#it also doesn’t feel fair that Violet has been surrounded by endless love her entire life gets praised for believing in it and gets 2
kat-rose-griffith · 4 months
Does anyone else want to see Portia Featherington get knocked on her ass by love or is that just me? Like it’s really sad to me that she so factually doesn’t believe in romantic love. Obviously she didn’t have it with her useless prick of a husband, but her being so certain that love is just a fairytale means she didn’t see it anywhere in her family growing up either. I mean it’s not at all necessary to her character and not everyone needs to fall in romantic love, as she said her kids are her love, but I just think it would be neat seeing a character like her thinking romantic love is entirely imaginary and getting another chance to get completely floored by it
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marquezlegacy · 7 years
The First Battle
Year: 500
Part One [told from Salvatore’s point of view, is before the actual fight happens]
He agreed to fight her at dawn of that day, when the sun was not at its full potential, and when the moon’s pull was not the strongest either. It was a fair compromise that sought to balance the scales, and so I of course was suspicious and suggested to Angelica that she not fight him until the sun had fully risen.
Angelica, of course, did not listen to me.
In her faith and stubbornness, she assured me that the fairer the battle the better. I don’t think she understood that no one would blame her for cheating in this battle, so long as her victory and the safety of the planet were secured. Or maybe her endless nobility and gentleness was what created such a stubborn mindset in her.
Even at such a time, she was unwilling to change her character for fear of becoming just as terrible as Xavier.
I awakened her at around one in the morning, bathed her glistening golden body as she fell in and out slumber in the warm water, and woke her every time she dozed off for more than a few minutes.
She had not mentioned it, but that day was her 17th birthday.
And once I had helped her dress and fixed her hair in braids and knots to do battle in, I took seize of her hand and kissed her mouth. I fed her strawberries and grapes, and made her drink the golden wine of the Gods, which she took with pleasure and easiness.
I felt it all come heavily over me in that moment. Watching her consume everything I had to give her, watching her golden eyes flutter open and shut, watching the way her soft lips curled and closed and spoke… I felt it all inside of me.
A growing pain over my heart made it almost unbearable to watch as she stood from the table and made her way to the door. I didn’t even move from where I sat. I kept my feet firmly rooted to the ground.
She even turned to look at me, those ever piercing and perceptive eyes read me a million times and understood my begging heart without my having to utter a single sound. She smiled at me.
Oh, when I tell you about her smile, you must believe that it is the most beautiful thing I have seen. She fills my soul with light and opens my body to feelings I have always suppressed and ignored and her smile, I swear to all I know, is perhaps the only thing that’ll steady me.
“Nothing will go wrong, Salvatore,” she promised me, and held a long outstretched arm to me, and asked with her eyes for me to come with her, “after all, I had a brilliant trainer.”
I’ve always dreamed of inheriting the throne. Of ruling my Kingdom with a fist of iron and a strength that could only be compared to a volcano. I never dreamed of love or lovers or soul mates. I’ve never feared the death of anyone, and I’ve never shied away from fights that could result in death.
Yet here I stand, watching my soulmate with her glistening smile and glowing eyes, holding her hand out to me… leaving… leaving to fight death himself. What if she doesn’t return? What if this is her last fight? What if she forgets all I’ve taught her, what if she flinches on the battlefield? What then?
What will be left of me if there is no her?
But no amount of my fear nor pleading eyes would make her turn against the world and flea him with me. She did not want to runaway from this.
And so I stood, and took her hand and followed her to the battle field.
Part Two
I’ve spent two hundred years awake, ready to face whatever impossibly strong and capable God my father and uncles would have created to combat me... but instead... here you are.
Xavier, if you stand down now, I won’t hurt you... you’ll be exiled, but I won’t lay a hand on you.
You honestly think you can make deals with me? Girl, you are below me. I will destroy you in just a moment. And when he walks the ground shakes beneath her feet, and she feels it fling her up into the air, and he watches with amusement as she is hoisted up into the sky. See? You’re so weak...
But the air is hers to manipulate now, and she seizes hold of it and dives for the ground, surrounded now by a tornado, flinging rocks at the man before her. STAND DOWN, XAVIER!
He side stepped a rock, looking surprised. How did my idiot brother teach you to control the air? He hissed, and responded by splitting the ground to try and avoid her attacks. He slid under the ground.
Angelica at first made no moves. She was calling back the knowledge she had gained from Salvatore, and she heard him speaking to her in her head, repeating the same phrases about trusting herself and listening closely. And so she did.
And she heard him.
She slammed herself down onto the Earth and ripped the ground apart with her hands. There was Xavier, holding himself up against the two walls, and Angelica jumped right into the hole. Her feet hit him right in the chest, hard enough to kill him, and tossed him down a thousand feet, only to fall down those feet with him.
She groaned heavily, and realized she had hurt her feet performing that move. She was sitting on her butt, and Xavier had slipped away. She cursed and stood up, limping slightly, and filling her hand with the purple magic of the healers to fix herself.
Where are you? She shouted into the abyss, and tried without success to find him. She was damaged from the fall and it was affecting her Wicked powers. She couldn’t find his brain.
She focused first on healing her feet. And Xavier took this time to stalk around her in his shadows.
She was stronger than he had suspected, but he knew that she could in no way be cunning or intelligent like him. It was just a simple logical fact that women weren’t as bright as men, and so he began to create a plan.
Slowly, the room filled with a chill ice, and Angelica’s violet healing toned down. Her hands trembled as they touched her wound and she felt her heart beat slow slightly.
She pressed her free hand to the ground and stayed silent, so quiet that Xavier thought she was dead, and he almost cheered with joy.
But then her eyes opened and the walls of the hole they had created began to tremble violently. Xavier was thrown into the light, and pushing her foot deep into the Earth, she kicked him back out of the hole, and then jumped out herself.
She closed the hole and he fell onto the ground, and so did she.
He was treating a head wound, she was treating her feet, which were bleeding.
It occurred to Xavier now that Angelica was still not at her full potential, and he knew he could use this to take her down.
He spoke with a cool, calm voice. You’re right... I do need to stand down... All of this fighting... what is it worth? You and I, Angelica, could work together... we could keep balance and peace in this world together.
Xavier, please listen to me... I don’t wish to hurt you. I know nothing of you, but someone that has hurt so many must do it because of some pain that they hold inside themselves. She looked up at him compassionate and understanding eyes that only drove Xavier to hate her more. Whatever it is that poisons you, please... know that you aren’t alone. You have a brother that could help you, and you and I came from the same man, too, and I could help you, too... I’m sure that Vulcan wouldn’t have been happy to see us fighting. I’m sure he would have wanted you to live just as much as he wanted me to.
Oh, you sweet girl... you... your kindness really inspires me... It makes me want to do so much better. Here, Angelica, take my hand... I’ll help you heal. He knelt down at her side, held his hands up to show her he meant now harm, and then he slowly placed his hands there on her wounds.
At first she felt the soft violet healing taking effect, and then just as the bones were about to heal...
Angelica cried out loudly into the air, screaming violently and in pain. And Xavier pinned her down to the Earth with one hand, using the other to snap her other ankle.
Another scream erupted from the tortured Angelica and Salvatore moved forward, tried to stop him, but Xavier shot him a look back, and Salvatore knew that if he stepped in, Xavier would be able to use him against her.
He stepped back out, his fists tightening as he watched with horror and fear.
I tell you... your stupid positivity is really a nuisance... You’re so silly to think that I am anything more than myself, Angelica... I’m no hero... I have plans, I have goals in my life... and the only thing standing in the way of them... is you.
You better be careful, Xavier. When I get loose of you, you won’t stand a chance.
He scoffed right in her face, bound his hands around her neck and squeezed tightly, nearly suffocating her. You couldn’t stop me even if I was the weakest person on the planet... You, Angelica, are nothing but a little girl.
The Phoenix Queen? The Queen of Lions? Such brash titles to give over to a child that will amount to nothing but a singular battle that will also be her demise.
Angelica closed her eyes, she wasn’t breathing now and she was slowly losing oxygen and consciousness. He released her neck just before she could pass out, and then just as she was about to take a breath, he put his entire hand to her breastbone, and he pushed it all the way in. It nearly ruptured her heart, but he made sure to turn it away from her heart at the last minute.
Angelica lay there for a minute, convulsing with her rib cage open, and she felt Xavier digging out her heart. She couldn’t move. Her spine had been punctured by the breast bone and she was no fixed to the ground.
She was spitting up blood and her eyes were turning over, Salvatore began to scream for him to get away from her. He was trying to turn the ground around Xavier into lava, and he managed it, but not before Xavier pulled Angelica’s heart out with him.
[the next few lines are thoughts from Angelica, and a surprise guest]
If he eats my heart, will he have all of my power? No... that can’t be... I’m still alive... I’m still conscious... I might not be able to hold onto it for very long but...
who am I kidding...
I can’t get up from this...
My spine is broken, my chest is ripped open, and I could barely get my healing to work to fix my feet, and now both of them were broken too.
What the hell will I do?
I can’t do a thing...
I just have to lay here and die...
I can’t do this, Vulcan... I’m going to die... He has my heart already, and I can feel the life slowly draining out of me.
This is far from your time, Angelica. We are here, and we are waiting
So then I’ll go now... you guys won’t have to wait anymore... I’ll finally join you guys.
No. We will wait a million years to see you again, if we must, but today is not your day. Do you hear that, Angelica?
Salvatore... Salvatore... Salvatore’s in trouble.
If you leave now, this universe, and all the people you loved and have yet to meet but still love, will die. Make a choice, Angelica Estelle, will you live or die?
I’m living.
[back to present]
What a stupid man. You think you can kill me? You’ve trained her and look at her now! So weak and close to death! In a minute, I will become the World Ender! I will become the Ruiner of Man! THE GOD OF ALL GODS!
Salvatore did not stand down, he burned and burned the floor on which Xavier stood, making it more and more unstable with every second. Tears were stinging in his eyes, nearly blinding him, but a violent anger in his chest did not stop him from his attacks.
And then Xavier was pulled back violently. How, at first, was uncertain, and when Xavier looked up, he was being dragged along the ground by a tightly bound rope of air, and he made it all the way back to Angelica’s convulsing body. He could not move, no matter how hard he struggled, and so in response he squeezed the heart in his hand tighter and tighter.
At first he was given no response, and then he felt a hand grab violently at his hair, and tug it back, and then Angelica was staring down at him with glowing golden eyes.
As he attempted to fight back, he felt her rip the arm that held her heart, and his arm went flying away from him. She stood, with her chest still gaping and a giant hole in her spine, her feet still broken, and appeared at the side of her heart.
It went back into her chest, and her hands glowed purple with her magic.
He watched in utter horror as her body was put back together, and soon he was overcome with fury.
He lunged forward to respond, shot fire straight for her face, but when the fire cleared she was nowhere to be seen.
She grabbed him by the hair, wrapped her full arm around his long hair and slammed him repeatedly onto the Earth, hitting him and throwing him like he was a rag doll.
Salvatore stood back slightly, and in that moment Xavier’s head snapped upward, and his eyes glowed as he took control of Salvatore.
Salvatore stood firm, his eyes glowing pink as Xavier delivered the message. Attack.
Angelica dropped Xavier and did not notice what he had said to Salvatore. She did not notice until Salvatore was on top of her, trying to kill her. At first, she was shocked and scared, but she saw his eyes and she quickly took hold of him.
She possessed him herself and spoke one specific order. Leave, Salvatore. To the Castle. Protect the Kingdom. I’m going to finish this.
Salvatore stood up, and ran away, unable to control himself, only able to follow the instructions of a possession.
Angelica stood up, and stared at Xavier, who was trying now to restore her arm. She walked over to him calmly and spoke. Give up now. You’ll save yourself the shame if you drop this now.
Not a word uttered by either party.
And then disruption. Commotion.
Xavier slowly froze her brain, and tried to possess her. Angelica was stuck in one place, listening to his every order as he spoke. Her eyes glowed pink.
Don’t listen to him. Angelica. You’re stronger than him. You are the sun. Angelica, you are the sun. No amount of snow will ever put you out. No cold will ever extinguish you, ANGELICA! UNFREEZE YOUR BRAIN!
Now, if you just kill yourself, Angelica, that will solve everything for me.
I warned you enough times. She spoke in stutters, and Xavier was convinced of his victory, before she threw her hands around his skull and began to crush it. She stayed away from crushing it long enough to speak once more. You will resurrect, and when you do, if you are not a million percent good and reasonable, I will tear you dust by dust and ash by ash, and I WILL take your powers. Abandon all your hopes of ruling this universe, Xavier... Your cruelty will not be permitted so long as I am Angelica Estelle.
And she crushed his skull in, completely destroyed his brain and then set his body on fire. He was ash within a few minutes, and she stored his body inside of an enchanted urn made by the Five Gods.
The Ice Guard, Bryce, came and with the help of several others of his kind they took the urn down to Antarctica where the ashes were kept. When he would rise, he would rise in a cold place, and with a core of fire this cold place would surely affect his strength and would slow him down if he had any intentions of doing more wrongs.
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