#it looks like there's a buttload of end-of-act conversations to be had so i'm gonna be at this for a bit :P
blackjackkent · 5 months
OK, Aylin vanished while we were talking to the guardian so I think it's finally time to take this bad boy:
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And finally let Hector take a GODDAMN NAP.
I have some vague ideas for some fluffy/hurt-comforty fic-y thing set in this period because this poor boy is so worn out right now. He's had no shortage of terrible things happen to him during the first two acts of this game but everything that has happened since the point-of-no-return in Act 2 here has really just hollowed him out emotionally.
(I always welcome fic ideas/prompts/suggestions of any sort, liveblog-related or not, but definitely open to any suggestions of some nice things to happen to Hector/the whole group during the act break. XD )
Before any relaxation time, though, we have a lot of conversations to catch up on, starting with an immediate one with Karlach as soon as we get out of the portal. Maybe she's indeed picking up on some of Hector's techniques of patience and self-restraint, because she has clearly been sitting on a freakout ever since they saw Gortash down below, and is finally letting it all come out.
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"You saw Gortash, didn't you? What the fuck was he doing down there? Is all of this because of him? The tadpole, the Absolute... how?!"
Hector feels a little guilty as the words start to spill out of her, as they move up into the open air of the tower. He's been so wrapped up in his own overwhelming struggles of late - traveling into the domain of Shar, meeting Aylin and receiving not only her respect but her fealty, facing down Ketheric and the god of the dead - that he really neglected to focus much on what Karlach was also going through in seeing Gortash at the center of this plot.
Gortash was the one who sent her to the hells to become a slave to Zariel. He betrayed her. And down below the tower, they saw him in a position of nearly ultimate power, the control over the elder brain that threatens to destroy the world.
He can see the agitation in her eyes now as they get to something more resembling safety; has she been holding it back for his benefit? Or merely because there was no room down in that pit of horrors for it?
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He reaches out and takes her hand, squeezes it tightly, a wordless apology in the touch. "We'll find out when we get to Baldur's Gate," he says firmly.
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"Whatever the fuck he's been up to in the last ten years, we have to stop him," she snarls. All the tightly wound energy is coming loose now, all the anger pouring out of her. "He can't just keep ruining people's lives! He can't get away with it!"
She pulls her hand away from him, begins to pace restlessly. Ever since Dammon's last set of repairs to the infernal engine, the flames that run through her have mostly been contained, but he is more than a little alarmed to see the heat starting to flare around her in a way he hasn't seen since their first arrival at Last Light. The rage at Gortash goes beyond anything he's seen from her before.
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"He used me up," she hisses. "And gave me away when he was done with me. Didn't matter how much I trusted him. And now he'd use up the entire Sword Coast."
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Her jaw clenches, the flames beginning to lick visibly around her face and through her hair. "He has to die. AND I'M GONNA BE THE ONE WHO KILLS HIM."
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Hector has to resist the urge to flinch away from the overwhelming surge of heat, the animal fury in her eyes. He knows she is fully capable of destroying anything in her path when she gets in this mood. But he has already promised himself that he will not be afraid of her, even in her darkest moments when the rage overtakes her. He just watches her steadily, letting the heat roll over him in a slow wave.
"We'll do it together," he says softly. "Whatever it takes."
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Her face twists with grief and rage, but she has the presence of mind to draw back a little, pulling the flames away before they can lick out against him. "He can't get away with what he's done," she whispers hoarsely. "To me. To us." Her fists clench at her sides and the flames burst around her, in her eyes and up her neck and through the chinks in her armor. "He won't get away with it!"
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