#it is my sworn duty to tag the wilds in dream cameos forever and ever amen
talentforlying · 7 months
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dream/daniel: there are many OPENERS OF THE WAYS, john. you may enter the far realms with MY authority, and — clarice sackville: tell him no. constantine: what? now 'ang about, he's — he's invitin' us to — clarice: john. our destination is not within his sphere. he's up to something. probably wants your permission to follow you. tell the scary anthropomorphic personification to fuck irrevocably off. constantine: ch-cheers, but...we'll go round.
what are you so afraid of happening with dream around, clarice? hm, clarice? whatcha worried about, clarice?
and while i'm on the subject: what in the motherfuck is dream doing here?????
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