#it didn't sit well with me that i missed your bithday :(
raplinenthusiasts · 5 months
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IT'S NOT A BIG DEAL by Kim Taehyung
for @magicshop
cr. qdeoks
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thirstyfortom · 7 years
how about MC couldn't get a present for the twins (probably because they didn't tell her it was their birthday), so MC puts on a bow and tell them she will be their gift? it's up to you if this is smutty or not?
Countdown to the Cake: 2
MC as a bithday gift
“Oh MC~~you missed a spot!” Saeyoung points and smiles teasingly.
“Saeyoung,I’m tired, I’m hungry, my clothes are wet and I look like a mess. Don’t youthink it’s enough?”
“MC… I’mkind enough to help you clean my babies in my birthday and that’s how you payme? Oh… I guess people like me aren’t meant to have a happy birthday after all…”he says dramatically, you roll your eyes.
“You’rejust taking advantage of me! I told you I was gonna be your gift, not your maidor…” oh no, you should not have used that word, you look at him and his eyesgleam mischievously.
“Yes, you’reright… and your clothes are all wet, maybe you should change? I might have somespare clothes for you…”
How did youend up here? Oh yeah…  it was thismorning, you dropped by to grab the HBC bags he promised you and smelled somethingburning in the kitchen.
“Shit! Mybirthday cake!”
“Why wereyou doing birthday cake?”
“For mybirthday, obviously!”
“Your birthday?When is your birthday, Saeyoung?”
“June 11th”
“Do youmean today?” he nodded, then sighed in frustration, looking at the amount ofblack burnt dough. “Now what will I have for my birthday?”
You feltbad for him… “Well, you…  you can haveme!” you stated, smiling nervously and hoping he wouldn’t take this in thewrong way… “I’ll be… you birthday gift! We can do whatever you want!”
When yousaid that, you were expecting he would want to hang out in the amusement parkor in an arcade, how could you imagine he would want you to help him wash hiscars? And how could you imagine he would turn into this sadistic evil littlemonster throwing water in you on purpose?
So now,here you are changing to a freaking maid costume, of course those would be theonly spare clothes he would have for you! You just hope he doesn’t ask fornothing weird like speaking in a French accent or something like this.
“Come out,MC! I wanna see you…~” he smiles teasingly, but his smile fades away as youtimidly step out of his room. “MC… you look…”
“Pathetic,I know.” Not what he was thinking of at all… oh god… you looked adorable and…sexy… and the tiara with a little bow on it made you really resemble a birthdaygift.
He looksaway, blushing. You look down, feeling ridiculous. Why this silence right now?You two never have a problem finding interests in common and subjects to talkabout, the deepest and meaningful conversations or the silliest and weirderst ones, you two can always feel a true connection.
“Can wefinish polishing the cars?” you ask, finally gathering some courage to look athim.
“Y-yeah,le-let’s do it…” he doesn’t look back at you.
Thepolishing is torture, he is trying to focus, but it’s impossible as you bentdown in one of the cars to polish its hood, your skirt is so short! His handsworks in circles, but only then he realizes there is no car, he is polishingthe air, looking at you, his mouth ajar.
“I finishedthis one, Saeyoung, do you want some help?” he is still staring and doesn’tanswer. “Saeyoung?” you look at him, curious.
“It’s good,MC… you did a great job… you look… great, you… are… great…” he gulps when you startwalking towards him.
“I… am?”you tilt your head and smile. “Saeyoung?”
“Why didn’tyou tell me it was your birthday before?”
“I… I don’tknow. I’m just very used to spend this day alone. I… didn’t know if I couldtell you, I still have these habits of not telling much about me to people I…like.” your heart flutter, is he trying to confess? Oh… You knew there was more behind this tease sadistic side of him.
“You couldhave told me. I would have known what to do for you.” You come really close, hecan feel your breath against his face.
“I thinkyou know exactly what you’re doing right now, MC.” He says, his eyes followingyour lips with lust.
“Only ifyou know what to do next.”
He smirksbefore attacking your lips, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling youeven closer. Your tongues dance together as you two trip in your own feet till theback of your knees meet the car’s hood, making you sit.
His tonguetravels down you moth to your jaw, making you spread your legs to bring himcloser as he kisses your neck, the hand which was holding you tight against himgoes a little up, reaching for the zipper in the maid dress.
“H-Happybirthday, Saeyoung…”
“Oh, for the very fisrt time in a long time, itwill be…” he says breathlessly, making you lie in the car’s hood as his bodykeeps pressed against yours.
Saeyoungwas busy for the day and asked you to pick Saeran in the therapy. He usuallywould get back quieter than usual after the sessions. Although it concerned youand made you wonder if the therapy was really helping, you wouldn’t sayanything in order to get him even more nervous.
“Hey, howwas it?”
“Fine.” Yes,that’s what he usually says.
“Okay,wanna get some ice cream?”
“No, nottoday.” Oh… that was weird… he never turned down ice cream.
“Okay… so I’lltake you home.”
“I wanna goto your place.” He says, looking away, you can’t help feeling surprise. “What?Something wrong?”
“No, not atall. It’s just… you never want to go to my place without Saeyoung.”
“Today it’sdifferent.” Then he looks at you, and even though you don’t know why, how canyou say no?
You gethome and tell him to make himself comfortable. He sits in the couch and startsmessing with his phone.
“So, uhm…your therapist… how is she?”
“She’sokay, I guess. Why?”
“I don’tknow, it’s just…  I don’t know much abouther, that’s all.”
“She’sfine, she says some weird stuff sometimes, but I don’t hate her.” Wow, okay, somaybe he likes her, that’s good. “Do you have cupcakes? I want cupcakes.”
“I don’t,but… maybe I can try to make a few. Do you want to help me?”
You put onyour apron and help him with his, he looks slightly embarrassed when you almosthug him as you tie a bow in the apron. You start working on making thecupcakes, and and now you are waiting to take it out of the oven.
“So… if youdon’t mind me asking, why cupcakes? Why not ice cream?”
“She says Ineed to do different things in special days, so I can feel the difference andknow what’s special and what’s not, some bullshit like that.” Some bullshit he’slistening to.
“Oh… sotoday is a special day, huh?” why could that be?
“Yeah,Saeyoung even got me a present. Though he’s always giving me presents, I don’tknow what changes just because it’s our birthday. Can you put sprinkles in the frosting?Will you do some frosting?” you blink a couple of times, staring at him. “Iguess not, then…”
“Saeran…today it’s your birthday?”
“Yeah. Why?”
“Oh, it’sjust… I didn’t know.”
“Of courseyou didn’t, I didn’t tell you.” Well, yeah… that’s the point. You look reallyembarrassed, clearing your throat and avoiding his gaze. “What’s wrong?”
“I…nothing. I… am sorry, I didn’t know, I… didn’t get you anything. I thought thiswas just a regular day. I mean, I’ve been wondering when your birthday would beand what could I get you, but… I could never imagine it was today…”
“It’s fine.So, uhm… what did you think about getting me for a gift?”
“I… here’sthe thing, I… couldn’t think of anything, so I was… wondering about offeringmyself as your gift. You know… going to anywhere you want to go, do what youwould like to do for the day, stupid cheesy things that, now that I come to thinkof it, are awf…” he grabs your chin and makes you look at him.
“I’ll takeit.” You blush, so does he. Now you wonder how long it’s gonna take for him tolet you go and get all flustered and weird, but… he doesn’t. He keeps lookingat you, and his face is getting closer, and closer… you close your eyes inanticipation and… the timer dings, indicating the baked cupcakes are ready.
You two getaway from each other, both really embarrassed and giving these quick glances toeach other. Well, maybe this is a sign to not make bold moves like that, he’snot ready for this kind of relationship.
You two startworking on the frosting, he’s so focused and dedicated, it’s absolutelyadorable. He looks at you, mimicking everything you do. It’s been like this inalmost everything, he’s always looking up for you in order to act as normal aspossible. Your eyes lock to his, and you’ll think t’s going to be one of thosemoments, but he starts chuckling, you look at him confused.
“It’s just…you have something in your face.” Oh yeah… there’s some frosting in your cheek,you didn’t bother to clean because you were trying to finish this. “Let me getthat for you.” You think he’ll wipe it off with his fingers, but your breathhitches when he leans closer and licks it off your face. “Yummy” he says,smiling softly. Today really is a different day, huh?
You can see the other days here!
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