#it was a like relatively small additioinal aspect of a very solid single player game
vivalasthedas · 1 year
i am so curiious what the online component of gta6 will be like, cause rdo not having near the level of success, earning potential, and longevity, and lacking a lot of the well loved and wanted features of gta online, is kinda evidence they might not know How to capture that lightning in the bottle again.
Cause so many games have tried to get a bit of that success by apeing gta online, but failing to meet the basic criteria/missing what it was that made the game so dang successful, and instead starting out as an entirely online predatory nightmare live service.
#like gta online started as a fun online offshoot that had more than enough to do immediately on release#it had enough to PROVE that it was worth investing the time into#it was also - importantly - fucking FREE#it was a like relatively small additioinal aspect of a very solid single player game#that exploded because it just did so mmuch right#it still earns ludicrous amounts of money every year#but the ability to play only with friends - to not engage with other players you do'nt know - to have a bunch of premade mini game types#that functioned on top of the vast array of open world gameplay#off the bat it was a good option#and then bcause of its success they developed it mmore#from what i know/what i remember (so might well be wrong) they didn't plan to continue to develop content for it like they have#they didn't set out with a road map to making a game worth playing#in the hopes of stringing you along long enough for the sunk cost fallacy to kick in#even though it's not fun and not worth it#the game was immedately solid with its core gameplay#obviously they refined it#playing it on 360 when it was fresh out vs playing on pc a few years ago were definitely different quality experiences#but they were both a lot of fun#the game didn't set out with a decades long road map to the hover cars and tron bikes#it just made a solid game and then started thinkng 'what can we add to keep them interested?' afterwards#it didn't start out with the promise of being slowly finished over months and years all while costing you a contnuous amount of money#likke so mmany games trying to ape the success and vibe did#even RDO fucking sucks in comparison#maybe it improved#but the one time i itried it the forced multiplayer mission before going into the forced open access lobby - no private or friends only -#wound up with me getting called racial slurs over voice chat it turned on by default in game#and there just wasn't enough interesting gameplay like mini games and fun encounters#this is't inspired by anything im sure gta6 is coming and saw some speculation about it#imm not going to get it cause i don't care about them and unless the online is v good i wont bother#but im going to guess they'll fuck it up
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