#it was an exceptionally windy day but I wanted the pic taken so I could post
czigonas · 1 year
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Had another demo and decided to once again finish an old piece for it. This one was originally cut at the same time as Morning Cattails and set aside in the same box. I must've been in a rush because #21 (the brown s-shaped piece in the center) had a broken tip but I'd left myself a note about it as well as spare glass enough to replace it.
All mouthblown antique German glass of unknown make, aside from one 3/4"x3/4" and two 3/4"x1" bevels. The blues all come from the same sheet, which I love. It's hard to tell here, but the darker blue pieces get up to nearly 6mm thick, and the two brown border pieces are barely 2mm thick. I set 16ga wire into the zinc and edge soldered it around the bloom for added stability.
Process pics once again under the cut.
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No real drama this time, just a straight forward build. No picture of it foiled before soldering though, since I was mid-demo and couldn't pull out my phone.
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