#it is actually my headcanon that as theyre walking in the street once a dog starts at regis and angouleme woofs at it
hanzajesthanza · 2 months
angouleme staying in beauclair with the rest of the company does strike some chord of yearning within me. it's reminiscent of some pleasant childhood memories "back when it was good," (if you're familiar with the sentiment).
of going on a short vacation with family, curious and new to the setting (even if one had been there once before), just looking for fun and totally carefree, no responsibilities... staying in a nice place, to be treated nicely for a while. and lots of free food! (and maybe not, for a while, coming to understand the emotional distress going on behind the curtain)
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Wedding Sabotage au Feat. Laurent and Nik teaming up
This is an outline of like????,,, one scene and yep lemme kno if u actaully would want this bc lmaoo......*wears sunglasses to hide the tears*
Auguste and Damen grew up together as friends and had brought the families together after a long time of low-key petty rivalry. Laurent grew up with Damen but was much younger than both Damen and Auguste. Damen had all the qualities of a hero from his books (that and he was *que 11 year old blushing smaurent* “super pretty”). Well this crush never went away, to Laurent’s dismay, because he knew Damen would always see him as a little kid.
Laurent was 19, turning 20, and finally going to try and tell Damen his feelings. To which gets stopped dead in his tracks when he comes home and Damen is there, sweetly tipsy with a beautiful blonde on his arm.
Laurent is very bitter, and after two years he is, how do you say, extremely bitter.
Laurent is at the engagement party for Damen and Jokaste.
He is standing next to Auguste, in a circle of party goers who are all celebrating and congratulating Damen
Laurent is in a particularly foul mood
Nikandros who is also in this small circle of “assholes” (as he would put it) he is also a very bitter best friend
Anyways Damen leaves to go find Jokaste (she walked away to talk to other guests or something) and he kisses Laurent on the cheek before leaving and drags Auguste with him
Laurent’s mood worsens,,,, he gotta fight w someone and Nik is the closest victim
Ahh Nik and Laurent what a relationship they have had
Nik has always been Damen’s like,, bff, and Laurent was more of a nuisance than anything
He was rude, uncaring of Nik, and would steal Damen away if given the opportunity. Nik knew he was a smart kid, but he was a snake
Laurent starts picking fights with Nik “Has Damen decided best man? I bet he has. It’s not you, his wedding needs to maintain sophistication and not have some poor, bankrupt businessman’s son represent the esteemed Theomedes name” or some rude bullshit like that
“Well I’ll just have to make sure you sit in the back Laurent, wouldn’t want a jealous, insecure child interrupting such an esteemed wedding”
A verbal (and very cruel) fight ensues
Laurent’s uncle comes up placing his hand on Laurent’s shoulder as is like “Laurent don’t make such a scene. These actions are why forming relationships with you is so difficult.” ((fuck the regent 5ever))
Laurent needs to breathe and heads to the restroom that’s in a separate hallway of Damen’s luxurious mansion
At the bathrooms he hears Jokaste and Kastor speaking in hushed tones so he creeps up to listen in and theyre standing very close
Staying stuff like “I know you’re upset, calm down, baby I’m handling this okay? This will work out if we stick with the plan and I marry Damen-” u kno crap like that and Laurent is like ‘this bitch wtf tryna fuck w my man aw hell nah’ but in a more laurent way
He’s actually really upset for Damen
He heads back to the party and is walking through the crowd, trying to find Damen
He gets turned around and is back where he came out that hallway and makes eye contact with Jokaste who was walking out with Kastor
His eyes narrow and Jokaste tries to keep her best poker face and goes over to talk to Laurent who is stiff
It’s one thing to fight with Nik, Damen knew they didn’t get along and he more saw it as harmless bickering, it was another to fight with Jokaste, and while Laurent had the tongue of a viper, Jokaste had the tongue of Laurent, but a mind similar to his Uncle’s (in the sense of control and manipulation) and she has six years of street smarts.
(I see Damen/Jokaste/Nik as all very street smart while Laurent is booksmart, which to me makes sense bc Laurent didn’t have a lot of social interaction when he was a teenager, besides manipulation and abuse)
But Damen appears out of nowhere, and Laurent can feel his heart hurt bc he spent 10 minutes looking for him, but when Jokaste appeared he was there, instantly, and Laurent couldn’t help but wonder what it was like to have someone like Damen love him. Being greeted with smiles and eyes full of love.
Now he was just pissed (both at Jokaste for ruining a good thing and at himself for having a dumb thought that anyone would love him even a fraction of what Damen felt for Jokaste)
Nik was at the lavish bar and his drink (a straight shot of Vodka) was set down, only to be lifted up and thrown back by Laurent who sat down
Que Nik’s super offended and annoyed with Laurent face (yes Laurent has earned his very own countenance on Nikandros’ face) (he’s almost proud)
“ You can’t hold your liquor, Laurent” “you can’t hold a relationship but I don’t say anything”
Anyways they start talking and slowly they both realize they don’t want Damen to marry Jokaste
“We break them up”
“You can’t be serious, Laurent”
“She isn’t good for him and we both know she’s fucking Kastor.”
“and Damen would never listen to us.”
Laurent nods and this “And he would never listen to us. Too blinded by loyalty and love. A dog won’t listen when you tell him to bite their owner even if their owner beats them.”
“Too loyal.” Laurent nods again at this and they’ve both relaxed together, probably for the first time forever. “I don’t want to hurt Damen. I just...want to protect him”
“Jokaste will hurt him.”
“So we’re forced to choose what kind of hurt he feels?”
“Not forced. We’re in the trolley dilemma. Let one person get hit or five?”
“Who does Damen represent? The one or the five?”
Laurent doesn’t have an answer for this. What he does know is that he needs to stop the wedding and end the engagement. But, he can’t do it alone, without Nikandros. (He could but the risk of failure or getting caught diminishes with Nikandros)
Laurent orders two shots, him and Nik hold them up to each other. A serious countenance on both their faces “To Damen,” Laurent says.
“To Damen,” and they hit their glasses together and throw back the vodka
Wedding Sabotage au---engagement party part 2ish??
Damen comes over, drunk and happy at the engagement party and drapes himself over Nik, making kissy faces, trying to kiss him because “c’mere Nikky I love you so much”
“Damen hi” Nikandros is tense and Laurent gives him the look, u kno the one that’s like ‘if you dont relax i’ll make u and it won’t be pleasant’
“I saw you guys throw some cheers and drink,” Damen is only slightly slurring, swaying, and doesn’t seem to want to go away anytime soon. “How could you without me?”
“We through cheers to you kiddo”
“To me?” Damen lets out a giggle along with a dopey grin. “You guys are,” Damen presses his face into Nik’s ((I have Nik and Damen headcanoned as affectionate in the same way that girls traditionally are)) “the greatest.”
Damen takes a breath and stares at Laurent while resting his face against Nikandros, who is holding him up and patting his shoulder
Laurent: “What, Damen?” his words are tense
“Nothing. I enjoy the feeling I get when I look at you”
Laurent’s brain is like: skjkdsfgjdfshbgdjvhdj,hbd
So he just doesn’t reply and turns away and Damen is just like “remember when you were a kid? Like seven, and you would beg for me to pick you up but once you were up you refused to be put back down?”
And laurent is like ‘oh my god are you really going to do this now??’ but he just looks back over at damen with furrowed eyebrows damen is just like
“You’re gonna find someone whose gonna want to pick you up and never put you down. Just like Auguste and I.”
And Laurent is now very done with life and getting hit w a bus doesnt seem all too bad so he goes to leave
But laurent is petty and lives for drama
So of course b4 he goes
He gracefully strides up to Nik and Damen, Damen smiles
Laurent grabs Nikandros’ face with one hand (Nik is wide eyed but cant do nothing cause his hands are full) and says seductively “My place at eight, tomorrow” and strides out of the mansion
As soon as he exits though he feels sick and hurt and wants to puke so he texts Auguste who comes out immediately “do you want me to stay home with you?” “No just drive me home and go back to the party. I need to be alone”
MEANWHILE lmao Damen is like “hahahaha thats *eye twitch* interesting ummm Nik???? That Laurent would say thay hahaa r u going on a date or soemthing?????”
And Nik is like “uuuuhhh maybe?” bc he is like ‘is this part of the plan or????’
Damen is NOT jealous
Except that he is and is no longer in the mood for cuddles
Damen “im not jealous but ummm, excuse me sweetie :) u cant date laurent”
Nik is just ????????
wants to go home he can’t handle these children and is very tired
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