grimbeak · 2 years
something about carlos and kevin in the desert otherworld and carlos seeing kevin for the first time and getting so excited and scared because he thinks its cecil, he thinks everything is going to be okay now and its. its not. beacuse its not cecil its some other man who smiles too much and whos hands are shaking for different reasons. and who will never say it to his face but is so, so in love with carlos from the very start. and they are so so different but carlos sees cecil in him in the way he talks, in the way he speaks about his past in the way when he finally sleeps he spends the whole night shaking silently. in the way he makes carlos smile sometimes and makes him laugh and makes him have the traitorous thought that maybe staying here wouldnt be so bad. and its so so hard to leave him behind because carlos remembers when he was finally able to contact cecil in the beginning and cecil was so scared and sad and fragile. and carlos looks at kevin who’s just now starting to break free of his past, who has real smiles sometimes and tries to make carlos feel better when hes sad, who goes out of his way to make carlos happy whether its by avoiding him or getting him that difficult item he needed. and carlos knows that kevin will be just as bad as cecil, maybe worse, when carlos leaves.
and he does leave. they all understand that he had to, even if kevin tries to hate him for it for a while and destroys his lab and smashes his computer and kills all the specimens carlos was working with. but kevin understands carlos had to leave because when carlos goes to the dog park again a few days after he gets back, his research papers have been cleaned of the blood the best they could be and neatly bundled up in a package waiting for him. and they go and sit at opposite ends of the portal sometimes, not knowing if the other is there but talking to them anyway. and carlos never sends anything through but kevin does, he sends new specimens or things carlos mentioned liking through. and the only thing resembling a personal note is when kevin sends a tape with the wedding message on it. and after that carlos doesnt sit at the dog park anymore but he walks by there often and picks up anything lying near it and sits at his desk and just stares at it. 
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little-pup-pip · 9 months
any tips for starting an agere blog?
This is a good question!! My short answer is, I don't really know what I'm doing either, but I'm having fun here!
This is actually the first social media account I've really been active on! Ever! But I'll tell you some things that I think helped me to start this account and gain the amazing community I have! This is going to be pretty long, so I've placed the rest under the cut, it's also possibly ADHD centric at certain times, so apologies for that!!
1. Have fun with your blog! I have so much fun here every single day, and I don't think I would be this happy if I wasn't having fun making moodboards! Sometimes smaller things make it extra fun too, for example, it's kind of silly, but something that makes me happy is always using colored text on my blog! I think it's pretty!!
2. Make it your own! I love the aesthetic of my blog because it's very colorful! I also feel like my icon reflects my personality pretty well! So if you want your blog to not be very colorful, or pastel, or bright like mine, make it that way! Have a theme if you want! You won't want to be on your blog if you don't like how it looks!!
3. Have what you want to do with your blog in mind! If you have no idea, look at some other blogs and see if there's anything in particular you want to do! I actually had three blogs before this one, and the reason I kept none of them is because I didn't know what to do with them once I had them!
4. If you plan on opening requests for whatever you want to do, make some stuff of your own first! That will help people understand what you're offering better! I didn't get many requests at first, because when I opened them I had only done bluey stuff! You won't get many requests if no one knows what they're going to get.
5. Don't worry about numbers too much! It's easier said than done, but followers will come in time, and not every post needs to get hundreds of notes. I make moodboards because I think it's fun, and they make people happy. It feels nice to have something you made do well, but if it's not fun for you, you'll burn out really fast.
6. Know your boundaries! It's definitely helpful to start out with established rules, especially since you can change them later if you want. Everyone's boundaries are different, so think about what works best for you!!
I think that's everything! If you have any other questions feel free to ask! I hope this is the kind of advice you wanted!!
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s4no · 11 months
loading universe for @cawwn...
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꒰ wakasa imaushi + sugar daddy au ꒱ when you post an online sugar baby ad, you expect old, lonely men to reach out to you. you expect them to be creepy and perverted, to send unsolicited dick pics that give you the ick. but the unexpected happens when a man by the name of wakasa dms you. he's funny and charming, and when he sends you a selfie, you find out he's also wildly attractive. you hadn't planned on meeting anybody in person, but after a month of texting him, you agree to go out to dinner with him. part of you suspects you've been catfished, but when you show up at the restaurant, you're pleasantly surprised to find him looking every bit like the man in the picture he'd sent you. the smile he gives you releases a swarm of butterflies in your stomach, and every one of his compliments makes your cheeks flame. at the end of the night, he takes care of the bill and holds the door open for you on your way out, pressing a chaste kiss to your cheek as he bids you goodbye. he calls you later that night, telling you how much he enjoyed getting to know you, and you ask the question that's been bothering you all evening: why didn't he try to make a move on you? there's a pause on the other end of the line before he admits that he wanted to, but he didn't want to scare you off. when you admit that you wouldn't have minded, he ends up face-timing you. "can we try something, princess? wanna watch you touch yourself." and you indulge him, pleasuring yourself while he fucks his fist to the sight of you coming undone.
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彡 alternate universe event
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pinkytoothlesso11 · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged by @niemalsetwas! Thank you! This is a long one, but very interesting well rounded questions for fic writers. I'll tag: @whitherwanderyouspirit, @toodrasticallydumb, @nickelwick, @bluedaddysgirl, @megan0013 and @rosemaidenvixen. Not obligated to do this, just thought it may be fun!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Currently 16! 13 of which are all Trollhunters lmao.
2. What's your total A03 word count?
542,419 words. Wow. That's a little crazy ngl.
3. What fandom's do you write for?
Mostly Trollhunters/Tales of arcadia. But I've written a oneshot for She-Ra and the Princesses of Power and one for Scrooge: A Christmas Carol (2022). And I've done a multichapter fic for Arcane: League of Legends. Probably going to do more fics for that eventually. And I have two planned for The owl house I'm really excited about!
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Challenging Destiny
Heal what has been lost
A change in a moment
Heart of Stone
After the moon rises
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! In my first fic I was hesitant to the first couple of chapters, but now I make a effort as I know how awesome it is to get a reply from the author on fics I've left comments on myself. And also because sometimes I have wonderful conversations!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
This is a bit hard to pin down, because while a decent amount of my fics go really, really angsty, they tend to end on a slightly hopeful note. But I'd think it's either Through the Veil which while the actual end is rather uplifting, it's overshadowed by the torment all the characters have gone through or chapter 4 of my prompt collection for Stricklake month: corruption. Which is... Sad.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmm well my main fics are not finished so I can't put any of them down... Er most of them end happily? I guess for the top one A change in a moment, since I also barely killed any characters in the end...
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No. Very thankfully.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Anything explicit? No. I've tentively suggested it, but not in any detail.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I have not yet. One of my aforementioned Owl house fics I have planned will be a crossover, with Trollhunters, but nothing crazy.
Unless we're talking about the Arcane/Disney Tangled crossover, but that's a soft crossover, with a wholly Arcane cast of characters.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope. At least not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Again, not to my knowledge.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No... It was going to happen at some point, but then it didn't. Which was fair, even if disappointing.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
It's Stricklake. I have loads more I like a lot, but that's the one that made me start writing fanfiction.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
This isn't really applicable, I plan to finish every fic I start, but there's one that's taking longer than I like to complete, which is Heart of Stone. It's close to the finish line, I just need to push myself there.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I like to think I'm pretty good at creating snappy dialogue with plenty of banter. And that my worldbuilding is pretty damn good. Also that I'm able to consistently keep a large cast of characters IN character and balance them all. I'm also fairly good at descriptions and gore.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I think sometimes I struggle with pacing, and the flow of my writing can be clunky at times. I also find filler chapters less interesting to write, even if they're important to set later things up.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I do end up doing this at one point or another in most of my fics! I use Google translate lol. I'm not ashamed. I also use italics if it's not English, with the translation in my notes at the end.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Trollhunters! The first show to get me into fandom, and fanfic and tumblr! It was the first in a lot of things.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Has to be Challenging Destiny! It's just about halfway, but the reception to it and it's faithfulness to the source, as well as the heaps of research and worldbuilding I've put into it has made it the fic I'm the most proud of. It's got a big cast of different characters to balance, which just adds to the challenge lol. But it's worth it.
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What did you think of Rogue One?
Ah boy. Ok. First, a disclaimer that this is just my opinion, not me declaring some objective truth about the movie. Just because I felt one way about something doesn't mean I think everyone has to feel that way. If people really liked the movie, I am honestly happy for them! And if you really liked the movie to the point where someone disliking it will upset you, you may want to stop reading now. That said, here's my review.
Overall, I'd give the movie 2.5 stars on a scale of 1-5. Maybe 3 if we're being generous, because it was fun to watch in a casual way at some points, and some things were done well— Jyn's character and Galen's moral quandary were the high points for me. Everything else, though— storytelling, sense of place & visual feel, dialogue, characterization, most of the action sequences, overall plot— was disappointing to me. There was very little originality to be had in any of it, and although of course things don't have to be wildly original and never-been-done to be good, it felt like I'd already seen this movie a hundred times, except done better. Most of all, the majority of it felt flat and lifeless. It would have been extremely forgettable to me if not for Andor having already made me care about some of its characters.
Things I liked:
Jyn as a character. She has an interesting backstory, was well-acted, and has a depth and dimension that I feel the other characters were missing. I am very curious why, upon seeing that movie, the decision was made to dive into Cassian's backstory instead of Jyn's (although of course I'm glad we got Andor!). I think Jyn's time growing up being trained by Saw Gerrera would make quite an interesting story. (Watching her singlehandedly wreck like 12 people while Cassian watched in awe was definitely fun, haha.)
Galen's choice. I think this posed a truly interesting question. Was it true that the Death Star would have just been built without him? Would the destruction of Alderaan have happened without him? Did building in the flaw make up for the fact that he still in fact built it? Did his choice save lives or destroy them? Did he do it because he truly believed he could save lives that way, or because he was just trying to stay alive himself? Was it bravery or cowardice, or both in some strange combination?
K2. He was fun to watch, good comic relief, and I empathized with him a lot.
The death scene on the Scarif beach. Beautifully shot, acted, and directed. No notes.
The music. Lovely, orchestral, classic Star Wars scoring.
Things I didn't like:
My main issue with the movie is how flat everything felt. The characters, the setting— everything felt lifeless. It was hard to get emotionally invested because nothing felt like there was a true spark of life behind it. I'll go by points here.
The settings. The visual effects fell flat to me, but even beyond that, there was no humanity behind places like Jedha. It felt like the extras were told to mill back-and-forth aimlessly in front of the camera, rather than being given something to do that would give us a background glimpse into the culture of a place, as on Ferrix in Andor. The lack of depth to the setting made the locations feel like sets, not planets, and made it hard to feel a real sense of place and emotional connection.
Pretty much every character except Jyn was completely one-dimensional. None of them felt like real people at all, just devices to move the plot along. They each had their character archetype and were not allowed to deviate from it at all, and their choices came not from their characterization or their motivations, but from whatever the story needed in that moment. Their decisions felt contrived, making the characters not believable as people.
Many parts of it felt afraid of genuine emotion. It would pull back on the sincerity right as people died, refusing to actually let the emotional impact hit. Maybe this is a function of being directed at a younger audience, I don't know, but to me it felt like a refusal to take the world and people seriously in a way that affected my emotional investment.
The plot felt like a straight highway where you can see right through to the end and there's nothing by the wayside but endless fields of corn. I'm not even asking for twists, it's just... there was just not much there at all. No real arcs aside from the main one of getting the death star plans, no interesting or unexpected wrenches in the main plan, just... bland.
The action sequences were almost comically cliched. Nothing wrong with some well-used tropes, but after the second time Jyn wound up hanging off some ledge by one hand and had to dramatically haul herself back up, I could no longer keep from rolling my eyes.
Much of the dialogue was stiff and not believable. It didn't feel like people talking, it felt like the writers trying to deliver information.
The blocking was often very contrived and awkward to the point of feeling goofy.
Wow, they really managed to pull the "magical Asian" trope AND the "blind but can ~sense~ everything around them so don't worry they're not actually disabled" trope in one character. Really being efficient here.
(Also, not a critique but I am so genuinely confused on why they were all so dismissive of Chirrut. They treated him like just a wannabe, but... The man can literally dodge bullets and read minds, why the fuck is that not impressive or even like... useful to any of you?? Truly baffling, I do not understand it at all. "He's not actually a Jedi, so his ability to do crazy levels of Force magic that none of us can do doesn't really count" huh????)
(Also not a critique, just another thing I'm confused about now after watching— Why has Saw been so vilified, in canon and by fandom? "He's an extremist" everyone here is literally involved in a violent rebellion, he's doing the same thing "He's uncooperative with the other rebels" Rogue One also went rogue, because the other rebels were wishy washy and unwilling to commit "using Bor Gullet to read people's minds is so unethical" no more unethical than shooting your own source in the back of the head. What happened to enjoying grey morality? Anyway I stan Saw forever.)
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cee-grice · 1 year
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Another Worldbuilding Wednesday, another post about the world of WWCC :))
The topic of today:
Venemagik - a person who was born part human, part magical creature. This happens due to impure magia (see the previous post) that their parent breathes in during their pregnancy. To a born person, this impure magia is relatively harmless. As a baby is developing in the womb, however it is much more susceptible to outside influences. Because of this, impure magia may cause mutations that result in non-human traits. The majority of the time they're not inheritable. The intensity of these traits can vary wildly. What kind of magical creature parts get mixed in depends on the kind of impure magia most prominent in the area. Impure magia is produced by magical creatures, and so it's tainted with their essence. Thus, the more dominant a specific type of creature is in a given place, the more likely that the venemagiks born there will have its traits.
As people started settling in the continent, it didn't take long for venemagiks to start being born. At first, this caused a panic, especially since many children with adverse traits died early or led difficult lives as people hadn't yet known how to handle them. At the time, only a number of priests had emerged as magic was first granted to the people by the deities, becoming a science much later. They were the ones that could give any sort of reprieve. They also tried to explain the phenomenon, claiming these children were either cursed or blessed by the deities, depending on the kind of traits they were born with. When a group of scholars began studying magic, however, and discovered it was an element that existed outside the deities, with its own physicality and laws, the explanations began shifting. In the present, the venemagik phenomenon is well-researched and understood. Many countries have taken precautions against it, such as driving out magical creatures whose traits would be the most adverse from their territories into the Wilderness. Pregnant people are also strongly advised against travelling anywhere outside their city until birth to minimize the risk. As such, most venemagiks are born in the Wilderness—a lawless land in the middle of the continent, scattered with independent settlements, and with the highest population of most magical creatures.
All venemagiks have a higher concentration of magia in their bodies than regular people, making them less susceptible to the negative effects of using magia. Because of this, they can make for excellent mages whose specializations require them to use larger amounts of magia, such as area-wise illusions or abjuration. Sometimes, however, a venemagik can be born as a freecaster. These are people who have traits of a magical creature that's able to cast at will. In short, freecasters don't require a conduit to command magia. The extent to which they can do that varies person to person, as it does with creatures. Some can even be more adept at specific types of magic if their creature is. For example, if we have a water creature that can command water with frightening precision, a venemagik of it may be gifted at elemental magic. The emergence of freecasters signified a huge shift in the perception of magic as a whole. Before, it was believed that only priests were able to perform magic through their deities, but this was undeniable evidence that it is possible to use it without being a priest. After that, interest in magia as a study field skyrocketed. The one issue that freecasters present to the wider mage community is that, since they don't need a conduit, they may not apply for a license and get official training. Because of this, a registry of freecasters is trying to be enforced, just to at least keep an eye on them, but some still slip through the cracks.
How venemagiks are viewed by the larger population varies by area. In Quil's home country, for example, Merridie, they're no different than anyone else. There, they're generally able to get most accommodations for their traits, if they're something that can be accommodated for. Merridie, however, is the most magia-wise advanced country in the continent, so this isn't the case everywhere else. In places where magia in general is more looked down upon, viewed as a pollution and unnatural, venemagiks may have a tougher time getting by. Some still view this phenomenon as either a blessing or a curse from the deities, as they did in the old days, and treat their venemagiks accordingly. Some venemagiks, however, have traits that may pose a danger not only to themselves but also those around them. A touch that freezes the skin, for example. A look that melts. These people are lucky if they're born in a place that not only understands the reasons but can also help them live with these traits. If they're born somewhere else, however, well. It's undeniable that there's a number of venemagiks that face persecution for one reason or the other. Because of this, there are entirely or semi-isolated societies that function as a refuge for them.
To take Miriam as an example, she is a venemagik of a creature called Vaidekel. They reside in the south of the Wilderness where her family had been living for many years. They're isolate creatures that are said to be neither dead nor alive, but rather somewhere in between, and are most distinguished by their translucent reptilian-like bodies. While Miriam is very much alive, the line between life and death for her is much thinner, too, as she's able to sense spirits and death, to an extent. Here's an illustration of how her skin looks like:
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next time we're gonna look at magia conduits, so stay tuned for that:))
taglist (let me know if you wanna be added or removed): @writerfae, @tate-lin, @iriswords, @sternenmeerkind, @thecrookedwriterspath, @pure-solomon, @moonshinemagpie, @arowanaprincess, @scribe-of-stories, @thesorcerersapprentice, @stuffaboutwriting, @doriians
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sam-glade · 1 year
Happy STS, Sam!
Writing about a world other than our own involves choosing some elements of our world to include and others to leave out. In your writing, do any such elements stand out, like a real topic you put in your fictional setting, or a significant everyday detail of our world which doesn’t exist there?
Did anything work its way in without your intent, e.g. sayings or traditions or units of measurement you didn’t consciously include, but noticed later on? If so, did you remove them or leave them in place?
- @verkja
Happy STS, Verkja💜
I very much bring to attention what real-life elements I add to my main setting. It's been created to celebrate the aesthetic of 18th century Central and Eastern Europe and explore Slavic mythology. I want to double-down on it, since I find it VERY underrepresented in fantasy, while it's a goldmine for cool details. So I'm going to quickly link fashion and architecture info dumps.
The significant details I left out deliberately are plants and animals brought to Europe from the Americas (so no pumpkins, potatoes, tomatoes, etc.). In part, it's a thought experiment, what would our cuisine look like without them, and in part it's motivated by in-setting geography and non-expansive policies.
With the amount of research I've done, I could probably pull off historical fiction at this point, and I'm toying with this idea, however, it doesn't sound appealing to me personally. I want my setting to be my playground, and specifically 1. I want it to be queernormative and 2. I don't want to include real-world countries and their baggage of historical tensions. And at this point I might just as well go into fantasy, and add magic swords to the mix.
As for unintentional inclusions...
(I'm going to preface it with: my method of worldbuilding involves writing what 'feels' right, but then looking up if the detail is feasible in the setting. E.g. does it require technology that wasn't yet discovered or is it an invasive species from another continent. Then it's cut/replaced with something. It's noticed pretty quickly, by the 2nd draft.)
For The Fulcrum, the backburner sci fi with bronze/iron age birdfolk: I'm using it as an excuse to brush up on biology and archaeology, and also run a fun simulation 'what if our evolution ran a different path'. That's a deliberate choice though. One thing that appeared there unintentionally is a fast growing, light woody plant - it was needed for constructing cheap buildings which can be destroyed during monsoon season. It's bamboo. It wasn't meant to be bamboo, but bamboo by any other name will work just as well.
I've got a slightly longer story for Days of Dusk. The setting is based on Slavic mythology, which permeates the stories I was told as a kid, by my family. I'm brushing up on them and reading the less kid-friendly versions now, and I deliberately choose which demons to include. However. The demon possessing the protag feeds off his energy/lifeforce. As I was trying to explain this metaphysics and I've had a nagging feeling that I've read about it, but it's meant to be added to the setting, not based on myths, so whatever, don't need to look it up.
Prompted by all the Dracula-related stuff on my dash, I was talking to someone about vampires, explaining that Slavic vampires are a little bit different. And then it clicked. I re-discovered mares. There are upyrs/vampyrs, which feed on blood, and related to them are lifeforce-devouring mares. So that stayed and got highlighted during editting.
And whenever I need to give a character a hobby or a task to do, I write what I know - and I know some odd things independently of writing. E.g. I bake rye sourdough bread since I got some starter as a birthday present a few years ago, and so I can describe the smell and feel of the dough when a character is mixing it during a conversation.
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gloryseized · 1 year
Link Pre-Calamity - Headcanons
Finally getting around to writing out my basic headcanons for Link's history pre-Calamity.
Link was born the son of one of the knight commander's in the king's royal guard. He spent most of his young childhood with his mother and younger sister living in Hateno, but when he was around 8-10 years old, he went to go live with his father to start training to be a knight. (This is roughly when he met the Zora and Mipha.)
Link always looked up to his father and thought it was the most amazing thing that the man was strong enough to protect others. For as long as he could remember, Link dreamed of being able to do the exact same thing. So he committed himself to his weapons training, entering the knight academy around 12 years old and quickly rising through the ranks of page and squire until he became a knight in his own right, one of the youngest in Hyrule to ever be knighted, as far the royal records showed.
Pleased with his position, Link was ready to do as the king asked of him, hoping to serve the realm in some way that would help others. But already the sages were murmuring about the signs of the oncoming Calamity, and from Link's own experience had seen an uptick in monster attacks, needing to jump in while traveling to visit his mother and sister back in Hateno to protect travelers on the road.
While on a mission to protect the princess as she journeyed to visit the Deku Tree, Link found himself among several knights older than him, the more seasoned warriors teasing each other about trying to pull the Sword that Seals the Darkness from its resting place. This task had been plied to many a young knight almost as a form of hazing, none truly believing they would be able to pull the sword free. On a whim, Link tried as well--and it came free.
Although Link had great confidence in his skills as a knight, he did not think he was special enough or anywhere near qualified enough to be the Hero of Legend. But this didn't matter to the king, who rapidly deemed Link the perfect person to guard the princess. Her hatred of him did not sweeten the deal. (This will be a separate headcanon post eventually...)
As Zelda's feelings toward him slowly improved, Link watched in frustration as the goddess refused to answer her fervent pleas, the signs of the oncoming Calamity becoming all the more pressing. In the calm, quiet moments when Link tried to speak to the goddess himself, he also heard nothing, his own self-doubts and feelings of being an imposter only growing.
Finally, the Calamity came. Link ran--perhaps a damning moment of cowardice as the critics later claimed, perhaps the final desperate act of a doomed Hero. There was no goddess to answer the call and Zelda did not have her power to Seal it away, which meant that Link's only possible way of surviving was to escape. He attempted to flee back to his hometown, a quiet hope that maybe he would see his mother and sister again, knowing that his father was already lost. And when he couldn't make it, he stood his ground even as his sword slowly gave away, crumbling like the ancient weapon it was.
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strebcrarchivess · 1 year
Streber: "I feel terrible about feeling terrible about what happened to me. I was lucky enough to make it out alive. I was lucky just to make it out with a missing arm. I get to live my life, I get to go home to warm meals with someone who loves me, I get to go to work, and I get to see my family and friends. The other people Bob hurt, they probably have people who cared about them. They probably had good lives they'll never get back to again. So why was I lucky enough to live? The comments and weird looks I get from people hurt but I feel selfish that they make me upset. But I always hear a voice in my head telling me "You got off easy and here you are getting upset over some comments." They shouldn't make me upset as they do, I should just brush them off, but I don't want to be know just for one horrible thing that happened to me! When people tell me how "brave" I was I don't deserve it. I was just someone at the wrong place at the wrong time. The scariest part is if it wasn't me doing greeting work at the haunted house that day, someone else I cared about could have got hurt instead! I can't give a reaction to the comments I get, beacuse even in death that horrible man will still have power over my life. But keeping everything inside hurts too. It's just feels so dehumanizing that when people look at me, they see that one horrible night! Some people even treat me like I deserved it. On some level I feel like I did that's the worst part! I know this isn't a healthy mind set but I don't know what to do. I was never "brave or strong" I'm as weak and selfish as they come.
Also Streber: hehehehohohaha pee jokes funny :^)
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pb-loves-owls · 1 year
hear me out with this one
owl house nobles au. witches are still witches, human realm is still a thing with no formal way of crossing into the other.
first act would be a snapshot of the past. Human realm side, we see Camila and Manny (we are ignoring world human history because I just don’t have the energy to go through that whole can of worms. it exists but somehow they still meet and nothing terrible is happening to them directly). they’re not nobles, they’re just regular village folk making a living.
Demon side, we see the whole crew: Raine, Eda, Lilith, Gilbert, Darius, etc etc. Darius, Alador, and Odalia are nobles. Perry and Raine’s families are up there but not as high as those three. and Eda and Lilith’s family is well known for their palisman carving skills like in the show. Harvey serves as a knight for Gilbert’s father and is bound to Gil as his sworn protector.
Eda still gets cursed, Lils is still the one to give it to her, but it also adds another ingredient of bad news because after the OB attacks Dell, they aren’t able to get work anywhere. Eda least of all because of the curse. So Lilith works extra hard for the emperor because not only did she doom her sister, but her entire family. and the emperor is still giving her a spot at the EC.
Their friends are told by their families not to see them again, including Raine who was just given the okay to formally court Eda by both their parents.
Act 2 is Cami and Luz saying their goodbyes to each other as Luz is forced to hide in a neighboring village for being suspected of witchcraft. In reality, she’s just an exceptionally gifted child with a pension for accidental mischief. Camila reassured her that it’s just for a few months until the heat is off of them, and that she’ll join her there by the next full moon.
Luz inherited her fathers small collection of books (also the reason they thought she was a witch). Unfortunately, the fall off of the back of the wagon she’s riding in and, unable to call the riders attention, she just fuckin jumps out. Same as the show, she notices Owlbert making off with her stuff and chases after him and into the demon realm.
But instead of the Isles, it’s on Eda’s ship AKA The Owl’s…Nest? Still workshopping that name. The boat itself is huge and used to be a transport ship for her father’s business.
She still needs Luz to help her retrieve King’s crown. It’s still not a real crown. but now the extra added reason is that nobody else on the crew was willing to do it. King, in this case, is the cabin boy.
Somewhere in the middle, Luz let’s it slip that she never heard of places where girls could go to school. Eda hears that and is blown away that they’d ban a whole ass gender and “how would you even know the difference anyhow?” which sparks a whole new line of questions and questionable old timey human realm logic. “next you’re gonna say you can’t marry girls either!” and basically Eda is tempted to offer Luz and Camila free room and board on the ship until they can get a place of their own. “But isn’t school expensive?” “only the fancy ones. the most costly things in the normal ones are supplies and milk. supplies depend on where you get them and milk is a single snail”
The Owl House itself still exists Eda doesn’t stay often. Whenever she has to leave Luz alone to go on longer expeditions, she leaves Hooty to watch over her. she also eventually starts leaving King behind as well.
The petrification ceremony is overall the same, including the end where Lilith splits the curse. I wanna say that we get to see Raine’s reaction this time as their childhood crush is turning to stone right before their eyes. Seeing that makes them more aggressive in their rebellion.
Now Lilith stays with Luz when Eda goes on her exploits. Most of the crew leaves though since Eda has no magic. It’s just her, King, and Salty now.
Vee gets found out much quicker, but is still given the same amount of kindness. Jacob is ten times worse though. He’s basically carting Vee off to sell to the highest bidder, he’s hoping it’ll be a scientist that’ll let him watch the dissection though. Camila saves her, leaves Jacob on a dingy, sails back to Gravesfield, and has Vee live as her daughter.
When Raine and Eda meet again, it’s mostly the same way. But now Eda is more worried for them because their family is now practically royalty and they should be doing that, getting married, having kids, something that won’t tarnish their name or reputation. This is when Raine drops that they saw the petrification ceremony and that they couldn’t sit back and let things just happen anymore. Their family went from just court musicians with a child prodigy to that child growing up and becoming Coven head. At some point, Raine even confessed to Eda that they always planned on courting her. But after they were banned from ever seeing her again, they never had the chance.
it still ends the same way.
Luz still meets Willow and Gus and Amity at Hexside. Not the fanciest school, more like middle class? it’s more or less the same story. When Eda meets Amity, she expects her to be like a mini-Odalia. I mean.. based on how we saw her the first few times, she kind of was. But the biggest difference was that she still gave a shit about other people. Odalia was always looking out for her best interest and hers alone.
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miseriiicorde · 2 years
Asgore never met his father. He died when Asgore was still just a baby. Asgore was raised by his mother! Her name was Marigold, while she tired to keep peace with humans the best she could she was smart enough not to trust them either. She aways knew there was a very strong possibility of war! She always tried to not only prepare Asgore for it but her subject too. Her subjects described her as a kind but strict queen, she always acted with the best interests of her people. She taught Asgore from a very young age that a good ruler is a servant of the people, that just beacuse you're in a position of power doesn't mean you get to abuse it. She was incredibly over protective of Asgore growing up. She didn't even let Asgore attend royal meetings until he was 16. Asgore had a very sheltered childhood, one of his favorite past times was helping out in his mother's garden. His mother died when Asgore was 18. While he tired his absolute to keep the same peace between humans and monsters his mother did, at the end of the day he was far to inexperienced as king for his efforts to amount too anything. The war happened around his 20th birthday. Asgore inherited his trident and armor from his mother. Her dust was spread in her garden. After the results of the war that happened with ebott spread word, the rest of the world followed suit.
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strebcrarchives · 2 years
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🍓 : how is my muse typically seen by others? does it ring true to who they really are? does their reputation matter to them?
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Before the events of tender treats, he was seen as someone happy go lucky and confident, at least with his usual circle of friends. That somewhat rang true, though admittedly he was a bit more of an introvert then people gave him credit for. After the events of tender treats he still tries so hard to keep up that image. He's scared that people will worry about him, look at him differently, or just give him constant pity. He also wants to keep up some sense of normalcy despite everything. In Streber's mind if he loses the person he used to be completely, then it would have been better off if he just died at the haunted house. In his mind losing what your sense of self is just admitting defeat. But keeping up the act is exhausting. Trying to hide all of his anxiety and trauma just takes a toll on him behind closed doors. He wants to be open with how he feels and how scary the sudden change in his life is, but he can't. Reputation never really mattered to him before but now he feels like he has to keep it up just to feel normal. Even though so much has changed.
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Fun fact
Wapeach to crazy madness laughing
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astrobei · 2 years
hii tumblr user astrobei i hope ur having an excellent day !!! 2, 21 n 30 for the soft asks !
also:: being mutuals means u have 2 deal with my odd nicknaming habit so. how do you feel about "orts"
hi vin ! i am having a strangely good day actually but this ask definitely made it like 200% better !! also i love nicknames and u can literally call me anything u want sdfjsdj i would be flattered to be associated w any name u give me :^)
(also this got a little bit on the longer side even though it's not That long so i'm adding a read more just in case oops)
2. what's your feel-good movie?
omg i have so many but for the feel-good genre specifically probably a really cheesy classic rom com? clueless, ten things i hate about you, mamma mia, any movie in this genre of rom coms is an instant feel good for me !! (feel-good and comfort movies are Different categories to me btw idk if people use them interchangeably oops)
21. if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
(dear reader by taylor swift starts playing) sdkfndk i could write like. an essay on this but no one wants to read that so ! there are many things i would tell my past self bc she was a mess and also still is kind of but one thing would probably be is that No One Cares. not in like a. no one cares about you kind of way because obviously there are people who care about u !! but like. i am someone who's always struggled with feeling self conscious and the mortifying ordeal of being perceived by strangers and i think in the last few years i've learned that honestly. no one cares as much as you think they do !! like everyone is just out living their lives and even when u mess up or do something embarrassing no one will remember and that's definitely made me more confident i think . maybe
30. what reminds you of home (doesn't have to mean house... just things that remind you of the feeling of home)?
oh this is so sweet and also so hard for me to answer LMAO um. i have a lot of food-related memories with my friends and family so things like. cooking soup or banana bread or sunday brunch !! good morning or good night texts !! whenever someone sends me something that made them think of me and i'm like damn... i really exist in people's heads even when i'm not around... those all definitely feel like home to me :-)
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ryuucae · 25 days
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