#it was literally just a screencap of some dude's thirst comment over another dude's pic!
demidoodlefox · 2 years
I'm tired....
#god i just got raged at by some filipino incel redditor#jesus fucking christ the guy just threw loaded question after loaded question#then just fucking exploded with his 'intellectual' points#of how i'm all sorts of adjectives that want men dead#and that i'm so closeminded for NOT AGREEING WITH EVERYTHING HE'S SAYING#dude claims he's centrist but throws a lot of shit against the 'wokes' and acts as if#being woke is an american import#god it was exhausting#and it was all prompted by me pointing out that the op pulling an example of a dude being harassed by ANOTHER DUDE#just so he can be all 'if it was a girl being harassed everyone loses their minds'#was some whataboutery ragebait bull#it was literally just a screencap of some dude's thirst comment over another dude's pic!#i agreed that it was objectification but i called out op for using it to bash the folks standing up for girls#then fucker shows up to sum it all as blaming men#all because he couldn't get past the first fucking paragraph where i said there's toxic masculinity in this subreddit#fucker practically manifestoed the entire thread by arguing against what he SUSPECTED i'd say#based on the kind of person he thought i was which is based on my comment history#fucker fought those strawmes hard#accused me of changing the topic when i made an analogy#but ranted about his centrism and against all sorts of different 'woke' takes my 'ilk' would have#brought up george floyd ukraine and lots of other unrelated topics#guy was basically arguing with his version of me living rent free in his head#he just went on an on and on#i kept on engaging#stupid of me i know#i guess i wanted to see how far up his ass he can go
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