#it should be fine for kids fo be fat and unhealthy
spock-smokes-weed · 2 years
So I’m trying to pick up running, and I just finished my second run and with trying to pick up this hobby it’s really starting to sink in how fucked up middle and high school gym was.
Like I know middle and high school gym is fucked up, but now that I’m finding some enjoyment in running, it really puts into perspective how fucking cruel running the mile was.
Because making a bunch of teenagers run a mile when they’ve had zero training, all while timing them and tell them how gross and unhealthy they.
I remember how much I HATED the mile run because it hurt. It hurt so bad, like my sides and throat would burn the whole time but there was no way to get out of it. Gym class creates such a toxic relationship between children and exercise, that only now at 20 am I starting to break down.
Running used to terrify me but now it’s fun, the biggest reason being is that I can pace myself and give myself my own limits. I’m not having someone timing me and scrutinizing how winded I am or how long I took. It’s seriously fucking twisted what we expect of these kids who are not prepared to run for that much distance. Gym class I think is the biggest reason I believe for so long that some ppl are just “naturally” athletic, and not that everyone can be athletic within their own right. Because we were not taught how to build up strength in any given activity, you were just told to do it and if you couldn’t you were shamed for being unhealthy.
Just such a great way to make kids have a bad relationship with their bodies and exercise.
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