#it isn't by any means the best poetry ive ever written but it feels good to be doing again
planet4546b · 5 months
some scattered thoughts on poemaday april 2024:
-i am much worse at doing this consistently than i was when i last did it and then i am with nano. this is likely what 10 years of nano practice does to you and also the fact that it's much easier to catch up on a few days of missed poems than it is to catch up on 3k words when you miss a day of nano (ive been averaging 3 poems a day on the days i remember to do them)
-however i also think this matters slightly less because it seems like less of a vital skill wrt writing poetry to just be able to sit down and muscle through a couple thousand words in the way that you often need to with novel writing, so im not upset about this. not the point of the exercise so to speak
-i am so so glad i found a way back into writing poetry. i LOVE writing poetry and forgot just how fun it is and it's coming back to me wicked easily (i wrote poetry extremely regularly until probably 2021, i have hundreds of poems in the backlog, it's a skill ive put a lot of time into and feels good that the muscle memory is still there). some of the things i have written are absolute bangers if im honest
-my feelings on narrative/storytelling mean that narrative poetry ESPECIALLY is more fun than i could have imagined. it asks for both an extremely concise + economical mode of storytelling (+ especially of worldbuilding, a thing i often get very caught up in and now i have to do essentially through allusion alone) and truly asks what is and isn't important to include. and lets me play with storytelling + 'truth' in a fun way
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hopelesserbeing · 3 months
Don't let the shitty poetry and prose fool you, I'm hopelessly and disgustingly obsessed with Gabriel Ultrakill and I made this blog as an outlet for that. I'm a terrible writer but I'm too horny not to write. Welcome to the abyss.
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🌟 adult (25+) // he/him // trans and gay 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
read more for more information
You can call me Hopeless or Lesser, I don't really care. But it's something to call me if you ever need to call me by anything at all.
I've been a lurker in fandom for many years, and a fan of ULTRAKILL since about 2022. Recently something has possessed me and I feel like I HAVE to write, have to create. It's not like it's there every day all day, but when it gets it's hot grip on my soul I feel like there's no escape until I've satisfied it. This blog is for that bullshit.
I'm aware I'm a terrible writer. Ive written maybe one other fic before in my life. I've never written poetry before. I've never even thought of writing devotional prose before. It may be considered blasphemy by some, but I've found something meaningful in it for myself.
Just getting some things off my chest, hopefully nothing like this ever comes up but I live in fear that I'm constantly about to upset others. (It's that traumatized brain fuckery, I'm endlessly sorry for everything I do.) So here's a few things I'm gonna lay down to try and avoid any unnecessary conflict before anything happens (not that I ever expect it to happen, ideally.)
Sorry if it comes off as an accusation, I promise it's just my brain making mountains out of probably nonexistent anthills at best and I'm painfully aware of that and how it makes me look. Trust me.
Tl;Dr I hope we can all have fun and be chill ✌️
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I'm an enjoyer of things, I like to have a good time. If something goes against canon it's just for funsies. I'm not here for a fight, let go of the need for rigidity for just a little bit.
If it feels like I'm playing a little loose with the canon and making really wild interpretations of characters, scenarios, lore or whatever, I probably am very aware that I'm reaching. Nothing I post is meant to be taken as a genuine representation of the canon.
I think all headcanons and all sorts of interpretations are great, and I hold ones that are seemingly oppositional to each other.
I won't tag like 90% of my shitty posts, but I may tag bigger writing. Everything is open to whatever interpretation you like. I'm no gatekeeper. You should be having fun.
I am an adult with a full time job and life full of responsibilities. I don't have time for petty internet bullshit, so if you don't like me just block me so you never have to see me again and call it a night. I won't do it for you, you're in charge of your own online expereince.
And this last one isn't that important... but just to clear the religious air a bit... I am a Satanist, spiritually or whatever you wanna call that cringe shit. I've been a Satanist since I was very young, and it has morphed and grown with me as I got older, and is still growing and changing to this day. It means a lot to me and influences how I personally interpret Gabriel's character and parts of ULTRAKILL and I am not going to be able to hide that in some posts. However this isn't exactly a blog about Satanism, so it's not like I'm going to be posting about it.
I am not affiliated with any Satanic organization, and strictly against Satanism being used as an icon of fascism and white supremacy. Fuck off with that shit.
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