#it is craaazy that i wrote this post years ago
mimizepp · 4 years
abba! surprise birthday date scenarios!!!
BB DESERVES THE BEST BDAY SURPRISE <3 ty for the request + i loved writing this !!!!! also no i didn’t post this with just fifteen minutes left in his birthday what are you talking about.. ha ha...
** edit: now that i revisit i see that i basically wrote this like a oneshot.. so i’m giving this it’s proper title as such **
abbacchio surprise bday date oneshot !!!
abbacchio normally treated his birthday just like any other day of the year. with you, he’s tried his best to humor your (admittedly) adorable attempts and try his best to celebrate himself. he actually kind of looks forward to the big day, now that he has you to spend it with.
leone grumbles quietly as you wake him with twice the amount of usual kisses. you leave your spot in bed to get him a nice cup of tea to start his morning. somehow he nuzzles even further into his pillow, wishing he could sleep the day away and get back on with his normal routine. buuut once he hears your sweet little voice call out ‘get up, birthday boy!’ from the doorway, he gives in (and is blushing like craaazy).
as the two of you eat a quiet breakfast you’re constantly checking the time, hoping it’s not noticeable. leone takes notice immediately but doesn’t question it, not wanting to spoil your potential surprises for him. he thinks it’s incredibly sweet, seeing you so discreetly excited about wherever you’re planning to take him. just to tease a little bit, he takes his time finishing up his meal.
‘leone...’ you laugh, slightly antsy due to time constraints, ‘i know we got up a little late today, but... we don’t have to take our time with.. everything.’ you emphasize the final word, glancing down at his plate. he smirks slightly, amused. he loves pushing your buttons.
‘hm?’ leone fakes a puzzled expression, avoiding eye contact so he doesn’t start laughing right in your face. he slowly brings his tea up to his mouth and is hardly able to conceal his pursed lips.
you sigh with a smile, caught up with his usual antics. ‘you’re so annoying.’ you stand and walk around the table to give him a quick kiss on the cheek, ‘be ready to get out of here by eleven.’ leone closes his eyes, pleased with how his birthday has gone so far.
some months ago you decided to book a private museum tour of the ‘poor souls church’, san severo chapel, for leone’s birthday. when you looked online the site seemed just as moody and alluring as your boyfriend, which was perfect. you knew he would enjoy the place, especially with the tour being privately booked (no lines, no random people to make small-talk with, nothing that could bother him).
leone was dressed up all nice and pretty by 10:45. he wore black, perfectly fitted pants with a thin black v-neck sweater that dipped down just the right amount, and ideally hugged his strong form. his hair was tied back in a messy bun, and damn did he look perfect. leone also put on a well-worn pair of dr martens, and his light purple lipstick had his lips looking delicious as ever.
your eyes widened at his delectable appearance, earning you a soft chuckle from your boyfriend. leone grabs some sunglasses as the two of you leave his home. the day is lovely, the atmosphere nice but not too warm. you start walking towards the museum, and it’s only about a twenty minute trek to get there. the two of you hold hands the entire way, a smile lingering on leone’s face as he notices your growing excitement. all he can do is wait and wonder.
upon arrival to the museum, leone freezes dead in his tracks, ‘what the fuck..’ he looks to you, nearly speechless.
you feel worried for a moment, already preparing an apology and plan b for the day. fuck fuck FUCK why couldn’t you have chosen that other museum.. the one with all those historical things! he would have loved those, dammnit.
‘h-how did you know?? i’ve been wanting to come here forever! i even thought about reserving tickets for us, but no dates were ever open...” he looks up at the chapel wondrously, lifting his sunglasses to get a clearer view. he is absolutely infatuated with the place.
‘wha-?’ you experience so much shock and relief, all at once. what a wonderful surprise this has been for the both of you!
leone is so incredibly ‘peppy’ the entire tour. he asks loads of questions about different artifacts and sculptures, taking in all the spook that the chapel has to offer. he is constantly walking up to different little things that catch his eye and calling you over, just as a child would excitedly show their parents the sandcastle they’d made. he was especially interested in the veiled christ piece, one of the more popular attractions of the site.
at one point the two of you are alone in a vast, dim room together. the walls are covered in various works of age-old art, but all leone can focus on is you. he stands before you, delicate eyes fixed on your own. you can’t recall a time he’s looked as appreciative as he does now.
‘my love... i can’t thank you enough. this is just.. perfect.‘ he takes your hands in his own, holding them prudently.
‘aw, leone... i’m happy you liked this so much, i just knew you would.‘
he smiles and looks around at the hoards of art surrounding the two of you once more, before lightly taking hold of your jawline. he leans in and meets your lips, kissing you with a familiar and heated devotion. he pulls away after a few moments, and you can tell he didn’t want to end that embrace so quickly. even in the dim-lit room he appears quite flushed.
‘i love you.. and thanks, again. i really do mean it.’
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persianflaw · 7 years
i know that i want to marry my current partner (fyi, i'm 22 and he's 20 turning 21), but i know it'll be way later in the future (because lmao i'm way too young to get married holy shit, my mum was married at my age like that's craaazy), and if we don't get married then okay, if we break up, ok, it sucks but i'll deal. but i do get what you mean, i have so many people i know who are engaged or married already and they left school like under three years ago, like whaaaat??? but hey, you do you.
yeah i understand people being like “i really like you and right now i feel like this is a commitment we might make someday but maybe we won’t” but i know people who start dating someone and within two months they’re like #soulmates #2gether4ever in a dead serious way, not a honeymoon phase “oh i really like this person so i’m exaggerating” way
tbh i wrote that post thinking about one specific person i know who constantly talks about the extreme lifestyle/personality differences they have with their partner and even broke up with them once due to those extreme differences (but then got back together with them obv). they’re always going from “idk if we’re gonna work out :/” to “i love so-and-so we’re gonna get married” and it’s just like....man i’m not gonna tell you your business but :x
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