#it makes total sense for effeminate straight guys who people insist are totally gay to feel a connection to gay and bi people
I need someone who sees Eddie's issues as lingering love for Shannon to work with me.
Eddie's behavior is being blamed on never dealing with Shannon's death or still being in love with Shannon by a lot of fandom.
But I don't understand why it is being interpreted that way. I will explain my side and I encourage others who see it as I mentioned above to share their reasoning, insight, and viewpoints, so maybe I can get it.
While Eddie insists he and Shannon were in love, everything in canon supports them being in puppy love, in lust, or even FWB, but not a full, adult, stable romantic love. I dare say it was one-sided lust and one-sided convenience.
Eddie chose possible death over being with Shannon and Christopher. He ran from them into a war zone. That is not what a loving husband and father does. If he had gone into the military strictly for financial reasons, that would be a different situation. But that wasn't his motivating factor. He was running.
When Eddie returned, injured and mentally scarred, Shannon walked out. People can try to defend her, but no good parent would sneak off in the middle of the night leaving their child behind because "I need time too". What kind of excuse is that?
It felt like the real victim in all that was Christopher. Neither Eddie nor Shannon seemed committed to him. He was (after 7x7 some could say is) the child of two immature, self-centered people.
Let me get back on topic.
When Shannon came back, all they had was sex, which is what I suspect their "love" was really based on the whole time. Shannon eased right back into their lives, only to decide she wasn't interested in Eddie or Christopher and she wanted a divorce.
These are reasons why I don't believe Eddie is acting out or losing his mind because he hasn't gotten over his wife's death. Imho, those two were dysfunctional and lying; they were never in love.
Shannon loved having the hot guy on her arm.
Eddie needed a girl. Why? I believe Eddie is repressing his sexuality. If you look at how he has portrayed Eddie this season, there have been at least three instances where I caught myself thinking, "Hey a-hole, it is totally not cool to act out effeminate gay male stereotypes!" only to realize he wasn't doing that!
I believe Edmundo Diaz is deeply closeted due to his heritage, religion, family, then friends, and home area. I think he clutches at the memories of his dead wife because she was the physical proof he is heterosexual. He had sex with Shannon. He got Shannon pregnant. He had a child with Shannon. Obviously he is not gay.
This isn't about love. This is about being the QB of Team Delulu. If he can recreate what he had with Shannon, he can be straight again. Eddie has never said he wants a partner or a wife. He wants a mother for Christopher. That is his excuse every time.
Eddie picks up with any woman who can't see what is right in front of them and will work with him to build shaky, passionless relationships. He admitted Shannon chased him. Ana couldn't have thrown herself at him harder. Marisol is trying so hard to make something out of nothing.
He isn't into any woman. Ever. Demisexual my azz. That man can't make a relationship with a woman last because you can only lie to yourself, that woman, and the world for so long before you get tired and either slip or give up.
If you look at the past six seasons from the angle of Eddie being closeted, don't things make a bit more sense?
Edited to add clarification: I know you can be demi and any label on the sexuality spectrum. One day, when I am feeling way more comfortable in my skin, I will share more about that.
What I meant, and obviously communicated poorly, is I don't think Edmundo is genuinely demi. I think he uses being a "nester" and implying he needs a real connection with a woman to even consider dealing with her as cover for why he doesn't have relationships with women and why he doesn't want them. Eddie Diaz, imo, is written as a closeted gay male in denial using other labels to convince himself he is anything except gay. I believe he is allosexual; however, he doesn't have any genuine, organic attraction to women and he sure as hell is not ready to admit he is attracted to men.
Christopher, no time, needing a deep emotional bond, not clicking with anyone, still in love with his ex-wife, and all the other reasons are merely lies so he can continue to deceive others and, more sadly, himself.
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