#it really would be the most appropriate ending to this chaotic hellscape of a month
trolleybitch · 2 years
trolley does nano day 29!
i have CAUGHT UP. no this is not a drill, no i am not hallucinating (i hope). i am ahead of the goal with one day to go!
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my graph is beautiful, my word counts are beautiful
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the actual writing? probably not beautiful. but it is words on a page and that is the goal! in one last attempt to thwart me on the penultimate day, the universe decided that i needed another illness to battle and i have come down with a grotty cold, but i refuse to be thwarted and have written another 2800 words today which puts me over that path to success line on the graph and gives me just 1315 measly little words to churn out tomorrow. child's play!
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