#it kinda looks like that one face Nimona did ngl
nosleep83 · 1 year
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theheromira · 1 year
Nimona appreciation post (Part 3 of idk even know how many)
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Hi guys, I'm back with Part 3. Sorry about the delay, I tend to procrastinate even if something has to do with my newest hyperfixation lol (Pic for attention, like always lol)
at the beginning he says to Amb that he's not brooding and now he tells Nimona that "Knights don't mope, they brood."
"Murder him, murdder her, murder everyone!" aaand there is Amb standing int the door and Bals pose XD
Amb lil smile when he sees Bal. He probably thought that he killed Bal and seems glas that he's not
Also him just looking at Bals arm
Nimonas lil "Gesundheit" is way better in the english version ngl
Nemesis 😈
"Oh, look! It's Gloreth!" and the knights behind them actually look in the direction she pointed at
Amb acting like he was about to draw his sword and looking like they just caught him doing something forbidden like I don't even know
Bals almost defeated face at the beginning of the closet scene
Nimona just casually ripping that pipe out of the wall
Bals hamster cheeks when she grabs his face
that die-in-the-closet-dialogue felt very strange to me but I still don't completely understand how people can hate people who have a different orientation than them (sexual or not, I don't know how to say that exactly but I hope you kinda understand me?). There shouldn't be a problem about dying in a closet in real life and I really understand why people are so close-minded and this is still happening, I guess. Why does this "kids movie" motivate me to think about this kind of issue so much? But I guess it's a good thing, I'm probably/definitely not the only one who watched Nimona and really started to think about this (and the other themes of this movie)
also Nimona literally coming out of the closet (as a shape-shifter) is like really nice, I love little things like that in movies that you maybe not even register at first
I like to think that the axe opening the door is a little "Shining" reference
Nimona casually catching the arrow before her face
Bal being the competent idiot that he is grabbing the first thing his hand finds to use as a weapon without even looking
"Even if you see the horn?"
"I will not freak… Uhhh" with that face XD
I just looove her line "This is the part where you run.", how she looks at the knights and how they start to panic
Bals face while getting out of the closet is like: What the everloving hell did just happen/is just happening?
"Yeah" "Oh no! Stay away! Get back! No! This is not happening!" XD
Amb just being bamboozled and proving that he's at least a bit of a Nerd (who other then a Nerd or a Zoologist would call a Rhino by it's full name)
"Leave that guy alone!" "Take that" bonks him away with her horn lol, they are such a good duo
Stairs are either your best friend (Nimona seemingly) or your worst enemy (Kungfu Panda)
Bal just being completely like a fish out of water by what is happening during that chase is also kinda hilarious
Also him still having the brain to tell her she needs to go right in all of this mayhem is very competent of him, I stan him just a bit ngl
the whale
hey def needed a meeting table that round, they are a kingdom of knights
loving that Todd gets the tiny d*** joke, one of the best jokes in the movie and this movie has a lot of good ones
Now he wants the staircase, Bal really should make up his mind XD
I'm a bit sad that the original BlueSky-Scene where she changes into a dragon didn't make it in there but this is also fine, I guess
How did Bal survive that fall?
also loving how he just slides the last few metres face down lol
Nimona looking at Bal before she says her "Something, something, something, we win." was kinda cute
Explosions! "Metal" Also: stuff like this reminds me of a kind of old scetch from a comedian (I know the guy from some youtube vids of different poetry slams but he is a comedian now) I like pertaining bear catapults (I def will get myself some tickets if he ever does a show near me, the guy is hilarious)
Bal looking kinda chill (he prob has a concussion and isn't quite there, I guess) at the different things that fly towards them and then focusing on that little bit of debris that knocks him out (and the sound he makes when he gets hit) lol
Sooo, that was it for part 3. Short I know, but I think I will try to get these posts out and ngl my attention span is a bit short at the moment… with this kind of post thats more on the short site I believe I can stay on the topic and not procrastinate that much. Maybe there will also be some longer ones inbetween, we will see. Have a good one guys ^^
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theheromira · 11 months
Nimona appreciation post (Part 4 of idk how many there will be)
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Sorry that took so long, I was a bit preoccupied with farming for Rizzley (Wriothesley in Genshin Impact) I'm just drinking some Tea and watching Nimona for probably the 50th time lol Sooo… here you go: Part 4 (again: GIF for attention)
Bal waking up, noticing the blanket, looking around, seeing the tea and candles (completely ignoring the hilt of the morning star behind te cup) and just sighing kind of content as if he wakes up like this often is just precious and supptly highlights his relationship with Amb and I just kind of love it, I guess
also Bal being awake and alert right away even tho he was just about to relax cause he prob thought he's with Amb and all is good and stuff is also kind of competent again
Nimona just vibing
"Go" by Santigold is just so good, how did I never heard of that one before?
also how Bal looks at Nim (prob) destroying his kitchen is funny as hell, idk
her eyes reflecting the lightning is a neat lil detail
Nim never bats an eye while she lies like this
also Bals reaction is soooo good, Riz Ahmed nailed this roll (all of the VAs did, but honestly: without him the movie wouldn't be the same)
first time Nim tells him directly not to be so gullible, but he remains so gullible
Breakfast Tacos
She dragged him in what form tho? If his head bounced on the sidewalk it probably couldn't have been her Gorilla or Horse form, I guess. What do y'all think?
"Totally happened."
"Evil Larry" is a much better name than the german version ("Böser Tiger" = "evil tiger" because one wird for evil in german is "bösartiger" and well, they took the pun but it sounds so stupid, idk… it isn't even a name)
Nimonas lil handgesture when she says: "That's a great villain name." also her face when she gets the idea for Evil Larry
"Never gonna happen.", he says with a very much Nope-Face "Whatever, Larry", she says without a fruk to give
Sick murderwall
I will not go into much detail about the contents of the muderwall here, but damn, the really didn't need to go that hard on those details
One thing I'm gonna cram in here tho cause I just saw the portrait of the queen: I recently read somewhere that they wanted to get Dr. Blitzmeyer (I hope I remember her name correctly lol) in the movie but ultimately scrapped her buuut they kept the design/color scheme for the queen and I just… Blitzmeyer helped and supported Comic!Bal, the queen helped and supported Movie!Bal (even if it's a bit of a different relationship, I guess) and that's kinda cute ngl. I kinda missed Dr. Blitzmeyer, she was my fav character in the comic and I was a bit sad that she didn't make it into the movie
Bals face (and probably the camera movement) when he remembers what happened when they broke out of the institute reminds me of some anime protag who goes a bit insane, but I can't remember a particular anime I feel remembered of
Bal always the knight, trying to get his sword when he feels threatened, even tho he doesn't even have it on him
the hand gesture to "Meatball" lol and also: very nice line delivery by Chloe Grace Moretz, she's also a big part of why I liked the character of Nimona (even tho I also like her design and personality, without a good VA a character can be not that likeable, if you know what I mean)
again with the eyes reflecting lightning, I love the lighting in this movie so much
she is in fact a massive, fire-breathing something
Bals brain just overheated and he decided to just roll with it and ask
She's Nimona. (one of my fav lines ever and I love that she get's to say that in at least one other scene)
I have a feeling that Bals answer to "I'm Nimona." ("That is not an answer.") is maybe something trans/genderfluid people get more than me (and def shouldn't cause why do they need to even get that? Why can't everyone just accept stuff like that?)
Bal getting at least one question is actually very nice of Nim ngl
also him not asking something about her but why she's helping him is kinda neat, I think he felt that that maybe would be a bit to much in Nimonas personal space atm
Bals eyes widen for just a second when Nim answers him and he remembers what situation he is in is kinda sad (btw. much of this movie wouldn't worked for me if they weren't so damn much animated/if they wouldn't be so much little details in the gestures, mannerisms and whatnot of the people)
him straight going to thinking-mode when looking at the murder.. I mean innocence wall
Bal looking sad at Ambs portrait is kind of a mood ngl
also him kind of forcing himself to look away (down), breathing in and then looking at the complete wall again is so very human, those charcters just feel to real
best photo of Diego (the squire)
Love how Nim wants to say kill him and stops herself when Bal turns towards her, without a doubt with a look on his face that says: Noooooo, bad shapeshifter
His reaction to "Let's got get him. You and me." is priceless lol
Bals hesitation (and probably inner monolouge) is kinda fun to see but also very undertandable, I mean: he knows her how long now? And even tho he redeems himself fast enough, here he is very much and very heavy still under the brain washing of the Institute and knows now that Nim is not human, so I kinda understand why he's so hesitant but he's desperate and she can (and will) voluntarily help him
Nim just rubbing salt in the wound, cause she knows exactly that he doesn't have much of a choice
He clearly wondered how she got there so fast and I love these kind of little reactions throughout the movie, they show how vigilant the character are and it feels even more real, cause let's be honest: if you're talking to someone who is like 10 steps away, you blink and then they are right before you, you'd also not gloss over that without so much as a second glance, would you?
love that Nim already moved from Sidekick-for-a-evil-villain to clear-his-name-and-be-a-hero-sidekick
Bal still not really trusting her but debating it
the shark transformation is just nice: the fluidity, the sound effect, Nims look, the lighting, the fact that you probably didn't really expect it, just *chefs kiss*
her "I'm not a girl, I'm a shark." is also very iconic, even tho it's used just one time in the movie; still one of the best lines ngl also her face when she says "But I'm not a girl." and the lil bite animation and sound is very nice
"Hey. You ever put your head in the mouth of one of these?", that line delivery and the animation for that and Bal already being done with the convo lol
"Should've just stayed in jail." lol
That's it for this part, I hope y'all are ok with the length, it really feels a bit smoother to write ^^ Have a good one and until next time :)
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