#it reminds me a TON of CLOY while still being uniquely its own thing
mejomonster · 3 years
Still watching 1000 stars and
Genuinely this is really good. Very much Like Crash Landing On You, I am expecting tians secret to come out about either torfun or his health condition or both and require him to go back to his family in the city, and switch the plot location somewhat to there instead. With the big contrast between the village and the city highlighted again
Love that chief loved torfun as a sister because that decouples her from the romance focus a bit, Tian falls for chief on his own and vice versa, and AGAIN like crash landing on yous commander-fiance there's a 3rd party in the picture as far as affecting things but not feelings wise. I just see a LOT of similarities to crash landing on you, if you loved that kdrama and would like some reminiscent vibes check out 1000 stars. Or if you'd like similar story beats but in a bl, or with less high stakes action tension.
In a way I very much fear Tian is the one who drove the car that hit torfun. Because he was planning to race that night. I am very afraid but also feel that is probably the case. Because it would be like destiny, connect them even more than just sharing a heart. He could've randomly got sick, randomly needed an organ, a random death donates it. That's how it is for generally all people who get organ transplants. Tian could have still found out who the person was and admired how they lived and wanted to emulate them.
But what's going to hit hardest in the plot and in my heart? If he was driving the car. If his playing his life away got her killed. Almost got them both killed. That's heavy on my heart and a dark place for the story to go but I'm betting that's where it's headed. Tians guilty dream? The thing he doesnr admit Even in the dream so he wakes up? I think it's that he might have been driving a car that night she died.
Also Tian is such a fascinating character to me. When he gets to the village it reminds me a lot of CLOY protagonist, except hes already willing to adjust and adapt for personal reasons, so he does quickly. And he wasn't all bad as scenes with Tul from the past show. But he also put up with corruption until after his life was saved, he got angry when he was sick. And most curious is hes a very good liar. Good at lying to torfuns aunt, good at lying to his parents. Good at lying to chief about how he knows torfun in a somewhat true fashion. Good at presenting things in the best way for him possible. I don't think he tried being honest to people he cared about as much until after the heart transplant. And for a protagonist it's an interesting quality, to be such a natural liar, in a situation built by his lies, but also wanting to minimize his own lying when possible. He's not a pure hearted hero, and we just see glimpses of what he thought of himself before. But we are seeing him on a path of growth.
The chief Really reminds me of CLOYs love interest. Except he's got less family baggage (tians got the cloy love interests rich family baggage lol). This show really has a nice mix and variation on CLOYs story setup. But the personal nature of torfun dying and the heart transplant and who killed her is going to make this uniquely personal with Tian holding a lot of guilt, in a way CLOYs love story didn't have.
Also his friend Tul. Love that actor so much since seeing him in theory of love. Love him in this. He's phenomenal. I want him in more shows ToT
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