#it meant a bit more since i drew it in a handmade notebook one of my best friends gave me before she moved away
phillytheclown · 6 months
Princess Kenny 🧡🧡
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I'm so proud of this she turned out so beautiful
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norowareshimono · 7 years
Gray Log: The Innermost Secrets of Manga! (Part 1)
I’m translating the text version of this interview, that can be found here, given that the manga version included in Gray Log isn’t as detailed. For now, I have no intention to translate the latter, as it would be redundant in my opinion.
Other DGM Translations
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《1》Making the storyboards lead around by the characters
Hijihara: I’m a newbie mangaka, Hijihara Erubo. As a great fan of D.Gray-Man, I also had the pleasure of watching the Nico Live* stream from the other day. I’m really, really nervous, but I look forward to working with you!
*Hijihara is talking about the Nico Nico Live that took place in 2016 January 1st
Hoshino: So, you watched it! Thank you so much. I thought that maybe you could draw me with the stream’s Hoshino BOX*, so I came wearing the same clothes I wore back then (laugh). I’m not sure if I can tell you all anything useful, but I’ll do my best. Thank you for having me here.
*The handmade cardboard box that Hoshino wore over her head in the stream.
Hijihara: Let’s start right away then. Could you tell us how do you make your storyboards?
Hoshino: The process is basically like this: I first create an outline in my head, then I have a briefing session with my editor, and then I finally make the storyboard. I always start with a thought-out outline for the chapter, but even so I end up with something completely different every time… The outline takes into account the flow of the story, and I honestly want to follow it. However, when introducing the characters, the story goes in a totally different direction. They won’t listen to me, even if they’re my own creations (bitter laugh). However, I know the principles behind their actions and why they behave as they do, so I’ll abandon the original outline if I can accept the new direction they’re taking. After that, I remake the events of the story.
Hijihara: So, your characters lead you around?
Hoshino: Exactly. The initial outline makes the story neat and coherent, but leaving it to the characters makes the story develop in a more exciting way. But then I often end up in situations where there aren’t enough pages when working on the storyboard with a mind on the characters’ will and opinions like that (laugh). Of course, the conclusion will also be completely different… Whenever my editor looks at it and goes “this is completely different from the briefing,” I’ll single-mindedly persuade them to keep it. Most of it stays due to my stubbornness, but I do revise the parts my editor won’t accept no matter what.
Hijihara: Is it better to stick to your ideas for the storyboard?
Hoshino: It may be difficult for a newbie to speak their mind to their editor, but I think that in the end it’s better to carry it out in a way you won’t regret later. For me, the harsh schedule of weekly serialization became an excuse to reach some compromises over my storyboards that made “D.Gray-Man” diverge a bit from the story I had first conceived. I regret that immensely to this day, and I think about how nice would it have been if, instead of giving up that easily, I had insisted and gotten to draw it as I’ve wanted… That’s why I believe we should have a strong stance regarding our manga.
Hijihara: How detailed are your storyboards?
Hoshino: I currently work in digital from the storyboard stage, drawing them in a style that is detailed enough to be used even as a rough sketch. I’ve looked up to Tite Kubo from Bleach since I heard he makes them like this. However, I wasn’t up to the challenge at first, when I was serialized weekly, and I only changed methods to my current one when I started to work in digital. I made use of simplified drawings before, and the characters’ faces were as complex as the “heno-ji*” emoji (laugh).
*An emoji made with the letters へのへのもへじ, as seen here.
Hijihara: Back when you drew traditionally, what did you draw the storyboards in?
Hoshino: I used a variety of things. I worked with whatever I wanted or felt like I could draw on, so it wasn’t like I had a notebook saved for only that purpose. I’ve used sketchbooks, sketch pads… Once I even drew it on the back of a photocopy I found around (laugh). Even if I did decide to use a particular notebook, for example, I would just end up being like “I have to work this month too… Woah, it’s so white… I can’t look at it anymore…” each time I saw it. Then, I would choose to abandon the notebook I didn’t even want to see anymore and get another sketch pad to draw there.
Hijihara: So that’s how you stay motivated. Did you work at home?
Hoshino: When I lived in Ochanomizu, I mostly drew the storyboards in this café (the one where the interview took place). It’s one of my favorites, and the owner is a wonderful person. The coffee is delicious and, on top of that, the indirect lighting the shop uses for ambience makes the pages appear a soft sepia instead of white… I suffer a lot from white page syndrome, so when there is something there, no matter how small, it helps me relax (laugh). Isn’t the same for you too, Hijihara?
Hijihara: Yes, I completely understand the fear of facing a white sheet…
Hoshino: You could also smoke here and, given that I hate tobacco, that meant I couldn’t stay here for too long. Thanks to that, I could focus and finish my storyboards in a short period of time. I would’ve slacked off if I were too comfy, which is why I think the ideal working place for this type of work is somewhere “comfortable but difficult to stay in.”
《2》The advantages of digital drawing
Hijihara: You said this before, but you’re working in digital from the storyboard stage, right?
Hoshino: Exactly, but I also drew traditionally until a year ago. I think that the first storyboard for chapter 219 of D.Gray-Man, which appeared in the first issue of the CROWN magazine, was made half traditionally, half in digital. The storyboard that I showed to my editor then was a mix of both mediums. Thereafter, I got used to it gradually and moved to making my storyboards in full digital. The tablets I’m currently using are WACOM’s “Cintiq Companion” and the recently released VAIO’s “Z Canvas.” The “Z Canvas” is an excellent tablet that can process even heavy files that use lots of memory, like videos or graphics, smoothly and with no freezing. I bought it after watching a video of Nakamura Hikaru, the author of Saint Young Men, working with it. I immediately decided it was for me because, to be honest, I’ve felt an affinity with her over our shared birthday.
Hijihara: You seem to work in Clip Studio Paint, but what was the reason for going from traditional to digital?
Hoshino: I was an advocate of traditional drawing at first, but I changed sides after facing problems with my work environment. When I worked traditionally, I had created the ideal conditions for me to draw at my workplace, from the angle of the desk to the way the light fell on the manuscript. However, at a certain point I had no option but to work on my manuscript outside of my own workplace… and doing so in an environment different from the usual proved to be surprisingly difficult, so I decided to make the change to digital, for which location doesn’t matter. I’m the type to act as soon as I decide on something, so I soon bought a liquid crystal tablet and, without any practice whatsoever, I immediately started to work on the next manuscript. My first experience with digital drawing had been a failure and I thought I wouldn’t draw on a computer ever again given my little to no knowledge about it. My deadline was close, so I remember being totally absorbed into the task and sending it to print despite having no idea of what I was doing. I was in the middle of serialization, so I didn’t have time to practice at all (bitter laugh).
Hijihara: Didn’t you resist to changing to digital?
Hoshino: Once I made the decision, I didn’t waver at all. I had bought an expensive tablet and software to be able to work in digital, so I was determined to not waste all the money I had invested (laugh).
Hijihara: Did you struggle replicating your line work in digital form?
Hoshino: I wasn’t aware of it, but I did. Do you know how in digital you can zoom as much as you want, unlike paper? I didn’t take the zoom rate into consideration at first, so the lineart ended up being thinner than expected and the drawings didn’t turn out well. I was like “I’m inking just as always, why is this happening?!” (laugh).
Hijihara: By the way, how many people are working in D.Gray-Man at the moment?
Hoshino: Including me, there are three people working in it right now, but at times the number increases for the last spurt. Since I moved to a trimestral magazine, I have some leeway with time, so my assistants stay at their homes and work from there with what I send them. The main advantage is that the commuting time can be used for working. Back when I was serialized weekly, I lived in the city center so my assistants had no transportation issues, but there is no need for that now that they’re working at home and for that I’m grateful. However, everything goes smoother if you are talking face to face. I do talk with my assistants through Skype, but a lot of the time they misunderstand me and everyone ends up frustrated and annoyed.
More in part 2
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derangedsanity · 7 years
Home (Chapter Five)
Title: Home (Chapter Five) Pairing(s): Jughead Jones x Reader, Jughead Jones x Betty Cooper, Veronica Lodge x Archie Andrews Warnings: Maybe some slight cursing, Smut, unprotected sex. Summary: The reader visits with Jughead and things go differently than the reader thought- but not-so-secretly hoped. A/N: Me repeating to myself; Do not make this a The Notebook AU, Do not make this a The Notebook AU- Anyway! As always, feedback is greatly appreciated and I hope you all enjoy! Tag List; @dempsey-mantle @sunshine51879 @day-dreaming-nightmare @emotional-wrek-hello @nafa1604 @theselfishllama @aezthetically
It was two days later and you were still trying to comprehend the fact that Veronica was right, you were still in love with Jughead. and you hated that she was right. You also hated that Jughead had failed to call you or even come and see you since the incident a few days ago. You wondered how much longer you had with him without Betty, before she got back from her retreat. Veronica drew you from your thoughts when she burst through the door, “I think I’m in love!” She exclaimed, kicking the door shut before throwing herself on her back next to you on the bed. You gave her a questioning look, “How do you know? This was your second date with Archie?” She sat up, scoffing. “It’s easy to fall in love with someone as amazing as Archie! I’m surprised you didn’t fall for him when you lived here, honestly.” You looked down, “Yeah, well, maybe I should have.” You mumbled before a soft, sarcastic chuckle left your lips. “Oh, sweetie, I am so sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.” She was so sincere about it and you tried so hard not to lose it right there. “God, maybe he wouldn’t have hurt me this badly.” You scoffed, wiping at your eyes before the tears that were building up behind your eyelids had the chance to fall. Veronica got closer to you, and wrapped her arms around your shoulders. “Maybe. Maybe not.” She whispered, running her hand through your hair soothingly. You calmed your breathing down enough to assure that you would not cry right now, hugging her back. “He isn’t going to talk to me anymore. I blew it.” You sighed, pulling away from her hug. “I almost kissed him. An engaged man. And now he’s scared and I’m scared and I just- god! I should have never came here. But...” Veronica nodded, letting you know she knew what you meant and that you didn’t have to continue which was such a big relief to you. “Maybe you should try calling him?” Veronica suggested. He answered on the third ring, completely oblivious to the fact that he was on speaker so that Veronica could listen in on your conversation. “Hello?” He answered. You froze but only for a moment, “Hey, Juggie, it’s Y/N. I just wanted to apologize for bolting on you the other day.” You chuckled. There was silence on his end. As if Veronica’s eyeroll was his cue, he finally spoke up. “That’s fine. How’s everything?” You shrugged, “Fine. I guess.” You winced when you added the ‘I guess’. “You guess?” There it was. “Yeah. Just a little tired. I’m taking this time away from college to stay up a lot later than I usually would.” Nice save. “Oh.” He laughed a bit, “Well, then, would you like to come over then? This time you can’t run out, though.” He joked. But you looked over at Veronica in shock. She gave you a thumbs up and a bright smile. “Fair enough. What time?” “How about now?” Once you got off the phone you rushed to get ready, stealing the outfit Veronica had just wore on her date with Archie and pulling your hair up in a gold hairtie. “How do I look?” You asked, giving her the look that asked for the true answer. “You look hot.” She winked at you. You nodded, “Good.” You let out a breath of relief. “And if that dress ends up being flung somewhere, just make sure it’s flung with care. I love this dress.” You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help the smirk that crossed your face, “I’ll try to take the best care of this dress.” “Thank you, girlie. Now be home by nine.” She mocked, but there was some sincere care in her facial expression. On your short walk to the yellow home you put your headphones in and played your favorite song- the one that never failed to make you happy and give you the confidence boost you almost always needed. You took a deep breath and knocked on the front door, taking your headphones out and placing them in your pocket. You listened carefully as you heard footsteps walking towards the door and then he opened it, greeting you with the same smile that melted you every damn time. You smiled back at him, however. “I’m here.” You stated with a soft laugh. He nodded. “I can see that.” There was an awkward pause. “So, would you like to go out on the river? It’s surprisingly not going to rain today, so.” You nodded, trying not to nod too eagerly. Once you were at the dock, you rose a brow at him as he took handmade boat closer to the two of you. “When did you get a boat?” “I made it about a year ago.” He looked down, “Betty thought it would be nice to have our own boat.” You bit your lip, hating the sound of her name every time you heard it. “Oh. Well, she wasn’t wrong.” He looked back at you and nodded. “She wasn’t.” You took a deep breath as he turned back around and set the boat up for the two of you, getting in first, you not following too far behind. You looked anywhere but at him for the first few minutes of silence as he gently moved the boat away from the house. You hadn’t noticed how truly close the boat was made. How close the two of you were made you almost claustrophobic in a good way. You looked up at him after at least three minutes, admiring how peaceful he looked out on the water like this. You admired how peaceful his features were as he slept. This was something you did every time you had the privilege to wake up next to him. You ran your hand through his hair gently enough where you were sure it wouldn’t wake him before pressing your lips against his cheek. “I love you so much, Jughead.” You whispered, studying his face like the work of art it truly was. “I wish words could explain how much you meant to me but they can’t. They never will be able to. I wish I could tell you why I want to spend my whole life with you but I can’t do that either. Because the words would be too many and would exhaust my speech entirely. But, you, Jughead Jones, will never tire me. Because it is nearly impossible to ever be tired of you. If I could, I would stay awake forever just so I could prove to you that there is never a dull moment with you.” You whispered. What you didn’t know is that Jughead had not been asleep when you told him that. But what you didn’t know would never hurt you. Once you pulled back up to the dock you couldn’t help but miss moments like that one. You didn’t wait for him and took off speed-walking towards the house. But something stopped you, turned you around and you let the tears fall as you saw him hooking the boat back up. “Why didn’t you?” You asked, walking back up to him slightly. He turned around and gave you a concerned look, “What?” “Why didn’t you visit me? I took off and you didn’t even try to see me! I was gone, Jughead. Did you even notice or care?” You asked, your tears increasing with every word you spoke. “Y/N, I tried to. God, I wanted to see you! But you left me, don’t forget that. I thought you didn’t want me to come!” He yelled back, keeping his distance from you. “You could have took my parents dying as an excuse to see me! You’ re stupid! You hurt me!” “Oh, and you didn’t hurt me? I was a mess! From the day you left, I felt nothing and everything at the same time. You were my everything. Dammit, why can’t you see that?” You paused, not knowing really what else to say. “I need to go.” You dried your tears the best you could and turned, beginning to walk back to your car. “Y/N, wait!” Jughead ran up to you and grabbed your shoulder, turning you around to face him once again. “Don’t do this to me again.” He was practically begging. “What about Betty, huh?” You demanded. “It’s...over. It’s been over for awhile now.” He sighed, taking a step back from you. “Oh.” You looked down. “God, I’m so sorry, Juggie. That must...suck.” “Surprisingly, it doesn’t. I don’t even know if I loved her or not.” He scoffed, looking at you like he was waiting for something more. And against all your better judgement, you gave him something more. This time there were no interruptions your lips touched immediately and now there was no going back. Your arms instinctively wrapped around his neck and gripped his hair tightly, drawing a groan from his lips. His hands gripped your shirt tightly, pulling you up as you wrapped your legs around his waist. He walked you inside the house as quickly as possible, closing and locking the door behind the two of you without dropping you which you would be lying if you said that didn’t impress you. As soon as the door was closed he slammed your back against it, causing you to gasp rather loudly and yank at his hair. Your kiss became even more heated and passionate than beyond possible. He ground his hips into yours roughly, your breath quickening with desire with every passing second until your breaths were in sync with his. You pulled away from the kiss only to pull his shirt over his head, stopping for a minute to admire how more toned his chest was from what you remembered. You bit your lower lip, running your fingers over his shirtless body. He watched you for a moment, trying to catch his breath and was drawn back when your lips found his neck, sucking and biting roughly. Making sure to leave marks where your lips touched his skin. You finally dropped down to take your dress off, letting it fall to the floor around you, not breaking eye contact with him until his eyes wandered over your body. “Fuck, you’re so beautiful.” He breathed out harshly. That was another thing you loved so much about Jughead, the way he never failed to make you feel just that- beautiful. You stepped out of your dress and towards him again, crashing your lips against his for a split second before going down to unzip his jeans, taking them down as quickly as possible and practically ripping them off of him. Leaving him only in his boxers, his hard on showing very well through the thin fabric of his boxers. Your breath hitched slightly and then you were being slammed against the wall, your back hitting the light switch and the lights came on in the living room almost immediately. A moan escaped your lips as he carried you upstairs to the bedroom, tossing you onto the bed.  He stepped out of his boxers revealing him completely. “Fuck.” You whispered at the sight of him. He smirked, crawling onto the bed so that he was hovering above you. He ripped the remainder of your clothing off of you and flung it wherever. His hands trailed up your arms and held them above your head and with one quick movement he thrust inside of you. Without giving you time to adjust, he set up a quick and steady rhythm. Soon enough the room was filled with the sounds of nothing but heavy breathing, moans and then finally a scream as your climax hit you like a bus. Sending Jughead over the edge right after you. Once you caught your breath you smiled widely at him, stretching your arms. “God, that was better than it’s ever been.” You laughed softly, rolling over to face Juggie whos smile matched yours. You ran your hand through his hair as his hand ran up and down your spine, sending a chill through your body. And for that time nothing needed to be said as the two of you stayed in complete silence. And then a knock came at the door.
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