#it was hard to figure it out but i think i have him hashtag hacked at this point
cruzrogue · 6 years
P.S. Hong Kong: Was it Real?!?
Trope-tastic Awards: Week One
Fake Marriage!
Per @scu11y22‘s favorite, we have our first trope! Please share your favorite Olicity fake marriage stories! Pretending to be married, accidentally married, drunkenly married in Vegas and they don’t remember any of it…let’s do this!
Reblog this post with your suggestion or use the hashtag #olicitytropetasticawards to be safe and make sure we don’t miss it :) Also feel free to tag me, @hope-for-olicity, @it-was-a-red-heeler, @swordandarrow and @memcjo, we’re excited to read some fics this week!
Every Monday, I’ll reveal the week’s trope, and then the following Monday we’ll give some “awards” aka celebrate what we love about them! Let’s make Monday a little more bearable and give writers plenty of time to complete something new, if y’all so choose :)
(This is off season 3 Flashbacks. When Tommy goes to Hong Kong he doesn’t go alone he takes his friend Felicity as the best information system being to help him locate Oliver Queen. Tommy may leave empty handed but Felicity gets to be a bride…)
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P.S. Hong Kong: Was it Real?!?
on A03
Thomas Merlyn looks at the information and is puzzled yet excited that his long-lost buddy could really be alive. He grabs his laptop and goes to see a computer expert he’s friended when she accidentally burned him with her latte at the local coffee shop.
“Hey Izzie?”
“It’s Felicity, like I’ve told you half a dozen times before.”
“I heard you the first time.”
She rolls her eyes. “So, why do I also feel like I’m on your beck and call when you need something?”
“Because I’m a nice guy.”
“Yea, no that isn’t it.”
“Because… you’re a nice girl?” she gives him ‘you really going there’ look.
“Remember the stuff you nicely put together for me after spilling your latte on me?”
“Okay, you said you’d let the incident go.”
“I said I forgave you for those blisters. Not that I said I’d forget.”
“I was hoping you’d forget everything after I tried half pulling that shirt off of you in front of so many people and blowing on your angry red skin.”
“Hard to forget.” Tommy said shaking his head. “Anyways I got a hit on ones of those search thingies you set up a while ago.”
“Okay, what do you mean?”
“There was a hit on Ollie’s email account.”
“Your dead friend?”
Tommy closes his eyes as he sighs, Ollie is… was his best friend who he considered like a brother. “Yes Izzie. I’ll need more than just for you to look at the IP address, I might need you to travel with me.”
“Travel? I have work and…”
“I’ll pay you and…” he rolls his eyes “I’ll even help you paint those walls in your new townhouse.”
“Hmmm… it seems I could have gotten you to…”
“Okay, I’ll ask for time off.”
“Thank you!”
In Hong Kong, Oliver learns that he is to sniper kill someone. He aims the gun and when the person turns, he is amazed that it is his best friend Tommy and he isn’t alone there is a blond woman laughing at something his friend just said. It takes him a few hours but Oliver comes up with a better plan than killing his best friend.
The morning before the whole kidnapping routine takes place and Oliver is suppose to kill the blond and make it look like a burglary. He sighs and finishes dressing in a hurry. After the whole debacle at the internet café he wonders if Maseo will trust him near telecommunication areas. They have an informant to meet so they head out.
Out in the small park near some docks the witness a gathering of people decorating the place.
“What’s happening over there?” Oliver asks just wondering what the fuss is about.
“Some fools are gathering people for mass weddings for some senseless record.”
Oliver made a face, “Eh, they’re crazy.”
“I’d say, come on I see the informant.”
The room is getting brighter as the sun’s rays fix its bright shine to stir the couple intertwined on the standard size bed cocooned in each other two bodies that are about to wake up.
He wakes up first with a low grunt as the woman on top of him moans as she moves her head slightly with her breathe tingling his skin. Her eyes flutter open when she feels she isn’t alone. Before either are able to say a word, the door is slammed against the wall and Oliver is up forgetting all modesty as he shields the body now behind him. Maseo shaking his head and heads towards the two lovers it seems. Felicity wraps the bedsheet around herself as the Asian man comes closer.
“The task wasn’t to bed the subject.” Maseo says in Mandarin. “Now we have two problems to deal with and for crying out loud put some pants on.”
Oliver using the language being spoken to him, “She doesn’t need to die. Let me work with her.” As he fishes his boxer shorts from the floor.
“Waller will not be happy.”
Oliver thinks hard for a moment something that can keep the blonde behind him safe. “Legally she’s my wife. If she dies the paperwork could be a problem.”
Maseo puts his hands in the air he doesn’t need this bullshit and just tells Oliver, “Fine, you can explain. We’ll be downstairs. Ten minutes. Got it.”
“Thirty and she comes with me.”
Maseo looks at the blonde still on the bed looking at them with doe eyes. “Fine thirty minutes. Don’t make me come back up here.” He leaves with his men and slams the door shut.
Oliver sighs and moves his hand through his hair as he sits not acknowledging the person on the bed. When she has had enough of his silence she moves as she crawls to the edge of the bed and makes sure the bed sheet is securely wrapped around her.
“Do I want to know what that was about?” she finally asks as she sits beside him.
“Do you value your life?”
“English please?” He rolls his eyes and says it again in English.
“Of course, I don’t want to die.” She looks at him and she gets up trying to back away from him. She starts to think back to when he approached her and how easily they talked and she basically admitted why she was in Hong Kong. She was now afraid not only for herself but for Thomas Merlyn whom she hasn’t seen since the evening when she wanted to watch some couple get hitched. The bedsheet under her feet gets her to trip and she falls still keeping her eyes on him as her bum hits the old shaggy carpet.
Even he winces as she makes an oomph sound but stays seated on the bed. He is looking at her wondering why he is going to put so much effort into saving her. His plan to kidnap Tommy was planed out to be executed soon enough so Tommy goes back to Starling safe and sound but now with this girl who introduced herself as Felicity Smoak got him to not only spare her life last night but also got him to relax and laugh and have some great moments that led them to waking up together like a warm pretzel.
“Relax. I’m not going to hurt you.”
She’s looking at him with narrowed eyes. “Then don’t open up a conversation with value of life. Who were those men? Do they have something to do with why you haven’t gone back home?”
“I told Maseo, he’s the one I was speaking to in Mandarin. That we got married last night.”
“Say what? I don’t recall that at all. We danced and laughed and well landed here for the remainder of the night doing things… doing really explicit scenes like how you…”
“Okay Felicity I remember it all. I’m just telling you now if you value your life you’ll keep this farce that we are married.”
“Oh. But won’t they figure it out we actually didn’t participate I mean I did dare you to dance with that bride as I danced with the groom on that special money dance.”
He nods and takes the information that there was no proof at all that she was now Felicity Queen that mysteriously married an Oliver Queen in Hong Kong. She was going to get killed no matter what but if there was a chance.
“I could hack into the wedding registry and at least have some proof.” She says getting off the floor.
“You can do that?” he asks amazed maybe just maybe luck was on his side. He really doesn’t want her to be killed and he hasn’t thought out how being married is going to affect him at all. Right now, he is short sighted and just wants Tommy and her safe.
“I even have a notice of marriage paperwork I got when the man at the event gave me some reading material we could swing by my hotel room.”
“Okay. We’ll do that.”
She is gathering all her clothes and heads to the bathroom.
“I’ve seen you naked.”
“Yep but I gather those men are like outside the door.” She nods at the now closed door.
“We have twenty minutes or so.”
“Yea, don’t call me pessimistic but their probably not the guys that’ll give you those full twenty minutes.” She leaves him to smile at her retreating form and as the door closes he’s intent on dressing up too.
 TBC… (smut may happen so…) 
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hobbitblogger221b · 7 years
Pidge: Breaking the Mold and Inspiring Girls Everywhere
She’s sarcastic, snarky, fun, and absolutely brilliant. It’s Pidge. When it comes to the green paladin, there’s one thing that is constantly overlooked regarding how much of an inspiration our favorite techie is:
“But wait! Overlooked? Pidge is super smart!”
“Everyone know’s she’s a mad genius. Why is this something we’re all missing?”
“I don’t get it! Isn’t this the one thing EVERYONE knows about Pidge?”
Yes, yes, and yes. 
But let me explain! 
First, for those who don’t know, the original 1984 cartoon Voltron: Defenders of the Universe didn’t have the Pidge we’re familiar with today. In fact, they didn’t even have Katie Holt. Instead, they had a teenage boy named Darrell “Pidge” Stroker as the Green Paladin, and it had been like that ever since. 32 years later, Dreamworks had decided to release a reboot of this classic show titled Voltron: Legendary Defenders. Though nearly everyone in the main cast had some major changes to their character design, the most notable as well as revolutionary was Pidge: by making him a girl!
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“They made Pidge a girl! Okay… So what?”
So what?! Making Pidge a girl in the the 2016 Voltron reboot means EVERYTHING! After all, none of this wouldn’t be revolutionary if they still kept her as Darrell Stroker! 
Time for science!
When we think of contributors to science, we often think of people like Albert Einstein and Sir Isaac Newton. Rarely ever women! On top of all that, there’s the stereotypical “mad genius” trope with the lab coat and crazy hair (Rick Sanchez and Doc Brown, anyone?). That’s because women aren’t typically associated with scientific fields. Due to stereotypical gender roles, men are typically found in the physical sciences such as chemistry, engineering, and technology because of the stereotype that they are better at math and science than their female counterparts.
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Women are often found in the life sciences as well as social sciences. Why? Because the gender roles throughout society have groomed women to be caretakers for as long as societies have been around. It wasn’t until the past century that women began to break stereotypes and enter these male dominated fields. Needless to say, women are still primarily entering the life sciences such as biology and the medical field as well as the social sciences. Why? Because women are stereotypically more caring and compassionate than men. Occupations in those fields are popular because they cater to those stereotypes.
Of course, those are all stereotypes, the barriers in fields of study between men and women. We’re gradually seeing more and more men in the life sciences (medical field, biology, etc) but women still tend to stick to professions that allow them to work with other people constantly.
Let’s look at the evidence.
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This graph displays the percentages of men and women and various science fields from 2004-2014. What’s looking a little rough here is the lack of female involvement in STEM. STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. I’m pretty sure we all know where Pidge lies in all of this. The percentage of women in these fields isn’t all that surprising due to the stereotypes and traditional gender roles:
Mathematics- 42%
Physical Sciences- 39%
Earth, Atmospheric, and Ocean Sciences-38%
Engineering- 19%
Computer Sciences- 18%
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These figures are only two years before Voltron: Legendary Defenders premiered in 2016. If a lightbulb hasn’t gone off before, hopefully it has now! This is PIDGE we’re talking about here- a girl who hacked the Galaxy Garrison, builds robots and computers for fun as well as her own research, and can rewire robots made from a technology she has never seen before on the spot! I mean, it isn’t exactly common that you see a 15 year old girl just building computers and rewiring robots…. Not to mention that when our favorite techie was stranded on a trash planet, she created her own satellite from scratch to contact everyone powered only by her lion! And on top of that, Pidge isn’t afraid to kick butt and use her bayard on the front lines. Talk about girl power! 
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“So…. Aside from being in the 18%, why is Pidge such an inspiration?”
As we know, Pidge’s family delves deep into the science world! After all, her brother Matt as well as their father Commander Samuel Holt would most likely fall in the Earth and Space sciences. Pretty cool if you ask me. People love them, and no one thinks twice. Why? because they’re male.
Pidge, on the other hand, is a young female finding her way into the world and just as deep into science as the rest of her family. However, this leads to constant teasing and bullying from her peers in school. Every time she gives valuable input to add to the class, a male student immediately shoots her down and calls her a nerd in the most derogatory way- resulting in the entire class laughing at her and a hurt Katie Holt.
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Though it may not be from ridicule, there is reason after reason why young girls don’t pursue the physical sciences! 
“I’m not good at math/science.”
“I used to like math/science, but [insert person here] ruined it for me.”
“It’s too hard.”
“My friends will think I’m a nerd.”
“I don’t want my friends to know how smart I really am.”
And so on. The excuses go on and on! Regardless of the ridicule at school every single day, Pidge still persisted and pursued her passion. In fact, watching her brother, her role model, get into the Galaxy Garrison only makes Pidge that much more determined to prove everyone wrong!
“What are you doing?”
“Studying! So I can get into the Garrison like you and dad!”
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“If you’re too worried about what can go wrong, you’ll miss your chance to do something great.”- Commander Samuel Holt
THIS is the reason why Pidge is such an inspiration and role model to young girls and teenagers everywhere- to pursue your passions, even if what you love isn’t exactly the norm. She proves that it’s cool for girls to smash the stereotypes, dive into the physical sciences despite the challenges along the way, and how cool it really is! 
To all of you girls out there, especially those in middle and high school, please don’t give up. If you used to adore science but someone ruined it for you, explore. Remember why you used to love it and use that for a platform of discovery. If you enjoy math and science but aren’t good at it, get help. Ask your teachers, friends, anyone. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you’re struggling. If this is something you enjoy, practice will only help you get better. Don’t scratch your passion simply because you’re not good at it. To all of you thinking it’s not cool or that it’s embarrassing to show how smart you are, look at Pidge! She was so passionate about the physical sciences that she refused to let her peers keep her down. 
Stay curious, stay true to yourself, stay bold. Let’s turn the tables and get more women into the physical sciences. 
If you are willing to share your story, whether it be how you persisted, why you gave up, or anything in between, use the hashtag to encourage others to hang in there and pursue their passions.
Seminars can be found here and will be posted weekly on Wednesdays EST.
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orbemnews · 3 years
How two brothers went from nearly jobless to multi-millionaires with a bizarre crypto bet Tommy, 38, and James, 42, who have asked CNN not to publish their last names to protect their anonymity, had put a few hundred bucks into an odd digital asset called shiba inu coin — a spinoff of dogecoin, so basically a parody of a parody. One coin was worth a fraction of a cent, but a friend, who happened to be a crypto expert, told them he believed it could be a big moneymaker. “I kind of thought about bitcoin — that was once a fraction of a penny and now it’s tens of thousands of dollars, and this happens to people, it’s possible,” Tommy said. “I trusted my friend and I figured if it went to zero, that’s OK. I thought of it as a lotto ticket that wouldn’t expire.” Less than two months after their initial investment in late February, their lives changed. It was their dad’s birthday, and instead of giving him a card, they made him a millionaire. Valuations on cryptocurrencies have exploded in 2021. After years of being either ignored or sneered at by Wall Street, cryptos — including established players like bitcoin and lesser-known “altcoins”— are enjoying unprecedented investor interest. Bitcoin is up nearly 70% since January, and dogecoin, which was started as a joke and is still worth less than a dollar, is up more than 11,000%, according to Coindesk. But cryptocurrencies are also extremely risky, unregulated investments. Prices are known to swing wildly. And digital currencies bring other unique kinds of risk, such as the potential for a hacked server, a deleted file or a lost password that could leave investors locked out of their funds forever. James and Tommy rolled the dice, each initially investing $200. They also presented the idea to their mom, dad, sister and a few other family members. “My mother and sister were skeptical but they each put in $100, too,” Tommy said. “After a few weeks when it was up about 300% they put another $100 in each, and then it kept going up.” In total, the group put in nearly $8,000. ‘Oh my God’ Prior to the pandemic, the brothers’ primary income came from filming weddings, but the Covid-19 outbreak nearly shuttered their business. Rather than booking 30-40 weddings that year, James said, they did no more than eight. “We kind of fell through the cracks,” Tommy said. “The government stimulus checks weren’t enough to sustain us. I’m a positive person but it was really tough, and not knowing the future was kind of scary.” As their shiba coin investment took off, it was hard to believe the change in their fortune. While filming a wedding in mid-April, they kept half an eye on their investment, which had quickly shot up to $100,000. And it kept climbing. “We woke up the next morning and it doubled. We were like, ‘Oh my god,'” Tommy said. “Then it went up to $700,000 and I told my brother it’s going to hit a million. I kept refreshing my phone.” The next day, it happened. “The day it hit a million — my mom and sister, they didn’t think it was real.” The family’s initial stake of $7,900? It’s now worth nearly $9 million as of Thursday. CNN Business confirmed the value via their coin wallet and transaction history. What is shiba coin? Shiba inu was created less than a year ago — an obvious spinoff of dogecoin, which features a Shiba Inu dog as its mascot. It may have been a joke of a joke, but not many people are laughing now. Shiba coin, which goes by the ticker symbol SHIB, is up more than 11,000% in the past 30 days, according to the site CoinGecko. Earlier this week, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin made headlines by donating $1 billion worth of shiba coin to a Covid-19 relief fund in India. The crypto, known informally as a memecoin or altcoin, has also won a handful of celebrity backers from former boy band stars to NFL pros. Backstreet Boys star Nick Carter, who is seen frequently tweeting the hashtag #Shiba and #ShibArmy. “As an enthusiast and investor in cryptocurrency, seeing the announcement about SHIB and Ethereum creator Vitalik Buterin’s donation to India was very exciting,” Carter told CNN Business in a statement. “I believe there is an incredible future for Crypto – especially knowing how it can be used for good and more importantly, to save lives.” NFL star Antonio Brown tweeted Wednesday to his over 1 million followers that he too has invested in this cryptocurrency. “The shiba business is booming and crypto is the way to go,” Brown told CNN Business on Thursday. “It’s a new way of investing.” There are thousands of cryptocurrencies, and bitcoin and ethereum account for nearly two-thirds of the entire $2.3 trillion global crypto market. And while they can be quite profitable, as James and Tommy have learned, they are also extremely volatile. For example, bitcoin, by far the most established crypto in use today, plunged a staggering 12% this week after Elon Musk reversed Tesla’s plans to accept bitcoin as payment, citing environmental concerns. And dogecoin, one that Musk has regularly hyped on Twitter, plummeted nearly 20% after Musk’s appearance on “Saturday Night Live” last weekend. Advice from Tommy and James As for how Tommy and James plan to use their money, they aren’t entirely sure. They have yet to completely cash out their investment, and are holding out for something called ShibaSwap, a decentralized exchange platform. “This has happened so quickly it’s hard to even comprehend the things you can do with this money,” Tommy said. But the first order of business is to help mom and dad. “My parents’ house needs a new roof, so I’ll take care of that.” For anyone thinking of trying to replicate the brothers’ wild success, James offers a word of warning: “Don’t put in any money that you aren’t willing to lose,” he said. “The meme tokens are very high-risk and you really don’t know what is going to happen with them. We know this is not what typically happens, although shiba has changed our lives. When you see it fluctuate so much, it does keep you up at night.” — CNN Business’ Paul R. La Monica contributed to this article. Source link Orbem News #bet #bizarre #brothers #crypto #Howtwobrotherswentfromnearlyjoblesstomulti-millionaireswithabizarrecryptobet-CNN #investing #Jobless #multimillionaires
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wanderingcas · 7 years
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Week 4: Destiel Fluff
[Thank you, everyone, for your wonderful submissions to Week 4 of Spn Fanfic Submission Thursday!! So many wonderful fics in this list. If you want to participate in next week’s fic submissions, check out the schedule!
Please signal boost so we can get these great fics circulating!]
A Wonderful Place by @expatgirl 
A case that isn’t a case is frustrating, until it isn’t. 
Teen and Up. 3k words. (Complete)
[Case Fic, Dragons, Kissing, Snow, Hospitals, Christmas Fluff]
lazy mornings, coffee cups and cuddles by @woefulcas
dean brings cas coffee in bed, they cuddle and kiss 
General Audience. .5k words. (Complete)
[hunter husbands, fluff, lazy morning cuddles, seriously tooth rotting fluff]
You May Say That I'm A Dreamer by @envydean
Dean’s been a fan of the men’s figure skating for as long as he can remember. He’s always been fascinated by how the contestants move on the ice, contort their elegant bodies into beautiful positions and land each jump with grace – not that anyone at school knows this, they only know Dean as the tough-man soccer player. When Dean’s favourite under twenty-one’s figure skater transfers to his school, sparks fly.
General Audience. 2.3k words. (Complete)
[Figure Skater!Cas, Fanboy!Dean, first dates, first kiss, High School AU]
For the Dancing and the Dreaming by @cas-essence
Dean can sing after all. He’s just never let himself before.
General Audience. 1.6k words. (Complete)
[established relationship, team free will, singing dean, dancing dean]
pure & simple by @goodgriefdean
The first time Sam sees Dean and Castiel kiss, it’s just like any other day in his life.
General Audience. 309 words. (Complete)
[fluff, sam’s pov, drabble]
Bewitched by @all-i-need-is-destiel
It’s not easy to be in love with a witch. (A story about singing parrots, talking furniture and grumpy cats)
General Audiences. 4.1k words. (Complete)
[Alternate Universe, Witch Castiel, Fluff, Humor, Friends to Lovers, Pining]
I Beg of You Now by @cuddlemonsterdean
Dean was never able to give Sam the birthday parties he wanted when they were kids, and he can’t even remember if he was ever invited to somebody else’s. Probably not.
He’s got no idea what to expect.
That’s why he’s secretly relieved when Jody asks if he can help her out in the kitchen. Dean loves cooking, and a kitchen is a place he knows his way around, even when it’s not his own. Jody had sounded almost comically grateful when he said yes immediately, but other than that she doesn’t seem to think the whole thing is such a big deal. But for Dean, it is. Birthday parties are a thing normal people do, and Dean isn’t normal people. He sucks at those things. He doesn’t want to mess it up for Claire.
So, Dean’s kind of nervous.
Cas, though, Cas is worse.
Explicit. 10k words. (Complete)
[Post S11, Developing Relationship, First Time, Touch-Starved Dean]
The One with the Fanfic Competition by @tenoko1
Started as a prompt fill that turned into accidental!fic due to popular demand. In which friends and family of the Winchesters have gotten into a secret weekly fanfiction battle for best scenario of Dean and Cas finally getting together. That is, until Castiel finds out.
Teen and Up. 81.6k words. (WIP)
[Fluff, Humor, Angst, hobbies and therapy for PTSD, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn]
Ward 37 by anon 
When Dean is admitted onto ward 37 yet again, he doesn’t expect his nurse to be cute – they never are. But, on the night of his admittance, Nurse Novak is lying in bed awaiting his first day on a new ward.
General Audience. 54.6k words. (Complete)
[fluff, romance, friendship, happy ending]
under the stars by anon 
Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak attend the same high school. One fits into the crowds and stands out, whereas the other’s only wish is to blend in. When their paths meet… let’s just say it isn’t all a fairytale.
General Audience. 38.5k words. (Complete)
[friendship, fluff, love, cute]
The Floor is Lava by @we-all-like-destiel​ 
What starts as a simple game of ‘The Floor Is Lava’ between college roommates Dean and Cas, slowly progresses into a romantic relationship.
Teen And Up Audiences. 3.8k words. (Complete)
[Dean Winchester, Castiel Novak, College AU, One Shot]
untitled by @deanandcasinlove​
Dean and Cas re enact the scene from the Notebook
Teen and Up. 400 words. (Complete)
[Destiel, Supernatural, the Notebook]
On Angel Babies by @ricketyjukeboxer​
After Castiel’s most recent brush with death, Dean asks him about his childhood.
General Audiences. 1k words. (Complete)
[Fluff, Angel Origins, Resurrected!Cas]
It’s Not a Date, Dammit by @deanwinchcester​
It’s only after they’ve gotten off the roller coaster when Dean admits to himself that while he is trying to show Cas that being human isn’t all that bad, he’s also discluding Sam from some things because they’re kinda sorta self-indulgent. Because maybe he does want to hold Cas’s hand and kiss him but that’s nobody else’s business but his… And Cas’s.
General audiences. 1k words. (Complete)
[Friends to Lovers, Sam Ships It, Castiel in the Bunker, Human Castiel]
happy by @hell-krieg​
Dean has never seen Cas so happy before
General audience. 326 words. (Complete)
[clueless!Sam, fluff, destiel, kissing, destiel fluff]
This Is Not a Date by @babybluecas​
Just two best friends having a dinner out. On Valentine’s Day.
Teen and Up. 3.4k words. (Complete)
[Fluff, Valentine’s Day, First Date]
Beyond the Bluefrosts by anon
Newly eighteen, Dean Winchester finds himself in an arranged marriage with an angel, half a world away.
Explicit. 14.6k words. (Complete)
[arranged marriage, friends to lovers, au - fantasy, steampunk, fluff]
Solstice by @saminzat​
Finding some quiet time isn’t easy when you’re a hunter. Winter forests and poncho blankets can work true miracles about that. 
Teen and Up. 1.7k words. (Complete)
[Canon compliant, Fluff, Romance]
Wandered Many a Weary Foot by @lies-unfurl 
Castiel decides that he wants to kiss Dean everywhere on New Year’s Eve. Everywhere, as in, in every single time zone as one year turns to the next.
Dean goes along with the plan.
Teen and Up. 5.6k words. (Complete)
[Fluff and Crack, Light Angst, Future Fic]
Happiness Is a Warm Cheeseburger by @braezenkitty​
Sam & Jess convince Dean to go to a yoga and meditation retreat in the Santa Cruz mountains. Dean is a grump, until he realizes the yoga teacher is a gorgeous dark-haired, blue-eyed, walking hunk of sex.
Mature. 6.5k words. (Complete)
[Implied Relationships, Self-Doubt, Negative Thoughts, Misunderstandings]
Cuddling is Manly by @breathingdestiel​
Castiel Novak has just lost a longtime friend, his cat Moon, whom he had since he was nine. After a while he realizes that his grades are slipping and that he has a hard time focusing on studying, all because he used to do it while petting Moon. When his best friend Dean notices that something is wrong, they cuddle together, believing it would help Cas. But what was supposed to be a one time thing turns into a regular cuddling between them, complicating Cas’ already complicated feelings towards Dean.
Teen and Up. 46k words. (Complete)
[high school!au, best friends to lovers, mutual pining, bed sharing, slow burn]
3 AM by @dr-dean​
“You are an angel and I’m totally into you but you’ve barely noticed my flirting so now I’m sitting here at 3 am reading up on angel courting rituals” Dean and Cas have some misunderstandings about what the other one wants.
Explicit. 6.6k words. (Complete)
[mutual pining, wing grooming, angel courting, miscommunication, case fic]
Warnings: being adorable but you kind of want to smack them, miscommunication, mutual pining, smut, wing!kink, hand jobs, NSFW
The One with All the Candy by @deanisthebeesknees​
Castiel suddenly acquires a sweet tooth, and starts buying up all the candy. OR The Valentine’s Day when Castiel finally reveals his feelings for Dean.
Teen And Up Audiences. 5.5k words. (Complete)
[human!Cas, Valentine’s Day, Chocolate, Shipper!Sam, mutual pining]
Begin Again by @profound-boning​
“Why Professor Winchester,” she mocks. “You’ve got someone special on the line and you’re ignoring them for us?”
“Zip it, Chambers.” He points a finger at her. “Y’all are great, but not that good. We clear on that?”
“Sure,” Krissy teases. “As long as they know they’re coming in second to Billy Pilgrim right now.”
“Everyone comes in second to Billy Pilgrim. Hashtag life hack.” Dean retorts.
Teen and Up. 4.9k words. (Complete)
[Single Parent Dean, Misunderstandings, First Date, Songfic, Meet Cute]
The Perks of Being a Human by @relucant​
“Down here!” Dean yelled breathlessly, and Sam gripped the knife tighter; anything strong enough to get into the bunker and get Dean at a disadvantage was bound to be a nasty piece of work.
But when he got to the kitchen he stopped in the doorway with a start, mouth hanging open.
“Uh… Dean?”
“What?” Dean snapped, trying to maneuver the massive Douglas fir through the door. “Jesus, I swear this thing didn’t look so big on the lot.”
“You… bought a Christmas tree?”
Explicit. 12.5k words. (Complete)
[Fluff, Fluff and smut, Christmas, Men of Letters bunker]
spinning by @reallyelegantsharkfish​
“Listen up!” Dean hollers, louder than necessary in the small space. “We are spinnin’ this bottle, and then we’re going to do some kissin’! Happy New Year!”
Teen and Up. 1.5k words. (Complete)
[First Kiss, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics]
Deaf!Dean Drabble One by @justrandomspnstuff​ 
Life after the accident: A short, fluffy drabble with Deaf!dean and Human!cas
General Audiences. .5k words. (Complete)
[deaf!dean, human!cas, destiel fluff]
Worthy by @jadstiel
“… you wanna what, now?” Dean asks, because he definitely didn’t hear that right.
Castiel tilts his head, a leftover tick from his angel days that Dean would be lying if he claimed to find anything but idiotically endearing. He knows this is his own fault, owing to that rather memorable moment a week ago when Cas wandered into this very same kitchen with a (fairly) legitimate question and Dean just didn’t know when to shut up.
Explicit. 15k words. (Complete)
[bunker, human Castiel, porn with feelings, assertive!Dean, shameless!Cas]
Stand By Me by @compulsive-baker
After Lisa leaves an infant Ben in Dean’s care, he stops looking for love, until love finds him in the form of a blue eyed writer named Cas. They fall in love and help each other heal from past trauma and raise Ben as a family.
Mature. 80k words. (WIP)
[Friends to lovers, singleDad!Dean, writer!Cas, domestic fluff]
Warnings: mentioned character death/suicide, mentioned past rape
Dean and the Doula by @whichstiel
Dean meets Cas, Eileen’s doula, at the hospital the night she gives birth. The attraction is instant and mutual.
Explicit. 3.2k words. (Complete)
[Destiel, Saileen, Doula Cas, Fluff]
Warning: some discussion of childbirth and postpartum depression
Cas Liking Pop Music Is Cute by @waywardfic
When Dean can’t stop thinking about Cas, he decides to spend time with him. Dean soon learns that Cas likes pop music, which he finds cute. Fluff and romance ensues.
Explicit. 665 words. (Complete)
[So much fluff, Bunker!fic, first kiss]
How Do I Love Thee by @ialwayscomewhenyoucall
Dean notices that Cas reads a lot of poetry, and starts leaving him poetry around the bunker to brighten his days. It becomes a challenge: can Dean find a poem that Cas doesn’t immediately recognize?
General Audiences. 1.2k words. (Complete)
[established relationship, canon, human!cas, MoL bunker, fluff (of course!)]
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