#it didn't feel like unique human compassion much. Like you can see with friendships between the other characters.
nochuelinha ยท 2 months
Androids Can Love ? Part 2
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I noticed a flicker of doubt or perhaps even compassion in Connor's expression. His eyes seemed to waver for a brief moment, a crack in the relentless facade he maintained. It was as if, for a fleeting moment, he glimpsed the humanity in the desperate situation of the androids. Uncertainty hung in the air, making it difficult to discern whether it was real or just a momentary illusion. However, that glimpse of weakness could be the opportunity I needed to change the course of events and find a peaceful solution to the situation.
With pain pulsating through my body, I reached out my trembling hand toward Connor, seeking a gesture of understanding and humanity. Holding onto the side of my body as a vivid reminder of the brutality of the conflict, I pleaded with him to lower the weapon. Our eyes met, searching for a spark of empathy, a connection beyond violence. He looked at me with expressive eyes and lowered the gun, his gaze unwavering. Hank arrived with a sigh and saw the two androids leaving. The last thing I saw was Connor's concerned face calling out to me before I blacked out.
I woke up in a hospital bed, recalling the scenes from the night before. My body was sore and numb, with flowers and balloons by my bedside. The door opened, revealing Hank, his face displaying a mixture of concern and relief, reflecting the intensity of the events that had transpired.
"Girl, you took quite a beating," he said with a chuckle, but the act hurt more than I imagined. I glanced at the door, hoping to see Connor, and Hank noticed my actions, smiling.
"Your knight in shining armor stayed by your side all night, like a puppy dog, but he had to leave to file a report or was it a backup?" I sighed and relaxed into the bed.
"You know, he looks at you differently, as if you were his owner, the thing that inspires him to be all pompous and proud," Hank said seriously. I absorbed his words with a mix of surprise and reflection. The idea of being an inspiration to Connor seemed strange, but at the same time, I recognized the depth of the bond between us. The seriousness in Hank's voice made it clear that he perceived something special in this dynamic, something that went beyond the superficial.
"Hank, he's an android, he can't have feelings," I tried to reassure myself, but I didn't want to believe my own words. Hank looked at me with a serious expression before responding.
"I know it's hard to believe, but sometimes the lines between what's human and what's not can get blurred. Connor may be an android, but he's much more than just circuits and programming. He has the ability to learn, to evolve, and yes, even to feel. Maybe not in the same way as us, but in a unique and meaningful way to him," Hank's words echoed in my mind. If this were true, then Connor could also be considered a deviant. The idea of Connor being a deviant, if he could feel and have his own consciousness, certainly challenged the established norms about androids. My thoughts plunged into a storm of questions and possibilities, questioning the ethical and moral ramifications of this discovery.
If Connor was indeed a deviant, it raised questions about his freedom, his rights, and his place in society. I found myself facing a complex dilemma, where the lines between right and wrong became increasingly blurred. The confusion grew even greater as I added my own growing feelings that were taking root in me. Could I like him in a way that wasn't just friendly? The possibility of developing feelings beyond friendship for Connor shed a new light on my relationship with him. I found myself confronting a torrent of unknown and confusing emotions, questioning my own identity and desires. As I explored these emerging feelings, it became clear that the line between what is human and what is not could be more blurred than I ever imagined.
"Girl, don't overthink it, just feel. You've always been more interested in him than most," Hank teased me, enjoying my little torment. A nurse entered and added some more painkillers to my IV bag, and I fell into a deep sleep. I dreamed of Connor's sweet eyes and a world where I could love him.
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