#it really has qn immediate effect and i canr believe i didnt know sooner
mejomonster · 2 years
Happy health news. Mostly rambling tho
AWWW YEAH. So the thiamine (100 mg TTFD), my herbal meds from acupuncturist, physical therapy stretches at home, and just general accupuncture and physical therapy, are working!
Knocking on wood but you know***
I havent needed miralax in a week, I'm experimenting with now lowering amitiza dose since I've been going 4 times a day it seems like I can risk lowering it now without super-risking not going for a week (and the vomiting that comes with it).
Notes for myself:
physical therapy stretches specifically help gi tract rumble and feel hunger, so I should try those when I get nausea or no appetite as they're a quick way to help those symptoms. I should also try to do them daily as they may be helping gi tract function better again. DO THIS when nausea or no hunger!!!
Herbal meds seem to be doing something. Just in that since I've started them I haven't needed miralax thank fuck. They're not hurting anything at least so I'll finish the bottles.
I'm currently doing 1 B complex vitamin (so it's got 200 mg B5 since that helps gi function too), and 1 100 mg B1 thiamine TTFD form capsule. I could significantly push up this dose, either up to 3 a day (which seemed to help some others with gi issues), 5 a day (again helped some with gi issues) or all the way up to 1600 mg (the high dose thiamine recommendation). I think I'll keep it where it is for now since that'll make the bottle last longer. But if I can't use bathroom, I could consider upping this dose as an initial attempt to feel better. Then amitiza, then miralax. That would probably be the gentlest order of trying to fix it. I am still going to take motegrity nonstop as I think the primary issue IS motility so I don't want to slow down motility and make things worse.
The nutritionist gave me a supplement with butryate and glutamine. If I add anything I may add that next, a gi protocol with thiamine mentioned those help gi tract heal. I know in the fall/winter I was given those and they did help significantly with lowering pain, increasing my food tolerance of solids. I figure I either got benefit then and I'm good now, or maybe I could use some more. But since I've already got a new supplement with them I may add them back in.
Nutritionist also gave me 2 digestive enzyme supplements she think will help my tolerance with foods causing intense bloating pain constipation that I'm not actually allergic to, like cabbage broccoli beans kimchi etc. But I can do that later and see if it helps later on.
Right now the first variable I want to keep messing with is thiamine, because it's so far only had small good effect or larger positive effect. It's water soluable, it's easy to take.
I'm low key hoping maybe my recovery will be less than 6-8 months (which is the estimate my acupuncturist gave and the similar case to mine seemed to need 5-8 months based on their timeline) just because I can do a few more things and have done more prior work in recovery besides just taking my gi meds to keep me able to eat. Also for me physical therapy seems to be somewhat helpful, which is something the case study like me did not do.
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