#it is literally ten years later and willow will be like: yes my boyfriend is bi. he also has a boyfriend.
lollytea · 2 years
My headcanon for bi Hunter is he is very much leaning towards girls but he knows he's bi because back when he was reading Rulers Reach a few months ago, there happened to be one character written by Luz that King approved of because he was edgy and cool enough (although King did cut out all of his pointless romance bullshit) so he managed to survive the final draft. It was a recycled version of this guy.
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Anyway everytime he appeared in a chapter Hunter was like "ok. OK. hm. HM. OK!!!!!" He was very normal about it.
The only person he's told about this is Luz during one of their bi-weekly "laying on the kitchen floor at 3am talking about stupid shit" sessions. And Luz, who has grown out of her fixation with edgelord YA love interests just asks "Really? Really?" And Hunter is immediately spluttering like "j-just just just hear me out he's actually-shut up shut up stop smiling right now Luz I said shut up jUST HEAR ME OUT!!!!!"
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kevoreally · 6 years
#BuffyAt20 - S03E03 “Faith, Hope, and Trick”
This here’s a major one, folks! Season 3, Episode 3, “Faith, Hope, and Trick” - which does not technically have that Oxford comma in it but I can’t really help myself.
> To start, this is definitely a very special episode to me. I'm not sure why. I think this was the first episode of Buffy I ever watched both live AND completely caught up.
> Plus, Buffy getting back into school, Faith being introduced, the ostensible villain and love interest are introduced, it's a lot!
> The opening scene in particular is one that always makes me smile. "Oh I like you giddy." Squee.
> I don't think we were allowed to go off campus for lunch, even as seniors. We did have our own cafeteria though.
> "Prepare to uncouple. ... Uncouple."
> "I don't believe she slays either." "Oh I hear she can but she doesn't like to."
> "You're supposed to stop me when I do that." "I like when you do that." Oz was dream boyfriend.
> “He didn't try to slit our throats or anything. That's progress.” CORDELIA, WHY DO YOU TALK.
> Thanks for making me think calling my female friends "slut" was permissible, Xander.
> "Yes, date, and shop, and hang out and got to school, and save the world from unspeakable demons. You know, I wanna do girlie stuff." Hero ✌️
> Also there's something to that last line mirroring her encounter with the First Slayer at the end of Season 4.
> Happy Burger? Where's The Doublemeat Palace??
> I really loved Mr. Trick, he should've survived to wreak more havoc in the future.
> Drive-Thru Guy is cute.
> I was super fascinated back in the day with the concept of Kakistos, like The Master, devolving into a more animalian form.
> Jeez, twenty years later and this theme still gets me pumped. Can't wait to see what it's like in 2048.
> OMIGOD, THIS DREAM SEQUENCE. We were OBSESSED with interpreting these dreams. Now, as an adult writer, I get that it was probably mostly nonsense.
> "GO TO HELL! ... I did." Dat face. And like, yea, what was that even supposed to mean?
> I've literally worn a Claddagh for 20 years because of this show. It's only incidental that I'm Irish. No lie.
> Buffy, why are you playing with the letter opener in front of Snyder? Why would you goad him? Sigh.
> "I think what my daughter is trying to say is: nyah nyanya nyah nyah" Joyce for days.
> There's a real and palpable shift in tone from the last time Buffy stood in this library.
> Demon Pizza is a great band name
> When asked about the Acathala ritual, knowing it’s a lie, Giles gives a great performance as someone who is used to the teens telling him his stuff is boring so he doesn't bother filling in the details.
> They really go full throttle on Willow being a "Wicca" from Episode 2 and just don't stop, huh?
> HAHA, you can see Faith sexydancing in the first shot of the Bronze scene. Not too obvious though.
> Scott is uncomfortably earnest.
> "Plus bonus points for use of the word 'mosey.'" Yes, Oz.
> THERE'S THE WORD "SLUT" AGAIN - thanks, Cordy!
> Disco Vampire is pretty cute. Also, I love the way Eliza moves in this scene.
> "I don't think that guy thrives on sunshine." Yes, sometimes this is just me tweeting Buffy quotes I love.
> Weekly shout-out to Christophe Beck for his amazing work. Love you, bro.
> "It's okay, I got it. You're, uh, Buffy, right? I'm Faith." HOLY CRAP, I ACTUALLY LOVE HER FROM LINE ONE.
> Buffy always did a great job of crafting scenes that could later be used perfectly in the Previously's.
> Ugh, and Faith calls her B right away. I love it. I'll say right up front, I don't personally ship it, but I see it.
> "Wow, they should film that story and show it every Christmas" is something I said a lot for ten years.
> Like, I get the need to explain how this situation with Faith being called happened to the audience, but why is Cordy the mouthpiece here?
> "Xander, find a new theme." For real tho.
> Buffy bringing up The Three here is FASCINATING, because now they seem more like a footnote in the grand scheme of things. And as someone who had spent the summer catching up on Seasons 1 and 2, I *LOVED* it when it came up.
> "It's a long story." "I got bit." "Apparently not that long." They will definitely reuse this joke.
> Omigod I love Giles's wistful waxing on about the Watchers' retreat.
> Like. But if they don't like Giles, why is he in charge of the active Slayer? Are they just hoping she'll die soon and they can just have the next one better-trained? ... I withdraw my question.
> "Raise your hand if ew." Also something I said a lot. I love Willow's smirk, though. Sexuality is a spectrum, baby.
> I need a coffee mug that says "Sunnydale: Home of the Big Brewin' Evil"
> Buffy is way over this second Slayer WAY fast. Girl, Kendra died. Think about that.
> "Acathala. Angel. Me. Sword."
> "Next time I kill Angel, I'll video it." Today that would be "Livestream it."
> As a continuity buff, I really love the stroll through Sunnydale High that they give Faith.
> I also say "aboat" a lot because of the way Faith says it here.
> It's just TOO RANDOM that Faith ALSO bumps into Scott Hope and hits it off with him. TOO RANDOM.
> What hair color does Cordelia think Faith’s hair is, if not brunette?
> It's, like, not even homecoming, it's not weird that Buffy hasn't made a move on Scott yet, everyone needs to chill on her ass.  
> "I don't care if there are 100 Slayers." Snerk.
> Mr. Trick needs to stop eating all of the food service industry workers in this town. That's two in one episode!
> I don't know how we're supposed to feel about Joyce doting on Faith but I love it. Especially because it's not at the expense of Buffy.
> "It's probably good you were an only child." SNERK AGAIN.
> Legit, though, stuff like that's wild. When this aired, that had a whole different context than it does watching the completed show.
> "Two of you fighting is safer than one, right?" "I guess." ...How is the answer to that not just yes? It’s math.
> Oof, "Slayer Pride Parade." I thought that was cuter at 12 than I do now.
> Buffy really does start way too agitated every time with Faith in this episode. It's not a good color on her.
> "What is it, the Angel thing?" Oh Faith, I was rooting for you.
> "Why are you lips still moving, F?" That's still a great mic-drop moment.
> "My dead mother hits harder than that." But not as hard as that anvil.
> "She has almost no deck. She has a three."
> "I used to love a good kayak."
> Fun fact: my dad came home with our Honda CRV during this scene. It was my first car. RIP, Serenity </3
> "Maybe he lived for taquitos - What?"
> Leprechauns still aren't real in the Buffyverse, right? I hope so.
> Scott seems really sweet but he's way too pushy. Then again, soft virgins often are. I would have wasted a LOT of time being in love with Scott Hope in high school. Only for the bastard to come out in college, rrrgh.
> 20 years later, I've still never seen a single Buster Keeton film.
> Getting her a ring is SO PRESUMPTIVE that it makes me root against him. If they wanted the imagery, they should've been, like, a Claddagh keychain or something. Not literally the same prop.
> I was definitely surprised to learn Faith's Watcher was dead, legit.
> Faith's landlord looks like Greg Brady, and I have literally always thought this.
> "Broads like you"? What?
> "Like you took care of your Watcher?" On the one hand, harsh. On the other, retaliation for the Angel stuff. But mostly the first one.
> It's weird that Faith just returns to this same hotel room to live in after this. You don't even take a different room? Another hotel? If this was Power Rangers, she would go and live with Buffy, just saying.
> “First rule of Slaying: don't die.”
> I love when Buffy kicks things at bad guys, haha.  
> I also love this ENORMOUS STAKE. Truly fantastic.
> "You hungry?" "Starved." Okay we get it.
> They ultimately never assigned a new Watcher to Faith. Wesley was sent because Giles was fired. Huh.
> I listened to the audio clip of this "Angel was cured" scene, like, a BILLION times. (Thanks, Psyche Sound Archive!)
> "So I told him that I loved him, and I kissed him, and I killed him." 💔
> I love that it's Willow and Giles here for this.
> "There is no spell." Classic Giles.
> Considering Buffy was, like, expelled and wanted by the police, Scott should ABSOLUTELY be reasonable about how weird she is if he is at all genuinely interested.
> I'm sad we didn't get more of this "Buffy has a normal boyfriend" arc. We don't even get many episodes of it with Riley, and anyway surprise he also hunts demons. Buffy never had a Harvey Kinkle.
> Oh hey, Mansion, we're gonna be seeing a lot more of you this year.
> As "Close Your Eyes" was one of the themes that made me fall in love with television score, obviously this scene laying the ring to rest meant a GREAT DEAL to me: https://youtu.be/6rom5MQhaMY
> And then there's dat ass! Welcome back, David.
As Dark Willow would say, two to go!
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