#it was a circus. no you idiot Inmean that literally
whereisthedamndaddymanual ยท 7 months
Ann Bradstreet, you old puritan of the people of changing seasons like expose and encouragement to go ahead and view this 7:200 page pine again
Nice pomes
#I have seen Plymouth rock and it was not a large reef before it was flat#crescemt yellow human wow thats weird all waxing#you have to admit the hand is like mmm twins huh try this one attached to your head#he was with the cosmos and they must have dreamed deeply together painting the ways#there is a yin and yang to them#also oak leaves are not an altogether bad smoke#it was a bit like sitting at the Everetts for too long on a cold day#yes a ben franklin stove in the 20th century attached to anothef fireplace#it was a circus. no you idiot Inmean that literally#little old man#they orobably were dearves hell and thebone went Johnny#quiet ol' cat just smoked and grew his weed and made morgana pies#Mormon you say really? like sister wives?#you: exacrly sister wives yes#sounds kinky#is it kinky to give you a constant stream kf orgasms?#I guess I'm kinky then#also inky why get so rough I could murder you#jist kidding but bad kitty#kitty looks sorry...me: this cat is exceptionally intelligent alsp bad kitty too rough#don't sit there snd beg for rubs if you can't handle it#ph yes your hands please oh my God I'm in his arms no no fuck you don't put me down uh-uh#me: pulls car away and velcro paws on my shirt....dude what the hell#uh...maaaa! this cat won't let go of me#what? immediately cat wants on#in#mom lives animals awww well my goodness#cat does some whirling dervish amd reapinds to Jane's intentions (hmm I wonder how)#;) you should have been around when I was floating her#me heh wind!
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