#it isn't a defanging it's a recognition of shared struggle
thedreadvampy · 1 year
Autism doesn't equate to neurodivergence, it's a developmental disability that's present from birth. And physically disabled people who are born disabled as a result of brain damage in the womb are more likely to have comorbid autism. Just because allistic people on social media have defanged autism and call every specifically autistic trait "neurodivergence" doesn't mean it shouldn't be considered the separate thing that it is. "Neurodivergent traits" don't exist. Able-bodied men with autism being annoying doesn't make it okay for allistic physically disabled people to downplay autism. Most of us who have multiple disabilities end up under conservatorships bc of how debilitating our autism is, combined with presumed incompetence due to being visibly disabled as well.
babe what are you talking about for real.
#red said#i don't keep a mental tab of every post I've ever made and i don't think this is about anything I've said recently#bc like i don't THINK I've made any posts about autism or neurodivergence in a while#if i had to hazard a guess I'd say this was about a post I vaguely remember making like a year ago#in frustration about specifically able-bodied ''''high-functioning''''' autistic or adhd cis men dominating SPECIFIC conversations#as in. an observable pattern in lived experience.#i put high functioning in heavy quotes bc i think that's flawed and stigmatising language but clearly it's a relevant distinction to you#but. having said idk wtf you're on about. i still. disagree.#'neurodivergence' doesn't imply anything about the degree of impact a thing has on you#it implies a socially punished distance from an invented norm of neurotypicality#Mad people are neurodivergent. people with congnitive disabilities are neurodivergent. people with neurological issues like dyspraxia too.#autism is a subcategory of neurodivergent and most of the 'symptoms' overlap with other diagnoses which is why ppl call them nd#it isn't a defanging it's a recognition of shared struggle#and of the muddiness of diagnosis#also i feel like whatever you're referencing you think i was saying 'autism isn't a disability it's a neurodivergence'#which. no. i use a social model of disability. neurodivergence usually causes people to be disabled. it's usually a disability.#many people find their autism causes them to be disabled. some don't. those who do are disabled.#also the line about 'allistic physically disabled people' makes me think you are taking about me. I'm autistic. fyi.#whatever post you're responding to i think you're responding to a point different to the point i was making in it#i think. from your message. that you like a lot of autistic people have had your experiences regularly downplayed as convenient#and that you're reacting to that with a pretty understandable amount of anger#but like. i do not think i was saying what you think i was saying bc that doesn't. line up with anything i believe about autism???
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