#it is because i am in fact throwing any semblance of a cohesive spelling system out the window
guillemelgat · 3 years
Level Up Challenge (Romani): Day 7
Prompt: Write a poem.
Hey look at me doing this at a reasonable hour for once
It was snowing outside the window and I just really love snow so I wrote a dumb poem about how much I love the snow:
Del jiv thaj le droma si parne
Ande l’kashtende gilaban le chirikle
Ando murre khereste vi me gilabav
Anda mundrimaste adi lumake kai beshav
I have no idea if this makes any sense at all, so corrections are welcome! Also I’m not sure whether to use the prepositional case after prepositions??? I’ve been getting very mixed messages about that and would appreciate more input.
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