#it was impossible to find this film here for the longest time hardly even met people who remembered it at all ;___;
lovecanbesostrange · 3 years
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11/31 Days of Halloween: Documentaries
Crystal Lake Memories: The Complete History of Friday the 13th Doc of the Dead Going to Pieces: The Rise and Fall of the Slasher Film Horror Noire: A History of Black Horror I am Nancy In Search of Darkness Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy Scream, Queen! My Nightmare on Elm Street Wolfman’s got Nards
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hazownsmyass · 6 years
Get to know me tag! (300 followers)
Because I recently got to 300 followers, I decided to post a little get to know me tag!
I thought of doing some more stuff for my 300, but I’m already on my way to 400 because somehow more people keep following me? Why?? So I guess I’ll do some more stuff at 400
For now I would just like to thank some people (who you should all follow) for always helping me, talking to me, or sharing my shit :)
@starksparker​ @parkersstark​ @thewiseandfree​ @addictionmarvel​ @upsidedownparker​ @h-osterfield​ @bisexualparkerr​
And did you know I have another blog just for Marvel stuff, and not just Harrison? It’s over at @hazownsmymarvel If you wanna check it out that would be nice :)
I just got these questions from a random site, and I don’t expect anyone to really care about the answers, but apparently over 300 people care enough about my shit that they follow me so here goes!
Are you a morning or night person? Definitely a night person. I can’t do shit in the morning except sleep.
Are you afraid of the dark? Kind of? Like I won’t just get absolutely terrified if it gets dark, but I don’t feel comfortable.
Are you an extrovert or introvert? More of an extrovert. I like talking to people, and talking to strangers isn’t a big problem for me, but I like to have my alone time.
Are you double jointed? No ew (no offense but it kinda creeps me out)
Are you left or right handed? I am right handed
Are you more of a tidy person or a messy one? Messy AF. You should see my desk when it’s ‘tidied up’
Are you on time or always late? I’m always on time when it’s actually important, like school or if I need to catch a train. If it’s not that important, I’m always pretty late.
Are you ticklish? Hell yeah
Can you curl your tongue? Yep (totally had to check that)
Can you ice skate? FUCK NO. Everyone does it every winter where I come from, and we always went with school on the last day before Christmas break, but I am fucking terrible at it. I don’t even want to learn it though so I never set a foot on the ice. The last three years I haven’t even put on skates.
Can you wiggle your ears? Not willingly. Like they can wiggle at certain moments but they just do that on their own.
Coffee or tea? Tea all the way.
Cookies, cake or donuts? Cake
Did you ever participate in a talent show? Nope, because I’m not talented lol
Did you go to prom? We don’t have that here :/
Did you like school? Yes and no. Some parts were great, like my friends and certain teachers, and some parts were horrible, like homework and certain other teachers.
Do you believe in ghosts? No, but I won’t deny their existence if I see one.
Do you bite your nails? Nah
Do you consider yourself a good cook? I get by (I seriously just accidently typed bi) but you don’t want me to cook for you.
Do you enjoy dancing? If no one’s looking yeah, or if I’m a little tipsy
Do you enjoy DIY or crafts? I haven’t done anything like that in years, because everything I make with my hands winds up looking like a 4 year old made it oops
Do you forgive easily? Very easily. I believe everyone deserves multiple chances, and deserves redemption. I could even forgive Thanos some day if he really changed his ways.
Do you have a nickname? My friends call me whore (in a loving way)
Do you have any allergies? No but I recently had a weird reaction to what we thought to be a musquito bite, but I haven’t had anything like it before, or since.
Do you have any phobias? I have a fear of missing out, and a fear of not doing enough. I feel like I want to do and become everything I can in the world but there isn’t enough time in life and I have a hard time accepting that.
Do you have any piercings or tattoos? Nope
Do you have children? Nope, but shoutout to all parents out there who try
Do you have pets? I have a goldfish :)
Do you have siblings? I have 2 sisters
Do you prefer dogs or cats? DOGS
Do you prefer Mac or PC? PC
Do you prefer the beach or the mountains? Beach anyday
Do you prefer to bath or shower? I haven’t had a bath in years because we only have a shower, so I honestly don’t know
Do you sing in the shower? When no one’s home, I sometimes hum or sing softly
Do you smoke? No, and I think it’s really disgusting if someone smokes. Like, it’s your choice of course, but you ain’t coming near me with that.
Do you speak any different languages? I speak Dutch and English, I can understand some German and speak a little too, but hardly.
Do you still have your wisdom teeth? They weren’t pulled, but not everyone gets them right?
Do you still watch cartoons? Hell yeah. Both Avatar cartoons are still some of the best things to come to this earth.
Do you/have you played any sports? I used to do archery
Does your name have a special meaning? Nope, my parents just liked it.
Have you ever been hospitalized? Not where I actually had to stay or anything. All my hospital visits were ‘voluntarily’ 
Have you ever been on a diet? Nope
Have you ever been to a concert? I’ve never bought tickets to go to a specific concert but I went to a festival which had several major concerts.
Have you ever gone camping? Yeah and I hate it ugh
Have you ever met any celebrities? I saw Steven Moffat having dinner with his wife ones, but his wife looked at me like she did not want me to disturb them, so I left them to eat in peace.
Have you ever skipped class? Yeah, but in classes where I knew I wouldn’t get in trouble.
Have you ever won something? Probably? Can’t think of anything big now
Have you had braces? Yeah and they were awful.
How are you feeling right now? I’m alright, but my fingers are getting tired from writing all these answers.
How tall are you? 1.92 m (6′3.5″)
If money were no object what would you get for your next birthday? A house, because I want to move out but finding an affordable place here is near impossible.
If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? London probably. Or Brooklyn, or Amsterdam.
Were you ever a scout or a brownie? No? What’s a brownie? Other than a treat.
What city were you born in? Amsterdam
What did you last eat? Mac and Cheese
What did you want to be when you were younger? Everything really. From a physicist to a policeman to an astronaut.
What do you do on a typical Friday night? I’m at home most nights because of school, but now that school’s finished I might go out more :)
What is one food that you refuse to eat? Chicory
What is one item on your bucket list? Meet Harrison
What is one item you can’t live without? My phone
What is your shoe size? EU: 43 US: 9.5-10
What movie have you watched repeatedly? Captain Americ: Civil War
What phone do you have (Apple or Android)? Android. It’s an LG, but I need a new one.
What should you be doing right now? Writing a job application
What’s one goal you would like to accomplish this year? Come out to my mum and my sisters.
What’s one of your pet peeves? Tourists that don’t appear to understand the concept of sidewalks.
What’s the last song you’ve listened to? Does soundtrack count? I’m listening to ‘Charge!’ by Alan Silvestri as I’m writing this answer.
What’s the most expensive item of clothing that you own? I honestly have no idea. I don’t remember how much everything is worth, because it’s all pretty cheap. I guess my coat is more expensive than the rest but coats are always more expensive.
What’s the thing you can’t leave the house without? My phone, again. I’m helpless without it.
What’s your best physical feature? I like that I tan pretty easily
What’s your Chinese sign? I’m a dragon
What’s your current obsession? Marvel, but that’s not new.
What’s your dream car? I don’t really know, but most sports cars are really awesome
What’s your favourite animal? Penguins and dogs
What’s your favourite book? I haven’t really read books for fun in a long time, so I don’t think I have a single favourite book, but all Harry Potter’s are great.
What’s your favourite colour? Dark blue or dark green
What’s your favourite dessert? Tiramisu is incredible when done right
What’s your favourite drink? Non-alcoholic: Fanta Alcoholic: Vodka
What’s your favourite food? Pizza
What’s your favourite foreign food? Pizza is technically foreign
What’s your favourite gadget? My smartphone is my everything
What’s your favourite hobby? Is Netflix a hobby? Then Netflix. If not, it’s anything to do with film.
What’s your favourite movie? Captain America: Civil War, or Wall-E
What’s your favourite restaurant? Well it’s a small place that’s just a stand alone business, so probably none of you know it because it’s like 200 m form my house haha
What’s your favourite sandwich? I don’t eat sandwiches all that often
What’s your favourite season? Summer
What’s your favourite series? Doctor who is the best
What’s your favourite snack? Crisps
What’s your favourite sport to watch? Figure skating
What’s your favourite thing to have for breakfast? I usualy have toast but I prefer a fried egg with bacon.
What’s your full name? Wouldn’t you like to know?
What’s your longest relationship so far? Not even a month lol
What’s your lucky number? I don’t really have one? 8 is nice I guess. Or 12.
What’s your star sign? I’m a libra
When is your birthday? The 24th of september
Which city did you grow up in? Amsterdam
Which city do you live in now? Amsterdam
Who do you miss right now? Clara Oswald <3
Who is your celebrity crush? Harrison Osterfield of course
Who’s your favourite fictional character? Clara Oswald <3
That’s it! Thanks for following me, and I love you :)
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