#it plays a bit part in his story and stinger's & colt's story too
crowtold · 5 years
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        -- HC. this is long time coming, but here’s a BIG hc post detailing deeper information about scarecrow’s group & businesses ( ie. what they do, their ranks, affiliates, business deals, y’get what i mean ) ! putting under read more ‘cause there’s gonna be a LOT to discuss here.
offers various services for affiliated / neutral parties, all of which include;
illegal transportation between countries-- he’s willing to offer a passport, ID, money & a new life to those who can’t get it by legal means ( for obvious reasons ). though he keeps tracks of those he makes ‘ disappear ‘, it’s information that he keeps classified, out of respect for his clients.
contract killing / kidnapping / item hunting & theft / bodyguard jobs / torturing & obtaining information / etc.-- as long as he deems the job to be legit & sees the payment, he’s willing to pass on the jobs taken from affiliates over to C.O.R.P.S., where he assigns a team to a job & have them fulfil it. this service offer is pretty expensive, since the hitmen he hires are top-notch & efficient -- not to mention, the more difficult the mission, the more money he demands in return. but, given the high percentage of success, there are many satisfied clients that say it’s worth it.
neutral party between groups-- at times, he acts as a neutral party and / or witness for turf wars, when two dangerous groups butting heads and / or are forming peace-making pacts between groups, etc. his well-known apathy is largely the reason he’s entrusted this position, for he’d even sic CORPS on an affiliate & friends without a second thought should they back down on or break the deal that was made between the groups. 
money lending-- he offers the services to both, civilians in need for quick cash, or criminals who are in desperate need for money. the interest rates aren’t high in the least, part of why it makes the deal to enticing, & the debts can easily be returned ( should the other party be responsible with their spending ). in exchange, time / deadline extension ARE NOT tolerated in the least, punctuality being one of his trademarks. clients are warned ahead of time of the deadline, including a set time-- & should the debts not be repaid by then, well... there are ways to find out.
basically, rather than do crimes on his own with his group, his focus is more on helping / aiding other criminal groups do crimes with more ease, be it by lending them extra muscle, obtaining information & equipment they need, etc.
has villas in various countries that he’s constantly going back & forth from.
has made a deal with the local authorities / dirty cops, offering them information about his enemies ( & a bit of a bribe ) in exchange for them to look the other way whenever one of his men get caught. of course, that is, if said man is one he wants to keep in his group-- otherwise, they’re welcome to keep them, as he no longer has any use for them.
though he doesn’t have a moral compass, he DOESN’T touch the prostitution ( of both adults & kids ), human / animal trafficking, selling illegal drugs, gambling & money laundering side of the criminal world. it’s never clicked with him, & he doesn’t tolerate any of his men partaking in said activities behind his back either.
that said, they do take in the occasional runaway / orphan, sheltering them until they find their way home or decide to permanently stay with his group. the newer generation are their future, after all. it’d be a waste to let them rot on the sidewalk.
even though he has his own contract-kill firm, there are times where he hires independent mercenaries whenever his teams aren’t available ( such as people that’ve caught his eye, or people that’ve turned him down & preferred to stay solo ).
he used to do a lot of heists when first starting out his group, the money & reputation obtained from them being the foundation of what the group is now-- & he still holds a couple heists once in a while, whenever he finds something that catches his eye. he’s willing to have C.O.R.P.S. conduct heists at his affiliates regards, only if he deems it beneficial for himself ( aka, if he’s getting something good outta the entire thing ).
C.O.R.P.S. ( Contracted Organisation of Radical Professionals & Soldiers ) 
these are personal hitmen / mercenaries he’s hired. they work for him & him only, only taking jobs he passes along from his clients / personal jobs he wants them to take on. sure, though it makes it seem as if they’re chained down, they are paid extravagant amounts compared to solo / indie hitmen ( pay comes based on their achievements, of course ), are guaranteed a constant influx of jobs to take, & are presented with as many equipment as they desire.
C.O.R.P.S. members are personally scouted by him & colt, the two discussing whether they’re worth it or not before paying them a face - to - face visit. sometimes he asks the opinions of one of his higher ranking teams, ones who’s opinions he values in a high regard. after all, who knows more about mercenaries, than other mercenaries ?
C.O.R.P.S. is made up of different TEAMS of hitmen / mercenaries-- each team ranging from 3-4 members, with a single individual assigned as the group leader.
the rank of the team is decided by the quality of their work & the success of their missions. more efficient teams get more bonuses ( such as access to new facilities, better payment, equipment of higher quality & more ).
EVERY member has to wear a mask & don a code name. they are to remain completely anonymous to everyone apart from him & the rest of their group. for their real identity to be leaked / revealed to the world would mean immediate expulsion ( one with a heavy heart, as he does, in a way, care for them ).
agents are welcome to have a personal life, separate to their business life-- as long as their connection to C.O.R.P.S. isn’t revealed to the public and / or are going behind his back, he doesn’t mind what they do during their free time.
while he’s fine with in-quarrels & an accidental friendly fire ( after all, what’s wrong with a little competition / rivalry ? ), it is FORBIDDEN for C.O.R.P.S. members to kill each other, or anyone in the main group.
he has a secure building for C.O.R.P.S. teams to reside in-- each team gets the entire floor of a building. the higher rank the higher the floor ( & the higher the rewards / quality of their stay ). 
on the underground level of the building, there are various facilities for the agents to work with and / or sharpen their skills.
there are a couple private meeting rooms where each team can reserve for various reasons. as long as they sign in to the time tables to let everyone else know who is taking which room at each time, everyone in C.O.R.P.S. is welcome to reserve a room.
there’s an armoury, filled with equipment they can take whenever they want to practice or go out on a job. agents of every rank are welcome to take as many tools they wish to take with them. there is a room where only higher ranking agents can go in-- in it lie more rare technology & equipment, the type that are scarcer to get ahold of and are, in turn, special. the armoury is replenished every sunday at 6 a.m. on the dot.
holographic training facilities are also a thing, set up with the highest & most up to date technology scarecrow could get his hands on. in them, agents can train for various things in a complex fake setting; such as espionage training, bodyguard training, sniping practice, firing practice, close combat practice, & more !. all they have to do is set up the room to a setting, & it’ll recreated a virtual scenario that they either ‘ fail ‘ or ‘ pass ‘ based on the inputted settings. 
the vr facilities are in the lowest floor of the building, meaning only higher ranking agents are allowed in ( since, it’s pretty expensive equipment ).
normal training facilities are also a go ! there’s an entire floor designed as a personalised gym. agents can request specific machines if they’re not already there.
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