#it makes me think too of Ash asking Brock ''you think i killed my sister?'' and like *cries sobs screams throws up etc*
the-acid-pear · 2 years
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This bit of this song always reminds me of Ash and Cheryl and it makes me sooo sad ;; 💔
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lovenhlboys · 3 years
From A Distance (E.Pettersson X Reader)  
Chapter 3
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A/N: Hellooooo there!!! here is the next chapter, sorry it took me so long, I hope the others will not take nearly as long!! anyways, I really hope you like it and lmk what you think PLEASE!!! Also biggest thanks to Ash cause like, why not, she’s helped me with this and literally everything😂😂
ALSO this one is from both of their POVs, so the change in POV is signalized by:
Y/N= regular ELIAS= italics
(any other info is on the masterlist)
Warnings: lots of cursing, mentions of Pretty Little Liars, another attempt at Swedish (if its wrong pls lmk) I think thats it, if you think I missed a warning please inform me!!! 
Summary: Brock has a plan... he executes it.
Word Count: 2.7k
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ———————— >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
PRESENT (thoughts) ---------------
For you, your hardcore crush on Elias was very secretive. Only you, Quinn, and Marky know about it and you are not about to tell anyone else. Elias, he’s so funny, his humor is the exact same as yours and he never fails to make you laugh, even though he barely talks to you. He makes fun of your brother, just like you, and is extremely quick-witted with his comebacks.
And as for Elias, he's the only one who knows about his feelings, because he has worked hard to suppressed them. She has the best laugh. Elias tries his hardest to make her laugh whenever he can because every time he hears it makes his chest fill with warmth.
He has the best style and it’s so fun to see what he wears. Every once in a while there are a few questionable items, but overall, he always looks great. You love to see that he’s willing to take those fashionable risks. It’s better than what every other hockey player wears. The go-to of shorts and a t-shirt with a beanie. 
She looks amazing in everything that she wears without even trying. She could be in a dirty sweatshirt and sweatpants and he would still think she was the most beautiful girl he's ever seen. Her hair, her shoulders, the curve of her hips and back, all of it was perfect. But his favorite thing had to be her legs, they went on for days and the contour of her muscles was so beautiful to him. Safe to say any day she wore shorts, Elias had to try extra hard not to stare.
He has the most beautiful face you've ever known. His jawline was immaculate, like nothing you'd ever seen. His light golden blonde hair was so unique and it reflected the light in the prettiest way, at every angle. His smile, while dorky, was also something you couldn't stop yourself from staring at, always making you smile too, at how adorable he looked when he was happy. 
She is totally off-limits.
He doesn’t like you.
You loved your brother, but my god could he be stupid sometimes. He’d texted you TWENTY minutes ago to meet him in the break room and he still wasn’t there. You’d texted him 7 times and he hadn’t responded. You had started to text him an eighth time when the door opened.
“There you ar- Oh. Hi Elias, what’re you doing here?” instead of your brother, like you had thought, it was the gorgeous swede, wearing a pair of glasses that complemented all of his features, a light blue sweatshirt, a backwards snapback, and a nice pair of black sweatpants...needless to say he looked quite sexy. Especially compared to you, you were wearing one of Quinn’s Canucks sweatshirts (that you definitely didn't steal), leggings, you had your hair up, you didn't have any makeup on so you looked, well, not sexy (in your opinion).
“Uh, hi Y/N, um is Brock here?” he asked as he closed the door behind him and looked around the room.
“No, he told me to meet him here like 20 minutes ago and he still isn’t here,” you said.
“Weird, he told me to meet him here like 15 minutes ago,” Elias explained.
You shake your head and laugh, knowing exactly what’s happening.
“What?” he asked, reasonably confused as to what’s going on.
“Elias can you do something for me?” you asked, he nodded. “Go try and open that door, please,” you instructed him.
He walked up and just like you were thinking, the door didn’t move.
You laughed again then shouted, “OH, FUCK YOU BOESER!!”
“What’s happening right now?” Elias said tugging at the door still.
“Brock is a FUCKING CHILD is what’s happening, he locked us in.”
“What? Why?”
“Who knows?” you, that’s who. You knew precisely why Brock would want to lock the two of you in together. Because his best friend didn’t like you and he wanted the two of you to get along. You pulled this trick on Brock and his friend Julia, in high school when they had a big fight. 
“Well, how long will he keep us in here?” Elias questioned.
“Why, do you have somewhere to be?” you asked him.
“No, I’m just wondering.”
“Don’t want to be alone with me that long?” You said with a laugh, even though you weren’t joking (he didn’t have to know that).
“What? No, why would you think that?” he seemed genuinely upset at your suggestion.
“I don’t. It’s just- never mind” you stopped yourself.
“Y/N, what is it?” he pushed.
“I don’t know,” you said, then you gave in to his request, “it’s just that you never want to be alone with me, and you never talk to me, I just assumed you didn’t like me”
Elias let out a loud laugh and sat down next to you on the couch, “Why wouldn’t I like you? You’re my best friend’s little sister.”
“Well let’s see the evidence shall we…”
You went on to describe the events of the summer party at Bo’s house in August of 2019. The night you felt confirmed your suspicions that the swede didn’t like you. 
It was early August so you were wearing a white short-sleeved blouse with pink flowers, and a white denim mini skirt. You and Brock had arrived late because Brock was trying to get his hair all “floofy and perfect”
As you walked in, you said hi to everyone, made your rounds of greetings. Once you finished, you ended up right where you thought you would, talking with Thatcher and Troy. As you were talking, you made eye contact with Elias across the room and waved at him. But he didn’t wave back or smile or nod like you were expecting, he rolled his eyes and turned around.
Elias stopped you there
“Wait wait wait, that’s is not what happened” he dismissed your details of the story.
“Yes, it is! I waved and you looked so annoyed!” you insisted.
“Ok, this is what I remember...”
Elias was talking to Brock about God knows what. Brock was in the middle of talking when he glanced over and saw Y/N, Troy, and Thatcher all talking to each other. He was looking at Troy who was pointing at Y/N and Thatcher making kissy faces. Implying what he was afraid of: Thatcher and Y/N were together in some way. So yeah, he rolled his eyes and turned around, because he was a little hurt and a lot jealous. (though that's not exactly what he told you)
“I rolled my eyes and turned around because I thought It was so ridiculous to think that you would ever like Dems,” liar, “like I thought Stech was being stupid, that would make no sense YOU liking HIM,” he laughed, he’s a lying liar who lies. Though he did think that wasn’t even possible. Having seen how annoyed she gets around Thatcher now, the thought that she’d ever like him in a way that was anything more than ‘annoying friend that I have to deal with’ Seemed inconceivable. She is so far out of his league it’s not even funny.
You didn’t say anything, just looked down at your feet. The boy you have a very hardcore crush on right now is talking about his good friend that you had a minor crush on back then. 
Elias could apparently tell you weren’t telling him something “...Y/N”
“Mhmm” you hummed, still no eye contact.
“What is it?”
“Uhh, so, here’s the thing,” you said sounding quite guilty, “I may or may not have, you know, hadacrushonthatcher… back then” you mumbled.
Elias was silent for about 5 seconds and it felt like you had died and come back to life within those seconds. “I’m sorry, did I hear that right?”
“I don’t know,” you turned to the door, “hey Brock, now that you’ve humiliated me, may we leave? I would like to go home and wallow in my self-pity.”
“No, wait Y/N. It’s fine, why does it matter? You don’t like him now?” he correctly assumed.
“God no, ew,” you scoffed.
“Ok, so why does it matter?” he genuinely wanted to know.
“It doesn’t, I guess. I just don’t want you to think I like him is all” God he’s going to figure it out.
“Yeah, no. I’ve seen how annoying he is'' Elias replied. Thinking the only reason she didn’t want him to know was that you liked a certain friend of his. The other Swede in the group. Since the incident at Brock and Y/N’s place, he has come to learn that they aren’t together, he’s familiar with the term “cuddle buddies” now which doesn’t make any sense. But he can’t deny how Y/N and Jacob act around each other. Sure, Quinn explained that they don’t think of each other as anything more than that. He even said that Marky goes on dates all the time. Even still, he knows he’ll never be the one Y/N has her eyes on, and even if she went crazy and did think of him that way, he could never act on it. Brock would kill him, and as he keeps having to remind himself: his friendship and on-ice chemistry is too important to risk. 
“Yeah well, Marky’s great too,” he said, pulling your attention from the way he looked in those glasses, and that hat...damn.
“...Yeaaaah?” you said, suddenly quite confused as to where he was going with this. You nodded your head, wordlessly telling him to continue.
“And, uh, I think he’s great… really…. great'' he almost seemed annoyed by what he was saying. More importantly, you were extremely lost.
“Elias, stop being vague. You're confusing me,” you said plainly.
“What Y/N, do you not know what I'm getting at?” he said, assuming you knew what he meant, continuing to stay all vague and Swedish.
“Obviously not,” you rolled your eyes and looked back at his still annoyed face.
“You and Marky? I think he's great...you know…” he paused and took a deep breath, then mumbled, “for you”
You burst out laughing, “Elias Fredrik Pettersson”
“Fredrik?” he whispered to himself with a smirk at the way you said his full name.
“I’m not dating, nor do I want to date Jacob Markstrom.”
“Yeah right,” he said in his classic sarcastic tone. 
“I don't! Our personalities clash so bad! Have you not noticed that?” you shouted trying to make it clear to him.
“I mean, I don't know” his face was turning red at his seemingly wrong and laughable accusation.
“Ok, Elias, look at me,” he did with his goddamn beautiful eyes, “Think about it,” you told him.
And he did as you said. 
One night, in particular, stood out, it was about 4 weeks ago and the Canucks were on the road. Quinn and Elias were sitting on Quinn’s bed. The door burst open, Y/N ran in, Jacob following close behind. 
Y/N sat next to Quinn and tucked her head into his neck.
“Woah, Y/N/N what’s wrong?” Quinn held her head and hit pause on the episode of Pretty Little Liars they were in the middle of watching. Elias turned and watched the events, knowing he’s most likely going to just be an observer for the rest of this interaction
She pulled her head out of Quinn’s neck. At this point all of them were sitting up, Jacob on his bed, the other three all on Quinn’s, “Marky is an ASS,” she said, looking directly at Marky.
“I am not, she’s being a drama queen,” he defended himself.
“I’m sorry have you met her?” Quinn laughed, “She’s literally the complete opposite of a drama queen”
“Fine, ask her what happened then” Jacob gestured at Y/N.
“Y/N/N” Quinn asked her to continue.
“Well” she started, “this dumbass Giraffe tried to get me to talk to the ever so beautiful Gabriel Landeskog.”
“How is that so horrible, he’s such a nice guy?” Jacob seemed genuinely confused.
“I’m not social Marky!! I don't do that, he so hot and I looked like an idiot.”
“No, you didn’t. oh my god,” Jacob said, rolling his eyes. “du är precis som Elias (you are just like Elias)”
“aj (ouch)”
“God, I hate it when you guys do that” Quinn whispered.
Y/N continued, “JACOB, I said, and I QUOTE, ‘Woah, damn’ and then stood there staring at him like an IDIOT”
“You did not?” Quinn said, laughing.
“Huggy, I swear to god, I will slap you” she turned and looked at Quinn with legit murder in her eyes.
“Ok, but yeah, Marky you don’t do that shit to Y/N. She’s just like me, we don’t socialize well.”
“I don’t get it, like I know you’d rather stay in when I want to go out, I just didn’t think it was this bad.”
“Fuuuuuuuuck,” she said, shoving her hands in her hair, “I looked so stupid. And did I mention HE’S HOT”
“Wow, you really have a thing for Swedes, huh?” Quinn quipped.
Her eyes widened. “Quinn Hughes, shut the actual fuck up” she shoved the giggling defenseman. Quinn just stayed laying down and continued to laugh, he then looked at Jacob with a knowing glance and a grin, and Marky giggled. Elias assumed it was because Jacob was aware of Y/N’s feelings.
Elias had been observing this interaction from afar, afar meaning about 2 feet away on the opposite side of the bed. He completely agreed with her, if he was shoved into an uncomfortable situation with someone he’s never met, he’d act just about as stupid as she did. And even he had to admit, Gabe Landeskog is hot as FUCK.
“Ok, Y/C/N/N, I’m sorry. But I didn’t know it was that bad. Side note, how come all of my close friends except for like 3 are super antisocial. I mean look in this room. You three are the exact same.”
“Wow… this right here, THIS is why you are only good for hugging” she gets up and walks over to the other bed where Marky is sitting.
“You’re so sweet to me, you know that?” sarcasm evident in his tone, he hugs her.
“Marky, you know I’m not sweet.”
Elias grinned to himself at that. She was right, she’s not sweet. She’s not mean but she surely isn’t sweet. Just like him. And she was the perfect amount of smartass, beautiful, loving, funny, antisocial, tough, and strong. She was literally everything he could’ve wanted.
Before he let himself get too lost in that thought of her again, he responded “ok, yeah I guess.”
“Didn’t Quinn tell you that I don't like Marky like 10 times?”
“Yeah, but I just- the way you guys act around each other. It just would make sense.”
“Well, now you know.”
Silence filled the room once more, you looked over at Elias. he was smiling and looking down at his hands. You continued to be mesmerized by just how beautiful the boy in front of you looked. With his backwards snap back and sweats, it seemed as though he had just thrown on a random outfit, and to anyone else that was probably what they would think. But that didn't matter to you, he was just so pretty and it filled your brain with too many thoughts. thoughts that you knew you shouldn't be having about him because he clearly wasn't your biggest fan. But that got you thinking even more (which is dangerous), he was acting different, it seemed as though he had let his guard down. He's never done that with you, in fact it felt like when you were around him, his guard was reinforced. He looked a little softer, sweeter, the guy you met at the Dice-and-Ice gala, you think. All you wanted was for that guard to stay down, giving you access to the guy you had a crush on, not just his hard outer shell. 
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ———————— >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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lightningenergy · 5 years
Pokeshipping Week 2019 - Day 7: Engagement/Wedding
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art & half the writing by @zdbztumble​
"...You're sure this is enough food?" May asked, for the twelfth time that morning.
"Are you asking for the groom, or for you?" Mallow asked, rather sharply.
"... It could be both," May shrugged. “You don’t need to get so snippy about it.” Sure, she may have asked after the food twelve times now, but planning a wedding – especially Ash and Misty’s -- was a huge responsibility.
"Well, I'm sure.” Mallow sighed, a hand to her brow. “I've done the math, like, fifty-seven times. Which was annoying."
"Hmm... still, maybe we should've hired Brock and Cilan too..."
"May, there's enough!" Mallow finally snapped. "I've been working on it since that rehearsal dinner!"
"OK, OK, yeesh! So, food's ready... now what about..." May gazed around the open grounds of the Pallet Town shrine. The shrine was the largest one near Pallet Town (which wasn't saying much) with a small temple at the front. The shrine itself rested atop a cliff overlooking Pallet Beach, and a wide, open, grassy area spread out behind it. A few dozen empty chairs waited quietly. "Hey Dawn!” she called. “All the flowers are in place, right?"
"Just so!" Dawn hollered back, having set the last few in place. "Now relax! This isn't your wedding!"
"I just don't want Misty yelling at me!" May responded.
"We planned it together - she'll yell at me too!"
"We don't want her yelling at all!"
"And everything's perfect, so she won't!"
"How do you know she won't?"
"Because you two are eating up all the yells allowed at a single wedding," Drew deadpanned as he passed behind May, arms laden with laundry bags.
"Just like I'll be eating up all the food once I'm allowed to!" May shouted at him. "Geez, you try to be helpful and look where it gets ya..."
"I'm standing right here," Drew noted, dryly and quietly.
"I know!" May screamed, beaming. "Ooh, are those all the kimonos for the bridesmaids?"
"You know they are," Drew sighed. "You called me twice on the road after you sent me for them."
Screeching tires caught their attention, and they all turned to witness a car drift around the corner and come to a sudden, violent stop in a parking space.
"Tell me Daisy's not driving the car," Dawn groaned.
"Never again!" they heard Misty gasp. "I don't care how bad the traffic is in Cerulean City, you are never getting behind the wheel of a car with me in it!"
"Chill out, sis!" Daisy said with a wave of her hand. "We're all here, right?"
"And our make-up's totally ruined from sweating out your driving!" Lily snapped. She, Violet, Iris, Lana, Lillie, and Misty all filed out of the car in various states of distress; Daisy alone looked calm. The passengers were laden with laundry bags too, and Misty had a disheveled towel wrapped around her hair.
"Morning, sunshine," said May as she caught the bag Misty so unceremoniously tossed to her. "Let's say we get you all fixed up, huh?"
"That'd be nice," Misty grunted. "I don't want to be a bad mood once Ash gets here."
"So, like, Misty," Daisy began. "About your hair..."
"You three staying out of the way will help me not be in a bad mood," she growled, before softening slightly. "Please, Daisy. May and Dawn know what I want to do, and Iris and the other girls were the ones who prepped everything last night. I'm glad you're enthusiastic, but could you just help greet guests and look out for Ash?"
That didn’t leave the Waterflowers with much to do, though May suspected Misty wanted it that way. Besides the wedding party, the only people about were Drew, completing the last of the chores assigned him, the Waterflowers, and a very haggard and bleary-eyed Gary Oak leaning against a nearby pillar.
"Like, what happened to you?" Daisy asked derisively.
"Bachelor party. Hungover," he grunted. Even his own voice caused him to wince and put a hand to his temple.
Dawn, giggling, hurried over to her boyfriend and put her mouth very close to his ear. "SO IT HELPS IF YOU TALK IN A LOUD VOICE--"
"For the love of Arceus, babe!"
"Killer couple," Daisy muttered to May, who could only shrug.
A large truck came up the road, at a much slower, careful pace than Daisy’s car. ("At least, like, one person in this relationship knows how to drive," Violet sneered.) Tracey stepped out and hurried to help Professor Oak and Delia do the same.
"Hello, everyone!" Professor Oak greeted. He, and everyone in his party, were already dressed for the wedding. Oak and Tracey were in simple kimonos, red and teal respectively, while Delia was in a pink yukata with white trim. May approved of all their choices. "I hope everything's going swimmingly. We have a beautiful day for this - er, is everything alright, Gary?"
"HE'S HUNGOVER," answered Dawn. Gary doubled-over and shoved past his companion, head in his hands.
"Well, I hope no one else is in such a state at this wedding," Delia said sharply. "I've been waiting too long for this day!"
"I know, right?" Daisy squealed.
"Er – haven't Ash and Misty been waiting, too?" Tracey asked quietly.
Tracey shook his head and pulled a large container off the back of the truck. May watched with interest as he lugged it over to the designated spot to the left of the shrine, set aside for all of Ash and Misty’s Pokemon. With a few quick flicks of the locks and a release switch, Tracey had them all out on the field, though it was a rather tight fit.
("Screw this,") Charizard grunted. He yawned and flexed his wings in the afternoon sun. ("I'm watching from the skies.")
("I hear that.") Pidgeot, Noivern, and the other Flying-types followed him into the air, while Gyarados lead a few of the Water-types over the cliff and into the sea off Pallet Beach, where they still had a decent view of the hill.
"How many weddings do you think have this kind of attendance?" chuckled Iris.
"Tease later," Misty said. “Prepare now.” She took Iris by the shoulder, then Lana, Lillie, Dawn, and finally May, and started herding them to the women’s changing rooms.
"Make sure the groom gets cleaned up!" May hollered over her shoulder. “Misty’ll kill ‘im if he’s not!”
“Not funny, May!” Misty snapped.
“No sense of humor on the wedding day, I see,” May muttered to Dawn as they were hurried along.
"Iris, this headdress is amazing!" Dawn gushed.
Iris beamed at the compliment. "I know my way around hair."
"And this shade of polish is perfect, Lana! Put that together with the flowers we picked out and the dress we made, and we - Misty? Are you OK? You look a little pale..."
"Just still shaken from my stupid sister's driving skills. I'll be okay, promise," Misty said. She cinched her bathrobe a little tighter around her and started pacing the room again. Noting everyone’s concerned looks, she added, "I want this, believe me."
"Oh, we might've figured that out ourselves," Lana giggled. She and the other girls were already dressed, in kimono-converted dresses of the same cut: May in red; Dawn in pink; Iris cream; Lillie white; and Lana blue. Misty's was the only one with a pattern: white with red trim with bubbles and flowers at the sleeves and hem. It sat atop a chair as its intended wearer paced and wrung her hands.
"It's finally happening," she said softly, to herself more than anyone else. "It's really, really happening!"
Dawn's Poke Gear started ringing: she quickly answered it. "Hello? ... Okay, thanks! Ash and everyone else got here!"
"Surprisingly? The least of my worries."
"It was at the top of our worries," May whispered.
"We'd better start getting you dressed," said Lillie. "We only have so much time before - "
"Before I'm MARRIED!" Misty jumped for joy and threw herself down on an empty chair. "Get to work, ladies!"
“Do we really need all this, Mom?”
“Ash Ketchum, this is your wedding! Of course we need all this! And don't think I'd let you go out and get married without me helping you get ready!"
"Mooom..." Ash protested, but he still wasn’t let up from the chair in his changing room. He hadn’t even been allowed to greet the few people at the shrine when he arrived; his mom, Brock, and Cilan shooed him inside right away. The two men were sitting in the corner: Brock in the ceremonial dress needed to conduct the ceremony; Cilan in a forest green kimono.
"This is the most important day of your life, young man," Delia insisted. "I want you to have a perfect time of it! Now let's see.. .your montsuki is clean... your hair needs a little bit of work... do you have on some clean -"
("He does,") chirped Pikachu helpfully.
"Oh, Pikachu! Don't you look handsome in your own little kimono!"
As embarrassing as his mother's attention was, Ash couldn't help but feel a little insulted that his Pokemon was upstaging him.
("I got it made special,") said Pikachu, turning and posing. ("And Lopunny, er - she has a matching one...)
"Yeah, Dawn insisted that she get to do it," Ash muttered. "Everyone's got something they want out of this."
"Oh, sweetie." Delia pulled Ash in close and wrapped her arms around his head and shoulders. "What we want most of all is to see you and Misty happy, of course. You know that, don't you?"
"Yeah, though you all have a funny way of showing it..."
Delia smiled and kissed his forehead. "Alright... ceremony's due in a few hours, so let's get started."
It was amazing how long "a little bit of work" on his hair could take. Of course, forced rehearsal of his wedding vows, tearful anecdotes about Delia's own wedding, and relating stories to Cilan and the other groomsmen as they arrived (Clemont, Kiawe, and Sophocles, in sky blue, scarlet, and yellow kimonos, respectively) helped eat up the time. Then there was the shared attention of his future sisters-in-law...
"Daisy, if you don't let go, I'm gonna need my hair fixed again!" Ash protested. No matter how he squirmed, he couldn't get free of her grip.
"Aww...but then I could, like, do it right!" Daisy teased. "A bit more mussed up in the front, we can finally frost the tips..."
"NO! No, no, no! That's a veto, Daisy! This isn't the 90s anymore!"
"Y'know, that's what Tracy always says..."
Ash stood up and picked up his kimono. "Okay, I'm getting changed, so anyone not named Pikachu needs to leave."
("Why do I have to stay?!") the Pokemon protested.
"You're the Best Man."
("... Right.")
"He's so touchy sometimes," Daisy complained as they all filed out.
"Now, now," Delia chided gently. "He needs his space before the ceremony..."
Got that right, Ash thought as he shut the door behind them. He felt as fired up as he did before any Pokemon Battle - more fired up - but his mouth still felt awfully dry, and his head rather light. "You ready, Pikachu?"
Pikachu answered by leaping onto his shoulder and nuzzling his cheek. ("Of course. I'm ready to zap either of you at a moment's notice!")
"Comforting... alright, let's get myself into this thing..."
And a few minutes later, he found himself standing under the shrine, looking out at the crowd of people assembled for his wedding. Geez, I knew we invited a lot of people, but...
A good number of them were the extended relations of his friends and traveling companions: Dawn's mother, Cilan's brothers, representatives from Iris's village, and so on. There were Gym Leaders, Frontier Brains, and professors as well. Ash smiled and waved at Riley as he came in, dressed in the same blue suit as always.
There were a lot of Misty's friends - Casey, Marina, Sakura - and an assortment of Trainers they'd both known over the years. The front rows were reserved for close friends and family. Mallow was already seated, along with Drew, Gary, Miette, the Waterflowers, Professor Oak and Tracey, Professors Kukui and Burnett, Max and Mahri, Ritchie and Serena, and his mother.
Brock stood at the center of the shrine, with the groomsmen aligned behind him. Pikachu stood on Clemont's shoulder, beaming. Ash looked over at the bridesmaids: Lana, May, Dawn, and Iris all smiled and waved. He grinned back but quickly straightened up: the music was starting, which meant...
Bonnie scurried down the aisle in a fit of giggles. Azumarill and Rowlet, with matching floral crowns, came along either side of her as she slowly walked back up, tossing pink cherry blossom petals about. Ash was only vaguely aware of this, and cared even less. All his attention was on the fiery-haired woman in the white-and-red dress slowly following them, her hair wrapped up in a white gold headdress, a bouquet of roses in her hand, and a nervous smile playing at her lips.
Nothing else mattered. He only had eyes for Misty, watching as she slowly made her way up the aisle. Her eyes shone once she stopped next to him, and Ash was only vaguely aware of his own reddened face and Brock's light sobbing.
"Hey," he whispered.
"Hey yourself."
"Arceus I love you."
She winked. "I know. And you clean up nicely."
“My mom and your sisters had something to do with that,” Ash admitted, chuckling softly as he rubbed the back of his head.
“You still went through it for me.” She tugged lightly on the front of his montsuki before they both turned to face Brock and the shrine.
"D-d-dearly beloved," Brock choked out. Tears dripped down the sides of his face. "We are gathered here t-today to witness the joining of... of these two in h-h-holy m-matri - sniff - mony. If anyone has any reason these two should - should not be wed... please leave immediately."
Laughter rippled through-out the audience, and Brock seemed to relax a little. "Ahem... I've known these two for a long time, and I am very glad to be here for this special day... now, um... I guess we should start with the vows..."
At Cilan’s insistence, Ash had spent all of yesterday writing out vows, with the groomsmen insisting on proofreading. He wondered what they thought as his hands, instead of producing that worn piece of paper, fell gently on top of Misty’s around her bouquet.
"Misty... I had some stuff written, and I got a lot of input on it, and it was good and all... but it wasn't me. It wasn't us."
He was forced to pause briefly as another wave of laughter passed.
"You know all the best and worst stuff about me, and I know the best and worst stuff about you. We've dealt with it ever since we were kids, we managed to be friends - best friends - after meeting in such a crazy way. I mean, you caught me with a fishing rod."
More laughter.
"And you caught me with your heart a few years down the line. I know it took me a while, but...well, now that I'm here, I'm not leaving. Ever."
Misty closed her eyes and inhaled, then smiled. "Ash Ketchum... you are, without a doubt, the most stubborn, arrogant, foolhardy man I have ever known. You stole my bike, wrecked it, and argued with me over more idiotic things than I can count. And yet... there is no one on this earth I would rather have as my prince, my best friend... my soulmate. You want to be a Pokemon Champion, but never forget that you are my Champion. From then, now, and always... I am forever yours."
Several people, including Brock, could be heard blowing their noses.
"Th-the bride and groom will now exchange rings..." Brock sobbed.
One of the snifflers in the crowd, Pikachu had to wipe away his tears before he produced the wedding ring from his kimono's sleeves. True to form, Psyduck only made it out of his Poke Ball right at that moment, bawling uncontrollably as he handed Misty her ring.
Brock coughed and stomped his foot and even slapped himself to get under control. "Do you, Ash Ketchum, take Misty Waterflower to be your lawfully wedded -"
"Brock, didn't we kinda already do this part?" Ash asked quietly. He could hear Cilan and Kiawe's affronted gasps and see May and Dawn's furious looks, but Misty just giggled.
"Yes," Brock said rather firmly. "Do you, Ash Ketchum, take this woman--"
"... Okay." Brock turned to Misty. "Should I even ask?"
"You already know."
Brock sighed, but he was smiling. "Alright... by the power vested in me by the Region of Kanto... and the Internet guys... I hereby pronounce you husband and wife. Now..." he started sobbing again. "You may... y-you may..."
Everyone else in the procession screamed with smiles and laughter, startling the couple: "JUST KISS ALREADY!!"
It was hard to tell which of them moved first. They both leapt at the other's lips as if it were the first time they'd ever kissed. For good measure, Ash wrapped his arms around Misty's waist, lifted her off her feet, and spun her around for the whole duration. It was too much. She started laughing and crying at once, and never stopped kissing him.
Everyone was applauding. Pikachu leapt onto Ash's head, laughing and cheering; May and Dawn collapsed into each other's arms, sobbing wildly; some people in the audience were cat-calling, though in a joyous manner.
Ash smiled up at his wife, eyes gleaming. "We did it."
"We did it," Misty whispered, and kissed him again. "We did it, we did it, we did it!!"
Out of one eye, Ash dared to look around at the crowd. Misty’s sisters were in hysterics; Serena and Ritchie were glancing from the shrine to each other with sheepish, blushing smiles; Bonnie was biting down on her hand in a failed effort to keep the waterworks at bay; Miette had a small and oddly sad smile; and Mom, Oak, Kukui, and Burnett were all beaming.
"OK, everyone!" Dawn disentangled herself from May and wiped most of the tears off her face. "That's the wedding - who's ready for the biggest and best reception ever?"
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legaylity · 5 years
I finished the Angst fic!! BEHOLD!!
Two Strangers in the Night
Finally it was over, after all these months of panic and fear the threat of "Carnage" was finally over. Watching the last tendrils of the Grendel symbiote burn away from Kasady's body Eddie finally felt like he could breathe. With Grendel gone so was the threat of Knull's awakening. Now things could return to normal. Before that could happen, however, he needed to retrieve Dylan.
"Spiderman!" He shouted. The hero finished webbing together the remaining peices of Grendel that had been controlling people and jogged over. "Everything okay over here Eddie?"
"Yes it's burned completely now. I'm sure the Avengers will contain the ashes just to be sure though. Where did Dylan go?"
"Oh I think he went with Normie to try and find that weird cat from earlier. He seemed kinda upset that it was gone."
Of course he would be out looking for Sleeper. Sleeper had saved him and Normie from the other symbiotes and to repay him Eddie had locked him out of the bunker. It was just too risky, he told himself, he had seen Knull take control of symbiotes and if that had happened with Sleeper inside the bunker, it was just too horrible to imagine. He was probably fine he was resourceful, even if he was being hosted by a stray cat. Obviously the condition of his host was unimportant.
Turning away from the furnace Eddie began to make his way out of the bunker. Dylan couldn't be far and Captain America wouldn't let two children wander very far alone. Looking around outside he was about to ask Cap where they were when he heard someone call out "Banner!!" Quickly turning to look he saw Dr. Banner picking his way over the rubble and heading towards where the Avengers had gathered. There was no sign of the Hulk or of the symbiote. They had left Eddie just before the final confrontation with Grendel. They had said something about "Needing to fix their mess" and that Eddie "Couldn't do what needed to be done". He never expected them to attach to Banner much less awaken the Hulk. He still felt a sliver of fear leftover from the first sight of the beast that combination had made. The remaining Avengers had joined Banner at the edge of the debris pile and were firing questions at him. "Are you alright?" One asked. "Where did you go?" Went another. Eddie hurried over and Banner looked up from where he had taken a seat on a section of wall. He waved off the concern of the others "I'm fine all things considered. I'm assuming Carnage is finished?"
"We were able to trap him in the furnace and burn him away." Cap answered. "We were worried after the symbiote bonded to you. Where is it?" He asked.
"I suppose I should explain" Banner said taking off his glasses to wipe the lenses. "After they bonded to me we all agreed to let them stay. Joe, Hulk and myself thought they could help and they did. I know you all probably saw us tossing around Carnage until they got distracted. I think something was calling to them. Next thing I know the Maker is there holding a weird cat and trying to tear it's spine out. So we tore off his head." It made sense that the symbiote would want to kill The Maker seeing as he wanted to destroy all of thier spawn and was then threatening Sleeper to their face.
The Avengers grimaced at this and Eddie remembered how it felt to crush a skull between those dagger-like teeth. A brain the size of the Maker's would keep the symbiote fed for months. Banner shrugged and continued his tale. "I think they talked to the one in the cat but they didn't let me hear. When I came around again the cat was on our shoulder and we had a capsule with the other symbiotes in it. They sensed that you all had defeated Carnage and they said to thank you all for them."
"Is it still with you?" Eddie interrupted.
"I was getting to that. They thanked me for allowing them to stay but said it was too cramped in my head for that to be any more than temporary. They separated from Hulk and followed the cat to the old cathedral. I think I heard them say something about a ship being there." Then he looked Eddie dead in the eyes "Also Brock, they wanted me to tell you goodbye. Sounded almost like they were asking me to deliver divorce papers. The kids were looking for that cat too so they're probably at the church."
This confused Eddie but now he knew where he needed to go. Thanking Banner he started towards the nearest church.
As he neared the building he recognized it as Our Lady of Saints, the place all this had started so long ago. With all the mixed emotions stirring in his chest he started calling for the boys and the symbiotes. Distantly he heard Dylan's voice call out "Eddie! Over here!" He followed the sound to a hole where the doors had once been that was most likely caused by the crazed symbiotes trying to reach former hosts. Inside he could see Dylan and Normie coming towards him and close to the altar was a small alien ship. That must have been what Sleeper used to return to Earth he thought.
"Eddie they're leaving!" Dylan panted as he reached his side "you've gotta talk them out of it!"
"Leaving? What do you mean?" he asked.
"We came here looking for Sleeper and he was already here with his parent. They were talking and Sleeper was telling them they need to go to space with him and they said they would and that since they got all the other babies back they would take them along even if Mania decided to stay and go back to Andi. But they're leaving with all of their spawn because you're an asshole." Dylan let out in a rush.
"He's quoting the symbiote." Normie said "my mom doesn't like it when I swear so I'm covering for you."
Eddie looked back towards the ship now filled with worry and confusion about the turn this day had taken.
Now that his eyes had adjusted somewhat to the darkness he could make out shapes moving around the ship. Sleeper was carrying containment tubes that appeared to hold five of his siblings, where Scream had come from Eddie had no idea, into the ship. Then he spotted them. His symbiote with it's ever present spider emblem was tracing patterns on a bell that had fallen into the sanctuary when the wall was destroyed. Slowly making his way down the church aisle towards them he tried to think of what to say. So much had come between them in the past few months he wasn't sure where to start. Pausing a few feet away from them, unsure of how they would react he simply asked "What are you doing?" It came out in more of a whisper but he was glad it didnt sound like an accusation.
"It's so strange to see these while they are quiet. They're actually quite beautiful when they arent hurting me." They said without turning to face Eddie.
"You haven't talked like that in a long time."
"Being in Banner's mind helped to repair most of the damage done by Price. Banner was kind to me. Understood what I was trying to do."
"What was that?"
They sighed more to express their feelings than any need for oxygen. "Eddie, I started this. My carelessness is what caused Carnage. I realize that it was Grendel controlling Cletus but Knull would never have chosen him if I hadn't abandoned my first child. I had to make that right. On top of that most of the people that got hurt in this were targeted for being my hosts I couldnt let anyone else die because of me."
"You stopped fighting Carnage to go after The Maker. That's when people died." Now it was an accusation. All this talk that reeked of nobility and sacrifice was pissing Eddie off. What had they risked when they abandoned him and Dylan just to go after some evil scientist Hybrid. Finally they turned to face Eddie and he was surprised. They appeared to be hostless but were holding a humanoid shape, it reminded him of Carnage a bit with how emaciated and bony they looked.
"The Avengers were awake by then and my child needed me. The Maker had suppressed the others and was going to kill them all starting with Sleeper." They took a step towards Eddie and looked him in the eyes. Quietly they said "Do you know what it is like to hear your child scream out for you? Not knowing if you can reach them in time?" They took another step. "You would if you hadn't locked him out of the bunker."
Eddie took a step back "I had to, Carnage was too close to getting in. I had to protect Dylan."
"I know. Dylan is your son but you seem to have forgotten that Sleeper is as well."
Eddie wanted to change the subject uncomfortable with what they were implying.
"Dylan said you were leaving. You can't do that."
They snorted and raised what would've been an eyebrow on a human. "Why not? Are you going to stop me?"
Eddie had to think quickly. "I need you here. I didnt know what to do without you when I thought you were dead. I can't lose you again."
"You dont need me Eddie. You don't even want me why else would you believe I would do those terrible things to you?"
For quite a while Eddie had believed that the symbiote was manipulating his memories along with worse offenses. Inventing a sister and an uncle, erasing a memory of accidentally killing his neighbor and even assaulting Anne and creating Dylan were just some of the things he had thought. Now with his codex cleared of Knull's influence Eddie knew it had all been false. He did have a sister and uncle, he had been the child hit by a drunk driver and Dylan was not the product of a violation of Anne. Just an inadvisable night of emotion and old memories while the only thing the symbiote violated was a bucket of chocolate ice cream hidden in the back of Anne's freezer.
"I know that wasn't real now." He said taking a step back towards them feeling a desperation set in. He felt so weak on his own and there was no way to know just what other horrors were lurking to take advantage of that weakness. "We've come back from worse. I sold you remember? I..I tried to kill you but you forgave me."
The symbiote looked away towards where a broken stained glass window made a colorful pattern on the floor.
"You are right. We did come back from that." They seemed to be searching for the right words. "I forgave you because I loved you Eddie. I've found that I'm able to forgive almost any horrible thing that happens to me. That's how I am but Eddie this is so so much worse than all of that."
"How? What's changed?"
Now their anger was starting to show through. "I have never once lied to you!" They hissed then seemed to rein in their emotions. "You thought I made up lies to keep you from leaving me. You used my mindless body as an attack dog. You thought I raped your wife." They said softly as they reached out and took Eddie's much larger hand in their own.
"I thought it couldnt get much worse than that but then it did. You left our child in danger. You abandoned him when he needed you most. I know I don't have the best record for protecting my children but you," It sounded like they choked back a sob "you were supposed to be better. You promised him you would be."
Eddie remembered making that promise. Holding the newborn symbiote against his chest swearing to it with all the love in his heart that he was going to be better, better than Carl.
The symbiote continued "He nearly died while begging for his father to come save him and that is the one thing I cannot forgive. That is why I am leaving you Eddie." They let go of his hand and started to turn away before he caught their arm.
"Darling I'm sorry..it's just..I haven't been thinking right. I was so scared with Knull coming and Carnage after me and Dylan I didn't know what else to do. I'm not myself."
He felt desperate now knowing how serious it was. They had left before but this time...this time had an air of finality to it.
Gently shaking off his hand they looked at him again.
"Now who's making things up? You know you did this Eddie. Not Knull, not Carnage, you Eddie Brock." For a moment he thought he saw what may have been a semblance of tears in their eyes. "I don't know who you are anymore Eddie. I can't recognize this man you've become. All I know is you aren't the man I married and you certainly aren't the man I loved. It's over."
Now he was sure those were symbiotic tears trickling down their face. They mirrored the wetness running into his own beard. He felt hollowed out hearing those same words that Anne had used when she had left him. Why did he keep changing in ways that hurt those he loved, he wondered. The symbiote stretched their maw into a sad smile and reached up to kiss him one last time. He wanted to grab them, promise he would be better and never let them go, but he couldn't. They wouldn't believe him and his promises meant nothing.
As they pulled away he could feel tiny cuts on his lips from their teeth, any time before those cuts would've been healed instantly but no more. He felt unmoored as the symbiote patted his chest gently and walked towards the ship. Stopping to pick up a final containment chamber that held a small red symbiote they glanced back at him. "Goodbye Eddie Brock. Have a nice life." They said and then walked up the ramp and into the ship.
Eddie took a shaky breath. This couldn't be real it had to be a lingering trick of Knull's. Desperately looking for anything that might help him he saw Sleeper making his way towards the ship. He must have left the church to reclaim Tel-Kar while Eddie was talking to his parent as he was humanoid once again and had a normal cat on his shoulders. Eddie ran to catch up to him before he entered the ship.
"Sleeper wait!" He said grabbing his arm. Sleeper stopped moving and stood as if he were frozen. Eddie stammered for something to say but Sleeper beat him to it.
"Get away from me." He said with a coldness that nearly stopped Eddie's heart.
"Sleeper I understand you're upset but I'm sorry. You have to understand none of us could take the chance of letting you in. If Knull got control of you in that bunker we all would've died."
"Oh I understand perfectly." He said with the same coldness but now there was a hint of something else in his voice. It sounded like something between rage and heart broken grief.
"Then why are you both leaving? Please explain it to me Sleeper. Your parent and I can work things out and you're my son I lo..." he was cut off as Sleeper whipped his head around to stare down at him.
"Do not lie to me." He spat and jerked away from Eddie. Taking a few steps away he spoke again. "You are not my father! My father was not a coward like you he would have sooner been locked out of that bunker himself than leave me to die." The careful control Sleeper had on his emotions cracked and the grief became obvious as he continued.
"My father would have come for me. He would have saved me no matter the danger to himself. He would have heard me screaming for him! He would not have slammed that door in my face...unless he did not care." Sleeper's shoulders shook and the cat jumped down to scurry into the ship where his parent was watching. "I know how much my father loved me so for him to not be there for me he must be dead." He finished quietly and looked down at the floor.
Eddie walked slowly in front of Sleeper to see his face. He was surprised by the sight of human tears rolling down the young symbiote's face and into the holes in his cheeks. "I'm so sorry Sleeper." He whispered. "I'm so sorry but I'm here now. I'm not dead."
Sleeper looked up at his words "You are to me."
Eddie staggered back as if he'd been hit. "Sleeper!" He gasped.
Now it was the rage that took over "I am not your son isn't that what you want to hear! You made it apparent that's what you think of me! I was only good enough when you didn't know you had a human son, a "real" son!!" Sleeper pointed angrily towards where Dylan and Normie were still watching. "There he is, the one you love the most!! The one that looks like you, and talks like you and isn't half malicious parasite!!" He shouted.
Turning away from Eddie he stormed up the ramp of the ship. He paused at the top and seemed to deflate as his anger dissipated as quickly as it had come only to be replaced by the ache of sadness again. "I would rather have a dead father than a father that stopped loving me for things I can't control."
He looked back at where Eddie stood frozen in place. "Go then. Be a good father to him I know you are capable of it. He is a good child he deserves to be loved. I hope our paths never cross again." He stepped inside and started to close the hatch. Just before it sealed Eddie heard Sleeper's faint final words to him
As the ship's engines powered up Dylan ran over and hugged Eddie, possibly feeling as though what had happened was his fault. Eddie could vaguely make out Sleeper and his parent through the main viewport and knew that this was likely the last he would ever see of them both. The ship lifted off and rose into the atmosphere and as Eddie's heart broke he felt like he couldn't breathe.
It didn't take long for Earth to practically vanish behind them. The symbiote couldn't believe they had finally done it, they had left Eddie for good. They were currently in the small bunk area of the ship trying to distract themself from the hollowness they felt by checking on their children. Lasher, Riot, Phage and Agony were all in one containment tube huddled together. They were still frightened by the entire ordeal but their parent hoped they would calm down soon and relax.
Scream was in her own tube next to her siblings, it had been so long since she had seen them along with her first host having killed all of theirs that Sleeper had thought it best to contain her alone for now. She was sleeping now which they thought was good so they left her alone.
Then they came to the one that most worried them. The final tube contained all that was left of Red in the world. From what they had been able to peice together a small part of her had been revived when Grendel infected Norman Osborn. She had survived when her parent killed Osborn and Sleeper had recovered her from the corpse. She was so small and afraid, they could hear her quietly calling out for Cletus and it broke her parents heart. They would tell her what happened, one day after she had recovered and grown strong again. They just hoped she could forgive them.
Leaving Sleeper's new cat to curl around the tubes they walked to the cockpit to check on their youngest. "Sleeper?" They said as they entered.
He didn't turn to face them "Yes parent?"
"Are you alright?" They asked taking a seat next to him.
He was silent for a minute as he engaged the auto pilot, where they were headed the symbiote did not know nor did they care.
"No. I am not." He said and he started to cry. The sound of it only added to the ache they felt in their core and they pulled him close. He rested his head on their shoulder and cried, not even caring that he sounded exactly his age. Their own form of tears joined his as they let the pain of the past few months truly settle in their mind.
After a while Sleeper choked out "Some birthday. Instead of getting a gift I lose my father and nearly die." The symbiote remembered now, that very day marked exactly a year since Sleeper's birth. The stark differences between then and now only made their grief worsen.
"I am so sorry Sleeper." They tried to think of anything that would comfort their heartbroken child but it was a struggle. Finally they settled on what they had done before he was even born.
They started to hum an all too familiar tune that had once done the trick even if now it was bittersweet. Eventually they sense Sleeper giving in to rest and finished their song but with a small change to the final lines.
Looking sorrowfully at the tiny speck that was Earth they sang "Now it's all we are...two strangers in the night."
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tamisdava-blog · 7 years
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Ok, guys its good and bad for me that i’ll have to make something soon about SVTFOE, RWBY if they’ll finally make translation of it, Camila Cuevas made new video; “origins... black beast” i didn’t watched it, because my sister threw me off PC. But today we are going to talk about ANIME! Ok, ok i know what you say: that all animes are garbage and same. But i disagree! Now we have some good anime like: My hero academia, i watched only 1th season and it was cool. One punch man that people like but i haven’t watched it and never going to watch it because i am kind of not into anime now... AND RWBY WITH 3D graphic, RWBY is for people that are already tired of anime drawings, so they can watch something special that dont looks like anime, eyes are resting from 2D and getting attached to 3D. 
The first anime that i’ll going to talk about is Soul eater! I watched it when i was 5 years old and i watched it with my old sister that was 9?! of course there is some blood there... But i never paid attention to it as 5 old little girl. Because... THERE WAS A GREAT HUMOR, if you started laughting on the one moment of soul eater you’ll never stop it. THERE WAS GREAT PLOT! And soul eater has a good character development. And of course my fav shipshipshipship and characters. I guess we will start from characters and plot, i’ll try to not spoil everything. Maka and Soul are main characters, Soul can turn into a dam weapon, Maka uses him as weapon, they killing evil people, collecting their souls... Hm, wait what? i said collecting? Nonononono Soul just eats them. Yea, eats. So soul needs to eat 100 souls and 1 witchy soul. In the beginning we can see that Maka and Soul collected 100 souls and they are fighting with witch cat... Yea, witches here have animals theme. They defeat her, Soul eats her soul, But, Always but, but that witchy soul doesn’t count, witch cat is alive and They have to recollect 100 souls. Dont ask me why it happend, last time i rewatched soul eater i was 10 years old, so i cant remember everything. Heck ya i need to rewatch it. So the witch’s name is blair and she is one of my fav characters. So no, Soul isn’t the only one that can turn into weapon, there are two sisters: Elithabeth and patricia that can turn into pistols?.. Also Tsubaki that turns in different weapons. They are too my fav characters. So Black Star uses Tsubaki as weapon. And death kid uses sisters as weapons. No, seriously its his dam name! Death kid is a son of death himself, yea, Black Star is energetic shit that still makes me laught. Maka is a serious girl, Soul is... Soul is just soul. I’ll say nothing about Elithabeth, but patricia acts like a little, cute kiiiiiiiiiid! she is my fav character too. Tsubaki is little bit shy, very patient and gentle. So after we see Maka’s dad, the weapon of death himself? Yea, he also womanizer. The character that is still mystery for me crona,Crona is a boy or girl? I didn’t understood if Crona was male or female and i still cant understand it. And i’ll now jump on the main villain of 1th season, my fav evil character of all times, witch, MEDUSA SNAKE WITCH! Ok, i want to not spol everything so i wont say anything important. i just say that i ship her with Franken Stein. Dam i shipped as 5 old girl when i didn’t know meaning of “ship”. So Medusa wants to free Asura. I dont remember is succeed. But she died :( So i as the 1th season fan didn’t liked 2th season of it. But now, as i remember everything that happend in i think its great continue of 1th season. The main evil withc character is Medusa’s sister Arachne, I as a kid didn’t liked her as a villain, i just liked her eyes. 5 old me: SHE HAS WEBS IN HER EYES SIIIIIISTER! I still like her eyes. Nu, the only thing that i can tell without spoilering that she was great villain. BOOM! Not so ago i heared that there is a continue of Soul Eater, Soul Eater NOT! Of course i haven’t watched it :D And the villain there is Shaula? When i first saw her i thought: OH GOD WTF MEDUSA AND FRANKEN STEiN FINALLY HAVE KID? Nope, it turns out she is her sister -_-
So second anime is Naruto, Of course you watched a little bit of it as a kid right? RIGHT?! Ok i wont blame you if you wont decide to watch it. BECAUSE DAM ITS TOO LONG TO WATCH. Even me and my sister haven’t finished watching it. And we will never watch it fully. So about what is anime? Its about little boy’s life called NARUTOOOOOOOOOOOO! Naruto is shinobi, dont ask me what it means. So he is ninja, everyone in this anime is ninja, we have ninja fights, ninja attacks, and many ninja thiiiiiiings! So he is in team with his friend Sasuke and Sakura. And kakashi sensei teacher. So they are still kids and they are making very dangerous missions, so dangerous thet they can die. But they aren’t dying heck knows why. Maybe because of ninja powers? maybe... So Naruto loves Sakura, Sakura loves Sasuke, Sasuke loves himself. So we have lovely triangle of love. The main villain of this is Orochimaru (Spoiler, he will die in the end). Orochimaru says to Sasuke to join him, and guess what? (spoiler he joins Orochimaru). So they after growed up and turned into a dam teenagers. They met growed Sasuke, He almost kills Sakura (actually my sister was sad that Sakura didn’t died). So TRALALALA. (spoiler Sasuke kills his old brother) (spoiler Orochimaru dies and he is replaced by his assistant kabuto(not the pokemon one). Naruto has a beast with ninetales, from his mother because she had that beast too from her parents, i think. (hm pokemon is everywhere) So he learns how to control him TRALALALA. He finally understands that he doesn’t loves Sakura and marries Hinata. Hinata liked Naruto from childhood but she was too shy to tell him about it *face palm* -_-  So they now have son and daughter. Anime is now about Naruto’s son Boruto. Naruto seriously? You couldn’t give to you kid normal name?! AAAAAAnd i wont watch boruto.
The 3th anime is POKEMOOOOOOOON! GOTTA CATCH THEM ALL! Nu guys you should knew it that its will always be in lists :D I still singing the first opening of pokemon. Other openings are shity sorry people who like other ops :/ I want to talk less about it so lets start... The main character is Ash Ketchum. me and my sister thought that its was ketchup. So he is already 10-11 years old and he needs to take his first poke, it turns out that there is no starters left, only Pikachu. He takes pikachu and gets the first thunderbolt attack on himself. Pikachu acts like a goat, yea, A DAM goat with ash. So they will turn into a dam friends when Ash will save Pikachu’s life. So after he will meet with Misty and Brock and will travel with them around Kanto and Jonhto. After Misty goes back to gym, ash continues traveling around other regions with Brock, then Brock goes back to Kanto, eh my one of fav characters of my childhood. So ash continues traveling Unova TRALALA after to the Kalos TRALALAL and finally he is in alola and looks like kid again. Eh it was fun. Thanks to gen 4 appearing on Jetix i think.
I’ll stop here right now, i tried to write that dam post but sometimes my sister doesn’t let me to sit normal or others, i am tired, its night! I AM GOING TO SLEEP SORRY FOR MY DAM ENGLISH!
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planarchaosproject · 8 years
Portal Saga: Chapter One
 Sverre's Celebration
"Dear do you think these flowers are too much?" Oona called to Sverre from across the room. The once barren palace situated in Helheim, the land of the dead, was now overgrown with vines and various other plants that enjoyed a cool, wet, shady environment.
"Darling, you may do as you please. This palace is your home, my gift to you to beautify as you see fit. I would tear it down and remake Glen Elendra if you decreed it." Sverre stood in the doorway watching his wife arrange the pale blossoms with her delicate hands. Helheim was inhabited only by zombies and dumb beasts, and the Guardians residing in Azheim hadn't been down to the land of the dead in over two hundred years. Sverre wondered if they could even tell the difference between Oona and the Guardian he had murdered, Ehla. "I'm retiring to my study for some time. Our guests should be arriving soon."
He ducked out of the doorway and down a series of winding hallways, each one constructed of the same dark blue stone that winked with flecks of silver. High arches held up domes and spires. The palace had been far too grand for Ehla's purposes, Sverre thought, but it served him just fine.
The study was less of a study and more of a large alchemical laboratory lit by sporadic candle light. It had been a ballroom of sorts, though what a region inhabited by death needed a ballroom for Sverre couldn't say. Perhaps this building had once existed in Medheim, the world of mortals above, and it had perished in some earthquake or Ragnarok only to be reborn in the land of the dead.
Several human-sized brass containment tanks that were obviously borrowed from Odom's personal stash were set up in the corners, the glass viewing windows frosted over to prevent prying eyes from seeing the desiccated corpses within. These were past Guardians, born out of Yggdrasil from the souls of fallen heroes chosen by the Valkyries during each Ragnarok. Sverre had only witnessed two of these events in his lifetime, and each time they provided him with new material for his experiments. Every hundred years the Guardians and the forces of destruction led by Sverre's favored pet Jormungandr engaged in a massive war that only ended when everyone on both sides had fallen. Sverre had been ordering Jormungandr to bring him the Guardians directly rather than waiting for them to be interred and appear as nothing more than mundane zombies. This way he might be able to access the true source of their immortality.
Guardians could be killed in battle, but they knew no age nor illness. They were born fully formed from the world tree ready to protect a world who eagerly awaited their sacrifice. Sverre caught his reflection in the metal of a tank and frowned. His skin had grown paler as of late and had begun to pull at his cheekbones. There were dark circles under his eyes as well. And was that a liver spot? He shuddered, rushing to a dark wood cabinet, flinging it open. Inside sat rows upon rows of a silvery, glowing serum in neatly stoppered crystal phials. He struggled with the cork of the first one he grabbed, and in his impatience smashed it onto a table covered in delicate glass instruments that would distill more of the serum from the Guardians' bodies. Sverre eagerly licked the serum off of his shaking hands, a wild light in his eyes.
Catching his breath, Sverre turned back to the cabinet and calmly took out another phial. He twisted the cork and it popped out with a sound sweeter than champagne and burned like a shot of whiskey going down.
"I must not let myself get carried away like that," he laughed. "What would my friends say if they saw me scrambling about like a vampire in need of blood?"
"I'd say I've seen worse," Odom said, his voice echoing through the chamber.
Sverre went white.
"Don't worry, dude," Odom said, "I won't tell anyone." He clapped Sverre on the shoulder.
"Well you see how I've been. How about yourself?"
"Eh, I had to hire a new assistant. Again."
"That's the third one in two months?"
"It's more like six in Ravnica time, but yeah. Still a high turnover rate. I can't help it, Sverre, it's hard to find someone who lives up to her."
"You mean it's hard to find someone who has your level of disregard for ethics."
"That too…"
"Did you reach out to Kyari?"
"I have," Odom sighed. "But she's been preoccupied with finding Brock. And Marthel's spent the last three weeks in and out of the Cult of Rakdos. I have no clue where to find Lisandra, then again nobody knows what the hell you're talking about when you say House Dimir on Ravnica anyway. I never would have known about them without having the ear of one Niv Mizzet."
"Any word on Rinok or the artifact?"
"None. I know he went back to Valla, or at least I think he did, but I don't know where it is." Odom sighed again. "You know how terrifying it is planeswalking to a plane you've never been to. It might not even be where you think it is."
"Tarkir, likely. Sarkhan hardly leaves the plane these days and from what we gathered in the maze they're romantically involved."
"This isn't good at all," Sverre pouted. "I went to all this trouble to set up a celebration of life for your poor little creation and you're the only guest who bothered to come. You could have at least found Ashleigh and gotten her to show up."
"I keep telling you all I'm not her keeper, just her friend."
"Still going with that, huh? Anyone can see you guys are more than friends."
"Okay, so we mess around sometimes."
"You miss her. You spent years making her a present that could only be brought to life when she decided to come back. You defend her at every turn, and I heard you say you love her. Face it, Odom. You've got a girlfriend. An actual girlfriend, and I'm honestly quite proud of how much you've grown not only as a planeswalker but as a man. The reason your assistants aren't working out is because you don't want an assistant, you want a partner."
Odom looked off to the side, searching anything to not meet Sverre's eyes. He'd always considered himself too busy for actual attachments. People were like variables in an experiment, they could be changed until the right result was achieved, but replacing Ash hadn't worked at all. It was practical to keep looking for new assistants rather than waiting around on a partner who might never show up, but did he really want to do that?
"You have a lot of thinking to do, so I'll leave you to it. I have a feeling I'm needed in the grand foyer." Sverre brushed past Odom and made his way back along the darkened halls.
Leaning against the wall talking idly with Oona was Marthel, accompanied by a very distraught Kyari.
"Friends, welcome to my home. I see you left your angel at home, Marthel. I hope she isn't too worried about you. The confines of my realm are some of the safest on this entire plane," Sverre said grandly.
"I'm just pleased to finally be invited to your house, Sverre, although being underground doesn't really sit well with Kyari."
"Can you not smell it?" Kyari asked Oona. "Death everywhere. It's nauseating."
"That's what the flowers are for," Oona said, stroking a petal lovingly. "Besides, without death on this plane there would be no new life. When creatures die their bodies wind up here to be consumed by fungi and brought back into the great tree."
"But… there are zombies."
"Just a quirk of the magic," Oona explained. "There is an endless cycle of birth and death, war and peace, order and chaos. Each time the cycle turns to war, death, and chaos, the zombies here take up arms and follow Jormungandr to the surface to clash with the Guardians living above in the tree branches."
"That's…" Kyari paused, thinking about all the different forms in which she had encountered the balance of nature. "That's actually quite beautiful. I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions. But how does this cycle avoid meaningless death?"
"The Guardians are reborn from the souls of willing heroes every cycle. Only those who choose to give their lives have to, and from these the Valkyries select candidates to be reborn as Guardians out of the great tree. The Valkyries are sort of like angels, they do have wings and are immortal."
"That's actually where Nadia is now," Kyari said. "She's intrigued by angels of all planes. I hope she doesn't draw too much attention to herself, though."
"She'll be fine. I'm sure the Valkyries will welcome her as a sister. New ones do appear from time to time, and sometimes older ones disappear. There are writings of a Valkyrie without wings who was the most powerful of them all, said to have created them and blessed them with wings to distinguish their purity and valor from other races," Oona explained.
"Let me guess, her name was Serra?" Kyari asked.
"Her name was lost to the ages, but if theories surrounding the ancient planeswalker Serra are correct, it might be an artifact of all planes being connected and a sort of racial memory among all angels."
"Sverre's been teaching you a lot, hasn't he?" Kyari asked.
"No," Oona said, smiling smugly. "I just listen well when he has conversations and forgets I'm in his hood. It's easier to eavesdrop on planes where I'm smaller, though."
"Oona, I'd like to apologize for underestimating you," Kyari said sheepishly.
"No worries. I have become used to people underestimating the fae because we are usually so small."
"Well," Sverre interjected himself into their conversation, "if these are all the guests that will be in attendance, then I suppose the feast should begin. This way to the dining hall."
"I made sure to prepare some plant based dishes for you, Kyari, in case your tribe of elves doesn't dine on animals," Oona informed her.
"Thank you, Oona. That's very thoughtful."
"I've encountered many different creatures on my travels. It never hurts to be prepared."
Odom was already inside. A large banner painted with the words "CELEBRATING ABBY" hung across the dining hall and a long mahogany table piled high with roasted meats, boats of soup, bowls of fresh fruit, and a rather ambitious centerpiece of vegetables assembled to form a swan with bright red cherry tomatoes for eyes greeted the guests.
"I had planned for all eight of us to be present, obviously excluding Rinok and his ilk. Not that they would come, anyway. They'd view this as a trap. And it would have been a good one. We could have recovered the artifact." Sverre said, taking his seat at the head of the table. Oona took her seat to his right.
Kyari sat down beside Oona, "Does it bother you that he forgot about you?" She whispered.
"He means eight planeswalkers. I obviously would be here. See, there are ten chairs."
"Can we actually start talking business, Sverre?" Marthel asked sharply.
"First, a toast," Sverre insisted. He stood and raised his golden goblet, filled to the brim with blood red wine. "We are here today to honor a valiant creature who is no longer with us. Of course, I am speaking of our dear friend Odom's creation, Abby. Abby came into this world only looking to be loved and many of us here did just that, we showered the creature with affection, eager to see what it might choose to become. But there were others whose selfish actions have now cost us the company of such an adorable being. When all Abby wanted to do was help us, they saw its actions only as malicious. They were clouded by bias and-"
"If this is just going to be a let's bash Brock hour, I'm leaving, Sverre," Kyari said.
"Agreed," Marthel said. "We need to talk about more serious matters, Sverre."
"Did any of you think this might be serious for Odom?" Sverre barked.
Every eye in the room turned to the unusually withdrawn mad scientist.
"Sverre, this is great and all, but I've already come to terms with what happened. I was ready for it the second it happened. The person who needs this kind of thing isn't here right now, and none of us know where to find her, so we can dispense with the frivolity and actually talk about serious matters. The artifact."
"We know Rinok has the artifact, or we think he does," Marthel said. "It wasn't around after the rest of you left, and I saw Ashleigh talking to him before he left. I'm thinking he took it and when she tried to stop him, he somehow threatened her into submission. It would have had to be a pretty powerful threat, because usually she doesn't know when to quit."
"Yeah," Odom said, "those self-destructive tendencies of hers."
"What do you make of what she cried out at the end before planeswalking, Odom. She said 'that wasn't what I wanted at all,' or something similar." Marthel picked at his food.
"When things don't go her way she tends to get a bit emotional," Odom said.
"A bit?" Kyari almost spit out her celery soup, which would have been a shame since it was delicious. She detected hints of Innistrad garlic, and some variants of thyme and fennel.
"Okay. A lot. She'll go off by herself for a while, adopt some new persona, and try to forget it all. She was a pirate captain on Alara for a while after we left, Kyari. Her nobility phase on Innistrad lasted a few years. She keeps coming back to Ravnica to try and get a place in the Izzet guild, which would be pretty easy considering Niv likes her well enough. She impresses him every time, and nearly explodes every time. Two things he likes." Odom explained around his mouthful of bread.
"So, she's unstable and runs off a lot when things don't go her way. Do you think she went after Rinok?" Kyari asked.
"Doubtful," Marthel said. "None of us have any idea about his plans, so she'd be running in blind which isn't the smart thing to do."
"If you'll recall," Oona spoke up, "she did serve under me as a sort of military commander. Running in blind was her specialty. Improvising proved to be her best tactic. It's likely she went after Rinok and that she's working on a way to retrieve the artifact and stop him."
"Oona, dear," Sverre smiled patronizingly, "it's been a long time since she was your little lieutenant."
"Sverre, do not patronize me. You don't know how to think about children."
"She's hardly a child," Marthel pointed out.
"Compared to me," Oona said, locking eyes one by one with every planeswalker in the room, "you are all children. Rinok will want to cement his victories, correct? To prove his dominance by disrupting natural processes and inciting eternal war? My guess is that he will want to start somewhere he has failed before."
"Kamigawa," Kyari breathed.
"What?" Sverre asked.
"When I first met Rinok, he was trying to incite another Kami War, but from what Tamiyo and Narset have told me, that effort failed. It was featured during one of their story circles with Ajani and Elspeth, may she rest in peace."
"Whoa hold up," Marthel sat upright. "Elspeth is dead?"
"You didn't know? Heliod, the Sun God of Theros, killed her after she went on a quest for him."
"I knew he killed someone, but…" Marthel grew quiet. "She was a hero to my people, to Bant. She wasn't born one of us, but she still saved countless people. That's… I… I never liked that guy…"
"That's all you can say? You never liked him?" Odom said, confused.
"What else am I supposed to say? I can't kill a god," Marthel said. "Not without a weapon of a god."
"You don't think Rinok would go after the Godsend, would he?" Kyari asked.
"No," Sverre said emphatically. "He has no reason to do that. If he's going to Kamigawa, they have plenty of ways to commit acts of violence against the spirits there to start another Kami War. The portal could help him move his forces from Valla, or at least a small portion of his generals. I don't think he'd take his whole army out of that fight, someone has to keep their endless cycle going."
"So he's going to use the artifact to move pieces of his army from Valla to Kamigawa. That's literally all we've got," Odom said.
"It's a starting point," Kyari said. "We at least know what we can do."
"We?" Odom asked.
"You're not coming?" Kyari asked, aghast at the suggestion.
"You've been spending too much time with Brock. I don't have a horse in this race. I just want the artifact so I can show my face in Niv Mizzet's audience chamber again. Stolen Simic technology that will make the other green aligned guilds obsolete can only get me so far." Odom leaned back in his chair. "Wars on other planes aren't in my wheelhouse. Go find the Jacestice League for that."
"He means the Gatewatch," Marthel said.
"But we're going to be responsible for the destruction he visits upon Kamigawa," Kyari said.
"Not really," Sverre said. "We merely lost possession of an artifact that allows people who are not planeswalkers to move between planes. If I recall, there was a young man during the War of Mirran Resistance who was trying to do the same thing."
"You met Venser?" Marthel said.
"In passing. Shame about his health, he was one smart cookie." Sverre took a bite out of his leg of lamb.
"I cannot believe either of you," Kyari said. She pushed her chair back and stormed out of the room.
"I had better follow her, Marthel stammered. "She probably just needs some air."
"Oh, I need more than just air, Marthel," Kyari called. "I need new friends."
"Look, let me find Nadia first and then we can go straight to the Oboro Palace. Tamiyo should be home, we can warn her."
Odom and Sverre were left alone. Oona quietly sipped her own bowl of soup, glancing back and forth between them.
"I think that went well," Oona said sarcastically.
"At least someone got spurred to action," Sverre said, grinning. "I would go, but I'm needed here. My experiments are far too delicate for me to leave them for an extended period of time right in the middle of the distillation process."
"I don't get why everyone keeps dragging me into stuff like this. I just wanted the artifact for my guild. I still want it. But there's really not much else I can do when it comes to a war. I'm not really a fighter, you saw that, right?" Odom said.
"I do recall that one time you impersonated Brock and freaked him out quite a bit," Sverre said.
"So I can morph myself into people. Did they want me to volunteer as a spy or something? Like that was going to happen."
"Odom," Oona said, "I think right now Kyari and Marthel are feeling pretty alone and all they want are some allies."
"I don't want to get involved with this, though. This isn't my fight."
"If Rinok succeeds, where do you think he'll stop?" Oona asked.
Sverre and Odom passed a knowing look between them. They both had the answer.
He wouldn't.
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drewxmay · 8 years
Contestshipping Masterpost Part 12 and a half,12 and a whole, and 13 - Something I don’t know the name of, Odd Pokemon Out, and Spontanios Cumbuskin
The next episode is a Harley episode, but Bulbapedia says somthing about the ending in which May recives a letter and a rose from Drew (even though he was not seen in the episode) imforming her of another contest she can enter, so I'm thinking of skipping this one, and maybe the next one.
Also I'm mad at Bulbapedia for this incorrect entree on "odd pokemon out".
May is holding the rose and the letter she receives in the previous episode while on a boat. She apparently considers these two items as sentimental to her. As May already knows quite well what Drew means with the roses at this point in time now, her keeping and looking at Drew's romantic token that appeared in a prior episode is quite significant. However this is not necessarily a romantic hint, since there is a possibility that May is just taking "Drew's" entry in the next contest as a serious rivalry.
Bulbapedia your wrong. She still hasn't even thought about having a romantic relationship with drew and the following and past episodes show that she hasn't thought about it, and doesn't know what the roses mean. T.T
AND THEN WE HAVE SPONTANIOS CUMBUSKIN. this episode inspired me to make this masterpost so I'm just going to copy and paste, so it won't fit in as well as the past summaries I gave to episodes, which is why under each of the thinsg that I had said before I knew as much about contestshipping, I'll put a new comment, explaining what I think of it now.
MY BLUSHING CHART I SPENT A FULL HOUR ON THIS PLEASE OH PLEASE JUST READ IT (or maybe it is an episode review that older me is reviewing? this is not a bluching chart)
0:00 (now me) and we begin the episode with no Drew, and May is happy. Great. 1:22 (now me) well I thought that you already knew 1:34 (now me) no he did not send that. and he just told you. Wait why am I tagging this? 1:40 Well that was quick... (now me) well yes if you don't count the time that drew was off screen and the theme song, then it only took 30 or so seconds!
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1:54 (now me) or you just followed May. Becuase you do that.
now me :skips team rocket:
2:49 (now me) DIIIEEEEEEE
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3:00 (now me) Naw I'm fine
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3:31 (now me) Munchlax: Well that rose isn't from Drew so it isn't for you! It's me me!
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3:45 (now me) May did you forget that Drew has fangirls?
3:58 (now me) I'm pretty sure most of Drew's fangirls woul kill to see him in a swimsuit. Also artists whoa re drawing this give Drew a towl ebcuase they refuse to draw nipples.
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4:03 Okay, this is was Drew normally thinks of people like this. They are fangirls and that is cool. He doesn't care that much, and really, she doesn't mean barely anything to him. Also, I'm not counting her blushings anymore, just saying. (now me) I am though!
4:21  (now me) Drew is acting how most people react after I draw them art.
4:34 (now me) People ask why he is mean to May but nice to her. I already said this before but I guess I'll just copy and paste a post.   Everybody seems to misunderstand Drew’s character, thinking that he is trying to make may upset, but he really isn’t. Let me explain.  Drew tries to make May want to learn more, For example, let’s take the episode where Drew was introduced. In that episode he was definitely watching her before they noticed him, so he had seen May training on the beach and decided to follow her, seeing that she could improve, and he knew how to improve. At the beginning Drew seems to be poking fun of how little ability she has, but this was actually so that she wanted to become better, and it works! For example: Who What When Where Wynuat. During the episode, they find Leechy berries, and because May didn’t know what they were, Drew tried mocking her of not knowing what they were so that she wanted to learn, and by the end of the episode… it worked! Many of the things that May knows is because Drew taught her. May would be too stubborn to really just take advice, and here is another reason why he does it. In “Three Sides to Every Story” (an episode that I believe to be referencing Contestshipping) an Electikid is making fun of (a Pokemon I don’t know how to spell’s name but it is something like Merrow) Merrow and Piplup thinks that he is just being mean, but during the episode we find out that Electikid is attacking her because he has a crush on her. Brock says, “Sometimes when a boy likes a girl, they will go out of their way to make fun of them” This is why Drew makes fun of May. He likes her, and it seems to be a great way to teach her to be a better coordinator. I have recently watched through a bit more of the episodes. At the first grand festival, Harley tells May to go through the entire Appeal round and then battling rounds with just silver wind. Drew knows that Harley is just trying to make may loose, and his first attempt to convince her not to do so was him just telling her it was a bad idea. He could’ve easily made fun of her for doing that and it would have definitely worked, but he decided not to and it didn’t work.   Drew was nice to briana becuase he didn't need to make fun of her in order for him to teach her, nor did he like her. He also didn't find her that interesting so he barley even tried to teach her during the episode. Now you know. 4:42 Drew you blushed at her bad pun. This is what happens when you like somebody. WHATS GOING ON BETWEEN YOU TWO? T^T
(now me) finally! we have the 3rd nickname. We have Mr.Perfect, Mr.Know-it-all, and Mr.Rose! (also thank you roserade)
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4:56 OKAY JUST. THIS IS SO OUT OF CONTEXT. JUST THIS LOOKS LIKE IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. WHAT WOULD YOU THINK IF YOU HEARD TWO PEOPLE SAY THIS? JUST. OMG. WOW. (me now) same reaction. It was so out of context, the writers just wanted to proove how canon it is.
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5:09 (now me) Suuuuure he is Max. He also likes your sister.
5:16 I'm talking about this at the end, if you want to know why this is so important, read the rest and read the end. (now me) older me you forgot to discuss this scene at the end. I guess I have to. She's a noob.
There done.
okay but seriosly, nothing really needs to be said about this scene, there are a few others we need to mention later though.
5:53 Max was the best in this episode
:skips the part without may:
7:13 This has nothing to do with what I was saying buuuut... Wow this show sure does love to milk that Rocketshipping (James x Jessie) meme XDDDD (me now) James: looks at what seems to be Jessie with hearts for eyes: GROOVE MIME.JR!
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7:57 (me now) Drew say that to May so that she can learn... or can she hear you? nah.
8:12 (me now) You beleive in your crush.
9:23 (me now) sirkit evolves into Masqurain. Briana is obsessed.
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11:02 (me now)  Max why you askin?
11:22 Brock ships it. (me now) yes he does. Mr.Flirt finally gets it.
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11:40 And this scene. As I said, I will explain why it is so important at the end. (me now) fine, I'll explain.
May has actually never thought about her and Drew being together before, right now she is finally considering it, but she had just started thinking baout it so we havn't notten that much development on it yet.
11:53 Blushing May. She has never thought about it. This is also what I will talk about at the end. this is about as important as the last one I will point out before explaining. (me now) but I JUST explained.
12:07 You kicked Harley out rewrote the script and made it your own Jessie. Change the words but some of the meaning still lies in there that Harley would say.
:skips the battle:
15:00 (me now) Oh look she also has a vibrava that evolves into flygon. Are you seriosly telling me that she isn't obsessed?
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17:19 (me now) Drew hopes that May will win becuase he likes her
19:00 This scene. I will make more time frames on it just pay attention. (me now) No I will delete them off of this post so that I can.
19:14 (me now, the rest is me now) Teaching and crushing on May
19:25 And people got confused as to why is is nice to Briana
19:43 Ecxuse me Mr.Flirt?
19:47 This scene is so important.
Imma explain it right now
“I’m hoping to see you back here next year too May.” - Rhapsody in Drew  in Advance Battle “Hey May, just two more ribbons.” - Spontaneous Combusken in Battle  Frontier.   May never forgot what Drew said after the Grad Fesival. She never forgot how kiindly he had said that to her. Right now she is blushing like "oh my god am I falling in love" blushing. She had been thinking about what Briana had said and hen Drew spoke to her again like this she was reminded of both what briana had said about them having feelings for eachother, and what'd happened after the grand fesival. She is legitimatly starting to fall in love with Drew. Drew didn't forget what'd happened after the grand Fesivle either. He actually reminded her that she needed two mroe ribbons before the next grand festival, the one he was talking about when he had said "I'm hoping to see you here next year" (he ment another grand fesival not the hoen one) Their first serios romantic moment was on the beach after the grad fesivle, and now we are here again with a completly new revelation on May's part. Instead of being mystified at Drew's sudden kinda words she is sitting their, legitimatly like a schoolgirl in love with her crush standing in front of her. Compare the first scene from Advanced battle to this scene. There has been character development, and there will be more. Actually to be completly honest no other ship in pokemon has even come close to being as canon as this. Not Pokeshipping, not irakishipping, and not even armorshipping where they actually kissed. Pokeshipping came close, but it was more of a joke to the show, and I did see them try on irakishipping but it still didn't come close to contestshipping. Also before all of you aurmorshippers say that it was canon, just compare which one was better written. armoreshipping was just serena having a cruch on ash. That is poor writing. Contestshipping through actually has aspects of real life relationships, and it developed so damn well. If they brought these two characters back, either they would have completly ruined Drew's complex personality and just make him a jerk, or lets say that they actually wrote him the way that he is. They would have needed contestshipping. Okay that is all. the next episode is
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