#it is safe-ish for Costco tho
littlemissmanga · 30 days
What Are You Wearing?
Pairing: Crosshair x Reader
W/C: 400 (lazy writing)
Rating: R, 18+ (no spice but pretty close)
A/N: I started this months ago but apparently never finished it. Whoops! So here it is :D
It's set in S3, EP 6+7 (Infiltration and Extraction), so very slight season 3 spoilers. Divider by @stars-n-spice
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While at Teth, you decide to use Rex’s offered hospitality to finally wash your grimy clothes. But finding yourself without anything to change into, you steal Crosshair’s blacks. Just the top, though, as the bottoms don’t fit. It comes down just long enough to hit your mid-thigh.
Your clothes should be done, so you make your way across the base, not noticing several pairs of eyes following you.
You do, however, notice when Crosshair cuts across your path, glowering at you.
“What are you wearing?”
“Oh, my clothes are in the wash, so I had to borrow your blacks. Sorry, but my stuff should be done now. I was just on my way to grab them now.”
“Yeah, in the wash.”
“No. From my blacks.”
You glance down at your bare legs. “They’re back on your bunk.”
“I’m aware. Care to tell me why?”
You shrug. “They wouldn’t stay up. The shirt is long enough, anyway. It’s fine.”
Crosshair grabs your arm, his grip firm but not tight enough to hurt.
“No. It isn’t.”
He drags you to one of the empty back rooms, pressing you against the door once it closes behind you and making you shiver.
“Wanna tell me why it isn’t fine, kitten?” he asked, nipping harshly at the juncture of your neck and shoulder.
“Cause – oh, fuck!” you hiss as his knee comes up to press firmly against your core. But when you try to rock against him, he stops you, demanding his answer. “Cause everyone could see.”
Crosshair growled and pulled you along his thigh, making you writhe on him. “Everyone did see. Saw their eyes track you across the damn room.”
It always surprised you when Crosshair’s jealousy got the better of him, but it never failed to light you up.
You nuzzle into his neck, pressing your tongue against his pulse point until his grip on your hips starts to feel like it’ll bruise.
“They didn’t see everything. That’s just for you.”
Crosshair’s kiss is demanding and all-consuming. His lips dance over yours, forcing them to give beneath his, before he bunches the fabric of his shirt at your sides, teasingly pulling his hands up slowly.
“That’s right. Now show me what’s mine.”
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Taglist: @dreamie411 @wings-and-beskar @starrylothcat @sev-on-kamino
@wolffegirlsunite @secondaryrealm @idontgetanysleep @freesia-writes
@multi-fan-dom-madness @dystopicjumpsuit @sinfulsalutations @sunshinesdaydream
@wizardofrozz @anxiouspineapple99 @dhawerdaverd @mythical-illustrator
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tragediist · 6 years
what’s your name/alias?
HI! I’m Rachel, obviously, and I’m your admin!
what’s your timezone?
I live in the EST but that doesn’t really matter because timezones are fake and bedtimes aren’t real (except when they are, wahh). Basically my schedule is forever revolving and you just never know when I’m gonna go to sleep/wake up.
which character are you applying with?
Well technically I’m not applying since it’s my group lol but my character is Casey Liem! He’s a Ross Butler fc and he’s from Omaha, Nebraska and works as a scavenger for the Bergen Mercy Hospital!
how did you stumble upon Heartland?
I founded it, obviously lmfao. But I think I’d be pretty intrigued if I saw a promo in the tag or heard about it from a friend, not to be biased of course ;).
what’s your favorite zombie apocalypse movie/show/book/etc?
I don’t really have a total favorite, I really kind of like any apocalypse media, be it zombie or something else, but I’m a big fan of Fear the Walking Dead, 28 Days Later, Dawn of the Dead (2004), and oddly enough the show Freak-ish on Hulu. One of my favorite non-zombie apocalypse shows is Survivors (2008) but it’s hard to find (I bought both seasons on Amazon Prime after they took it off of Netflix) and it’s... not as good as I remember it being ten years ago lmao, I still like it tho. Non-zombie wise, I’m also a big fan of The Stand by Stephen King and Bird Box by Josh Malerman.
how well would you do in a zombie apocalypse?
Honestly I’d probably be dead immediately. Like if not dead immediately, then within the first week. As much as I love the genre and writing it, I would not fare well and do not wish for one to come around any time soon, I like electricity and being safe!
what would be your preferred weapon?
I’m not much of a weapons person myself but I think a bow and arrow would be pretty cool. Or maybe a baseball bat. Honestly I don’t have much upper body strength so swinging a baseball bat all day might not be the best for me.
if you lived in the Heartland universe, which camp would you pick to live in?
While my character is at the hospital, I’d probably pick the Costco (because supplies) or the Rodeway Inn (I like hotels lol), tho both camps aren’t doing so well in the way of fences. I worked hard to make sure every camp had heavy pros and cons so each camp had some danger and some safety to it.
which position would you pick?
I’d probably work provisions or something, a job where I wouldn’t have to leave much and graphic design/writing/random historyfacts doesn’t really make for some great survival skills out there in the city hahaha.
what’s your local grocery store chain called?
We’ve got three around here (Giant Eagle, Heinen’s, and Marcs) but I go to Giant Eagle because it’s cheaper than Heinen’s and there are more. It’s funny tho because the rest of my state is mostly Kroger but in my area because we’re so close to Pittsburgh, it’s like strictly Giant Eagle and there aren’t any Krogers to be found for miles. I sometimes like to imagine Giant Eagle forced Kroger out of the area like a scary mob boss or something.
I... did mention that I’m weirdly obsessed with grocery stores, right?
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