#it posted before adding some people so thats why there might be different versions sjaj
savoies · 3 years
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part 2 here we go again!!
one year ago after going to my second hockey game i made this account. ive met so many wonderful people on here and thank you to everyone who has been with me, through the highs and lows.
im not the best with words but i just wanted to thank a few people who made my time on here better. most likely gonna be in two parts. not gonna include for all cause it's gonna be repetitive but i love you all so much.
@puckbuddies hannah. oh my gosh. you are just wow. an angel. like just wow. i know you say that you dont think you do enough but you do just with your friendship. i love you.
@laurenairay oh gosh. you are so sweet. like just seeing you in my notifs or messages. i can not deal. 🥺 keep on being you.
@jakevirtanenn miss ma'am. ily. how are you so sweet. just sending you an ask brings a smile to my face. ily. you deserve so much.
@hiscxhiers my puck personality partner! Im so glad we are friends. you are so talented and i love talking to you. i hope you are well.
@damn-dunner-29 sky!! ok honestly just seeing you talk about your day or seeing you in my notifs makes me vv happy. you make my day. (also lil. love you guys)
@hoeforaho hiya. ok your tags are amazing. you are great. you are just so much fun to talk to. love youuu.
@ballsakic you are iconic. i love seeing you on my dash.
@folkloreflyers my cm buddy. every single day i talk to you and every single day i have a good time no matter what it is about. im really glad i replied to your im new here post cause you are one of my closest friends now.
@iamtheblondestblonde dani. hello. we talk about anything from netflix to fics. but like your clark kent series wow. you are so easy to converse with. you're great.
@devonlevi love the user. love you. rayleene. you're great and even though we don't talk often you are the real mvp.
@kiedhara bitch!! wdw whores forever. you are great. like oh gosh. honestly idk what i would do if i havent met you.
@captainkirbydach kelsey!! Your account is amazing. You are amazing. Your advice. Im really glad we are becoming friends.
@oskarlindy hello my mitch marner partner in crime. you are the absolute best. a friendship formed on mitch? what more can i ask for.
@andrei-svech kat. you are so sweet and im really glad we are becoming friends. 🥺
@bowenbyram WIFEY!!! Oh my gosh. Hi. Literally whatever time it is you always are awake to revise my fics. Like?? And you are just you. I mean what else can i ask for. You are great. Mwah. I love talking to you about baby duck.
@trevorszegras hello caitee. you deserve the world. like so much. im really glad we are friends. like just your presence is so warming. 😌
@jonnytoews19 ily.
@allisonxmoynihan alli!! How are you so sweet. How is your writing so good. Yes hi uhm just wow ily. I love talking to you about anything or just seeing you in my notifs.
@mems06 you are literally the nicest. im glad we met and i hope to get closer this year. who would've thought we would've bonded over the office. (:
@brokeninsidebutnobodyknows sam. hi. ily. you are the best. im like so glad we met at the end of last year and i hope to expand our friendship. wait wrong word. grow. yeah there it is.
@trevyzegras hello g! ok we just started becoming friends but you seem so kind and i already love you.
@tkachuk-yeah ello love. my ryan johnson simper. why do i always forget his name?.. also like you are one of the only people who will talk about the ducks. idk our convos are always great.
@konecny-s hiya c. you are so sweet and i love your writing ugh. ily. im really glad we are friends. 👉👈
@prettyboyroope marrissa omg you are great. your lbing of shows wow. idk why you want to be friends with me but ily.
to my anons, my ntdp anons, my team canada anons, random name anons, ca anon, fbi anon, emoji anons, you don't know how much you make my day so thank you from the bottom of my heart for that.
a - f
@boesxr @bitemebarzal @bigrigbabyy @bitchell-marner @brockmcgrinn @fraction-of-a-flying-puck @farabees
@holy-pucks @hookingminor @hockeyownsmyass13 @jjsmentalpolaroids @kravistonecny @miroheyskanen @mrdacher @nazkadris @nazkadris @notfondoflightning
o- t
@ohtobeamongstthestars @prettyboybarzal @quinnwho @romanseggy @softbarzal @thatflyersfan @thirteenisles @tanevthehimbo @thatsdemko
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