#it was a systematic attempt to erase culture or an act of assimilation out of survival
pussypilled · 2 years
was talking to someone at work about how me and my ma volunteer at this church and they made a comment along the lines of "wow great that you're helping out, do you have to work with a church tho :/" and it just kinda threw me off how willingly ignorant some people could be. something i don't think a lot of white atheists/former christians who want to engage in grassroots community efforts are ready to confront is just how much of these groups are religiously centered. you all need to learn how to communicate properly with people who are still emotionally tied to their religion bc a large number of people who are active on a ground level in handing out food, clothes, appliances, and so many other needed goods are probably motivated by some religious urge. and a large portion of people who benefit from these organizations are poc, particularly black people. who also happen to be the main people religiously involved in the church where i live. like?? i'm jewish and i volunteer at churches just bc i logically know that it is the best way to make a direct impact through my efforts and it by no means compromises my own personal system of beliefs or mode of worship or even lack thereof. if you let your anti religious rhetoric compromise your willingness to help people who need it then you seriously need to sort your priorities.
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