#it literally doesn't matter how you perform in high school as long as you pass
seenthisepisode · 2 years
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Black Air and Black Black Lungs
Chapter 2: Prom Queen
"Maybe I should try harder,
You should lower your expectations"
When she discovered the world of Jujutsu sorcery, Yue was amazed. How else would she react to a world where emotions are used for good but to improve one's abilities? This is her dream job.
This is why she idolises Hideyo so much. Even though they are the same age as her (even a few months younger), they make little to no mistakes in their missions. They also constantly protect her, which is always a nice plus.
"Oh, to be in those arms forever~," She thought to herself before being brought back to reality by a jab at her side. Oh yeah, she was sparring with Miwa. 
"Who's the lucky boy, Yu-chan? You were zoning out while blushing for a while?" The swordsman asked with a mischievous look on her face. This only turned Yue's already pink face red.
"I-it's nothing, Miwa-chan."
This only caught the attention of Mai, who is talking to Momo about something related to clothes. "Yu-chan, your face is as pink as your hair. It's no use hiding it now."
"G-guys, it's really not a big deal. It's admiration at most." Yue realized too late that she just gave them more to chew on. The next thing she saw was the three girls getting in her face and asking for details.
"Admiration, huh? Who has my dear junior head over heels for?" Momo continued the teasing with a smug smile on her face.
"F-fine…it's Hideyo."
A long and painful second passed without anyone saying anything.
"HIDEYO?!" Mai exclaimed in shock, "Not that I don't see why you might get into them. It's just that they are the least interested in a relationship. Plus there's whatever they have with Fushiguro-kun. I mean-"
Mai was then elbowed by Momo in a 'hey, stop talking' type of way
"What do you mean by that?"
"Oh, nothing hehe." 
"Come on you two, I literally told you my crush~" Yue pouted making the other three giggle
Miwa decided to save Yue some grace and invited them to her room to hang out to Yue's relief.
Even before Hideyo walks into Gakuganji's office, they already know what they are here for. It is the main thing they reported about.
That presence they sensed in Osaka was similar to the supposedly deceased Suguru Geto. 
They never believed the curse user died because they were with Ieri the entire day after recovering from a sprained arm. That day was just Shoko disposing of the corpses of fallen sorcerers and healing wounded ones. 
Not a single mention of Suguru Geto was heard that day in the clinic. They would carry that thought to the grave, mainly for Gojo's sake and sanity.
It also doesn't help that the curse user became a taboo topic in Jujutsu society. He was a special-grade Jujutsu sorcerer known for being respectful and kind to everyone he worked with. 
To have him leave Jujutsu High will leave a permanent mark on the school's ever-so-perfect reputation.
"Before you say anything, I will keep my silence. It's better for the both of us, anyways." Hideyo clarified as soon as they opened the doors to his office.
"Good to know we are on the same page, Kurosawa-san." The elder said curtly, "I also would like to inform you that your clan head contacted me. He saw that your combat performance has been plateauing and asked me to relay a message to you." 
Dread began to wear into Hideyo to the point they felt their heart tightening. They still kept up their signature poker face even though it was exhausting keeping it up for the entire day for everyone.
"He said, 'Our clan is known for our intelligence, wit and power. Your current progress is beneath our standards. Ask them to stop wasting time on trivial matters and focus on what is important, our clan's future. Do reflect on his words. You are dismissed, Hideyo Kurosawa."
With a nod, Hideyo stiffly made their way out of the office. When they finally closed the doors, they placed their soundproof headphones on their head and walked to their room.
They stayed silent while walking back to their room. And when they entered, they locked the doors and closed the curtains. They even double-checked in case they forgot.
As soon as they felt everything was in order, they slumped against the wall. The courteous filter is long gone, only a thousand-yard stare. 
"Fuck," Hideyo breathed out as they buried their head in their hands. Everything felt hazy and numb to them like there was a chain wrapped around their neck.
Not knowing what to do, Hideyo picked up their phone to dial him. The only person they could trust with their problems.
“Hello… Megumi, are you free?”
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sasquapossum · 3 months
I've been thinking a lot about the overlap between far-right authoritarianism ("MAGA") and evangelical Christianity. Most people can probably see that there is a high degree of overlap, but are a lot murkier on its origin or nature. It's not one side driving the other, as many seem to think. It's more of a synergy between two beliefs, which I'll try to explain.
On the religious side, a lot of this comes down to an obsession with John 3:16.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
In common interpretation, this is taken to mean that as long as you "give your heart" to Jesus that alone ensures your salvation. Nothing else is required. This belief comes from the five solas (especially sola fide with a side of sola gratia) that literally define all of Protestant Christianity but have been taken to an extreme in US evangelical sects. Notably absent is the idea of salvation through acts. Words and feelings alone suffice, which is why so much of evangelicals' behavior seems to performative. Unlike most religions - including Catholic or Orthodox Christianity - their doctrine does not require them to do anything.
In broader terms, this is a variant of the idea that who you are determines righteousness and the rewards that flow from it, rather than what you do. As long as you make loud noises about being part of the in-group, anything you do can not be wrong. By contrast, if you don't make such noises you can and will be judged harshly even for actions that are harmless. The idea of infinite grace necessarily sets up a division between those who supposedly have it and those who don't.
On the secular side, there's a common belief (in the US) that "freedom" means only lack of legal (or other socially enforced) prohibition - "freedom to" in common parlance. "Freedom from" (need, fear, suffering) is given relatively less attention. Anyone with a shred of reading comprehension or intellectual honesty can see that "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" in the Declaration of Independence meant both, but they still only see one.
According to this view, ensuring "freedom to" also ensures "freedom from" and therefore the latter doesn't need to be addressed separately. Never mind that their conclusion is manifestly not true in the real world. Maybe it even can't be true. It's mathematically impossible for everyone to be above average, to live in the nicest houses and attend the best schools. If your "need" is to perpetuate a fundamentally inequitable system - and for these people it most definitely is - then that's not compatible with satisfying other people's real needs ... so they don't. Instead they tell themselves that if someone else is poor it's their own fault. They had nothing to do with it. Not their problem to solve. Again, all empirically false, but it's what they tell themselves to feel better.
So, from the religious side we have the idea that identity matters more than actions (but don't call that "identity politics" for some reason). From the secular side we have "freedom to" as the only kind of freedom. It shouldn't be hard to see how these ideas reinforce each other. These ideas appeal to the same people. A lot of them just want to do whatever they want, without guilt or consequence. That's the "freedom to" part, but that's a problem because their freedom obviously comes at others' expense and they should feel guilty about that.
Here's where nominal Christianity comes in. They think it gives them a free pass. Not only will all be forgiven (for them only) but it also gives them an excuse for any inequity they help create. Whereas a laissez-faire capitalist might say poor people are poor because they don't work hard enough, an evangelical Christian will say they're poor because they haven't accepted Jesus. Either way, it's their fault and therefore not a moral issue for anyone else (Matthew 25:35-40 notwithstanding).
In conclusion, the two sets of ideas go together because they both satisfy the urge to "punch down" on the less fortunate within an inequitable system. Alone they each leave room for moral doubt. Together they cover each others' gaps, creating a "guilt free zone" where it's OK to do anything while simultaneously denying others even the basic right to live. Both beliefs are fundamentally supremacist, requiring the existence (and therefore oppression of) an underclass to sustain themselves, and we can all see where that has led historically.
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silvercyclops · 2 years
list of my star wars ocs (literally all connected to face and/or phanan in some way) this is basically a novel and i will love you forever if you even think about reading it
these first 3 are technically canon but are literally just mentioned in passing so canon ocs i guess
Brinna Phanan (né Obrim)-Ton's mom and Basic Literature professor at the University of Rudrig. Originally from Raxus, younger sister to Anara, loves to garden, generally just the greatest mom in the galaxy. Ton gets his looks and sense of humor from her. The star of my fic "the kind of love he could never put down"
Dennon Phanan- Ton's dad and a dentist. Comes from a family who invented both the turbolift and the pit droid, so to say they're well off would be an understatement. Huge case of "loving his wife so much" syndrome. Dennon is more soft spoken and introverted than his wife, and has been practicing dad jokes since he was a teenager.
Nori Loran- Face's younger sister by five years. Ambitious, confident, and outspoken, but still doesn't exactly know where she fits in the galaxy and can often be found at home watching trashy reality tv instead of going out. A ballerina who tours the casinos of Pantolomin, Nori adores her home planet, but has a tenuous relationship with her parents. ( just know that Cliff Loran is too proud of his job at a run down casino, and Amila Loran has the idea of her two perfect children in her head and gets upset when her actual kids don't fit that mold) My best girl and the star of "if this life was meant for proving" and costar of "tonight maybe we could start again"
Now the true ocs
Rence Halcord- A Mirialan born and raised on Rudrig, Rence and Ton were childhood friends but Rence always held a little crush on Ton. Disconnected from his heritage much to his parents' dismay, he wants to be a filmmaker and always has his camera at the ready. Rence is painfully shy and longs to be truly accepted somewhere. I don't have much to say for him right now because my next long fic will be about him but he's my absolute little guy I love him so much.
Arwen Jasten- Another Rudrig native, Arwen joins Ton and Rence's friend group in middle school, and has the privilege of being Ton's first crush. From an affluent political family, the expectations on Arwen were always sky high,and he never handled it very well, which resulted in him becoming quite rude and abrasive as a teenager. He only felt like himself when he was with Ton and Rence or in the kitchen, practicing his secret hobby of baking. Succumbing to his family's pressure in high school, Arwen instead looks towards the popular crowd that would raise his status, causing a rift in the friend group that would be felt for years to come. More than I had to say about Rence, but he will be featured more in Rence's story.
Elani Olden- A Zeltron comm expert, Elani worked on the ship Face's first squadron was assigned too, and the two quickly fell for each other. Determined yet indecisive, Elani feels weighed down by the Rebellion. She'd rather be a fashion designer, or a model, or a magazine editor, something more glamorous than intercepting comms all day no matter how good at it she is. She wants a life free on any real roots, free to come and go as she pleases, which is what ultimately leads to the dissolution of her and Face's relationship. She doesn't want to be stuck in any one place, while he hasn't had a real home since he was a child, and wants some place to settle after he's seen and done all he wanted in the rebellion. A dreamer and idealist, Elani leaves the rebellion after the battle of endor to pursue her dreams and live the life she wants in a galaxy no longer terrorized by the emperor.
Kandria Apenzi- Shaliz'Na artist who traveled to Lorrd to study their culture, especially Performance Square, and was the first love of Face Loran. Quiet reserved, and a bit temperamental, Kandria wants nothing more than to be left alone with her studies or the peace she finds when she's on an adventure exploring the Lorrdian wilderness, searching for inspiration for her sketches. Underneath her perceived tough exterior, Kandria is a hopeless romantic, especially drawn to tragic tales of star crossed lovers.
Cori Ardel- technically another canon OC, Cori is the girl Face describes in the first book, the one who stole his clothes and had a similar sense of humor to him. Cori was raised on Bepsin and watched the cargo ships constantly coming to and from the spaceport. She dreamed of nothing more than being able to be like those pilots, exploring the galaxy, getting to see far more than just Cloud City, but her parents had already lost one child and they were determined to keep Cori safe, which meant keeping her on Bespin. When the Empire came to Cloud City, Cori made her escape in the process, tagging along on some freighter taking scared citizens far away from the only planet she ever knew. Cori joined the rebellion and instantly fell in love with piloting, but she was never quite good enough to rise the ranks, but she soon found herself comfortable with her spot in the middle of the pack. Kind and selfless with razor sharp wit, Cori lights up every room she enter, and can usually be found helping a new pilot with their sim runs, or in the center of a group, telling some incredible story she's making up on the fly.
Kham Adik- From Alderaan, Kham's parents decided to send him to Rudrig University to humble him a bit. A gifted medical student, Kham hopes to become a dermatologist for reasons unclear to anyone that’s not him. As a Core worlder studying in the Outer Rim, Kham can be a big haughty and above it all, but his kind hearted parent did instill some redeeming qualities in him, especially a strong sense of loyalty. Kham and Ton are roommates their freshman year and quickly become close friends, but of course Ton who falls for any man vaguely kind to him feels something a bit more than friendship. The two stay roommates throughout their college years and even end up working at the same hospital together until Ton leaves for the rebellion and Kham transfers to private practice. When not at the office, Kham enjoys watching sports, especially anti-gravball, but he's notoriously bad at his draft picks on his fantasy league.
Thila Dhamis- A Devaronian who went to the University of Rudrig to study to become a brain surgeon. A love of helping people, especially after her parents' stories of the horrors of the Clone Wars, Thila had the drive for medicine, and with her knack for staying cool under pressure, and her embroidery talent, she passed with flying colors. Thila met Kham and Ton their second year at a party, and the duo quickly became an inseparable trio. Kham and Thila share a love of fashion, while her and Ton share the same warped sense of humor. After graduation, Thila moves back to Devaron, but she keeps her boys close, until Ton joins the Rebellion and pretty much loses contact with everyone except his parents.
Kuna Vance- A Pantolomin native with a strong love of his homeworld and nature in general, Kuna is a part of Nori's ballet troupe and her bitter rival, the two of them always fighting for the lead dancer position. Besides his dance ambitions, Kuna's very laid back, preferring to live more of a passive life, much to chagrin of his mother. He can often be found sun bathing on the stretches of beach not taken up by casinos, or simply people watching at the resorts. Less info about him bc I really want to write nori/kuna rivals to lovers someday
Tyla and Ryndi- lumped together because I haven't super developed them yet. They're Nori's friends basically, with Tyla's family owning a casino, and Ryndi's dad owning a restaurant. Tyla encourages Nori to get out in the world and not stay home all the time, but she herself is also kind of boring and comfortable with her same old routine. Ryndi's a bit too blunt for her own good, but she means well, she's just better at expressing her emotions through gifts and actions rather than words. Tyla had a huge crush on Face as a kid and Nori never lets her forget it.
Biala Madas-Wroonian girl who moved to Rudrig after she was deemed too poor and boring for Wroonian society. That sparked a bit of a rebellious streak in her and when she's not working her job as a cleaning lady, she's off at some club, dancing the night away. When Rence moves into the apartment next to hers, the two become close friends despite his shy nature and her party girl tendencies. At the end of the day, Biala just wants whatever makes her happy, not caring about what society thinks of her anymore.
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