#it doesn't even add up how would i reset the password if i'm not an admin... i don't even use the forum
megafreeman · 7 months
Can you make any sort of statement on what's going on with saintsrowmods.com? Would like to hear your side of the story, I don't think it's fair you got banned and what-not but I understand 'tHE zONE's reasoning. Just wanted to try and give you the benefit of the doubt because I know in scenarios like this people like to point fingers.
I don't really like talking about drama hear cause its a constant in SR community and so exhausting at this but, and there isn't really much of a statement to be made tbh. I'll put something short under read more so peopl can avoid it.
What happened is that someone got into flippy's account and changed his password to make comments and he thinks saintsrowmods admins abused their power to reset passwords to make him look bad. I simply asked if he's sure someone else didn't get into it, considering he mentioned the account hasn't been used since 2013 and got banned for that question and made into a suspect. Apparently it was gaslighting.
I can't really say more except I didn't do it cause I have no reason to do something like that? If I wanted to berate Minimaul I would've done it from my SRM account, and I don't get why I'd want to make flippy look bad cause I considered him my friend? Especially not with some over the top rant, like what would be the point? I just doubted that SRM admins did it (especially since he said he doesn't think its minimaul) because it doesn't sound like something others would do. The message was originally hidden by a spam bot too, the only reason people know about this is because Admixon sent it to mrsaintsgodzilla in the first place.
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lamare-sims · 2 years
Hi 👋 I love all your mods, thank you for your contribution to this community.
I’d like to ask you, how would one go about adding a new placemat to your controller? I tried replacing the mesh of existing placemats (BB and LordCrumbs) , but for some reason they didn’t show up in game :(. Thank you!
Making New Placemats Recognized by the Mod
Here's a tutorial for editing placemats to be supported by the mod. Two tutorials, actually -- for placemats with and without intricate multiple states.
Older supported placemats are checked by GUID, so you don't have to worry about them: - SPX Murray Placemat by Xiomara - Useable place setting by SimAddict99 (for tables) - BB Sage Clutter Placemat by Buggybooz
I excluded a few existing placemats from the "supported" list because they either went in slots or required to be placed off-grid to align with sim's plates. The thing is, in gameplay, to be able to tell which placemat corresponds to which plate, the mod has to know exactly where the placemat is. I went by BB's, Xiomara's and SimAddict99's way of placement, because it's the best and most convenient way for players to place placemats, in my opinion. Not all placemats are made this way, this is why there are so few of them supported.
If you know of an old placemat that is placed the same as the ones I listed, let me know and I'll add it.
If you want to create or update your placemat, read further.
Static No Fancy States Type
If your placemat doesn't have states and you want it to just fully hide/unhide, this is for you. There are 2 important steps to this.
Add a "password" BHAV Create a dummy-returning-true BHAV named "CT - I Am Static Placemat" (without quotes). If you don't know how to do that, you can download the resource I made here and add it to your placemat's package: - unzip the zip file - open your package in SimPE and click Add… - add CT - I Am Static Placemat - if your placemat's existing bhavs have group number other than 0xFFFFFFFF, change the added bhav's group to that number - make sure the added bhav's instance number (10A0) is unused in your package, it must be unique. If there's another bhav with that instance, change the added bhav's instance number to something else.
Make sure your object follows placement rules You may have to edit the mesh for this! - Freestanding at table's height (NOT in table's slot); shiftable up from the floor is also fine - On the same tile as the table; quarter tile is fine - Direction -- facing the chair - Must NOT require off-grid placement -- must snap in a way so that it's right under a sim's plate; look at how supported placemats are placed - Optional, but highly recommended: allows object and person intersection
Dynamic Type With Multiple States
This one is more advanced. If you want your placemat to work like LordCrumps', with different states and interactions, you can start by cloning it. I'm not going to cover the cloning process here, make sure to follow all the common steps like changing GUIDs and all that. I'm going to focus on things that make a placemat go along with the auto mod.
The mod recognizes multi-state placemats by calling this "password" BHAV: CT - I Am Dynamic Placemat
States are changed by running these BHAVs: CT - State - Set CT - State - Eating CT - State - Empty Here, you change materials or even models that you want to use for different states. Apart from that, you should zero out object's hidden flags and lockout count in those procedures.
What is lockout count for? It's an automatic countdown measured in ticks, about 30 ticks per sim-minute. My auto mod doesn't reset a placemat to its default state if its lockout count is > 0. You can set lockout in an interaction, so that when players manually set the table, say, to prepare for a party, it stays this way for a while (I did it for LordCrumps' placemats).
What are hidden flags for? My mod may completely hide placemats in some cases, so we have to make sure that the object is unhidden when it changes to any of the visible states.
Additional stuff. You may include conditions like time of day, presence of the party controller, or a random coin flip to determine what your object should change into. For example, create different looks for breakfast and dinner, everyday and party.
What about attributes, interactions, etc.? Our placemats use attr 0 to keep track of states and have interactions to manually change them. You can copy our code or do something else, the mod doesn't care about any of that.
The mod cares about named BHAVs, lockout count, hidden flags, and placement rules. The latter are the same as above, but I'll repeat.
Freestanding at table's height (NOT in table's slot); shiftable up from the floor is also fine
On the same tile as the table; quarter tile is fine
Direction -- facing the chair
Must NOT require off-grid placement -- must snap in a way so that it's right under a sim's plate; look at how supported placemats are placed
Optional, but highly recommended: allows object and person intersection
You may have to edit the mesh to comply!
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