#it says a dime sized drop but even less can help with minor aches and cramps
dango-daikazoku · 2 years
coworker gave me some CBD lotion to try because i was complaining about my joints
i tried it and then got a 3oz thing of cbd arnica lotion from her and i was so amazed
pretty much every day my knees will be in constant pain, even when i’m asleep sometimes the pain will wake me up if i toss and turn too much
after just a little bit of lotion on the sides of my right knee where it hurts the most... it stopped hurting!
i told another coworker, i was amazed that, when i walk down the steps of my apartment it hurts every single time, but for the first time i wasn’t in pain!
she almost started crying and said “sorry, it’s just the way you said it, like it’s so normal [to be in pain]”
well, it somehow became my normal!
i don’t really know about the legality of it, i don’t have a license so i don’t think i can buy from a dispensary myself, and ohio law says it’s decriminalized but it’s not legalized i think, i saw an article too where a man was facing federal charges for possession of cbd oil even though he bought it legally
it should be legalized! that stuff is amazing! i even got a neck cramp and couldn’t move so i put some lotion on after a bit of struggle and the pain immediately went away and stayed away! i could move my neck! usually neck cramps will make it hard for me to move for like, 1-2 days, wow!
i also get terrible muscle cramps if i take ibuprofen which makes it hard for me to move sometimes, ibuprofen also doesn’t help at all with pain at all, so i’m like... just so happy that this is so effective
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