#it could've been really interesting to have her grapple with the choice between her dad and college
danawinter · 3 years
i really wish that the writers would've given quinn something to tie all of her s3 plots together. i feel like this easily could've happened by having it come to light that in the summer between her junior and senior year she found out her dad isn't gonna pay for her college.
1. it would've given us a chance to get an insight into quinn's family trauma and how she's coping
2. it would've had more impact with her shift to becoming punk, if we found out that in her junior year she was still trying to appeal to her dad to get him back, but now she has completely given up
3. it would've explained a bit more why she is so desperate to get beth back, since without a chance to go to college and make something of herself, motherhood might feel like her only option
3b. also, being rejected once again by her dad might've made her want to get back in her daughter's life, because by giving her up for adoption she felt like she rejected beth the way her parents did her
4. it would've given more power to her deciding to try and get into yale anyway, because even if she gets in, she might never get to go
4b. her writing an essay about all of the trauma she's gone through could've felt like a genuine way of breaking free from her dad: instead of keeping all of her emotions inside and making things look better than they are, the way her dad taught her, she can be honest and open and get accepted for it
5. her reaction to the finchel wedding, beyond being very gay, could've been partially rooted in how she saw what making a rushed decision about marrying someone did to her mother, and she just wants rachel to be careful
6. perhaps her dad could've come around and wanted to support her financially once she got in her car accident, and quinn could be left wondering about the implications of either decision she could make
6b. on one the hand, taking his money would mean letting him into her life again with the risk of getting hurt again, but it would also give her the opportunity to make something of herself at long last
7. perhaps she could've included artie on making the decision (i don't exactly remember his family dynamic, but i do seem to recall that his mom and him live alone, so maybe his dad left his family too)
7b. this would've also made "i'm still standing" feel a bit less awkward, because even though the song choice seems poignant with their physical state, it would also feel cathartic for them to get to sing about how they will overcome their leaving dads
8. and maybe her tentative relationship with joe, and rachel telling her how happy she is that they are friends could've led to her realizing that relationships can be whatever she wants them to be; she doesn't have to choose between being super happy to be in her father's life or being complete strangers to each other, she can choose him to be whatever she wants and needs him to be
8b. additionally, she can learn that being an adult isn't about knowing everything or having everything figured out, and if you don't, just giving up; being an adult is having the strength to forge your own path and accept help from people when you need it, and keeping people at a certain distance if you are hesitant about them having too big of an impact of your life
9. also, we could've had quinn's mom promising to protect her from her dad, which would've shown huge character growth from the women who three years prior let her husband throw her daughter out
long story short, i wish glee was a better written show
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