#it makes ke happy that you giys appreciate it regardless :
aiixen · 11 months
how do you draw so quickly?
I don't 😭 I'm actually super slow when it comes to drawing anything past the sketch/rough colors, it usually takes me few days to finish a fully clean piece (even if my art style it's still a bit messy!)
Most of the art I share here it's stuff that takes me around 2~4 hours, depending on how much I can focus on the piece and if I feel like cleaning it or not!
The real secret is... Getting obsessed with a character/media and/or having no free time so you need to force yourself to rush haha , if you stare at my pieces for half a second too long you can see that they are super messy 😭, but it doesn't really matter as long as you (as in the artist) are satisfied with how it looks + having the main focus cleaned up enough.
For example in my most recent art the character's hands /shirt and hair are not refined AT ALL. But the focus of th picture is the face, which I spent more time on it to have it look clean.
Beside this, I sometimes post art I had already done since a while but forgot to post... 🫣
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