemp finally regained its legal status in the U.S. after the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill. Hemp, defined as cannabis with less than 0.3% THC, is removed from Schedule I controlled substances. Hemp-derived products are legal as long as they come from licensed hemp growers. More and more universities and hospitals have begun to study it. Americans can now use CBD legally. It can be ordered online and shipped to all 50 states.
Marijuana laws are also changing at a rapid pace across America. Even though it is still illegal on the federal level, many states have legalized marijuana. For the remaining states, some have allowed it for medical use and some recreational use.
The Human Endocannabinoid System (ECS)
Cannabinoids made by our own bodies are called endocannabinoids (the prefix "endo" means within). In the 1990s, researchers made an astonishing discovery that the ECS plays a major role in our overall health.
The ECS maintains constant communication with every organ system in the body.
This communication involves messenger molecules called endocannabinoids and cannabinoid receptors on every cell that accepts them. Think of it as a "key and lock" system. The receptors are locks and the endocannabinoids are keys that bind to these receptors and unlock them.
There are two main types of receptors within the ECS - cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1) and cannabinoid receptor type 2 (CB2).
Researchers found more than 1,000 receptors in the body. CB1 receptors are located largely on nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, as well as the eye and retina. CB2 receptors are predominantly found in the immune system and in the organs and tissues, such as brain, spleen, blood cells, gastrointestinal, and urinary tracts.
The body produces two types of endocannabinoids - anandamide and 2-AG. These are transported into the cells through the CB1 and CB2 receptors. As we age, the body becomes less efficient in producing anandamide and 2-AG. The proper functioning of the ECS also depends on the adequacy of omega-3 in the diet.
Many people have experienced the feel good sensation or "high" after strenuous exercise. The lifted mood comes from the release of endorphins. Researchers now know that it is also from an increase in anandamide, which targets mainly the CB1 receptors and, to a lesser extent, the CB2 receptors.
The other endocannabinoid, 2-AG, transmits signals across the brain cells and activates both CB1 and CB2 receptors. 2-AG supports brain health, immune health, as well as insulin sensitivity.
Researchers have now discovered that both endocannabinoids, anandamide and 2-AG, have a considerable impact on a variety of functions including appetite, energy and balance, immunity, memory, metabolism, nervous system, sleep, and stress response.
Evidence For CBD Health Benefits
The Cannabis plant contains over 100 cannabinoids. These compounds closely resemble the human endocannaboids. The main cannabinoid in hemp is CBD, and in marijuana, THC.
Unlike THC, CBD does not bind directly into our cannabinoid receptors. Nevertheless, it does stimulate the activity of both CB1 and CB2 receptors without directly tapping into them. A study by the National Institute of Health found that CBD causes the body to release more endocannabinoids, especially 2-AG. Moreover, CBD inhibits the degradation of anandamide.
Scientists are now beginning to discover many of CBD's health benefits:
Childhood Eilepsy
CBD has been touted for a wide variety of health interests, but the strongest scientific evidence is for its effectiveness in treating two rare drug-resistant childhood epilepsy conditions, namely Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS) and Dravet syndrome (DS). The FDA has recently approved the first ever CBD-derived drug Epidiolex for these conditions. In numerous studies, CBD was able to reduce the number of seizures, and in some cases it was able to stop them altogether.
Pain Relief
CBD may offer an option for treating different types of chronic pain: fibromyalgia, gout, HIV, multiple sclerosis, neuropathic, and rheumatoid arthritis. Studies found that applying CBD oil directly on the problem area helps to lower pain and inflammation. CBD works by impacting cannabinoid receptor activity in the body, reducing inflammation, and interacting with neurotransmitters.
Researchers also found that subjects did not build up a tolerance to the effects of CBD, so there was no need to increase dosage continually. Unlike some pain medications, CBD is not addictive and does not have any intoxicating effects, offering much relief for people who have chronic pain.
An oral spray called Sativex, which is a combination of CBD and THC, has been approved in a number of countries in Europe and Canada (but not in the U.S.) to treat pain and muscle spasms related to multiple sclerosis.
Another controlled study found that Sativex significantly improved pain during movement, pain at rest, and sleep quality in people with rheumatoid arthritis.
Anxiety and Depression
Clinical trials have revealed that both marijuana and CBD may be effective in reducing different forms of anxiety including generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Not only did participants in the studies felt better, they also reported reduced cognitive impairment and anxiousness. Scientists suggest that in addition to impacting the endocannabinoid system, CBD may influence receptors involved in the modulation of serotonin, a chemical messenger that plays a role in anxiety regulation.
In addition, some studies showed that CBD eases depression and helps with psychotic disorders like schizophrenia. (Please note that marijuana does not help with either and may actually worsen psychosis.)
Cancer-Related Symptoms
Researchers found that cancer patients treated with CBD and THC, the psychoactive compound from marijuana, experienced significant reduction in pain. In addition, a one-to-one combination of CBD and THC administered via mouth spray reduced side effects associated with cancer treatments like nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite.
At present, more research needs to be done on whether CBD alone can produce the same beneficial outcomes.
A number of cell culture studies found that cannabinoids can help slow tumor growth, reduce tumor invasion, and induce tumor cell death in various types of cancer, including brain, blood, breast, colon, pancreatic, and prostate.
Scientists believe that CBD probably works by starving cancer cells of energy, making them more sensitive to the body's immune response, and by blocking a newly discovered cannabinoid-related cancer pathway. However, human trials are needed before further conclusions can be drawn.
Other Potential CBD Benefits
Lowers blood pressure (caution if taking blood pressure medication).
Lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol and total cholesterol.
Lowers uric acid levels and reduces gout symptoms.
Helps with insomnia due to relaxing and anxiety-reducing effects.
Helps people to quit smoking and is a promising treatment for those with opioid addiction.
Mitigates neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis). Some research suggests CBD could protect brain cells from damage and oxidative stress. Early results have been broadly positive but more studies are necessary.
Reduces likelihood of developing type 1 and type 2 diabetes, especially at the early disease stages (no human trials yet).
Lessens inflammation and symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease (no human trials yet).
CBD Side Effects And Safety
CBD is generally well tolerated and rarely produces side effects. However, some people should take additional precautions, including:
People with weakened immune system. In cell studies, CBD was associated with decreased activity of T and B immune cells, hence, increasing the likelihood of infections and worsening HIV, tumor growth, metastases, and asthma.
People taking medications. CBD may decrease the activity of liver enzymes, called cytochrome P450, responsible for metabolizing more than 60% of prescribed drugs. Check with your doctor to rule out any interactions as CBD may increase or decrease the effects of your medications.
Use caution when combining CBD with herbs or botanicals in dietary supplements. There is limited research on such interactions.
Use caution when combining CBD with alcohol.
Most people who use CBD do not report any side effects, but some may include a slight decrease in blood pressure, dry mouth, light headedness, drowsiness, gastrointestinal upset, decrease in appetite, and mood changes.
Pregnant, Lactating Women And Children
At present, there is a lack of research regarding the safety of CBD use for pregnant and lactating women as well as children. Please consult with your doctor before use.
Avoid using marijuana while pregnant. Studies show that THC can interrupt the formation of neuronal networks and result in nervous system-related birth defects. Teenagers should not use marijuana either as the THC may have an effect on their developing brains.
Important Considerations When Buying CBD Oil
Do not buy from vendors selling on Amazon. It is hard to verify the authenticity and quality of the products.
It is best to buy USA grown hemp from licensed farmers. China is now a big exporter of CBD oil and has over 10% of the global market.
Only buy CBD products that use the whole hemp plant, not synthetics and not isolates, as the whole plant contains the full spectrum of cannabinoids and terpenes, the active compounds that give plants their taste and smell. Herbalists believe the terpenes in hemp interact synergistically with the cannabinoids to create an "entourage effect" that enhances the healthful effects of each individual component.
Only buy organically grown hemp utilizing eco-farming practices and without pesticides and herbicides.
Make sure the hemp is processed using CO2 extraction that is gentle, clean, and does not use harsh solvents, ETO (ethylene oxide) or gamma radiation. This method does not require heat and the entire spectrum of cannabinoids are retained in the blend.
Only buy CBD products that are all natural and contain no additives, preservatives, emulsifiers, or flavorings.
When buying CBD oil, the label should indicate how much CBD is in the bottle (in milligrams or mg) and its concentration (e.g. 1 drop = 2.4 mg of CBD).
Only buy from a company that provides third-party lab-verified test results for each batch of CBD it sells. Since CBD oil is not regulated, there is no guarantee the consumer will get what is being advertised by a company. The Certificate of Analysis (COA) verifies that the product actually contains what it claims as well as the concentration of the CBD. It should include an analysis showing the levels of pesticides, herbicides, mold, fungi, mycotoxins, and heavy metals in the product. If the company cannot produce a COA, do not buy its products.
How To Use CBD Oil
First and foremost, there is no addiction with CBD oil. The U.S. federal government puts THC addiction at about 4%. CBD is zero. So there will not be any problems quitting cold turkey.
Additionally, the reason there have never been any deaths linked to cannabis overdose is because our brainstem, which controls our heart and breathing, have hardly any cannabinoid receptors. (The safety of vaping is a separate issue which is still under investigation.)
CBD oil can be taken sublingually, orally or topically. For sublingual use, hold the drops under the tongue for one minute before swallowing. For oral use, add to drinks or a smoothie. For topical use, apply the oil directly to the problem area.
Effective dosage varies from person to person and can be different for every ailment or disorder.
For pain, the majority of CBD users use between 10 and 30 mg of CBD per day. Start with 5 mg of CBD on the first day. If you do not notice any positive effects, increase by 5 mg the following day. Repeat this process for several days until you notice positive results.
For psychological disorders like anxiety or depression, start off with an initial dose of 2 mg per day. Increase by 2 mg every day until you notice positive results.
Consistency is the most important part of taking CBD oil. It is good to split the drops between morning and night, taking it roughly at the same time each day. From there, you can adjust the number of drops up or down as you start noticing the impact it has on your body.
Drug Testing
As mandated by U.S. law, full spectrum CBD oil contains less than 0.3% THC. However, depending on the sensitivity of the drug test and the individual, it is possible that one can test positive for THC using full spectrum CBD oil.
CBD is now legal in the U.S. It comes from hemp and does not give you a "high". It contains less than 0.3% of THC, which is the psychoactive compound in marijuana.
CBD is non-addictive and the body does not build up a tolerance to it.
Studies showed that CBD is quite safe and there are very few reported adverse effects. However, if you have a weakened immune system or are taking any medications, consult with your doctor before using CBD. Use caution if you drink alcohol or are using herbs or botanicals. Pregnant and lactating women and children should check with their doctors before using CBD.
There are now two CBD-derived drugs - one for two rare forms of childhood epilepsy and one for multiple sclerosis.
CBD has natural pain relief and anti-inflammatory properties.
CBD may help reduce anxiety in people with certain related disorders.
CBD, in conjunction with THC, are effective in alleviating cancer and cancer treatment-related symptoms.
Hemp tends to suck up all the harmful chemicals from the soil. Therefore, it is pertinent that the CBD oil comes from plants grown using organic and sustainable farming practices.
Buy CBD products that are whole-plant extracts (not synthetic or isolates) using CO2 extraction that retains the full spectrum of cannabinoids and terpenes.
Carol Chuang is a Certified Nutrition Specialist. She has a Masters degree in Nutrition and is a Certified Gluten Practitioner. She specializes in Metabolic Typing and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition.
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cbd full spectrum
CBD (Cannabidiol) oil is derived from hemp. Many people confuse hemp with marijuana, but hemp is a very different plant. Marijuana and hemp may share the same scientific name, Cannabis sativa, but they are not the same. Marijuana is cultivated primarily for its psychoactive cannabinoid, a chemical compound called tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, for recreational and medicinal use. Marijuana contains both THC and CBD. cbd full spectrum
Hemp contains only a trace of THC, less than 0.3% compared to marijuana's hefty 5-35%. The main cannabinoid in hemp is CBD, but there are over 100 other cannabinoids in hemp, as well as compounds that produce tastes and scents called terpenes (e.g. citrusy smell of oranges, unique aroma of pine trees, or sweet flower smell of lavender). For thousands of years, hemp has been cultivated for food, clothing, fiber, and fuel. It is one of the world's oldest domesticated crops. In the early days, hemp was a vital crop in the U.S. During the 1700s, colonial farmers grew hemp mainly for its strong fiber. However, hemp production came to a screeching halt when the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 was passed. Mainstream attitudes towards cannabis began to sway greatly towards the negative. Hemp became the "evil weed" because it shares the same species as marijuana even though it does not contain marijuana's abundant THC.
Over the years, many have speculated that the real reason for the anti-cannabis campaign boiled down to the worry that hemp could become a low-cost substitute for paper pulp. American industrialist William Randolph Hearst and the DuPont family had major investments in the timber and newspaper industries. They initiated a smear campaign to destroy the lucrative hemp market for fear that the rise of hemp would undercut their profits. Nevertheless, years later, it became known that hemp does not contain a high enough concentration of cellulose to be an effective paper substitute. Eighty long years later, hemp finally regained its legal status in the U.S. after the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill. Hemp, defined as cannabis with less than 0.3% THC, is removed from Schedule I controlled substances. Hemp-derived products are legal as long as they come from licensed hemp growers. More and more universities and hospitals have begun to study it. Americans can now use CBD legally. It can be ordered online and shipped to all 50 states. Marijuana laws are also changing at a rapid pace across America. Even though it is still illegal on the federal level, many states have legalized marijuana. For the remaining states, some have allowed it for medical use and some recreational use.
The Human Endocannabinoid System (ECS)
Cannabinoids made by our own bodies are called endocannabinoids (the prefix "endo" means within). In the 1990s, researchers made an astonishing discovery that the ECS plays a major role in our overall health.
The ECS maintains constant communication with every organ system in the body.
This communication involves messenger molecules called endocannabinoids and cannabinoid receptors on every cell that accepts them. Think of it as a "key and lock" system. The receptors are locks and the endocannabinoids are keys that bind to these receptors and unlock them.
There are two main types of receptors within the ECS - cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1) and cannabinoid receptor type 2 (CB2).
Researchers found more than 1,000 receptors in the body. CB1 receptors are located largely on nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, as well as the eye and retina. CB2 receptors are predominantly found in the immune system and in the organs and tissues, such as brain, spleen, blood cells, gastrointestinal, and urinary tracts.
The body produces two types of endocannabinoids - anandamide and 2-AG. These are transported into the cells through the CB1 and CB2 receptors. As we age, the body becomes less efficient in producing anandamide and 2-AG. The proper functioning of the ECS also depends on the adequacy of omega-3 in the diet.
Many people have experienced the feel good sensation or "high" after strenuous exercise. The lifted mood comes from the release of endorphins. Researchers now know that it is also from an increase in anandamide, which targets mainly the CB1 receptors and, to a lesser extent, the CB2 receptors.
The other endocannabinoid, 2-AG, transmits signals across the brain cells and activates both CB1 and CB2 receptors. 2-AG supports brain health, immune health, as well as insulin sensitivity.
Researchers have now discovered that both endocannabinoids, anandamide and 2-AG, have a considerable impact on a variety of functions including appetite, energy and balance, immunity, memory, metabolism, nervous system, sleep, and stress response.
Evidence For CBD Health Benefits
The Cannabis plant contains over 100 cannabinoids. These compounds closely resemble the human endocannaboids. The main cannabinoid in hemp is CBD, and in marijuana, THC.
Unlike THC, CBD does not bind directly into our cannabinoid receptors. Nevertheless, it does stimulate the activity of both CB1 and CB2 receptors without directly tapping into them. A study by the National Institute of Health found that CBD causes the body to release more endocannabinoids, especially 2-AG. Moreover, CBD inhibits the degradation of anandamide.
Scientists are now beginning to discover many of CBD's health benefits:
Childhood Eilepsy
CBD has been touted for a wide variety of health interests, but the strongest scientific evidence is for its effectiveness in treating two rare drug-resistant childhood epilepsy conditions, namely Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS) and Dravet syndrome (DS). The FDA has recently approved the first ever CBD-derived drug Epidiolex for these conditions. In numerous studies, CBD was able to reduce the number of seizures, and in some cases it was able to stop them altogether.
Pain Relief
CBD may offer an option for treating different types of chronic pain: fibromyalgia, gout, HIV, multiple sclerosis, neuropathic, and rheumatoid arthritis. Studies found that applying CBD oil directly on the problem area helps to lower pain and inflammation. CBD works by impacting cannabinoid receptor activity in the body, reducing inflammation, and interacting with neurotransmitters.
Researchers also found that subjects did not build up a tolerance to the effects of CBD, so there was no need to increase dosage continually. Unlike some pain medications, CBD is not addictive and does not have any intoxicating effects, offering much relief for people who have chronic pain.
An oral spray called Sativex, which is a combination of CBD and THC, has been approved in a number of countries in Europe and Canada (but not in the U.S.) to treat pain and muscle spasms related to multiple sclerosis.
Another controlled study found that Sativex significantly improved pain during movement, pain at rest, and sleep quality in people with rheumatoid arthritis.
Anxiety and Depression
Clinical trials have revealed that both marijuana and CBD may be effective in reducing different forms of anxiety including generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Not only did participants in the studies felt better, they also reported reduced cognitive impairment and anxiousness. Scientists suggest that in addition to impacting the endocannabinoid system, CBD may influence receptors involved in the modulation of serotonin, a chemical messenger that plays a role in anxiety regulation.
In addition, some studies showed that CBD eases depression and helps with psychotic disorders like schizophrenia. (Please note that marijuana does not help with either and may actually worsen psychosis.)
Cancer-Related Symptoms
Researchers found that cancer patients treated with CBD and THC, the psychoactive compound from marijuana, experienced significant reduction in pain. In addition, a one-to-one combination of CBD and THC administered via mouth spray reduced side effects associated with cancer treatments like nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite.
At present, more research needs to be done on whether CBD alone can produce the same beneficial outcomes.
A number of cell culture studies found that cannabinoids can help slow tumor growth, reduce tumor invasion, and induce tumor cell death in various types of cancer, including brain, blood, breast, colon, pancreatic, and prostate.
Scientists believe that CBD probably works by starving cancer cells of energy, making them more sensitive to the body's immune response, and by blocking a newly discovered cannabinoid-related cancer pathway. However, human trials are needed before further conclusions can be drawn.
Other Potential CBD Benefits
Lowers blood pressure (caution if taking blood pressure medication). Lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol and total cholesterol. Lowers uric acid levels and reduces gout symptoms. Helps with insomnia due to relaxing and anxiety-reducing effects. Helps people to quit smoking and is a promising treatment for those with opioid addiction. Mitigates neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis). Some research suggests CBD could protect brain cells from damage and oxidative stress. Early results have been broadly positive but more studies are necessary. Reduces likelihood of developing type 1 and type 2 diabetes, especially at the early disease stages (no human trials yet). Lessens inflammation and symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease (no human trials yet). CBD (Cannabidiol) oil is derived from hemp. Many people confuse hemp with marijuana, but hemp is a very different plant. Marijuana and hemp may share the same scientific name, Cannabis sativa, but they are not the same.
Marijuana is cultivated primarily for its psychoactive cannabinoid, a chemical compound called tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, for recreational and medicinal use. Marijuana contains both THC and CBD.Hemp contains only a trace of THC, less than 0.3% compared to marijuana's hefty 5-35%. The main cannabinoid in hemp is CBD, but there are over 100 other cannabinoids in hemp, as well as compounds that produce tastes and scents called terpenes (e.g. citrusy smell of oranges, unique aroma of pine trees, or sweet flower smell of lavender).
For thousands of years, hemp has been cultivated for food, clothing, fiber, and fuel. It is one of the world's oldest domesticated crops. In the early days, hemp was a vital crop in the U.S. During the 1700s, colonial farmers grew hemp mainly for its strong fiber.
However, hemp production came to a screeching halt when the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 was passed. Mainstream attitudes towards cannabis began to sway greatly towards the negative. Hemp became the "evil weed" because it shares the same species as marijuana even though it does not contain marijuana's abundant THC. Over the years, many have speculated that the real reason for the anti-cannabis campaign boiled down to the worry that hemp could become a low-cost substitute for paper pulp. American industrialist William Randolph Hearst and the DuPont family had major investments in the timber and newspaper industries. They initiated a smear campaign to destroy the lucrative hemp market for fear that the rise of hemp would undercut their profits. Nevertheless, years later, it became known that hemp does not contain a high enough concentration of cellulose to be an effective paper substitute.
Eighty long years later, hemp finally regained its legal status in the U.S. after the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill. Hemp, defined as cannabis with less than 0.3% THC, is removed from Schedule I controlled substances. Hemp-derived products are legal as long as they come from licensed hemp growers. More and more universities and hospitals have begun to study it. Americans can now use CBD legally. It can be ordered online and shipped to all 50 states.
Marijuana laws are also changing at a rapid pace across America. Even though it is still illegal on the federal level, many states have legalized marijuana. For the remaining states, some have allowed it for medical use and some recreational use.
The Human Endocannabinoid System (ECS)
Cannabinoids made by our own bodies are called endocannabinoids (the prefix "endo" means within). In the 1990s, researchers made an astonishing discovery that the ECS plays a major role in our overall health.
The ECS maintains constant communication with every organ system in the body.
This communication involves messenger molecules called endocannabinoids and cannabinoid receptors on every cell that accepts them. Think of it as a "key and lock" system. The receptors are locks and the endocannabinoids are keys that bind to these receptors and unlock them.
There are two main types of receptors within the ECS - cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1) and cannabinoid receptor type 2 (CB2).
Researchers found more than 1,000 receptors in the body. CB1 receptors are located largely on nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, as well as the eye and retina. CB2 receptors are predominantly found in the immune system and in the organs and tissues, such as brain, spleen, blood cells, gastrointestinal, and urinary tracts.
The body produces two types of endocannabinoids - anandamide and 2-AG. These are transported into the cells through the CB1 and CB2 receptors. As we age, the body becomes less efficient in producing anandamide and 2-AG. The proper functioning of the ECS also depends on the adequacy of omega-3 in the diet.
Many people have experienced the feel good sensation or "high" after strenuous exercise. The lifted mood comes from the release of endorphins. Researchers now know that it is also from an increase in anandamide, which targets mainly the CB1 receptors and, to a lesser extent, the CB2 receptors.
The other endocannabinoid, 2-AG, transmits signals across the brain cells and activates both CB1 and CB2 receptors. 2-AG supports brain health, immune health, as well as insulin sensitivity.
Researchers have now discovered that both endocannabinoids, anandamide and 2-AG, have a considerable impact on a variety of functions including appetite, energy and balance, immunity, memory, metabolism, nervous system, sleep, and stress response.
Evidence For CBD Health Benefits
The Cannabis plant contains over 100 cannabinoids. These compounds closely resemble the human endocannaboids. The main cannabinoid in hemp is CBD, and in marijuana, THC. Unlike THC, CBD does not bind directly into our cannabinoid receptors. Nevertheless, it does stimulate the activity of both CB1 and CB2 receptors without directly tapping into them. A study by the National Institute of Health found that CBD causes the body to release more endocannabinoids, especially 2-AG. Moreover, CBD inhibits the degradation of anandamide.
Scientists are now beginning to discover many of CBD's health benefits:
Childhood Eilepsy
CBD has been touted for a wide variety of health interests, but the strongest scientific evidence is for its effectiveness in treating two rare drug-resistant childhood epilepsy conditions, namely Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS) and Dravet syndrome (DS). The FDA has recently approved the first ever CBD-derived drug Epidiolex for these conditions. In numerous studies, CBD was able to reduce the number of seizures, and in some cases it was able to stop them altogether.
Pain Relief CBD may offer an option for treating different types of chronic pain: fibromyalgia, gout, HIV, multiple sclerosis, neuropathic, and rheumatoid arthritis. Studies found that applying CBD oil directly on the problem area helps to lower pain and inflammation. CBD works by impacting cannabinoid receptor activity in the body, reducing inflammation, and interacting with neurotransmitters.
Researchers also found that subjects did not build up a tolerance to the effects of CBD, so there was no need to increase dosage continually. Unlike some pain medications, CBD is not addictive and does not have any intoxicating effects, offering much relief for people who have chronic pain.
An oral spray called Sativex, which is a combination of CBD and THC, has been approved in a number of countries in Europe and Canada (but not in the U.S.) to treat pain and muscle spasms related to multiple sclerosis.
Another controlled study found that Sativex significantly improved pain during movement, pain at rest, and sleep quality in people with rheumatoid arthritis.
Anxiety and Depression
Clinical trials have revealed that both marijuana and CBD may be effective in reducing different forms of anxiety including generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Not only did participants in the studies felt better, they also reported reduced cognitive impairment and anxiousness. Scientists suggest that in addition to impacting the endocannabinoid system, CBD may influence receptors involved in the modulation of serotonin, a chemical messenger that plays a role in anxiety regulation.
In addition, some studies showed that CBD eases depression and helps with psychotic disorders like schizophrenia. (Please note that marijuana does not help with either and may actually worsen psychosis.)
Cancer-Related Symptoms
Researchers found that cancer patients treated with CBD and THC, the psychoactive compound from marijuana, experienced significant reduction in pain. In addition, a one-to-one combination of CBD and THC administered via mouth spray reduced side effects associated with cancer treatments like nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite.
At present, more research needs to be done on whether CBD alone can produce the same beneficial outcomes.
A number of cell culture studies found that cannabinoids can help slow tumor growth, reduce tumor invasion, and induce tumor cell death in various types of cancer, including brain, blood, breast, colon, pancreatic, and prostate.
Scientists believe that CBD probably works by starving cancer cells of energy, making them more sensitive to the body's immune response, and by blocking a newly discovered cannabinoid-related cancer pathway. However, human trials are needed before further conclusions can be drawn.
Other Potential CBD Benefits
Lowers blood pressure (caution if taking blood pressure medication). Lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol and total cholesterol. Lowers uric acid levels and reduces gout symptoms. Helps with insomnia due to relaxing and anxiety-reducing effects. Helps people to quit smoking and is a promising treatment for those with opioid addiction. Mitigates neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis). Some research suggests CBD could protect brain cells from damage and oxidative stress. Early results have been broadly positive but more studies are necessary. Reduces likelihood of developing type 1 and type 2 diabetes, especially at the early disease stages (no human trials yet). Lessens inflammation and symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease (no human trials yet).
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computercorp-site · 5 years
Contracting Out Email Management? Business are getting the Message
Vulnerabilities are exposed as e-mail volume grows, brand-new infections attack and CAN-SPAM-like federal government guidelines end up being more complicated. A downed e-mail system disrupts service, slows efficiency and interrupts possibly vital interaction. 
   According to the Radicati Group, the number of mail boxes is anticipated to increase by 20 percent or more, and volume per user has actually grown by 53 percent over last year. No surprise system management is such an overwhelming job. 
   Handling business e-mail systems has actually ended up being a problem for business and a cost that apparently understands couple of bounds. Email systems grow so quick that what must be among the most tactical tools at our disposal can rapidly end up being an out-of-control monster that declines to be tamed. 
   A worker accidentally unlocks to an infection that downs the whole system ... A heavy day of e-mail volume overwhelms the assigned storage, hindering efficiency of other mission-critical IT works ... Corporate counsel has actually asked that you turn over all e-mails from July of in 2015 to settle a patent conflict, and you’re not even sure if you have them. At the same time numerous of your team member are investing hours attempting to fix these issues, while the more tactical and forward-thinking tasks get postponed ... once again. 
   Email is a business’s lifeline. Everybody from the corner workplace on down depends on it and anticipates 100 percent accessibility. 
   Who’s handling the Email Store? 
   Many bigger business still put the duty of handling their e-mail systems on currently overloaded and under-budgeted IT departments, anticipating them to broaden systems, avoid infection attacks, filter spam and establish archiving services - all with diminishing spending plans and diminishing personnels. The majority of the smaller sized business do not even have that high-end; it’s strictly diy. 
   System supervisors are continuously fending off attacks from brand-new infections and worms, and attempting to beat back the increase of spam on currently overwhelmed e-mail inboxes. According to a research study ** carried out by the Pew Internet and American Life Project, 25 percent of Internet users have actually had their computer system contaminated by an infection, most likely from an e-mail message. 
   Some business have actually never ever examined just how much preserving their e-mail systems internally is costing them - in real dollars, hardware expenses, IT resources, workers time and lost incomes and/or performance when the system is not offered. The expenses are high - it appears there’s no end to the intricacy associated with preserving a business e-mail system. 
   Many are progressively heterogeneous, with end users throughout a company utilizing various variations and numerous e-mail platforms - making management and upkeep lengthy and more complex than required. IT specialists are required to invest huge quantities of time keeping a non-strategic - albeit vital - function while important company goals are reserved to fulfill the immediate e-mail requirements. 
   Maximize Your Personnel 
   Assistance Services - Also ensure the business supplies repaired regular monthly expenses, single sign-on abilities, spam and infection filtering, combination with other services (fax, voicemail, and so on) and help-desk services. 
   Uptime - While the objective undoubtedly is 100 percent up-time, ask possible provider what strategies they have in location to handle the unanticipated. Discover a catastrophe healing strategy - a treatment took into location from the starting to assist you conserve, shop and recuperate information in case of an emergency situation. 
   Scalability- Look for an IT companies that can handle all the intricacy behind carrying out, protecting, handling and scaling your e-mail system. Ensure the business supplies a wide variety of services from which you can tailor your relationship to satisfy your particular e-mail requires - from a basic, low-priced shared MS Exchange server all the method to a multi-data center, load well balanced service for bigger business with international workplaces. 
   Beginning - If you are thinking about outsourcing your business’s e-mail management, here are a couple of things to remember. 
   Migration - Ask about the migration procedure and ensure it will be smooth, with very little effort on the part of your internal IT department. To genuinely get an understanding of what to anticipate, you may wish to get feedback from a few of the business’s existing and previous customers. 
   Email will just continue to grow, with brand-new problems at every turn. With an outsourcing partner, you’ll protect an intricate messaging environment that will enable you to keep up with very little effort, along with access to innovation and proficiency normally on a fixed-cost basis, while lowering thedemands on your IT personnel. 
   A complete 60 percent of the expenses associated with preserving a business e-mail system boil down to workers, so it makes good sense for midsize business to think about outsourcing. Issues that made business reluctant in the past - stress over the consistency of an external information center, and fears that company would not have the ability to support an internationally hosted facilities - are non-issues today. 
 A research study * by The Radicati Group, launched in November, discovers that corporations of all sizes are significantly releasing hosted e-mail services instead of internal options. The experts approximate that hosted e-mail presently represents about 67 percent of all e-mail accounts worldwide. This pattern is credited to complicated internal messaging options, spam and infection issues, storage pressures, compliance requirements and other driving elements. 
   * The Radicati Group research study, “Hosted Email Market, 2004-2008,” consists of Market Trends, Forecasts, Corporate Attitudes, and extensive analysis of both Corporate and Consumer Hosted Email Providers. 
 ** The “Fear of Online Crime” research study 
   Contracting out management of a business e-mail system is where another business hosts your system and is accountable for total dependability and security - can be a sensible choice for business of any size that wish to enhance their e-mail operations and alleviate their internal IT personnels of the problem. With the best e-mail management services partner, outsourcing will conserve time, cash and lost efficiency by: 
 Maximizing your business’s IT specialists to concentrate on more tactical efforts, advancing the business’s core service goals 
 Standardizing the e-mail platform throughout a company, bringing whatever in sync and making the whole system more structured and effective 
 Making sure that your business will remain on top of infection and worm security upgrades and complex federal government compliance problems
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jesseneufeld · 5 years
Life In the Sanitized Bubble (Or Why Probiotics Are So Important)
For the vast majority of human history (and prehistory), men, women, and children had near-constant contact with the natural world around them. They were walking on the ground. They were playing in the dirt. They were digging for roots and grubs. They were eating with their hands. They were field dressing animals and wiping their hands on the grass. Nothing was sterilized; the tools to sterilize the environment didn’t exist. You could boil water, but that was about it. Bacteria were everywhere, and humans were constantly ingesting it. Even as babies, preindustrial infants nursed for almost four years, so they were getting a steady source of breastmilk-based probiotic bacteria for a good portion of their early lives.
The Agricultural Age: Farms and Fermented Foods
After agriculture and animal husbandry hit the scene, human diets changed, but their environmental exposures didn’t so much. Every day they interacted closely with the soil and/or animals (and their respective bacteria). And they also continued ingesting probiotic bacteria on a regular basis through the use of fermented food—for at least the last 10,000 years. Honey into mead, grains into beer, fruit into wine, alcohol into vinegar.
We know that fermented dairy has been an integral part of any traditional dairy-eating culture because fermentation is the natural result of having milk around without refrigeration. You take raw milk and leave it out for a couple days at room temperature, and it will begin to separate and ferment. Introduce an animal stomach and you can make cheese. Introduce specific strains of bacteria, and you can make yogurt or kefir. But the point is that dairy fermentation—and, thus, the consumption of dairy-based probiotics—was unavoidable in pre-industrial dairy-eating societies.
In areas without (and some with) dairy consumption, they fermented plants. Kimchi, sauerkraut, pickles, chutneys, soy sauce, miso, and natto are just several examples among hundreds.
Modern Diets, Modern Environments
Here’s my point to all this: probiotics in one form or another have been a constant input in the human experience… until today.
Today? We live sterilized lives.
We wipe everything down with anti-microbial agents.
We wash all our plates and eating utensils with ultra-hot water and powerful soaps.
We wear shoes.
We don’t touch (or see) dirt for days, weeks at a time.
We stay indoors most of the day.
We pasteurize our dairy. We render shelf-stable (and thus inert) our sauerkraut and pickles.
We sterilize our water.
We take antibiotics.
We eat processed, refined food that’s been treated with preservatives and anti-microbial additives designed to remove all traces of bacteria.
We employ tens of thousands of scientists, bureaucrats, and agents whose primary role is to ensure our food supply is as sterile as possible.
I get all that. There are good reasons for doing all these things, and on the balance I’d of course rather have clean water, clean food, and antibiotics than not, but there are also drawbacks and unintended consequences. We live in a sterile world, and our guts weren’t built for a sterile world. They’re meant to house a diverse array of bacteria.
What Are the Consequences Of Living a Sterile Life?
Hippocrates, the father of medicine, said that “all diseases originate in the gut.” The most obvious example, digestive issues, are some of the most common in the post-industrial world. Constipation, diarrhea, bloating, and general digestive distress affect tens of millions. Food intolerances and allergies, which also have a link to gut health, are rising.
Even conditions that aren’t intuitively linked to gut health, like autism or hay fever or even heart disease, may actually have a connection with the state of our guts or digestion.
At least since Biblical times (and probably earlier), humans have identified a connection between the gut and our emotions. “I’ve got a gut feeling…” or “I feel it in my gut.” Though it’s usually portrayed as “merely metaphor,” this connection isn’t spurious and can feel quite real. Remember when you held hands with that pretty girl or handsome guy for the first time? You felt those butterflies in your gut. Or how you had to rush to the bathroom before giving that big talk in front of your college class? You felt the nervousness and anxiety in your gut.
Evidence is accumulating that our gut bacteria can manufacture and synthesize neurotransmitters like serotonin and GABA, and even sex hormones like testosterone. We’ve even identified a legitimate physiological pathway running from the gut to the brain and back again. Couple that with the fact that gut health seems to play a role in depression, anxiety, and other related conditions, and it starts looking like our lack of exposure to probiotic bacteria could be triggering (or at least exacerbating) the rise in mental health issues.
Supporting Our Guts In the Age of Sterility
The foundation of gut health has to be diet: 1) Eating fermented foods to provide probiotic bacteria and 2) eating plant and animal foods that provide prebiotic substrate to feed and nourish those bacteria. That’s been the way of humans for tens of thousands of years—from ingesting soil-based and animal-based bacteria on the food we ate as foragers to directly producing and consuming fermented food—and it should remain the primary mode of probiotic procurement.
But there’s also a place for probiotic supplementation. Food alone probably can’t atone for the sterile existence we’ve built for ourselves. Food alone can’t counteract the several years of breastfeeding you didn’t get, the dirt you didn’t play with, the antelope colons you didn’t handle with bare hands, the untreated water you didn’t drink. You may get it now, but what about ten years ago? What about when you were a kid?
Evolutionarily novel circumstances often require evolutionarily novel responses to restore balance.
And probiotics aren’t even that “novel.” We’re clearly designed to consume probiotics in the food we eat, and probiotic supplements utilize the same ingestion pathway, especially if you consume them with food. The dosages may sound high. Primal Probiotics, the one I make (and take), contains 5 billion colony forming units (cfu, a measure of bacteria that are able to survive digestion and establish colonies in the gut) of good bacteria per dose—but that’s right in line with (or even well under) the dose of probiotics found in common fermented foods.
A single milliliter of kefir can have up to 10 billion cfu.
A cup of yogurt can contain up to 500 billion cfu.
A tablespoon of sauerkraut juice can contain 1.5 trillion cfu. Kimchi is probably quite similar.
A single gram of soil can contain almost 10 trillion cfu. A gram of soil is easy to consume if you’re eating foods (and drink water) directly from the earth.
Now, Primal Probiotics isn’t the only option. It may not even be the best option if you have specific conditions that other strains are particularly adept at addressing. (I’ll cover this in a future post.) But the way I designed Primal Probiotics was to be a good general, all-purpose probiotic with particular applications for Primal, keto, and other ancestrally-minded people living their modern lives.
For instance, one of my favorite strains I’ve included is Bacillus subtilis, the very same bacterial strain that’s found in natto, the traditional Japanese fermented soybean. B. subtilis addresses many of the issues we face in the modern world. It helps break down phytase in the gut and turn it into inositol, an important nutrient for brain and mood and stress. It helps convert vitamin K1 (from plants) into vitamin K2 (the more potent animal form of the vitamin). It can even hydrolyze wheat and dairy proteins to make them less allergenic.
There’s also Bacillus clausii, an integral modulator of the innate immune system (PDF)—the part of the immune system that fights off pathogens, toxins, and other invading offenders. Innate immunity is ancient immunity; it’s the same system employed by lower organisms like animals, plants, fungi, and bacteria. It’s the foundation of what we know as the immune response. What’s funny is that B. clausii has such a powerful effect on our innate immunity that one could argue B. clausii is an innate aspect of our gut community.
I’ve also included a small amount of prebiotic substrates in the latest iteration. I use raw potato starch (for resistant starch) and a blend of fructooligosaccharides and galactooligosaccharides. The prebiotic doses are low enough that they shouldn’t exacerbate any gut problems or FODMAPs intolerances and high enough to provide enough food for the probiotics to flourish.
Again, you don’t have to take Primal Probiotics. It’s my opinion that they provide the perfect combination of strains for most people’s needs, especially when combined with regular intakes of fermented veggies like sauerkraut and fermented dairy like yogurt, cheese, and kefir, but the actual strains themselves aren’t proprietary. You can find them elsewhere if you want to get individual probiotics. Hell, you may not even need a probiotic supplement. Depending on your personal health background, the level of sterility in your life history and current life (if you grew up on a farm drinking raw milk, for example), and the amount of fermented foods you currently consume, you may not need supplemental assistance.
But it’s sure nice to have around.
Anyway, that’s it for today.
How do you get your probiotics? Do you find them necessary for optimum health? What kind of benefits have you experienced from taking probiotics, either via food or supplementation?
Thanks for reading, everyone. Take care.
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The post Life In the Sanitized Bubble (Or Why Probiotics Are So Important) appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Life In the Sanitized Bubble (Or Why Probiotics Are So Important) published first on https://drugaddictionsrehab.tumblr.com/
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lauramalchowblog · 5 years
Life In the Sanitized Bubble (Or Why Probiotics Are So Important)
For the vast majority of human history (and prehistory), men, women, and children had near-constant contact with the natural world around them. They were walking on the ground. They were playing in the dirt. They were digging for roots and grubs. They were eating with their hands. They were field dressing animals and wiping their hands on the grass. Nothing was sterilized; the tools to sterilize the environment didn’t exist. You could boil water, but that was about it. Bacteria were everywhere, and humans were constantly ingesting it. Even as babies, preindustrial infants nursed for almost four years, so they were getting a steady source of breastmilk-based probiotic bacteria for a good portion of their early lives.
The Agricultural Age: Farms and Fermented Foods
After agriculture and animal husbandry hit the scene, human diets changed, but their environmental exposures didn’t so much. Every day they interacted closely with the soil and/or animals (and their respective bacteria). And they also continued ingesting probiotic bacteria on a regular basis through the use of fermented food—for at least the last 10,000 years. Honey into mead, grains into beer, fruit into wine, alcohol into vinegar.
We know that fermented dairy has been an integral part of any traditional dairy-eating culture because fermentation is the natural result of having milk around without refrigeration. You take raw milk and leave it out for a couple days at room temperature, and it will begin to separate and ferment. Introduce an animal stomach and you can make cheese. Introduce specific strains of bacteria, and you can make yogurt or kefir. But the point is that dairy fermentation—and, thus, the consumption of dairy-based probiotics—was unavoidable in pre-industrial dairy-eating societies.
In areas without (and some with) dairy consumption, they fermented plants. Kimchi, sauerkraut, pickles, chutneys, soy sauce, miso, and natto are just several examples among hundreds.
Modern Diets, Modern Environments
Here’s my point to all this: probiotics in one form or another have been a constant input in the human experience… until today.
Today? We live sterilized lives.
We wipe everything down with anti-microbial agents.
We wash all our plates and eating utensils with ultra-hot water and powerful soaps.
We wear shoes.
We don’t touch (or see) dirt for days, weeks at a time.
We stay indoors most of the day.
We pasteurize our dairy. We render shelf-stable (and thus inert) our sauerkraut and pickles.
We sterilize our water.
We take antibiotics.
We eat processed, refined food that’s been treated with preservatives and anti-microbial additives designed to remove all traces of bacteria.
We employ tens of thousands of scientists, bureaucrats, and agents whose primary role is to ensure our food supply is as sterile as possible.
I get all that. There are good reasons for doing all these things, and on the balance I’d of course rather have clean water, clean food, and antibiotics than not, but there are also drawbacks and unintended consequences. We live in a sterile world, and our guts weren’t built for a sterile world. They’re meant to house a diverse array of bacteria.
What Are the Consequences Of Living a Sterile Life?
Hippocrates, the father of medicine, said that “all diseases originate in the gut.” The most obvious example, digestive issues, are some of the most common in the post-industrial world. Constipation, diarrhea, bloating, and general digestive distress affect tens of millions. Food intolerances and allergies, which also have a link to gut health, are rising.
Even conditions that aren’t intuitively linked to gut health, like autism or hay fever or even heart disease, may actually have a connection with the state of our guts or digestion.
At least since Biblical times (and probably earlier), humans have identified a connection between the gut and our emotions. “I’ve got a gut feeling…” or “I feel it in my gut.” Though it’s usually portrayed as “merely metaphor,” this connection isn’t spurious and can feel quite real. Remember when you held hands with that pretty girl or handsome guy for the first time? You felt those butterflies in your gut. Or how you had to rush to the bathroom before giving that big talk in front of your college class? You felt the nervousness and anxiety in your gut.
Evidence is accumulating that our gut bacteria can manufacture and synthesize neurotransmitters like serotonin and GABA, and even sex hormones like testosterone. We’ve even identified a legitimate physiological pathway running from the gut to the brain and back again. Couple that with the fact that gut health seems to play a role in depression, anxiety, and other related conditions, and it starts looking like our lack of exposure to probiotic bacteria could be triggering (or at least exacerbating) the rise in mental health issues.
Supporting Our Guts In the Age of Sterility
The foundation of gut health has to be diet: 1) Eating fermented foods to provide probiotic bacteria and 2) eating plant and animal foods that provide prebiotic substrate to feed and nourish those bacteria. That’s been the way of humans for tens of thousands of years—from ingesting soil-based and animal-based bacteria on the food we ate as foragers to directly producing and consuming fermented food—and it should remain the primary mode of probiotic procurement.
But there’s also a place for probiotic supplementation. Food alone probably can’t atone for the sterile existence we’ve built for ourselves. Food alone can’t counteract the several years of breastfeeding you didn’t get, the dirt you didn’t play with, the antelope colons you didn’t handle with bare hands, the untreated water you didn’t drink. You may get it now, but what about ten years ago? What about when you were a kid?
Evolutionarily novel circumstances often require evolutionarily novel responses to restore balance.
And probiotics aren’t even that “novel.” We’re clearly designed to consume probiotics in the food we eat, and probiotic supplements utilize the same ingestion pathway, especially if you consume them with food. The dosages may sound high. Primal Probiotics, the one I make (and take), contains 5 billion colony forming units (cfu, a measure of bacteria that are able to survive digestion and establish colonies in the gut) of good bacteria per dose—but that’s right in line with (or even well under) the dose of probiotics found in common fermented foods.
A single milliliter of kefir can have up to 10 billion cfu.
A cup of yogurt can contain up to 500 billion cfu.
A tablespoon of sauerkraut juice can contain 1.5 trillion cfu. Kimchi is probably quite similar.
A single gram of soil can contain almost 10 trillion cfu. A gram of soil is easy to consume if you’re eating foods (and drink water) directly from the earth.
Now, Primal Probiotics isn’t the only option. It may not even be the best option if you have specific conditions that other strains are particularly adept at addressing. (I’ll cover this in a future post.) But the way I designed Primal Probiotics was to be a good general, all-purpose probiotic with particular applications for Primal, keto, and other ancestrally-minded people living their modern lives.
For instance, one of my favorite strains I’ve included is Bacillus subtilis, the very same bacterial strain that’s found in natto, the traditional Japanese fermented soybean. B. subtilis addresses many of the issues we face in the modern world. It helps break down phytase in the gut and turn it into inositol, an important nutrient for brain and mood and stress. It helps convert vitamin K1 (from plants) into vitamin K2 (the more potent animal form of the vitamin). It can even hydrolyze wheat and dairy proteins to make them less allergenic.
There’s also Bacillus clausii, an integral modulator of the innate immune system (PDF)—the part of the immune system that fights off pathogens, toxins, and other invading offenders. Innate immunity is ancient immunity; it’s the same system employed by lower organisms like animals, plants, fungi, and bacteria. It’s the foundation of what we know as the immune response. What’s funny is that B. clausii has such a powerful effect on our innate immunity that one could argue B. clausii is an innate aspect of our gut community.
I’ve also included a small amount of prebiotic substrates in the latest iteration. I use raw potato starch (for resistant starch) and a blend of fructooligosaccharides and galactooligosaccharides. The prebiotic doses are low enough that they shouldn’t exacerbate any gut problems or FODMAPs intolerances and high enough to provide enough food for the probiotics to flourish.
Again, you don’t have to take Primal Probiotics. It’s my opinion that they provide the perfect combination of strains for most people’s needs, especially when combined with regular intakes of fermented veggies like sauerkraut and fermented dairy like yogurt, cheese, and kefir, but the actual strains themselves aren’t proprietary. You can find them elsewhere if you want to get individual probiotics. Hell, you may not even need a probiotic supplement. Depending on your personal health background, the level of sterility in your life history and current life (if you grew up on a farm drinking raw milk, for example), and the amount of fermented foods you currently consume, you may not need supplemental assistance.
But it’s sure nice to have around.
Anyway, that’s it for today.
How do you get your probiotics? Do you find them necessary for optimum health? What kind of benefits have you experienced from taking probiotics, either via food or supplementation?
Thanks for reading, everyone. Take care.
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The post Life In the Sanitized Bubble (Or Why Probiotics Are So Important) appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Life In the Sanitized Bubble (Or Why Probiotics Are So Important) published first on https://venabeahan.tumblr.com
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jakehglover · 6 years
Turmeric: How This Spice Can Potentially Improve Your Health
Most people are familiar with turmeric (scientific name: Curcuma longa1) as a yellow spice that's used in Indian cuisine, and has a peppery, warm and bitter flavor.2 Traditionally called "Indian saffron," turmeric comes from a rhizome with rough brown skin, dull orange flesh3 and an earthy scent said to be more pungent than ginger.4 However, there's more to this vibrant spice than meets the eye.
Through the years, studies have been extensively conducted on the potential health benefits of turmeric, and the results were consistently positive. As a result, turmeric was given its well-deserved nickname: the "Spice of Life."5 There are many ways you can incorporate this spice into your daily life. Learn more about turmeric and its benefits, and how they can help improve your health and well-being.
Turmeric's Health Benefits
The health benefits turmeric offers can be attributed to curcumin, a well-studied bioactive compound that may:
• Help maintain a healthy digestive system by facilitating proper digestion6
• Modulate some of your genes7
• Positively control various physiological pathways8
• Make your cells' membranes more orderly9
• Affect signaling molecules, because curcumin can directly interact with inflammatory molecules, cell survival proteins, DNA and RHA, carrier proteins and metal ions10
As mentioned earlier, turmeric is known as the "Spice of Life," and curcumin has a role to play in making this spice earn this moniker. Curcumin was proven by studies to help combat diseases such as:
• Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease — Curcumin is a known antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective agent, and is said to promote lipophilic action and improved cognitive function, potentially helping people with these conditions.11,12
• Osteoarthritis — A 2016 animal study showed that curcumin may help slow down the rate of osteoarthritis progression and address related pain.13 Another study from the same year also revealed that curcumin assisted in improving quality of life and addressing pain and other osteoarthritis symptoms, by improving your body's physiological pathways.14
• Cancer — Numerous studies have been conducted regarding curcumin's potential anticancer capabilities.15,16,17 According to Dr. William LaValley, whose clinical work mostly focuses on the treatment of cancer, curcumin appears to be useful for just about every type of cancer, because it can affect multiple molecular targets via many pathways. Curcumin is also nontoxic, and does not target healthy cells — instead, it selectively targets cancer cells.
The antibacterial properties of curcumin are nothing short of extraordinary as well, as it may be effective against gastritis, peptic ulcer and gastric cancer, which are all caused by Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori) bacteria.
This was proven in a 2009 study, wherein curcumin effectively inhibited the growth of H. pylori in vitro in mice, regardless of the genetic makeup of the bacteria strains.18 H. pylori is a group 1 carcinogen19 that affects more than half the global population.20 Some of the other health benefits linked to curcumin include:
• Supporting healthy cholesterol levels21
• Enhancing wound healing22
• Preventing low-density lipoprotein oxidation23
• Protecting against cataracts,24,25 liver damage,26 pulmonary toxicity and fibrosis,27 and radiation-induced damage28
• Reducing symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis29 and multiple sclerosis30
• Lowering risk for thrombosis,31 myocardial infarction32 and possibly Type 2 diabetes33
Turmeric's Many Uses
Turmeric has a long history of medicinal use for Ayurvedic medicine and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Evidence showed that turmeric may help alleviate wounds, sprains and swelling, liver disorders, skin diseases and respiratory or gastrointestinal problems.34 Aside from being a common ingredient in Indian dishes, turmeric is used for making mustard. In fact, the distinct yellow color of this condiment comes from this spice.35
Turmeric also works as a dye for textiles and other articles of clothing.36 It's said that Hindu and Buddhist monks who traveled all over the world used this spice to dye their robes.37 During early times, the children from Kerala, a state in southwest India, were given turmeric-dyed clothing to wear during the Onam Festival because the spice's color was said to be associated with Lord Krishna, a prominent figure in Hinduism.38
In a traditional Hindu wedding ceremony, the groom ties a turmeric paste-dyed string called a mangala sutra around the bride's neck, signifying that the woman is married and can run a household. Most Hindu weddings today still continue this tradition, and it's considered the equivalent of exchanging wedding rings. People living in some parts of Southern India also still wear a piece of the turmeric rhizome as an amulet to protect themselves from evil spirits.39
Growing Turmeric at Home
You can grow turmeric in your backyard or in indoor containers from rhizomes or root cuttings, but not from seeds. To grow turmeric, you need high-quality soil or growing material with high amounts of organic material-like manure, and a turmeric rhizome.
The plant will benefit from good-quality organic fertilizer or compost, especially when administered during growth of turmeric shoots. Just make sure that when you apply the fertilizer, it does not directly touch the plant. The fertilizer's nutrients should reach the soil, but without touching the stems. Follow this simple step-by-step method if you want to grow turmeric:40,41
How to Grow Turmeric
1. Cut rhizomes into smaller sections with two or three buds each.
2. Fill 3-inch pots or containers with good-quality potting soil.
3. Place rhizome flat onto the soil, and cover with more potting soil.
4. Water the plant and place the pots or containers into clear plastic bags.
5. Move the pots or containers to a warm location of around 86 to 95 degrees F. Take note that colder temperatures may cause the turmeric to grow very slowly and possibly rot.
6. Once the turmeric rhizome is planted, avoid watering until you notice shoots rising out from the soil.
Edible turmeric rhizomes take around eight to 10 months to mature. Once rhizomes are fully grown, you can harvest them. Ideally, matured roots should be harvested all at once. You'll know the turmeric is ready to harvest if the plant's flowers fade and the leaves turn yellow. Home Guides SF Gate demonstrates how to harvest fresh turmeric:42
" … [C]ut off the tops of the plants with shears to make harvesting easier — this isn't required, but it allows you to get to the underground rhizomes without having to dodge the large leaves. Water the area thoroughly to soften the ground, then dig up the rhizomes using a trowel. Each plant should have a small handful of rhizomes …"
If you want to grow turmeric the following season, save a few rhizomes for planting.43 Turmeric is best planted in tropical areas where it may receive high amounts of warmth and moisture,44,45 particularly in USDA zones 8 to 11. When you should be planting turmeric depends on your area. Good Housekeeping notes that in most parts of the U.S., turmeric will flourish if you plant it indoors, although if you live in Zones 8 to 11, you can plant turmeric outdoors for the entire period.46
If you live in areas with cooler climates, plant turmeric indoors and then move it outside once the threat of frost is gone. This reduces the risk of the plant becoming dormant.47 After moving the plant outside to a warm area, keep the soil wet and moist, and provide partial shade to protect leaves from sunburn.48
Cooking With Turmeric
Want to add turmeric into some of your dishes? Take your pick from either fresh or dried turmeric. Fresh turmeric rhizomes look like gingers. The Kitchn notes that you can find fresh turmeric root in your grocery's produce section, as well as in health stores and Asian or Indian grocery stores. Pick firm roots and avoid soft, dried or shriveled pieces.
Fresh turmeric, depending on the root's maturity or tenderness, can be peeled before chopping, cubing, grating or even juicing it. If you won't be using turmeric immediately, store them properly. Place turmeric in a glass jar or storage dish or other airtight container for at least a week, or freeze for several months.
Dried turmeric is usually sold ground or whole, and is made by peeling, boiling and drying rhizomes. Buy them from ethnic and specialty shops, which usually have fresher stock and a faster turnover time compared to grocery stores.
When buying dried turmeric, make sure to smell it, as aroma is a good indicator of freshness. Keep it in an airtight container and store in a cool and dark place for up to a year. While it has the flavor and color the spice is known for, one major caveat is that the drying process reduces its pungency and the quantity of essential oils in the spice.49
You can use fresh or dried turmeric for rubs or marinades, just like in these Satay Chicken Skewers and Turmeric Cauliflower recipes. You can also chop fresh turmeric and add it into a salad, similar to what I did with my lunch recipe. Turmeric can be even made into healthy beverages, such as this ginger and turmeric latte, which combines the earthy flavors of these related root herbs:
Ginger Turmeric Latte Recipe
• 1 teaspoon fresh, grated turmeric or dried turmeric spice
• 1 teaspoon grated ginger
• 1 tablespoon coconut sugar
• 2 teaspoons coconut oil
• Pinch of sea salt
• 1 cup of almond milk
1. Combine the grated turmeric and ginger, coconut sugar, coconut oil and sea salt in a blender.
2. In a small saucepan, heat the almond milk over medium heat until it's just simmering.
3. Pour the hot almond milk into the blender and whirl until smooth and frothy.
Try Turmeric Essential Oil, Too
Research has shown that turmeric essential oil exhibits anti-inflammatory,50 antimicrobial,51 antifungal52 and antiseptic properties.53 To make this oil, the turmeric plant's roots can be steam-distilled or powdered until fluid is extracted from the substance.54 Some of the chemical compounds in this oil include:55
Turmeric oil may be help alleviate arthritis.56,57 However, if you plan on using this essential oil topically, I advise you to take a skin patch test first to check for allergic reactions and talk to your doctor to determine whether this oil is appropriate for you.
Can Turmeric Cause Side Effects?
Consuming excessive amounts of turmeric can predispose you to some side effects. For instance, turmeric may cause nausea, upset stomach, dizziness or diarrhea. It also may interact with:58,59
• Anticoagulant or antiplatelet drugs like warfarin (Coumadin), clopidogrel (Plavix) and aspirin and raise bleeding risk
• Stomach acid-reducing drugs such as cimetidine (Tagament), famotidine (Pepcid), ranitidine (Zantac), esomeprazole (Nexium), omeprazole and lansoprazole (Prevacid) and lead to increased stomach acid production
The following groups of people must avoid taking turmeric or related products because they have a high risk for side effects:60
• Pregnant and breastfeeding women — High amounts of turmeric may trigger a period or stimulate the uterus, resulting in health risks for a pregnancy. There is also very little research about turmeric's possible effects on breastfeeding women.
• People with gallbladder problems such as gallstones or a bile duct obstruction — Turmeric can worsen these conditions.
• People with bleeding problems or disorders — Turmeric may slow down blood clotting and increase both bruising and bleeding risk.
• People with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) — Turmeric may worsen stomach problems in GERD patients.
• Diabetes patients — Reduced blood sugar levels may be caused by curcumin abundant in this spice.
• Iron deficiency — Consuming high amounts of turmeric may negatively affect the body's iron absorption.
• People with hormone-sensitive conditions like breast, uterine or ovarian cancer, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids — WebMD reports that the curcumin in turmeric possibly could act similarly to the estrogen hormone, and  exacerbate some hormone-sensitive conditions.
However, with certain hormone-sensitive cancers, there are studies showing that turmeric can decrease estrogen's effects in those cancer cells and may be beneficial for people diagnosed with hormone-sensitive breast cancer.61,62,63 Err on the side of caution and reduce turmeric consumption if you have been diagnosed with hormone-sensitive conditions.
  Men who consume turmeric excessively may be prone to reduced testosterone levels and lessened sperm movement. If you're scheduled to undergo surgery, reduce or avoid turmeric consumption, as it can slow down the blood clotting process and trigger excessive bleeding during and after the procedure.64
from HealthyLife via Jake Glover on Inoreader http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/12/06/xdjm18-herbs-spices-18mcsa-turmeric.aspx
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estelagellison9 · 6 years
Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers
New Post has been published on https://www.therecover.com/drug-and-alcohol-treatment-centers/
Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers
Treatment Centers For Drugs and Alcohol
Locating drug and alcohol treatment centers should be the top priority if you or a loved one is struggling with substance abuse. Opioids and alcohol are making headlines across the United States. Every major city is facing an epidemic. In fact, 22.7 million people need treatment for drugs and alcohol and less than 1 percent receive the treatment that they need. One in five young adult deaths in 2016 were opioid related and every 12 minutes another person dies from an opioid overdose in America. Alcohol-impaired driving has increased to 30 percent when it comes to yearly driving fatalities. The stats are disheartening but what becomes more disheartening is realizing why people don’t get the treatment they need. They simply just can’t afford it.
Reasons People Do Not Get Treatment
  Drug and alcohol treatment centers cost thousands of dollars a month and while medical insurance will help lower the monthly fee, a lot of people don’t have insurance. Stuck between a rock and hard place, many people choose to continue to support their drug or alcohol habit because it’s much cheaper. Until treatment is easier to afford than drugs (which it’s not) most people will continue to use drugs and/or alcohol.
Another reason a lot of people avoid treatment is due to anxiety and fear. It can be very hard to give up something that has control over your life. Some people have the same feeling when it comes to gambling, food or even sex. All three of those can turn into addictions just like with drugs and alcohol.
Supporting Someone with a Drug or Alcohol Addiction
  It’s important to help anyone who needs to go to a drug and alcohol treatment because berating them will only cause more harm.
First, know what to look for.
Signs of Alcohol Addiction
A lot of daytime drinking
Excessive sweating
Making excuses for drinking (dealing with stress, to relax, to feel normal, etc.)
Compulsive behavior
Alcohol cravings
Drinking alone
Smells of alcohol on a regular basis
Self-destructive behavior
Legal problems-acquiring DWI’s (driving while intoxicated)
Problems at work or school
Feeling hung over even when not drinking
Lying or hiding drinking
Being neglectful of responsibilities
Having trouble with relationships
Drinking more than before
Experiencing withdrawal
Signs of Drug Addiction
Increased irritability
Dilated or constricted pupils
Glazed or bloodshot eyes
Frequent bloody nose
Changes in weight
Insomnia or sleeping too much
Involvement in criminal activity
Lack of motivation
Financial problems
Slurred speech
Changes in personality
Changes in personal hygiene: bad breath, lack of showering, etc.
Changes in appearance: doesn’t change clothes regularly, etc.
Changes in social network: starts interacting with a new and suspicious crowd
Drug cravings
Drug withdrawal symptoms: flu-like symptoms, anxiety, depression, sweating, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, dilated pupils, yawing, irritation, insomnia, etc.
Borrows or steals money for drug habit
Borrows or steals prescription pain medication
Goes to more than one doctor to get a prescription for pain medication
Three Treatment Options
  There are three types of treatment options. Some of them cost thousands a dollars a month and some of them can be obtained free-of-charge.
Non-Profit Treatment
This type of treatment option is very affordable for a lot of people. Both inpatient and outpatient addiction treatment facilities are available, are tax-supported and charge no fees. Long term drug rehab or short-term drug rehab is available as well as individual outpatient counseling.  Non-profit treatment centers make is possible for everyone, no matter their financial status to afford the treatment that they need.
Simply start by looking up non-profit rehab facilities near me online or contact your local social services office. There may be a waiting list for these types of centers and if the waiting list is far too long it might be better to seek out other options. You can also contact a local rehab and find out what options they can suggest to you for state funding.
Since this is a free program, it is possible that many patients may enter into programs that they don’t necessarily need but may still find helpful. It is a popular choice when finances are low.
Government-Funded Treatment
For people who do not qualify for non-profit drug or alcohol treatment centers, government-funded treatment is another great option. It’s a much cheaper option than private treatment and long-term treatment programs. Services offered at a government-funded treatment center are usually based on income so they can be offered for free if there is no income. A lot of government-funded treatment centers also offer payment plans so it is important to ask about all of your options. Through this treatment option, you will have access to different types of therapy to help obtain and maintain sobriety.
Simply hop online and type in government-funded treatment centers near me or contact your local social services office.
Private Treatment
Private treatment works much differently than non-profit and government funded treatment centers but may still work with you as far as payment plans. They are also good when it comes to working with medical insurance companies.
Simply start by typing in private drug and alcohol treatment centers near me or private substance abuse treatment centers near me into any search engine. This will bring up a ton of different options so it’s important to do your homework when it comes to choosing one for you or your loved one. Don’t be afraid to ask as many questions as possible. It’s important to fully understand the entire drug and/or alcohol rehabilitation process. Most treatment centers start off with a detoxification period first so that drugs can be cleansed from the body and then a patient will usually go through an inpatient or an outpatient program. To find more information about these programs, type inpatient rehab near me or outpatient treatment near me into a search engine. There is a lot of information online about these treatment programs so that you can find out which one would better suit what you are looking for.
The Setting of Drug or Alcohol Rehabilitation
There are many questions that people have over drug or alcohol rehabilitation. A common question is-what does the setting look like? The reputation on rehabilitation is that if feels and looks like jail. Rehab centers have come a long way in recent years to provide a very comfortable setting for their patients to heal and grow in. Many facilities offer dozens of services and amenities.
12-Step Meetings
Trauma Therapy
Individual and Group Counseling
Psychiatric and Medical Evaluations
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)
CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)
DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy)
Life Skills Training
Family Therapy
Health and Fitness
Massage Therapy
Music Therapy
Art Therapy
Expressive Therapy
Cinema Therapy
Animal-Assisted Therapy
Fun and Adventurous Outings
Therapeutic Massage
Mindful Nutrition Programs
Personal Training
There are some luxurious drug and alcohol treatment centers that offer more amenities such as private rooms, gourmet meals, maid services, saunas, sun rooms, security, spa treatment and beach outings.
A lot of drug and alcohol rehab centers provide that home-like feel to their patients so that they can feel at home while recovering.
Different Treatment Programs
There are different types of treatment programs in a drug rehabilitation center. There is short-term, long-term, inpatient, and outpatient. These four are not pit against each other as far as which one is generally better than the other. It just all boils down to which one is better for you or your loved one.
Long-Term VS Short-Term
Short-term programs generally last between 28-30 days. Short-term is great for people who have just started using drugs and are fairly new to drug addiction. It can provide a supportive foundation to build a recovery off of if a person is not heavily addicted to drugs. For people who do have a strong addiction or have had an addiction for years, a short-term program is usually not successful. Relapse rates are high in patients who do not receive the right kind of treatment for their addiction duration and strength.
Long-term programs are for patients who have been struggling with addiction for years or who have a very strong addiction to drugs or alcohol. They are also for patients who are struggling with a dual diagnosis such as PTSD and alcohol addiction or anxiety and opioid addiction. A long-term program can last anywhere from a few months to a year or longer. It entirely depends on the doctor’s recommendation and the patient’s recovery method.
Outpatient VS Inpatient
For outpatient treatment for drugs or alcohol, therapy and counseling are completed at the facility but patients can continue to live at home instead of the facility. This allows patients to continue to take care of their children or family members and continue to go to work or school.  This type of treatment works well for patients who have a strong support system at home. Also, counseling appointments can be made in the evenings or on weekends to help with school and work schedules. Outpatient treatment also costs less than inpatient since a patient does not have to pay for room and board at the facility.
Inpatient treatment also called residential rehab is great for patients who are struggling with addiction and do not have a support system at home. Or for patients who are constantly struggling with the urge to use or have a hard time showing up for their group sessions. Patients who are coping with a dual diagnosis can benefit from inpatient treatment as well. Around-the-clock care is given in an inpatient facility so that people can benefit from a full recovery.
What is a Dual Diagnosis?
Dual diagnosis is when a patient is diagnosed with addiction and mental or eating disorder such as depression, ADHD, anxiety disorders, trauma, etc. Most often a patient who enters drug or alcohol will be diagnosed with a dual diagnosis which requires more of an intensive treatment. Simply type in dual diagnosis treatment centers in a search engine online to find more information about a program that can help you.
The Drug Rehabilitation Process
Drug rehabilitation can be very rewarding but it can also produce a lot of anxious feelings which is why many people choose not to go. A breakdown in to the drug rehabilitation process should be helpful in eliminating some of the well-known fears around rehab.
Drug or Alcohol Myths Debunked
“I have to quit cold turkey.”
This is a myth because doctors do not use the cold-turkey method with their patients. Patients are slowly tapered off of the drug that’s in their system via a drug like Methadone, Buprenorphine, Naltrexone or even anti-depressants. It is very difficult to quit drugs at home without medical supervision.
“I’ve hit rock bottom if I go to rehab.”
You go to treatment so that you do not hit rock bottom. Treatment offers the support needed to make a recovery.
“I can’t afford a drug rehabilitation center.”
Insurance companies are very good about offering to pay for drug rehabilitation and there are many non-profit and government funded drug rehab centers available as well. There is always an option to get treatment. You can start with your local social services office to find out more information.
“I can’t stand the thought of going through withdrawal.”
Withdrawal can be a hard time for patients and it can come with some pretty awful withdrawal symptoms but it’s also a very important part of the process that can lead to a happy and healthy recovery. Without mud, there is no lotus.
Once you have found a treatment center that is a great fit for everything that you are looking for, you will have to go through an assessment period. An assessment is a series of questions about your drug use. The staff at the facility wants to know what drugs you are currently taking and if you are mixing that drug with other drugs or with alcohol. You’ll also be asked information about drug use history such as when you first started using and when your last dose was. This will help the staff to know if their facility is a right fit for you and what type of program you should be recommended for.
Next you’ll go through a process known as an intake. This is another series of questions that delves deeper into your history so there will be questions about you family’s medical, mental and drug history as well as questions about your own. This starts the admittance portion of your process where you will go over some financial arrangements, sign a lot of documents and receive a list of items that are not permitted in the facility. After which, you will receive a physical exam to check vital signs to make sure your body can handle detox. There will also be a blood and urine test administered during this time. At this point, a doctor will decide if detox is necessary or if you can go straight into inpatient or outpatient treatment. If drugs or alcohol are found in your system, you will need to go to detox first.
Detox cleanses the body of all drugs and alcohol and can take as little as 3 days or up to 7 days to complete. During which time, the body is going through a lot of different changes and some withdrawal symptoms.
Drug Withdrawal
Flu-like symptoms
Runny nose
Muscle aches
  Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms
Irritability/Mood Swings
Clammy Skin
Elevated Heart Rate
Pale Face
Shallow Breathing
Loss of Appetite
Whether withdrawal symptoms are severe or not is dependent on several different factors:
Medical and Mental Health
Type of Drug or Alcohol Being Used
Method of Drug Use (swallowing, injecting, smoking or snorting)
Family History
Genetic Makeup
Inpatient and Outpatient Treatment
The next step after detox is to go through inpatient or outpatient treatment. One of these options will be recommended by your doctor but if inpatient treatment is recommended, you will end up receiving outpatient treatment as well.
Residential Treatment Center (RTC) – RTC is an inpatient treatment that is devoted to keeping patients sober, healthy and working toward a full recovery. There are many times during RTC where a patient will be enduring individual and group therapy but there is also free time that allows a patient to read, write, draw or even take a walk. RTC also involves other types of therapy like art and music and to help with fitness and health, yoga classes are provided. Meditation is also welcomed in inpatient treatment since it is proven to be helpful in clearing stress and negativity which is needed when a person is breaking free of drugs or alcohol. This program usually last 28-30 days but longer programs can be more beneficial to patients who have a severe or long-running addiction.
Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) – PHP is an outpatient program that takes place at a drug or alcohol treatment center 5-7 days a week for 6 hours a day. This program helps to provide some structure while also allowing a patient to come and go from the facility to take care of one’s responsibilities at home or at school. PHP is great for patients who have a strong support system at home. Life and coping skills will be taught during this programs as well as family meetings to help everyone stay on the same page.
Intensive Outpatient Treatment (IOP) – Both PHP and IOP are typically recommended for a patient who has been through RTC but both can be recommended as outpatient programs for patients who haven’t been through the first program. IOP is another program that will take place at a drug or alcohol rehab center. Typically, a patient will go to IOP for 3 hours a day, 3 days a week. The program is a precursor to support groups. IOP helps patients to talk to one another in a social setting that is designed very similarly to a support group which will be recommended once IOP is completed.
  Aftercare is talked about religiously in all three programs because both inpatient and outpatient treatments are structured to help a patient to fly solo in their recovery. By developing an aftercare pattern someone who is recovering from drug or alcohol addiction doesn’t have to be alone. Thankfully, support groups give everyone a place to go to talk out their frustrations and emotions. Support groups are full of people who are going through the same thing you are. Some people are just starting their path to recovery just like you and others have been on the road to recovery for 20 plus years. However, everyone will tell you the same thing that there is no cure for drug or alcohol addiction, so keep coming back. Support groups work if one is willing to put the work in but showing up is only half of it, letting out emotions and talking about drug cravings is the other half. It’s important to show up and to be part of the meeting. Finding a sponsor is also important because this is a person you can call night and day who will help keep you on the straight and narrow path to recovery.
Aftercare also involves the keep busy method. An idle mind is a bad place for someone who is trying to stay away from drugs or alcohol so it’s important to develop a hobby such as writing, drawing, sports, swimming, etc. There are many to choose from so pick something that you really enjoy doing and have some fun. As long as it’s positive and keeps your mind off of drugs and alcohol it can be a great addition to your daily life. Experts agree that longer rehab programs yield better results for sobriety, 30, and 60 day programs are find, but if you can attend a 90 day inpatient drug rehab program your changes of long-term sobriety increase.
Drug and alcohol treatment centers are there to provide a service to struggling addicts. Drug rehabilitation might sound scary and intimidating but it doesn’t have to be. There are so many great things that can come from obtaining your sobriety. Life looks dark when you are wearing the glasses that addiction puts on you. By taking them off, you are gaining your freedom and power back, a freedom that will allow you to do anything with the rest of your life. The first step is to decide to make that change by making the first call.
Call a drug or alcohol treatment center today and change your life tomorrow.
from The Recover https://ift.tt/2COMFX9
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sherristockman · 8 years
Legal Filing Accuses EPA of Unfairly Protecting Monsanto Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Glyphosate — the active ingredient in Monsanto's wide-spectrum herbicide Roundup and other pesticides — is the most widely used agricultural chemical in the world, and has been detected in a wide array of samples, including blood, urine, breast milk and drinking water. A German study1 published in 2012 showed that even those with no direct agricultural contact have significant concentrations of glyphosate in their urine — concentrations ranging from five to 20 times the permissible limit for glyphosate in German drinking water. Similarly, tests conducted by the University of San Francisco, published in May last year, showed that 93 percent of Americans have detectable levels of glyphosate in their urine.2 If you believe Monsanto's PR department, this is no cause for concern, as — in their estimation — glyphosate is harmless. However, independent studies suggest otherwise. In March, 2015, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a research arm of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the "gold standard" in carcinogenicity research, reclassified glyphosate as a "probable human carcinogen" (Class 2A).3,4 Additionally, research scientist and consultant Anthony Samsel reports that he has uncovered evidence showing Monsanto has known glyphosate promotes cancer since 1981. Environmental Protection Agency Accused of Colluding With Monsanto Based on the IARC's determination, the California agency of environmental hazards (OEHHA) declared glyphosate a carcinogen under Proposition 65, and will require all glyphosate-containing products to carry a cancer warning. Monsanto attempted to overturn the OEHHA's decision, but Fresno County Superior Court Judge Kristi Kapetan ruled against it5,6,7 — an action seen as a boon to the 60 or more plaintiffs suing Monsanto, claiming Roundup caused or contributed to their non-Hodgkin lymphoma. In its defense, Monsanto has relied heavily on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) determination that the chemical is "not likely to be carcinogenic" to humans — a decision issued on September 12, 2016.8 But just how objective was the EPA in its evaluation of the available science? According to some of the experts on the scientific advisory panel convened to evaluate the strength of the EPA's decision, the EPA appears to have violated its own guidelines by discounting and downplaying data from studies linking glyphosate to cancer.9 According to a recent court filing requesting the deposition of Jess Rowland, former associate director of the EPA's Pesticide Health Effects Division,10 the EPA's favorable ruling on glyphosate was reached to protect Monsanto's interests. As reported by The Huffington Post:11 "The filing,12 made [February 27, 2017] by plaintiff's attorneys, includes what the attorneys represent to be correspondence from a 30-year career EPA scientist accusing top-ranking EPA official Jess Rowland of playing 'your political conniving games with the science' to favor pesticide manufacturers such as Monsanto. Rowland oversaw the EPA's cancer assessment for glyphosate … and was a key author of a report finding glyphosate was not likely to be carcinogenic. But in the correspondence, longtime EPA toxicologist Marion Copley cites evidence from animal studies and writes: 'It is essentially certain that glyphosate causes cancer.'" Legal Wrangling in the Works In her correspondence, dated March 4, 2013, the since-deceased Copley accuses Rowland of intimidating EPA staff to alter reports to favor the chemical industry. According to the featured article,13 " … [T]he communication, if authentic, could be an explosive development in the snowballing multi-district litigation … accusing Monsanto of covering up evidence that Roundup herbicide could cause cancer." Plaintiff lawyers are also requesting documents detailing Rowland's interactions with Monsanto to be unsealed. While Monsanto turned the documentation over during discovery, they were all marked confidential, which means they cannot be used as exhibits in court filings or be made public. Monsanto has also filed a court brief arguing the IARC classification of glyphosate as a probable human carcinogen should be disregarded as irrelevant in these cases. According to Monsanto, the IARC's approach is "less rigorous" than the EPA's, and its conclusions are "scientifically unreliable." Moreover, Monsanto claims "neither the views of IARC or EPA are necessarily relevant to the general causation issue of the litigation because plaintiffs will need to present admissible expert testimony showing the company's products in fact caused their cancers," The Huffington Post writes. House Bill Aims to Cement Industry Protection Against Litigation The EPA is not alone in aiding and abetting the chemical technology industry. On February 9, House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) introduced the "Fairness in Class Action Litigation Act of 2017" (H.R. 985),14 which opponents warn would make it nearly impossible for the average person to challenge a company in court. According to Joanne Doroshow, executive director of the Center for Justice and Democracy: "The bill is designed to ensure that no class action could ever be brought or litigated for anyone. It would obliterate civil rights, antitrust, consumer, essentially every class action in America." For example, the bill would require counsel for a plaintiff to submit sufficient verification of the allegations within 45 days of filing the civil action. Verification of allegations include "evidentiary support (including but not limited to medical records) for the factual contentions in plaintiff's complaint regarding the alleged injury, the exposure to the risk that allegedly caused the injury and the alleged cause of the injury." This deadline cannot be extended, and if the judge decides the evidentiary support is insufficient, the civil action is to be dismissed without prejudice. The class action must also prove that each class member "suffered the same type and scope of injury as the named class representative or representatives." Ironically, the bill would also require all class members to prove they have no conflicts of interest in the case. Scientific Consensus Statement on Glyphosate In February, 2016, a group of researchers published a consensus statement15,16 on glyphosate-based herbicides (GBH). As noted in this paper, GBHs "were developed to replace or reduce reliance on herbicides causing well-documented problems associated with drift and crop damage, slipping efficacy and human health risks." Initial toxicity testing by the industry itself suggested these formulations posed low risks to non-target species, mammals and human health. As a result, high acceptable exposure limits were set worldwide. Limits were raised even higher to accommodate increased usage on genetically engineered (GE), herbicide-tolerant crops. Since 1974, 1.8 million tons of glyphosate have been applied to U.S. fields; two-thirds of that volume has been sprayed in the last 10 years.17 Between 1974 and 2014, 9.4 million tons of glyphosate were used worldwide. However, the scientific evidence that has emerged over the past decade "point to the need for a fresh look at glyphosate toxicity." Based on "current published literature describing GBH uses, mechanisms of action, toxicity in laboratory animals, and epidemiological studies," the authors present seven conclusions, starting with the facts that GBHs are the most widely applied herbicides in the world, and that glyphosate is a commonly found contaminant in drinking water, rain and air. In addition to that, the scientific evidence suggests that: The half-life of glyphosate in water and soil is longer than previously recognized Glyphosate and its metabolites are widely present in the global soybean supply Human exposures to GBHs are rising Glyphosate is now authoritatively classified as a probable human carcinogen Regulatory estimates of tolerable daily intakes for glyphosate in the United States and European Union are based on outdated science Causative Link Found Between Glyphosate and Fatty Liver Disease The paper recommends investing in more studies "that draw on the principles of endocrinology to determine whether the effects of GBHs are due to endocrine disrupting activities." This recommendation arose from findings that glyphosate displays hormone-disrupting effects in some experiments, and many endocrine disrupting (ED) chemicals are known to affect human health even at minute levels. For example, in one recent animal study,18 Roundup was found to cause fatty liver disease at 0.1 parts per billion (ppb) in drinking water, which is 14,000 times lower than the concentration permitted in U.S. drinking water (700 ppb). At this dose, the daily intake level of glyphosate amounted to 4 nanograms per kilogram of bodyweight per day, which is 437,500 times below the permitted intake level in the U.S. This is said to be the first study to present a causative link between dietary exposure to Roundup and serious disease, and endocrine disruption is one of the proposed mechanisms. Disturbingly, previous tests showing glyphosate levels in urine suggest Americans have a daily intake of glyphosate that is about 1,000-fold higher than the level found to cause fatty liver disease in rats. Another recent study found Roundup adversely affects the development of female rats' uteruses, increasing the risk for both infertility and uterine cancer.19 So why is no action taken to protect human health? It really boils down to the fact that without Roundup and other GBHs the GE seed business would collapse, and chemical technology companies, with their vast resources and revolving doors into government regulatory agencies, have managed to deceive people into thinking there's no problem. Many Organizations Warn Endocrine Disrupting Chemical Exposures Are Affecting Human Health According to a report20,21 by the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics,22 which represents OB-GYNs in 125 countries, chemical exposures, including pesticides, represent a major threat to human health and reproduction. Pesticides are also included in a recent scientific statement on endocrine-disrupting chemicals by the Endocrine Society task force.23,24 This task force warns that the health effects of hormone-disrupting chemicals is such that everyone needs to take proactive steps to avoid them — especially those seeking to get pregnant, pregnant women and young children, as even extremely low-level pesticide exposures have been found to considerably increase the risk of certain diseases. For example, evidence25 suggests endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) play a role in obesity, diabetes-related non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, reduced fertility, hormone-sensitive cancers, thyroid diseases and neurodevelopmental diseases. According to GM Watch:26 "Scientists have calculated that in the U.S. alone, pesticide EDs cause some 7,500 annual serious disability cases and generate annual medical and lost work costs of about $45 billion. A study (covering some … EDC-associated diseases within the [EU] puts annual costs to health services within this region at €150 billion per annum and some $340 billion in the U.S." The author of that GM Watch article, Ramon Seidler, Ph.D., a retired senior research scientist and team leader of the Genetically Engineered Organism biosafety program at the EPA, concludes: "It is long past time for the U.S. Congress to change the rules that now require industry to study and report risk evaluations to regulators prior to sale of new chemicals. Realities dictate that the opposite should be the case; i.e., regulators and government or academic scientists should conduct and study chemical safety parameters and report the independent results to industry. Funding for such determinations could come from an industry registration tax for each chemical being registered ... Today we need to know why the U.S. EPA and other regulators around the world continue to make what many scientists and members of the public feel are decisions that lack common sense. In the U.S., I believe that we need publicly visible, politically courageous investigations within regulatory agencies, perhaps conducted by the Office of Inspector General, to attempt resolution of these crucial matters …" Potential Health Effects of Glyphosate Exposure Glyphosate is most heavily applied on GE corn, soybeans and sugar beets, but it's also commonly used to desiccate conventional (non-GMO but non-organic) wheat and protect other conventional crops from weeds. Glyphosate and Roundup may be even worse than DDT, having been linked to an ever-growing array of health effects, including:27,28 ✓ Nutritional deficiencies, especially minerals, as glyphosate immobilizes certain nutrients and alters the nutritional composition of the treated crop ✓ Disruption of the biosynthesis of aromatic amino acids (these are essential amino acids not produced in your body that must be supplied via your diet) ✓ Increased toxin exposure (this includes high levels of glyphosate and formaldehyde in the food itself) ✓ Impairment of sulfate transport and sulfur metabolism; sulfate deficiency ✓ Systemic toxicity — a side effect of extreme disruption of microbial function throughout your body; beneficial microbes in particular, allowing for overgrowth of pathogens ✓ Gut dysbiosis (imbalances in gut bacteria, inflammation, leaky gut and food allergies such as gluten intolerance) ✓ Enhancement of damaging effects of other food-borne chemical residues and environmental toxins as a result of glyphosate shutting down the function of detoxifying enzymes ✓ Creation of ammonia (a byproduct created when certain microbes break down glyphosate), which can lead to brain inflammation associated with autism and Alzheimer's disease ✓ Increased antibiotic resistance ✓ Increased cancer risk29,30,31,32
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