#it also means AG is almost certainly a DELIBERATE reference to the TROLL version of captain hook
thewertsearch · 2 years
AG: Hey speaking of which, what will the name of our team 8e? AA: uh AA: the blue team AG: No no no no no. I know that. AG: I mean the name of OUR team. You and me. Just uuuuuuuus. AG: ::::) AA: i havent given it any th0ught AA: n0r did i think such a thing was up f0r c0nsiderati0n AA: but if y0u want t0 pretend we b0th have a separate team t0gether AA: and name that team AA: then kn0ck y0urself 0ut
God, this is so funny. Aradia’s so fucking done with this girl that she’s spontaneously developing emotions again, just so she can be sarcastic. 
AG: I just thought it would 8e really fitting. AG: Kind of like a fresh start, you know?
It sounds like AG is trying to patch up a falling-out between the two. It seems like an obvious lost cause, so I’m not sure what her angle is. 
Depending on the timing, she might not realize that post-Accident Aradia is essentially a different person. You can’t really be friends with a Voice-puppet.  
AG: I don't know, what are our shared interests? I guess I never really thought a8out this! I guess I'm used to thinking of you as the enemy. There must 8e some overlap in profiles. [...] AG: Man, it'll 8e great. We'll 8e unstoppa8le. Surely you must admit it will 8e nice to re8ound from the Team Charge de8acle!
They were enemies? That’s certainly easier to swallow than the idea that they were old friends. 
We’re almost certainly talking about the LARPing Incident, so maybe troll LARPing is competitive in some way. Like, maybe different ‘Teams’ roleplay as different ‘sides’ in a faux-conflict, and one day, things went way too far. 
AG: Hey speaking of which, that loser isn't going to 8e on the 8lue team is he? AA: which l0ser AG: Your old team 8uddy! AA: n0 AG: Oh thank fucking goodness! Talk a8out dead weight. [...]
This is probably Tavros, the previous target of AG’s harassment, and the only guy we know who LARPs. Unfortunately for both of them (but especially Tavros), they’ll be merged into the same team later on. 
AA: i didnt exclude him f0r that reas0n AA: 0r at all AA: y0ure just n0t getting it AA: y0u never listen
Tavros simply isn’t ‘destined’ to be on the Blue Team - but I doubt AG is a fan of fate. Predestination is a sign that you don’t have control. 
arachnidsGrip [AG] ceased trolling apocalypseArisen [AA] AA: d0nt d0 that its really childish AA: uh w0w
Unlike with so many other trolls, there’s no ‘I actually like you’ exchange at the end of this conversation. 
Things are really dire between these girls. 
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You try to be the mysterious spider girl and fail. She's way too mysterious for you to be her yet! Seriously, what's up with those glasses? What's up with that robo-arm? What's her deal!
Yeah, I’ve made an OC like this. I think we’ve all made an OC like this. 
Did she rip the sleeve off her shirt, just so she could show off her robot arm? That’s amazing, and I totally get it. 
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