#jesus fucking christ the guy just threw loaded question after loaded question
demidoodlefox · 2 years
I'm tired....
#god i just got raged at by some filipino incel redditor#jesus fucking christ the guy just threw loaded question after loaded question#then just fucking exploded with his 'intellectual' points#of how i'm all sorts of adjectives that want men dead#and that i'm so closeminded for NOT AGREEING WITH EVERYTHING HE'S SAYING#dude claims he's centrist but throws a lot of shit against the 'wokes' and acts as if#being woke is an american import#god it was exhausting#and it was all prompted by me pointing out that the op pulling an example of a dude being harassed by ANOTHER DUDE#just so he can be all 'if it was a girl being harassed everyone loses their minds'#was some whataboutery ragebait bull#it was literally just a screencap of some dude's thirst comment over another dude's pic!#i agreed that it was objectification but i called out op for using it to bash the folks standing up for girls#then fucker shows up to sum it all as blaming men#all because he couldn't get past the first fucking paragraph where i said there's toxic masculinity in this subreddit#fucker practically manifestoed the entire thread by arguing against what he SUSPECTED i'd say#based on the kind of person he thought i was which is based on my comment history#fucker fought those strawmes hard#accused me of changing the topic when i made an analogy#but ranted about his centrism and against all sorts of different 'woke' takes my 'ilk' would have#brought up george floyd ukraine and lots of other unrelated topics#guy was basically arguing with his version of me living rent free in his head#he just went on an on and on#i kept on engaging#stupid of me i know#i guess i wanted to see how far up his ass he can go
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i had to reread n edit this before posting like i was going over an essay jesus christ ((tristamp spoilers))
tldr; i was honestly disappointed but i still don't think it was completely awful + i hope if they do a 2nd season it's better *wants to see milly*.... fuck the director though
EDIT!!! 2nd season was confirmed so you can ignore the points where i question if it will happen lol
EDIT 2 actually idt i'll watch the 2nd season... for reasons that just hit me so.... + fuck night*w as well
most of this was written before the finale eek
the major problems were that the pacing was soooooo weird n some of the changes (both story wise and design wise) they made were questionable esp towards the latter half
my positive points:
i do still think individual eps at the first half were really good
i loved the animation + how they used colors
the backgrounds are cool
the artstyle shift in wolfwood's flashback was cool
i've always been "ok" abt vashwood honestly (sorry) but i will acknowledge they were very yaoiful here. i saw a person who didn't ship vashwood say the ep in tristamp where they literally just met made them ship it which was really funny bc how did that change your mind so fast
i'm ngl the milly + eriks name drops made me *JAWDROP* but that's something that only matters to ppl who watched/read the ogs first
my negative points (uh oh):
white washed wolfwood (+ his skintone is soo inconsistent in merch)
they gave vash no room to breathe n he doesn't get big sillay moments after ep 3
^ this is true for every character except i guess roberto? more on roberto later
^^^ goes with the previous too points but it felt like they were way too focused on the drama n sadness without enough (long lasting) happy or hopeful moments to contrast or balance it out overall - to the point were the characterization of our main cast suffered for it bc there wasn't enough there with them to make that properly work. and THEN the silly moments ended up suffering too bc they start feeling out of place. the drama beats kept happening one after the other at breakneck speed without breaks, messing up the pacing as well (i can kinda blame this at least partially on the fact they only had 12 eps when the og was 26 eps but i've watched plenty of 12 ep series with great pacing so i don't really know what happened here?)
i disagreed with this at first, but the lore with vash being front-loaded really did hurt the story a bit in the long run. obviously they did still spread the full details out over the course of the show but it was :\
specific to "the running man"- it's my fav ep tbh but it was strange how all the townsfolk were partying w the nebraskas with no indication they'd arrest them after they did so much damage n vash didn't even get to fix the damaged plant?? so why were they so joyous when the initial problem wasn't solved?
roberto.... was such a weird character... he managed to be both a dick n a guy w no personality, he was there to give exposition + attempt to be funny? n then die. also the marketing staff fucking hates him he's never in any merch wtf ((edited after the finale: well now we know he wasn't meant to replace milly (i had a whole paragraph complaining abt that lol) + now i feel like they added him just to kill someone other than wolfwood off))
i can't speak much on elendria bc i had so much trouble reading trimax forever ago that i never retained anything abt her other than she's trans, but everything involving her in tristamp felt strange/ like it didn't work. i have essentially same feeling about livio here. they threw legato to the side??
what the fuck was the thing with the plants towards the end. it just hit me what the hell
minor nitpicks:
i miss the old anime's ost :( tristamp's ost isn't bad by any means n there are tracks that i really like it's just idk man. especially with the the op song, i couldn't get myself to not skip the op SORRY. could you imagine how hype it would've been if a new rendition of H.T. or NO-BEAT started playing
i'm fine with stamp vash's design (blasphemous i know) but man would'n've one of his og coat designs worked well in 3d? i feel like it would've ((added after the finale: the new coat did look nice in black + they brought back his old hair in the last ep tho so. MAYBE... IN SEASON 2.... CLASSIC COAT....? *delusional*))
NO LOVE & PEACE?!?!?!?!
one of my nitpick points was that they technically didn't give vash the black hair bc i really wanna see it animated one day but assuming they are teasing a season 2 maybe they will eventually. but then how...?
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vneuns · 3 years
Oh what about corpse and a chaotic girlfriend who like will drop into the stream just randomly by coming in and just taking over his mic or sneaking up to him while he plays and suddenly blaring the spooky scary skeleton (but only 15 sec cus of copy right) just rando moments of like little mischief. And the occasional hug and snuggle where she loops her arms around his neck as he leans back in his gaming chair and gives face/head kisses. We just stan chaotic fluff.
I decided to make this a blurb
hope that’s okay, x
— —
You put your onesie hood over your head as you walked into the room quietly. Corpse had just started streaming not too long ago and was now in the “zone” as he liked to call it. 
It had been exactly 8 days since you last made an appearance on your boyfriend’s stream, and all his fans had started missing you. So you decided to give them what they wanted, because lets be honest what type of person would you be to not give them what they were craving:
Corpse x Y/n content. 
“Are you guys starting a petition in the comments to get Y/n to stream with me?” Corpse chuckled, leaning down a bit to get a better look at all the comments. You stifled a laugh as you tiptoed towards Corpse pulling your phone out of your little pouch. 
“We talked about it last week, we’re going to pick up her monitors and stuff in a few days.” he told the stream after someone asked if you already had your own monitor or not.
Opening the YouTube app opened you quietly typed in the Spooky Scary Skeletons video into the search engine, loading it up you turned up the volume and hit play, playing it directly next to Corpses un-headphoned ear for a few seconds. 
Not expecting such a noise he jumped nearly knocking everything off his desk. “Jesus fucking Christ y/n!” He yelled hand over his heart. Not that you cared you were on the floor clutching your stomach in pain from how hard you were laughing.
“I’m glad you find me nearly having a heart attack funny.” He threw a crumpled up small baggie, of what use to have cannoli chips in it at you. “I’m-.” You started getting up still laughing your ass off. “Sorry bub.” you giggled going to place a kiss on his cheek, but unable to when he pushed you away lightly.
“Someone come save me I’m being abused in my own home.” He told the chat the smile evident in his tone.
After what felt like forever of you laughing you gave him a kiss on the cheek, said hi to the chat and left your boyfriend for a little bit to calm down and get back in his “zone”.
But now you were once again bored. And tiktok couldn’t keep you occupied forever. So, feeling a bit touch starved you went back into Corpses room; but this time making your presence known.
“I come in peace.” You told him hands up to show you didn’t have your phone or anything. He turned eyeing you suspiciously. “You may enter.” He turned back around and allowed your arms to wrap around his neck.
“What are we going to eat tonight?” He questioned leaning back to look up at you.
“Mmm I was thinking Panera bread.”
“I can go for Panera bread.” You smiled leaning down to press a kiss to his lips and then all over his face. He chuckled before whispering “I love you.”
proof reader creds @a-dot-dev ty love <33
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bruhstories · 3 years
Dazed and Confused
Summary: You and Connie have been friends for ten years, crushing on each other like a bunch of idiots who can't confess their feelings for one another. Until you go on a trip with your friends. Pairing: Connie Springer x Fem!Reader Warnings & Content: 18+, language, oral sex (female & male receiving), unprotected sex, weed smoking, alcohol consumption, f l u f f Word Count: 4.2 k
A/N: I got so pissed at that last anon that I finished this oneshot quicker lol. @fiaficsxo here it is!
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You loved parties. Not the loud music and thick smoke, not the booze and smell of vomit, but your friends. Every time they gathered at someone's place, your heart fluttered, filled with happiness and content and long-lasting memories.
Connie had the brilliant idea of spending a week in the mountains during your spring break, and you wasted an entire night searching for the perfect cottage to rent. Luckily everyone was down with his suggestion, the only problem was how you'd sleep. Historia obviously wanted to share a room with Ymir. Mikasa and Eren were an item now, so they'd have to sleep together. Armin wanted to try his luck with Annie, so no one objected to that. Jean declared that he wanted to bunk with Connie, like the two eligible bachelors they were, and that left you and Sasha to share a room together. You didn't mind it, in all honesty you loved Sasha with all your heart — but you secretly hoped someone would pick up on your feelings for Connie and let you sleep with him. You weren't that lucky.
You packed your bag the night before the trip, obsessively ticking everything on your list and double checking every item and pocket. It was ready, with one item missing — the white lace babydoll smoothed on your dorm bed. You chewed the pen cap, debating whether to bring it with you or not. You bought it for special occasions, but you haven't had a dick appointment in a long time, and you doubted you'd have one this week. With a shrug, you decided to bring it — you never know what might happen. Nighttime passed quickly and you soon found yourself all dolled up, albeit still sleepy from all the tossing and turning, excited to make more memories with your friends.
The train station was packed with people, especially students who went back to their hometowns for the break, and you were relieved to find Armin and Mikasa there. You three were always punctual, followed by Jean and Annie. Eren, Sasha and Connie were always late, which is why you told them the train leaves at 7 am instead of 7:30. It was a dirty strategy, but no one wanted to miss such a fun opportunity because of those lazy fuckers. And lo and behold, they decided to appear at 7:15.
"That was some good thinking." Jean shook his head, hand sympathetically placed on your shoulder.
"I'm only glad you guys rolled with it." You laughed without noticing the way Connie stared at you, and even he didn't understand exactly what he felt. Was he grumpy because he hated morning, or was it Jean's hand on you that irked him?
"It's not polite to stare." Sasha pulled Connie out of his thoughts.
"I wasn't staring, I was looking." Connie rolled his eyes, gripping the handle of his suitcase a bit too tightly.
"I just don't get it why you don't tell her you like her." The girl popped a bubblegum baloon, proceeding to chew it very loudly.
"Are you kidding me? She obviously likes Jean. Look how she's laughing!"
Sasha placed an arm on his shoulder, a sheepish smile on her face. "You, my friend, are a dumbass."
"Takes one to know one."
To say that your friends were loud during the train ride was an understatement. They didn't really care about the nasty glares other passengers shot at them, opting to talk, sing, eat and practically embarrass themselves. But two hours later you arrived, and the fresh, crisp air of the mountains was a blessing. You didn't regret coming, all of you deserved a break after all the exams, studying and all-nighters you guys pulled.
"We could visit the military museum!" Armin suggested, but Connie scrunched his nose.
"We came here to get high, drink and spend time together, why the fuck would we visit some old ass building?"
"I'd like to go to the museum." You awkwardly smiled, earning a 'see?' from the blond. Mikasa, Eren and Annie backed you up, and since it was a democracy, you ended up leaving your bags at the cottage and touring the small town to find the military museum. The building wasn't massive, and inside it was dark, with crimson carpets and dim lights. It was actually quite a romantic atmosphere, had it not been for the weapons and armours displayed in glass cases. Connie watched you intently, taking in every movement, every flinch, every hair tucking, every scrunch of your cute nose. You absorbed the information, hungry for knowledge. This was something you and Connie didn't share — yes, you were down to drinking and smoking, but you were also eager to learn and study, while he always preached how 'you can always retake an exam but you can't relive a party.' He wasn't stupid by any means, but unlike you, Jean, Armin and Mikasa — who alwaysstudied and never skipped lectures — Connie would wing it and somehow end up getting better grades. His strategy didn't always work, and sometimes, when you were in college, he'd ask you to tutor him. Now you were second year undergraduates, and while you were studying different subjects, you still made time for each other.
"That's a nice, uhh..." Connie squinted, "...shotgun."
"It's a musket." You chuckled, your fingers accidentally brushing his as you turned around to face him.
"Shotgun, musket, same thing."
"Actually, muskets are muzzle-loaded and fire a single bullet, but shotguns pack multiple pellets in one shell." You explained. "I'm sorry, you're probably not interested in my ramblings."
"No, no, it's... interesting. I just wasn't expecting you to know so much about guns." He rubbed his nape and smiled at you.
"Well, I do study history, in case you forgot."
"How could I forget that?"
"What's that supposed to mean?" You awkwardly elbowed Connie. Why was it so hard for you to just tell him your feelings? Oh, right, because you've been friends for ten years and if he didn't like you back, it would only ruin a great friendship.
"It means you brag about it so much it's kind of hard to forget." He told you, quickly realising just how insulting that sounded.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know that's how you felt..." You sighed, eyes darting back to the weapons.
"No, I didn't- forget it." Connie shook his head. Well played.
Back at the cottage, with enough food and booze to last the group a month, you decided to stay in your room for the rest of the day. It wasn't the first time you had embarrassing moments with Connie, but this particular one made you anxious to be around him. Did he really dislike you that much, or was it just friendly banter? If you were to ask him, you could find out, but every scenario in your head had a bad outcome, so avoiding him for now was the smartest choice. Sasha pleaded with you to spend the evening in the living room with everyone else, but you brushed her off, telling her you weren't feeling quite well.
"Text me if you need anything." She told you before leaving. It was immature to act this way, you knew that all too well, but it wasn't like Connie cared, right? You eventually decided to go downstairs after finishing a long episode of your favourite tv show, your stomach begging for nourishment. As silently as possible, you tiptoed behind the couch. The hallway was dim, the sun had already set, and the only lights were the ones from the wide TV screen in the living room where your friends were watching some corny horror movie. You could cut the suspense and tension with a knife, and when you dropped a teaspoon, everyone jumped.
"Sorry, sorry! It's just me!"
"Jesus Christ, Y/N, you almost gave me a heart attack." Jean got up from the floor and walked behind the couch. "How are you feeling? Sasha said you're ill."
"I'm fine, don't worry." You picked the spoon up and threw it in the sink. "It's just a headache, I'll sleep it off."
"Good, we need you here." The man wrapped an arm around you. "You're missing how Connie's crapping his pants at this shitty movie."
From the outside it would seem like you and Jean were a couple, but the truth was far from it. You two grew up together, his family was friends with your family, and what you had was nothing more than a brother-sister relationship. Jean's little remark earned a disgruntled look from Connie, you quickly picked up on that, and so you playfully jabbed him in the stomach.
"Connie's crapping his pants? You're the one who almost had a heart attack." You grinned.
"Oi, that was only because you dropped your stupid spoon. I was invested in the movie."
"Mhm, sure you were."
"Hey, you sure you don't want to join us?" Mikasa waved at you from the living room. You pondered over her question. Perhaps it wouldn't be too awkward to sit with them.
"Alright, sure, why not?"
"Come, sit next to me." Sasha shuffled to the side, but what she really meant by that was 'sit next to Connie', because she shuffled to the otherside.
The following two nights were surprisingly quiet, all you did was play board games, watch movies and walk around the town taking pictures. The tension between Connie and you seemed to dissipate, and you both forgot the unpleasant interaction you had on the first day. But on the fourth night, that's when shit hit the fan. Annie and Armin left for a date, and Eren and Mikasa wanted to spend the night alone in their room, leaving you, Sasha, Jean and Connie unsupervised, bored and tipsy. There was absolutely nothing good to watch on the TV, and you almost wanted to scream when your friends wanted to play truth or dare. It was one of those games you despised, because the whole point of it was to put the players in uncomfortable situations. And you didn't like being uncomfortable, unlike your friends.
"Jean, truth or dare?" Sasha beamed.
"Dare, duh."
"Alright, I dare you to switch roommates for the rest of the week." She sipped her blackberry cider.
"Okay? So, I'll stay with Y/N, then."
Good lord, if looks could kill, Connie's would annihilate Jean and Sasha off the face of the Earth.
"No, no, you'll stay with me. Y/N will stay with Connie."
"Eh? Why does your dare involve us?" You asked, confused and curious of your friend's proposal.
"Because." She shrugged. "Don't pussy out."
"I'm not pussying out. A dare's a dare." Jean scoffed. "I'm gonna go take my shit in your room and shower."
"Y-yeah, I'll go bring mine, too." You got up, using this time to hyperventilate alone. What the fuck was Sasha even thinking? Was this some stupid joke? But your friends wouldn't harm you, so why would she suggest such a stupid thing?
You took a quick shower before curling up in the bed, blankets covering you from neck to toe. Connie wasn't back yet, and you didn't want to go after him, that would just be odd. You were hoping you'd fall asleep before he returned, to avoid any unnecessary fuss, but just as you closed your eyes, the door opened. Maybe you could pretend you were asleep? He struggled to find his pyjamas in the dark, stumbling over furniture and knocking things down, and you turned the bedside lamp on to ease his search.
"Did I wake you up?" Connie bit his lower lip, and through the dim light you watched the way his grey eyes glistened, the way his short brown hair was ruffled, and how the sage green t-shirt hugged his toned abdomen.
"No, no, 's alright. I wasn't sleeping. I can't exactly fall asleep." You clutched the blanket at your chest as you shook the intrusive thoughts away. Connie was your friend, damn it, there was no room for romance between you.
"I can sleep on the floor if you want."
"Oh, God, no, it's... stiff."
"Um, yeah, it kinda is. Alright then, I'll jump in the shower real quick before going to bed." He stumbled into the bathroom and you really wanted to fall asleep now.
But you couldn't. Every time you closed your eyes, Connie's face popped in your head. So much for resting. You tossed and turned on the mattress, trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in, but nothing helped. It didn't take long for him to finish his shower, and you mentally chastised yourself for not falling asleep when you felt him shuffle under the same blanket that was covering you. For a minute, you didn't utter a word, you barely breathed, afraid to disturb the silence in the room.
"Are you asleep?"
"Nope." You heard the click of Connie's phone and turned around. You couldn't see him, but you could hear him.
"Do you wanna talk about something? Until we fall asleep, I mean." You suggested.
"Hmm, sure." He turned on his side and you felt his breath fanning over your cheeks. You were too close to him. "Actually, d'you wanna smoke?"
"Aren't the others gonna be mad if we smoke without them?"
"They don't have to know. Besides, you and I never smoked together." Connie was already up, rummaging through his backpack with the flashlight of his phone. "And then we can talk as much as you want."
"Alright, I'm down."
You laid on the floor, your head next to Connie's as you looked at the ceiling, smoke leaving your lips. He took the joint from you, fingers touching yours and you blushed, the haze of the weed melting your worries away.
"Do you want me to skip the song?" Connie asked, and for a moment you forgot there was a song playing.
"No, I like it." You confessed. "I didn't know you liked Led Zeppelin."
"There's lots of things you don't know about me, Y/N." He passed you the joint.
"Okay, tell me something else I don't know."
"I like it when you randomly say historical or scientific facts."
"Didn't you say I brag too much about it?" You took one final drag before you stubbed the joint out in a makeshift ashtray filled with a bit of water. By this point you were high as a kite, every trace of rationality gone.
"That doesn't mean I don't like it." Connie smiled and you could feel it in his voice. "Now you tell me something I don't know about you."
"I can't sleep with open doors. It freaks me out." You sat up, a breeze blowing through the window sending shivers down your spine. "It's a bit cold, do you mind if I close the window?"
"Go ahead."
You got up and picked the ashtray up but before you could close the window, you stumbled over a chest of drawers, the ashes mixed with water spilling over your t-shirt.
"You okay?" He quickly crawled to you, concern written all over his face.
"Yeah, I'm just clumsy." You laughed it off and waved your free hand. "I'll go get changed, I should have a spare shirt."
But you didn't have a spare shirt. All you had was that stupid white babydoll, and anxiety seeped through your veins. You couldn't exactly show up in that in front of your crush. And you didn't want to ask him for a shirt either. Fuck it, what else could you do?
You peeked out the bathroom door and saw Connie back in bed, lazily scrolling through his phone. God, this was embarrassing.
"You look like you've seen a ghost." He laughed, but when your facial expression didn't change, he frowned. "Y/N?"
"Um, so, I didn't have a spare shirt and- Jesus, this is awkward." You opened the door and his eyes widened. "Is it alright if I sleep in this?"
"Oh, I get it now." Connie scoffed.
"Get what?"
"You were hoping you'd share a room with Jean, right?" He sounded almost disgusted.
"Excuse you? Where did you even get that idea?" You slammed the bathroom door shut, arms folded across your chest.
"I'm not stupid, Y/N. I've seen the way you two act. Do yourselves a favour and just fuck already."
You were speechless. Completely reactionless. The weed amplified your anger, but his words brought tears to your eyes.
"You... you fucking asshole! You think I brought this for Jean? I brought it for you!"
"Eh? M-me?" Connie was confused, and you were pissed.
"Yes, you. Jean's like a brother to me, oh my God! Ew!"
"Wait, so you and Jean are not in love with each other?"
"In love?? Connie, how high are you exactly?" You walked closer to the bed, arms still crossed.
"But- Fuck, I am stupid." He shook his head, the memories of you flirting with him flashing before his eyes. "I fucked up, didn't I?"
"A bit..." Your muscles relaxed and you sat on the mattress. "Really, Connie, I... I like you. A lot. But you're always giving me mixed signals."
"That's because I always thought you liked Jean!" He threw his hands in the air in exasperation.
"No, you're the only one."
"Huh, guess I've really been dazed and confused."
Calloused fingertips ran across your hips leaving goosebumps in their trail. Your hands roamed his back and the way Connie kissed you was better than any high you've ever experienced. He was touch-starved, and you were just as needy. His knee found its place between your thighs and you moaned when it barely brushed your cunt.
"I've been dreaming for this moment for as long as I can remember." Connie breathed into your neck, the hot breath tickling your skin.
"Me too, you blind bat." You laughed and he turned you over, hovering over you.
"'M sorry I didn't notice quicker." He kissed you again. One hand travelled lower, pushing your underwear to the side before he pushed two fingers between your folds. "Fuck, you're so wet."
"Well, at least now I don't have to finger myself thinking about you." You whimpered with a grin.
"Oh?" Connie arched a brow. "Is that what you've been doing?" He curled up his fingers and you threw your head back with a moan. "I thought you were a prude."
"T-there's lots of things you d-don't know about m-me!" You replied back between oh’sand ah’s, imitating his words from an hour ago. That only earned a sneer from Connie, his head dipping between your thighs. "Wait, what are you do- ooh fuck!"
His tongue lapped at your cunt, fingers pumping in and out of you, and you completely sunk into the mattress, moaning his name over and over again. You gripped the sheets, flexing the muscles in your legs as you squirmed and thrashed. Connie stopped and you almost crushed his skull with your thighs at the empty feeling. He pulled your underwear down and shoved the cotton panties in your mouth.
"Don't wake everyone up, Y/N. You don't want them knowing what a little slut you are, do you?"
You shook your head and Connie went back to circling your clit with his tongue, adrenaline rushing through your entire body with each lick, each suck. Tears of pleasure pooled at your eyes, nose and cheeks red from the thrill of your incoming orgasm. The way he was sloppily eating your pussy and moaning while doing it drove you insane, and within seconds you came undone, thighs trembling with delight. In fact, you were so sore you had to push his head back, begging him to stop so you could return the favour.
"You taste so sweet." Connie licked his lips. You don't know what possessed you to pull him into a kiss after you removed the makeshift gag, but he was right, you were sweet.
"Can I...?" Your eyes drifted down to his twitching cock, your voice soft and quiet.
"You wanna suck it?"
"Later. Right now, I wanna fuck you."
Connie gave you no time to protest, his elbow pushed one of your things to the side, the blushing tip of his cock grazing over your overstimulated clit, up and down your slit. Inch by inch it disappeared into your cunt and he let out a satisfied sigh. You bucked your hips, manicured nails digging into his shoulders with each thrust.
"Shit, you're so fucking tight!" Connie growled, head lowering to kiss you. You could still taste yourself on his lips and that only made you clench your spongy walls around his cock. That seemed to please him, because he rocked his hips harder and faster. "You like it?"
"Oh, God, yes!" You gasped, beads of sweat forming on your forehead as you clawed his back.
"Fuck, I want you to ride me." He gripped your hips tighter and turned you over. You tried your best to get in the new position without letting his cock slip out of you, and when you finally adjusted yourself, it was a whole new challenge. Gravity pulled you down, and his tip brushed your cervix, your eyes squinting at the slight pain. "If it hurts, stop-"
"No!" You cried out, your hands resting on his chest. You bounced up and down, the uncomfortable feeling slowly replaced with pleasure. Connie's hands traced your thighs as you rode him, another wave of heat flushing through your core. His palm met your cunt, thumb circling over your clit. "I can't c-come again!"
"Yes, you can. And you will cream on my cock."
The disgust words worked like magic and you flexed your thighs, bouncing faster, head thrown back, hair cascading down your back. "You're so beautiful, Y/N."
"Connie, I-" The words stopped in your throat, the pressure too much for you to handle.
"You what?"
"I'm- oh, God!"
"Atta girl!" He praised you when he felt your silken walls relaxing and your thighs quaking. The second orgasm was so intense you let yourself fall over his chest, dizzy and tired. You thought he'd give you a break, but Connie wrapped an arm around your back, holding you in place before giving your oversensitive cunt a few more thrusts. "Now you can return the favour."
You mustered up some strength to get up and kneel in front of the bed, between his legs.
"Please don't come in my mouth." You asked him before wrapping your pretty lips around his cock.
"Gotchaah-" Connie choked on his words when he felt himself in your hot mouth. You bobbed your head up and down, cheeks hollowed and eyes on him. You didn't break eye contact when you pulled away and spat on the tip, hand pumping his cock to smear the spit. "Hot." He mumbled before you went back to sucking. You felt the throbbing, tightening your lips around him and picking up the pace. "Y/N-"
It all happened in a flash — Connie yanked your hair and pulled your head back, thick ropes of milky white cum shooting all over your face and neck.
"Eew!" You scrunched your nose, hand under your chin to stop it from dripping down the floor.
"What do you mean ew? That's, like, a billion kids!"
"Actually, a fertile man produces around-"
"Don't start. Do not." He pressed his index finger over your lips. "Let's get you cleaned up."
You woke up sore, especially between your thighs, but damn, was it worth it. Connie wrapped an arm around your waist, mumbling something about how pretty you are, but you assumed he was still sleeping — or still high. The sun shone through the blinds and you squinted, annoyed by the brightness, and so you turned around, watching the way your crush snored peacefully.
"Cute." You smiled and planted a kiss on his forehead, waking him up. "Oh, I'm sorry!"
"Why?" Connie rubbed his eyes. "Waking up to you is a blessing."
You couldn't hide the tinting of your cheeks and the grin on your lips. "I didn't think you were the romantic type."
"There's lots of things-"
"I don't know about you. But I'd like to know those things. If you let me, of course." You bit your lower lip, eyes filled with hope.
"Can I be your boyfriend?" He sat up, his eyes serious.
"I thought you'd never ask."
Okay, so maybe Sasha knew a thing or two when she dared Jean to switch roommates.
You walked into the kitchen after getting ready for the day, with Connie following behind you. Everyone was eating their breakfast, and Jean instantly dashed to you.
"Connie, bro, take me back. Sasha's leaving crumbs all over the bed! I can't sleep like that!"
"I can't, man, I wanna spend the rest of the week with my girlfriend." He sneered and you elbowed him.
"I forgot to mention Jean's overprotecti-"
"Your what? Hands off my sister from another mister, you creep!"
"Creep? You're the one who was sexting someone's sister last night." Sasha chimed in, mouth full of cereal.
"Thanks, Sash." Jean rolled his eyes. "For real, how did this happen?"
"You see, mate, when a man and a woman love each other-"
"Nope. I will not hear this."
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b0amagination · 3 years
Hasan and Declan - 1
Hi hello! This will be an ongoing series, paired with audio recordings of each chapter made by yours truly! They’re not perfect by any means, but this is an option I’ve been craving forever and will be making available :D
Content warnings: head trauma, trapped in a small space (claustrophobics beware), suggestive comments, threatened murder, and kidnapping.
Hasan huffed, balancing their washbasket on a knee in order to grasp the door handle with one hand and pry it open. They caught it on the swingback with their foot and ungracefully made their way into the laundromat.
For the fourth time that day, they cursed the delivery service for refusing any time that worked for them until two weeks out. And it wasn’t like their current washer was even partially functional. That bitch was fully out of it.
So they were stuck driving the entire ten minutes to the laundromat to do their laundry until then.
One of the fluorescent lights was flickering incessantly, and they walked to the opposite side of the store. No way in hell they were doing anything with that kind of annoyance in their face.
There were only a few other patrons in the store waiting by the dryers, which made sense given it was… Jesus, it was 11:00pm already. Sundown at 6:00pm made it impossible to keep track of time.
They threw their load into two separate washers, delicates separated carefully, and hopped on top of one for a seat as it ran. An innuendo came to mind, making them snort as they pulled out their phone and put their earbuds in.
Half an hour of tiktok scrolling later found them alone in the building, clothes finally done sloshing in what had to be a less than clean machine. They hoped their soap could override whatever was swimming around in there. 
A quick google search on how much soap was needed for a load of laundry assuaged some of their fears, but quickly turned into: ‘how to clean a washing machine?’ ‘is it that dangerous to climb into a washing machine?’ ‘how long can you survive when a washing machine is turned on?’ ‘killing people in washing-
“Rough night to do laundry, huh?” 
Hasan’s eyes shot up and froze on the unexpected visitor. Blue bangs peeked out from a hood, dusted lightly in snow. When they tugged it off, longer dark hair trailed over their shoulders and framed bright red eyes, shielded by glasses, still staring at them.
They realized they’d forgotten to answer. They’d also forgotten the question.
“What?” Hasan ripped out both earbuds so they’d have a chance at hearing the answer.
“I’m just talking about the snowstorm,” the visitor responded, tipping their head to the windows. The light from inside illuminated white flakes flying by the building that Hasan hadn’t noticed until now. 
“Oh. I mean, it must have started after I got in here.” Suddenly, the snow in their hair made a lot more sense.
They strode up to Hasan and extended their hand without hesitation.
“I’m Declan.”
“Cool.” They nodded. 
“And you are…?” Declan asked.
“You got pronouns?”
Hasan squinted.
“I- don’t we all?”
“Fuck, dude, some of us got complex lives.”
“Jesus Christ-” They started, but the other cut them off with a cackle.
“Not in this house,” Declan grinned and Hasan sputtered, trying to put themself back together.
“Shhh- shush. Shut the fuck. Fuck your up. Oh my god.” They took a deep breath. “My pronouns are they/them. How about you?”
“Solid. I’m a he/him guy myself.” Declan looked smug. It would’ve been cute if it wasn’t infuriating.
“Weren’t you here to do laundry?”
“I still am!” He gave a million dollar smile and bent down to open the washer Hasan was perched atop. They leaned over their knees, watching him sort his laundry. Shirts and pants went into one bin, and socks and underclothes went in the other. 
“You… you sort by big and small? What the hell?”
“Hasan, do you enjoy finding socks inside your pant legs and shirt sleeves?”
They raised their brows and put up their hands in surrender as Declan loaded his small clothes.
Hasan’s gaze landed back on their phone where the unfinished search was still waiting on their screen. The cursor blinked expectantly. They gave a quick glance to Declan, then erased it and ticked in ‘how to fit person in washing machine.’ 
They really weren’t sure if they wanted him yet, but the opportunity couldn’t have come at a better time. Empty public space, a victim with potential, and a phone in his back pocket.
What more could they have asked for? 
Declan opened the washer across the row and Hasan hopped down from theirs, slipping their leather gloves back on. They plucked the phone out and set it behind them.
“Hey, Dec?” He turned around, confused and opened his mouth to correct them. “Nope, more important question coming your way. How do you feel about submission?”
“Excuse me?” 
They landed a kick to his stomach, following up as he fell and shoved his shoulders down. He folded halfway into the washer and looked up with panic in his eyes.
“What the-nghh!” Another kick in the same spot pushed the air from Declan’s lungs, rendering him useless as his legs were frantically shoved in with him. “Woah, woah woah! Let me out of here!”
Hasan shoved their foot against the lip of the entrance, keeping him from pushing out.
“Hold still and shut up. You do anything reckless? I’ll shut that door and put you on spin cycle.”
“Very funny. Let me out.” His tone went from light to a wavering seriousness very quickly. Quite promising. He knew he was being threatened.
“No, no listen. It’s actually fascinating. Did you know: apparently, washing machines can spin with a force that’s two-hundred times the earth’s gravity! I mean, this was a preliminary google search and we’re in a public service where you’ve gotta pay four whole quarters for anything halfway decent, but you get where I’m going with this, right? This shit’ll kill ya! I can kill you right now!” 
Doubt wormed its way into Declan’s expression, but something else softened and brought fear to his eyes. Even halfway hidden by the cramped space, Hasan was delighted to see how that facade melted away.
“I don’t believe you.” His voice shook.
“Ohh, babe, you don’t want to challenge me. Especially when I have you right in the palm of my hand.”
He could hardly move but his face said he was squirming against the words and power Hasan dangled over him.
“What do you want?”
“Smart question… smart boy.” They smiled. “I want to take you.”
“T… take me?” Declan blanched, trying to adjust his position. He slipped a hand behind him, only to find the empty space where his phone should’ve been, Hasan supposed delightedly.
“Don’t blush like that, goodness, I’m not going to pleasure you. You’re going to come back to my home and I’ll do with you whatever I see fit. That’s the deal.”
“Why would I?” he asked, like he even had a choice anymore.
“Because it’s the only way you’ll live to see tomorrow.” Hasan watched him shuffle about, putting his body behind him in the machine. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” they said.
“I’m not cooperating with a kidnapper,” he snarled. “Especially not if they’re so pathetic they try to kill me in a washing machine.”
They looked down, a glare alighting their face even as they tried to suppress it. As soon as Declan poked his head out from the machine, trying to push out as quickly as possible, they slammed the door shut. An anguished cry came muffled from inside and Hasan laughed, stooping to pick up their victim’s detergent.
Their foot propped them between the washers and held the door shut as he regained his bearings, watching in horror as Hasan opened the drawer and poured a generous amount. 
“Stop! Holy fuck, stop!” Declan shrieked, but he was ignored.
“How much room have you got in there, Dec? Shall I label you as a bulky load?” Pounding against the door answered them, and they clicked the corresponding button. “Right, and soil level? When’d you last shower?”
“You’re fucking insane!”
“I’ll set it as heavy just in case, then.” A bing of confirmation sounded, and the green light next to the start button lit up.
“Open up! God dammit!!” Declan sobbed, gasping and trying to avoid hyperventilation.
“I’m pretty sure someone said not to bring him into this!” Hasan rolled their eyes, bending over the window. “You know, I could hit the start button right now and it would all be over. That door would lock. Even if I wanted to stop, if I regretted what I’d done, I’d be powerless. And so would you. Is that what you really want, Declan?”
“No, please no!”
“I’m glad you agree. I don’t want that to be the end of you either, but the only other option you’re allowed is climbing out of there calmly, and being entirely agreeable while I bring you back to my car and my home,” Hasan said.
“I… Hasan. Please, please you don’t have to do this- wait no!” He gasped when Hasan’s hand drew closer to the control panel. 
“It’s one or the other.”
“No, no, no, I’ll cooperate if that’s what you want. I can cooperate. Don’t kill me, whatever you do.”
The door opened, and he tumbled out halfway on to the floor. 
“Out and on your knees.”
“Shit, okay, okay…” He put his hands up, shuffling uncomfortably on to his knees.
“Good. Up.”
As he shakily rose to his feet, standing only a few inches shorter than Hasan, they rooted through their pockets. They had to have something helpful on them somewhere… their pant pockets proved worthless and they moved on to their inner sweatshirt pockets where, under three mechanical pencils, they actually procured something useful.
“What now?” Declan asked, watching Hasan’s silent stare rove over him.
They didn’t know what else to say and simply stepped forward, grabbing Declan by the scruff of his jacket and smashing his head on the corner of the washing machine. He crumpled to the ground, groan stifled by the flooring.
“Your whole body is just begging to run, and I can’t let that happen,” they explained, taking the zip tie from their pocket and locking Declan’s wrists behind his back. 
He was too out of it to resist much at all as he was hoisted into Hasan’s arms and carried away.
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Me and Ms. Adolphson (Me and Mrs. Jones AU)
Chapter 3: Mixed Signals
Warning: Strong language, veeery mild sexual content, alcohol abuse
(Me and Ms. Adolphson Masterlist)
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"Sagaaaaaa," Alfie's voice echoed through the house. "The door!"
"You lazy wanker," she taunted as she went down the stairs.
"Oh, I love you too!"
"Jesus Christ, this place is a mess! Your mother will kill you, Alfie!"
"Yeah, yeah... She'll get over it."
"I didn't know you were a fan of boxers," Saga picked up a pair of striped underwear laying on top of the computer screen. "I imagined you more as a briefs kind of guy."
"That's actually mine," Billy grimaced apologetically.
"Oh God," she threw them at him. "I... The door."
When Saga opened the door, she felt like her world was ending. How the fuck did he find her there?
"Ake? What are you doing here?"
"Hello, Saggy!" the tall, blonde man with long hair and an equally long beard embraced her and lifted her up as if she was a rag doll.
"Saggy?" Alfie snorted.
Billy stared agape at the scene, he felt a sting in his chest. That man was huge, traditionally handsome, by the look of his clothes he was loaded, and could grow a beard (something Billy was never able to do). Suddenly he felt self-conscious and started to question why Saga was interested in him at all, but then he remembered her words: you have a glow.
"Inca told me you'd be here," Ake put her down. "I missed you so much."
"I-I... Missed you too. How long are you in England for?"
"Just a few days, then I go back and sort things out to move definitely."
"You're moving here?"
"Well, of course! If you are, I am too," he laughed as if it was obvious.
"Where are you staying?"
"I got a hotel, you can come and stay with me if you want. It's a lot better than... This," he looked around at the trashed living room.
"That would be indelicate with Mrs. Jones. I don't want her to think I'm ungrateful."
"Mum would be fin..." Alfie started, but Saga kicked his chair.
"Shut up, dickhead!" she muttered.
"Alright, then. Why don't you come by later and I'll take you out to dinner? I'll text you the address."
"S-sounds good," she stumbled on her words. "Goodbye, Ake."
"See you later," he gave her a quick peck on the lips.
When Saga closed the door, she was shaking from head to toe, her stomach in knots.
"Who was Chris Hemsworth's twin over there?" Alfie asked, finally looking away from his videogame.
"My boyfriend," her voice disappeared in her throat.
"You've got a boyfriend?"
"Seems like it..."
Saga ran away to the backyard, she felt like she couldn't breathe anymore, she needed fresh air. Billy followed, sitting by her next to the backdoor.
"So, I'm guessin' this makes things more complicated?" he mumbled.
"You think?" she scoffed.
"Well, at least now you can break up with him in person, it's better than over the phone."
"I can't break up with him. He came all this way and he's gonna move to England, I just... I can't."
"What about our kiss? And all we talked about?"
"I think it's best if we just forget it ever happened. Bury it deep somewhere in our brains."
"Bury our kiss... Like a serial killer would do?"
"Yeah, I'm really sorry," she gave him a sad smile. "Friends?"
"Friends," Billy nodded defeatedly.
"Are you upset with me?"
"No... I would rather have you as a friend than not at all."
"Alfie! Did I sleep through a rave or something?" Gemma's shout made Saga  laugh.
"Come on, let's help her."
The house seemed even crazier than before, Gemma had unplugged Alfie's videogame and he was freaking out, Jason had arrived with some problem from work... Saga felt bad for the amount of responsibility on her back.
"Girls let's go!" she called. "Alfie, you're working with Jason and this is final, if you wanna stick around, you need a job."
Saga occupied herself picking up trash and shoving it on the bag Billy was holding. After some struggling, both the girls and Alfie were ready to leave. Gemma fell on the couch with a heavy sigh but quickly sat up again.
"You look upset, Saga, what happened?" she noticed the girl's frown.
"Do not worry, Gemma, you have too much on your plate as it is, don't worry about me."
"Oh, dear, it's alright, it's called being a mother of three. It won't hurt me to just talk to you and help you get whatever is bothering you off your chest."
"I'll take this outside," Billy waved the trash bag on his way out.
"Well, my boyfriend is in town to visit me and now he wants to move to England," Saga sat down on the couch as well. "I was about to break up with him, but now I lost the nerve."
"Oh, I know how you feel. It took me way too long to divorce Jason," Gemma groaned. "What's wrong with this guy?"
"Nothing really, he's okay."
"You just don't like him anymore."
"Because you like someone else... And this someone else is Billy."
"Is it that obvious?"
"Well, I'm nearly twice your age, I've been through this sort of thing before, several times," she laughed. "And I'm a mother, it comes with magical instincts."
"How am I supposed to break up with a guy who came from Sweden and is willing to give up the rest of his life to be with me? We've been together for so long, he might not bring me that excitement, but he's a safe choice and my family likes him."
"Look, I can't tell you what to do, but I can tell you that every single time that I followed my head instead of my heart, I ended up in a bad situation. If you love... Hamburgers," Gemma quickly changed the subject when she saw Billy coming in again. "Don't force yourself to eat hotdogs. It'll just give you indigestion."
"That is good advice," he agreed, trying to fight a grin. "I'm goin' job huntin'. Wanna come, Saga? You're lookin' for a job as well, right?"
"Right, sure."
She took his hand and they walked to the door, Gemma gave her a pointed look, which only increased the confusion in her head. Saga nearly screamed when she turned around the corner and bumped into Tom, who was running down the sidewalk.
"Hey," she clutched her chest.
"Hey there," that guy was weirdly happy all the time, that was a little freaky. "Off to a morning run too?"
"Not really, more like a morning job search?"
"Saga and I don't wanna bring more trouble to Mrs. Jones, so we gotta start pullin' our weight around the house," Billy joked in that charming way of his.
"I imagine it must be a little crazy with five of you in there with her... You could move in with me if that helps," Tom stared at Billy with hopeful eyes.
"No!" Saga nearly screamed, but covered her mouth when she realized her exaggerated reaction. "I mean, it's his choice, I didn't mean to intrude."
"Wow, that is... I'm not sure," Billy not only didn't want to leave and be away from her, but he was also a tad bit scared of how Tom never stopped smiling.
"I'm probably being a little selfish here, but grown-up company would help," Tom chuckled. "I know you can't get more grown-up than my Poppy, but still... Actually, you should both come, the box room has a queen-size bed and very thick walls. I promise to give you some privacy."
"Oh, we are not..." Billy smiled awkwardly. "We're not a couple."
"You're not?" he furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm sorry, it seemed like you were."
"Just two good friends," Saga's cheeks grew red. "Who have definitely never kissed or anything."
"Yeah, definitely," Billy narrowed his eyes playfully. "I'd never be so lucky."
"In case you change your mind, here's my number," Tom handed him a very fancy business card. "Call me if you want out of the madhouse."
"Cheers," he took the card and put it in his pocket.
"Well, I'm gonna say hello to Gemma. Happy hunting for you two."
"Thanks, Tom," Saga nodded politely.
Billy draped his arm around her as they walked up the street, a shit-eating smirk tugging at his lips.
"Definitely have never kissed or anything..." he repeated. "I'm sure that was very convincin'."
"Well, I panicked."
"I noticed, but it was good for my ego the way you reacted when he suggested I move."
"Oh, shut up..."
After a long frustrating day of constant rejection, Billy and Saga decided to get a drink. They sat at the counter and she let her head fall and hit the wood top, while he observed the insane amount of pink balloons all over the place.
"What can I get you?" the nice lady that served them the other night asked.
"Probably about... Half a pint o'lager?" Billy dropped a handful of coins on the counter.
"You guys are Alfie's mates, right?"
"Yeah," Saga groaned without lifting her head.
"It's on the house," she poured two pints.
"Thank you," Saga took hers and drank a generous amount. "I never got your name."
"It's Rachel."
"I'll pay you back once he gets here," Billy took his glass as well.
"You know what? Why don't I take it out of your wages?" Rachel cocked an eyebrow.
"D'you need someone?" Billy asked excitedly.
"For today? Definitely. My entire staff got the flu and I've got half a dozen hens arriving at five."
"I'll probably need more than a pint t'do the whole stripper thing."
He said that exclusively to watch Saga's reaction and it did not disappoint, she nearly choked on her drink and widened her beautiful blue eyes.
"I've got that covered," Rachel laughed. "But I do need a barman and a waitress if you guys can help."
"When do we start?" Saga was still recovering from the near-choking experience.
"How long does it take to drink a pint?"
"I never drink on duty," Billy immediately went behind the bar.
"I do, but don't worry," she chugged the rest of her drink. "Done."
"Wow," Billy raised his eyebrows. "Remind me to never challenge you to a drinkin' contest."
"It's just a silly trick I use to make the boys fall in love with me," she joked.
"It works... Don't you ever do that in front of Alfie, alright?"
"Can I finish yours?"
"Please," Billy gestured to the glass still half full.
In about an hour the so-called hens arrived. There was a bit more than half a dozen, but nothing they couldn't manage. Alfie arrived as well and was very pleased to see the clientele for the night.
"Wow, is it my birthday or something?" he rubbed his hands together.
"Yes," Saga folded her arms with a tray in hand. "We decided to get you a  variety of women since you can't seem to get one by yourself."
"Nice one," Billy high-fived her.
"Are you included in the package, Ms. IKEA?" Alfie waggled his eyebrows, biting his lip suggestively.
"I am," she leaned over him with a mischievous look on her face. "I'm in charge  of erotic torture, want me to get my whip and high heels?"
"No, thanks," he shivered and quickly left to sit with the other girls while Billy cackled.
"Well, work awaits," Saga took the drinks he placed on the counter and headed to the tables.
"You're doing great," Rachel approached Billy. "I could offer you a couple of shifts this week."
"Thanks, but it might not be enough. I might need t'go back home," he huffed at the prospect.
"If there's nothing for you to stay for, it makes sense..."
"Well, there kinda is," he watched as Saga started bickering with Alfie again.
"He's cute, but no," Billy mocked. "It's complicated."
"So Saga's already taken then."
"Against her will, but yes."
"Against her will?"
"Yeah, apparently she never wanted to date this fella. Her dad made her, it's been five years, and now she's too scared t'get out. And the cherry on top of this shit cake: he's just arrived in town and he looks like three of me, but with blonde hair and loads o'money."
"I know."
"What are you guys talking about?" Saga joined them.
"Nothing, I was just offering you guys a few shifts if you want..." Rachel looked down at her schedule.
"I'll take it!"
"I'll take it too," Billy quickly accepted.
"Great, tomorrow at four?"
Saga's smile disappeared when a young, slightly buzzed girl with a bunny costume approached the bar and gave him a flirty look.
"Hey," she drawled.
"Hi," he leaned against the wall.
"I'm Taylor."
"So, Billy, are you single?"
"No, he's not," Saga said before she could stop herself.
He flashed her a taunting smile, it was undeniable that he loved her reaction, even though it was a bit confusing since she said earlier they were supposed to be just friends.
"Sorry," she shut her eyes with regret.
"It's alright, she wasn't really my type anyway."
As time went by, Alfie only got drunker and drunker. He did shot after shot and by the end of the night, he was already dancing shirtless on a table while the group of bachelorettes cheered him on. Saga and Billy exchanged a look and both silently agreed that was enough.
"I might've had too much to drink," Alfie nearly fell, but Billy held him.
"No kidding," Saga tilted her head.
"I'm gonna be sick..." he moaned as the girls moved to another table. "Where are all the bunnies going?"
"Watership Down," Billy joked.
"Is that a new club?"
"Nevermind, mate, let's get you a cab and take you home, okay?"
"I got it," Saga put the tray down and wrapped Alfie's arm around her own shoulders to support him. "Rachel, do you mind if I leave a little early to take him home?"
"No, it's alright, I'll see you tomorrow."
"See you tomorrow," she groaned under his weight. "Let's go, big boy."
Luckily, they made it home before Alfie got sick, so that's a victory... Saga waited by the bathroom door with water and when he was done she turned on the shower to get him clean, maybe sober him up a bit more.
"Are we gonna shag in the shower? I won't tell your boyfriend, it will be our little secret..."
"No," she laughed as she pushed him in.
"But how are you gonna resist me?" Alfie slurred before belching.
"Believe me, I'll find a way," she rolled her eyes with a smile.
As Saga was putting him to bed, he kept blabbing nonsense that she would definitely use against him once he was sober.
"It's usually bigger than that, the water was too cold," he pouted.
"Keep telling yourself that, buddy," she covered him with a blanket and turned him to the side. "If you need anything just give me a shout, I'll be right downstairs."
"Thanks, Saga," he sighed. "Billy was right about you... You are an angel."
"Goodnight, Alfie," she smiled to herself, feeling her heart race in her chest.
When Billy arrived about an hour later, Saga was still in the living room, playing  video games, the only thing she could think of to take her mind away from the  crippling doubt growing in her brain.
"Wow, you beat Alfie's high score..." Billy leaned over the back of the chair. "I thought y'were havin' dinner with Thor tonight."
"I told him I had to take care of a sick friend."
"And where is he?"
"Asleep, I shoved him in the cold shower and tucked him in."
"You're really a natural caretaker, aren'tcha?"
"I suppose."
"So, should we talk about what happened at the bar?" Billy sat in front of her.  "Y'know... With the girl."
"I'm really sorry about that," Saga put the controller down.
"You don't have t'be, but you can't deny I'm gettin' some mixed signals here. First we kiss, then y'tell me we're just friends, then you kiss me, then your boyfriend shows up and we're back to bein' just friends, and then... Tonight."
"I'm confused, Billy, I don't know what to do. I want hamburgers, but it's hard to just go for a burger when you've been eating hotdogs for five years. You get used to the indigestion. That's all I know how to eat, that's all I'm used to, that's all my parents ever let me eat."
"I like bein' your friend, Saga, I really do, but I feel like things might be easier for us if I move in with Tom. We can still hang out and talk, but we'll have fewer moments like this. When we're alone, and all I wanna do is kiss you until I lose my breath."
"Oh God, why do you have to say those things?" Saga whined. "I don't want you to move out, but if we keep kissing that's just gonna lead to... Other stuff that happens after the kiss. It might be safer."
"Then safer it'll be," Billy kissed the back of her hands. "I'm gonna pack my things."
"Well, you don't have to leave now. It's late, it might be dangerous, Tom is probably asleep anyway."
"I think I do," he held her face gently with a cheeky smirk. "Otherwise the other stuff that happens after the kiss might happen. We're all alone, the moonlight is comin' through the window, it's nice and quiet, the lights are dim."
"I mean, it doesn't have to..."
"D'you really trust yourself? Cause I don't trust myself, at all. Lookin' at you right now, I just wanna take you in my arms, undress you while I kiss my way down your body, run my fingers through your hair, and whisper in your ear how sexy you are... And neither of us would want that happenin', right? Especially not now that your boyfriend's in town."
"R-right," Saga stammered, her chest heaving with just the image of what Billy described. He seemed extremely amused by her reaction. "That's not what friends do."
"Will you talk to Mrs. Jones for me?" Billy gave Saga a tight hug.
"Sure, I'll let her know," she wanted to cry, but she wasn't sure why.
"Goodbye, Ms. Adolphson."
"Goodbye, Mr..."
"Mr. Delaney, I'll see you around?"
"For sure, how could I ever let you live without my glow?" his beautiful smile only got more irresistible under the moonlight.
And that was it, Billy packed his bag and left, leaving Saga feeling empty and alone, like part of her was missing.
How could she feel like this after knowing him for only a few days? When Gemma arrived, she immediately knew something was wrong.
"What happened?"
"He left, he moved in with Tom."
"Oh, Tom mentioned he invited him over... I'm so sorry, dear."
"I know it's for the best, but I didn't want him gone," Saga felt the tears she's been holding back finally running down her face.
"I know, come here," Gemma held her. "I know it hurts, but I promise it won't hurt forever."
"It feels like everyone I like doesn't want me around. First Inca, and now Billy. Soon the girls will kick me out of the room if this keeps up."
"I want you around and I'm sure the girls do too... And Alfie! You guys are friends, right? With your playful bickering and all?"
"Yeah, I really like that twat," Saga chuckled. "Thank you so much for making me feel like I have a family."
"You do have a family, and friends who love you. That includes Billy, he's doing that because he cares about you," Gemma stroked her hair. "Now let's watch a movie and eat some ice cream, that is the best solution for a broken heart."
Tag List: @elliethesuperfruitlover @firstpersonnarrator @spanishmossmagnolia​ @a-ghoulish-tale @seanfalco @salvador-daley​
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poguesofthebau · 4 years
Idea to write for OBX!!!! The pogues just having a good evening together, like playing truth or dare like 16 year olds before the events of the show take place!!
heyo all, writing is hard for me recently so i decided that i would do something based off what real life is like right now with a lil inspo from this request tossed in :) hope you like it!! (naturally, reader is dating jj in this bc i can’t help myself hehe oops)
summary: jj, y/n, and the rest of the pogues (including sarah) live in the world we’re all currently living in: quarantine. so what happens when the craziest friend group in the obx are trapped inside the Chateau for weeks at a time without any authority figures or outsiders? to put it simply, anarchy happens. (alternate summary: what i wish i was doing during this stupid quarantine instead of sitting in my room to avoid my parents’ hovering.) (alternate, simple summary: a hot ass day in quarantine with the pogues.) word count: 2101
sticky. why the hell were you sticky?
you opened your eyes with a deep groan, peeling yourself from jj with a disgusted look on your face. “jj, get off of me.” you’d both been laying on your stomachs as you slept, but the boy had somehow wound up directly on top of you. it would’ve been kind of endearing, cute almost, to wake up so close to jj, if it wasn’t so fucking hot.
someone across the room laughed lightly, and you slipped out from under jj and flipped onto your back, sitting up and squinting to see who it was. when you saw sarah, kie, and pope staring at you from the table a few feet away from the pull-out couch, you let out an annoyed puff of air, raking a hand through your bedhead to slightly calm it. leaning back on your hands, you glanced back down at your boyfriend. his nose was scrunched up, and his hand started rustling around the sheets until it made contact with your right calf. satisfied, his face relaxed again. before you could look back to your friends, pope was speaking. “i don’t know how the two of you managed to sleep like that all night. with those body temperatures combined, i’m pretty sure you should’ve burst into flames by like, 2am.”
“c’mon, pope,” sarah smirked. “they’re in love. their feelings for each other, they’re hotter than anything. like, hotter than--”
“hotter than the flames in hell!” kie interrupted proudly. “and the obx may feel like it’s hotter than that already, but--”
“nothing compares to their sacred, burning love.” sarah and kie both smiled smugly at their own ability to finish each other’s sentences, fist bumping as pope shook his head. “that was good. i love us.” the girls giggled again, and you couldn’t help but laugh a bit too.
“can you corny fucks shut the hell up? a guy can never get a wink of sleep around here, shit.” with that, jj was rolling over, too, a very unimpressed look plastered on his face as he scolded his friends. not as eager to be awake as you had been, jj groaned as he stretched, flopping into your lap on his back when he was finally done waking himself up. your hands naturally found their way to his hair, scratching at his scalp subconsciously as you looked around at the mess of the Chateau. “where’s jb at? and why is it so fucking hot in here?”
“you can’t really complain about body temps when you’re curled up in your girlfriend’s lap like a cat, bro,” pope pointed out. jj rolled his eyes as pope continued. “but since you asked so nicely, it’s the first heat wave of the year-- you’d know that if you ever listened to anything i say throughout the day. john b’s out trying to get food and water and stuff before it’s all gone.”
jj muttered something under his breath about wishing pope had gone out with their other friend as his eyes closed again at the feeling of your fingertips on his hairline. “you know what we should do today?”
“make out? at least let me brush my teeth first, you animal,” jj interjected. you flicked his nose, ignoring the comment otherwise. “oh, so you don’t wanna make out? alright, y/n, but just remember, it’s your rule!”
“jj, why does everything always have to be about you?”
“i have needs, kie!”
“okay, okay, okay, i think y/n had an idea. let the woman speak!” sarah quickly redirected.
“thank you,” you smiled pointedly at sarah. “i think-- and tell me if there are any objections-- i think, maybe, we should day-drink.”
as soon as the words left your mouth, the door beside you was swinging open with a creak, john b bursting into the room. “did someone say-- DAY-DRINK?” he held up a six pack of beer in each hand, that bright and proud john b grin plastered on his face. the entire group cheered, jumping up to help him bring in the groceries he’d gotten his hands on. “thanks to mr. c’s non-existent credit card limit, we are now loaded. thanks kie!” he tossed her dad’s card back on the table, the curly haired girl laughing at his words. kiara had somehow convinced her parents that spending her quarantine with the pogues at john b’s house was an acceptable idea, and they had even given her an emergency credit line for necessities and necessities only.
beer was an absolute need for the pogues, to be fair.
a few hours later, everyone was pretty day-drunk, so to speak.
sarah was currently engaged in a deep conversation with pope about why, exactly, he wanted to be a coroner so badly. you were in the middle of an arm-wrestling tournament against john b, with jj and kie passing the group’s second blunt of the afternoon back and forth. “y/n, your hand is fucking slippery!”
“fuck you, john b! it’s sweaty! haven’t you noticed that it’s a million damn degrees in this place?”
the arm wrestling tourney came to a close soon after, and the group went back to sweating, smoking, and throwing back beers. your feet wound up in jj’s lap as you tried to fan yourself with an empty, folded up cardboard box that one of the six-packs had come in. “hey kie, do you think your dad would mind if we used his credit card to buy a decent air conditioning system for this shithole? no offense, john b.”
“actually, y/n, i kind of take offense to that. just a little, you know?” you stuck your tongue out at your friend, throwing your piece of cardboard at him.
“you know, guys,” sarah spoke up. “me and my sister used to play this game--”
“oh, sarah, please tell me it’s not truth or dare with no dare.” john b’s face twisted into disapproval, and it was sarah’s turn to stick her tongue out at him.
“it is truth or dare with no dare, and i don’t hear any better ideas from anyone else, so we’re playing.”
jj’s hand came down on your ankle as he sat up and looked at the other blonde of the group. “actually, i’m thinking me and y/n will just roll another blunt and go hide in the guest room. that would be a better idea, i think.”
“no way, dumbass! if we have to do it, you two are sticking around for it too. pogues never abandon pogues, remember?” kie and her rules. “so, who starts?”
“well usually when i’ve played before it’s only been two people, so maybe i’ll ask the first question and we can all go around and answer?” jj groaned at this new development, causing you to smile. you flopped around on the futon a bit until your side was pressed against his, and he threw his arm around your shoulders once you’d settled. “okay, first question. um, let’s see... i don’t know. what’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?”
“weirdest place you’ve ever had sex. three, two, one, go!” jj pointed to john b, and the entire group erupted into laughter. john b was clearly struggling to think of an answer, and jj, who had become strangely invested in hour-long game, was running out of patience. “c’mon, man!”
“jesus christ, jj, i don’t know!” john b choked out through his laughs. “a bell tower, i guess?”
“great! sarah? where’ve ya done it, kook princess?” that one earned a smack on the arm from you, and jj quickly rephrased. “sorry! i meant, uh, where’ve ya-- i don’t know. just-- what’s your answer?”
sarah glanced between john b and jj, hesitating before she answered. “conveniently enough, my answer is also... a bell tower.”
with the ruckus that answer caused, you weren’t expecting the game to end any time soon.
“oh, my god. i finally don’t feel like i’m burning alive anymore.” pope threw his arms victoriously above his head as he made the statement, kie smiling at him and wrapping an arm around his waist.
“that’s how fucked the weather’s gonna be forever if humans don’t start taking care of the planet, pope. isn’t that crazy?” pope looked at her and nodded with a slightly terrified look in his eye, not finding the person kie became when drunk completely trustworthy to not flip out on him for his history of littering and excessive plastic use.
“you know, guys,” john b called out, quickly changing the subject. “this is kind of insane.”
“what do you mean, johnny boy? what’s so insane about a heat wave?” your head was pretty much buried in jj’s chest as you spoke, with his hands slowly tracing big circles in your back. the last blunt of the night had just been smoked, and it was hitting you both a little harder than the others had. for the past few minutes, you’d been thinking about you and jj finally making your way to the guest room for the more intimate one-on-one time that the weed had made you crave. as soon as he’d put the roach down, you’d crawled into his lap. the temperature had dropped reasonably, and the sticky feeling you’d experienced that morning was now completely out of the picture. your left hand was wrapped around jj’s neck, your right just hidden under his shirt as your thumb stroked back and forth just above his hip. jj had watched you nuzzle into that position through hooded red eyes with a little amused smile playing his lips, before returning the physical affection by sliding one hand reassuringly onto the back of your neck and letting the other draw shapes into your back.
by the time john b had finished gazing around lovingly at the group before answering, you had almost forgotten about having asked a question to begin with. “not the heat wave, y/n.” his correction reminded you of what the conversation had been, and your tilted your head up to make eye contact with jj. when you locked eyes, you knew jj was thinking the same thing as you: john b’s about to get corny and emotional. and you were both right. “seriously, look at us. isn’t this crazy?” you and jj smiled at each other, and you placed a loving kiss on his jawline before refocusing your sight on john b. “how did we all end up together? i mean, three losers who met in elementary school,” john b listed, looking to you and jj with a bright smile as you felt jj squeeze your neck lightly. “a weird kid who, for some reason, is totally obsessed with dead bodies and shit,” pope looked a john b awkwardly as kie giggled, slipping her hand into pope’s. “and a couple of fucking kooks.” sarah hummed from her spot next to john b, kie sarcastically saluting with her free hand. “you guys, somehow, we all got together, all found each other. what are the odds of that? what are the odds that we found this totally perfect, totally dysfunctional but perfect little family?”
before you could stop yourself, you felt the first tear slip down your face. “fuck you, john b,” you muttered quietly, taking your hand out from under jj’s shirt to swipe at the wetness on your face. scrubbing away the rest of the tears in your eyes before they could escape, you put your hand back down on jj’s arm this time.
“yeah, fuck you, john b. why you makin’ my girl cry, bro?” everyone chuckled softly, admiring each other in the moment. “alright, though, really. since she’s already crying, i guess i should say it now.” your head lifted back up to look at jj, and he looked back down at you as he continued. “i love you.” as you both broke into smiles, he looked back to your friends. “i love all of you guys. you’re all annoying as fuck, and i know i live for giving you all a hard time and stuff. but seriously. this is my family. pogues forever.”
“shit,” kie muttered this time, her thumb swiping under her own eyes as pope looked down at her adoringly. “pogues forever, guys. thank you for taking in us stupid kooks and letting us be who we are. pogues for-fucking-ever.”
“as corny as it sounds, i feel like we’re kind of required to group hug now,” pope added. “everybody up! i love you sickos and psychos, criminal records and all!”
and then, you all hugged the shit out of each other. pogue style.
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finnyboywolfhard · 4 years
Song That The Morning Brings (Chapter Twenty One)
Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader
catch up here
summary: They are wandering through the tunnels after escaping the elevator, Steve gets in a fight and Erica is a nerd. 
warnings: cursing, violence, angst, spoilers ig 
word count: 4.3k 
The entire group clamors up to atop the elevator and impatiently waits for whatever is to come next. Loud beeping and clunky footsteps break the silence as the doors smoothly open up. Two large men walk into the elevator and begin grabbing boxes. The one man begins aggressively sniffing, before speaking a sentence in Russian that none of them could understand. The two have a small conversation while pulling the boxes down and taking them to somewhere outside of the elevator. Steve is laying down against the grate, eyes sealed to watching the room. Steve looks around the group, signaling to be quiet, stopping his eyes on Erica who is still holding a tube of the goo.
The door starts closing, the group waits until the Russians are out of ear shot from the elevator to jump down and begin piling out. Steve falls down to the ground and shoves the tube in between the elevator door and the floor, giving them a passage space to crawl through to get out.
“Let’s go.” Erica tosses Steve her backpack which he shoves underneath the door. He begins shuffling them all through the door, chanting “go” repetitively as the crawl under. First Erica, then Dustin, then Robin and then Y/N. They all shuffle through and stand up briskly once they reach the other side. Steve starts to climb out just as the tube begins to crack, nearly shattering.
“Stevie! Come on!” Y/N yells out to him. He slides out and away from the door just as the tube shatters, the goo burning a hole into the ground surrounding its shatter sight.
“Jesus Christ!” Steve huffs out as he stands beside the group.
“You still want to drink that?” Robin says to Erica with a twinge of superiority.
“Holy mother of God.” Slips out of Dustin’s mouth as the rest of the group turns to look at what he was seeing. The expanse of the hallway went out so far they couldn’t even fathom of seeing the end. The cool blue lights reflected off of the floor, though seemingly getting darker and darker as it stretches farther down.
“Well, hope you guys are in good shape. Looking at you, roast beef.” Steve said pushing his way to the front of the group tapping Dustin on the chest after his last remark.
“Stevie, that was mean.” Y/N said shuffling a little to catch up with Steve. The rest of the group joining slightly after Steve says, “Let’s go, come on.”
Y/N’s feet began to ache after a while, no clue how far they had walked at that point, but it didn’t seem like they were ending anytime soon. She was looking down at her feet walking in as straight of a line as she could before she felt an elbow nudge her slightly, she looked up to see Steve’s brown eyes peering down to her.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah Stevie, I’m okay. I just want to get the hell out of here.”
“Don’t we all.” She heard Robin quip from the other side of Steve. The group kept talking in small segments before Dustin started a whole other conversation.
“I mean, you have to admit, as a feat of engineering alone, this is impressive.” His voice echoed around the tunnel.
“What are you talking about? It’s a total fire hazard.” Steve remarks back to Dustin. “There’s no stairs, there’s no exit, there’s just an elevator that drops you halfway to hell.”
“They’re commies.” Erica replies to Steve. “You don’t pay people, they cut corners.”
“To be fair to our Russian comrades, I don’t think tunnel was designed for walking.”
“They were clearly on something that took them to the elevator. We just don’t know what. And I mean think about it, they have developed the perfect system for transporting that cargo.” Y/N said in response to Robin, completing her thought.
“It all comes into the mall like any old delivery.” Dustin said, before Robin replied.
“And then they load it up onto those trucks and nobody’s the wiser.”
“You think they build this whole mall just so they could transport that green poison?” Steve asked the three discussing the genius feat of the Russians.
“I mean, I don’t think it’s that simple.” Y/N replied.
“I doubt it’s that boring, just poison. It’s gotta be much more valuable like promethium or something.”
“What the hell is Promethium?” Steve quickly asked.
“It’s what Victor Stone’s dad used to make Cyborg’s bionic and cybernetic components.” Robin responded.
“You’re all so nerdy, it makes me physically ill.” Erica said, nearly gagging at the end of her sentence.
“No, no, no! Don’t lump me in with them. I’m not a nerd, alright?” Steve exclaimed towards the little girls insult.
“Why so sensitive Harrington?” Robin asked.
“Yeah, Stevie, is your ego crushed by someone calling you a nerd? Are you afraid of losing cool points to a ten year old child?” Y/N said with a slight, breathy laugh.
“No, I’m just saying I don’t know jack shit about Prometheus.”
“Promethium. Prometheus is a Greek mythological figure, but whatever. All I’m saying is it’s probably being used to make something.” Steve was corrected by Dustin
“Or power something.”
“Like a nuclear weapon.”
“Walking towards a nuclear weapon. That’s great. That’d be great.” Steve said, sarcasm dripping from his voice.
“But, if they’re building something, why here?” Robin said. “ I mean, Hawkins…seriously. Of all places.” Robin kept rambling on about the obscurity of it happening in Hawkins while Y/N felt her body grow cold, as she stopped dead in her tracks. The gate was here. All of the problems from the past two years, were here. They could be trying to use whatever the hell is in Hawkins for this. Steve and Dustin both stood back and the three kept locking eyes. Y/N could feel herself going paler and paler until it was even hard to breathe. But she couldn’t make it that obvious that she was worried, especially because she wasn’t exactly sure what she was worried about.
“You think the Russians know?” Dustin asked the two standing beside him.
“About the-“ Steve was cut off by Y/N.
“They could.”
“So, it’s connected?” Steve asks the Henderson siblings.
“Maybe.” Dustin replied only to be asked another question by his sister.
“But how?”
“I don’t know but it’s…”
“Possible.” They all finished Dustin’s sentence in unison.
They all stand looking at each other. Y/N began nervously fiddling with her own hands before slowly linking her arm with Steve’s to steady herself for a second.
“I’m sorry, is there something you’d like to share with the class.” Robin yelled, cutting through the tense moment the three were experiencing. The three just keep looking from each other to Erica and Robin. The looks are put to rest when Dustin’s Supercom hisses alive as the Russian message pours through it’s speaker. They all surround it and listen intently, before Robin begins speaking along with it.
“It’s the code.”
“Wherever that broadcast is coming from-“
“It’s close.” Y/N interrupts her brother. “And if there’s one thing we know about that signal…”
“It can reach the surface.”
“Let’s go.” Robin says, pulling herself up from the floor. The entire group keeps walking along the halls, getting ready to reach the surface thanks to the walkie.
Eventually, the group reached a point of entrance in whatever this place really was. The entire group had to keep ducking and hiding behind walls and objects. Steve took the lead of the group. They had begun hiding behind a wall as multiple of the weird car like carts were passing through. They all waited a moment behind the wall before Steve kept moving.  He leaned passed the wall and whispered to the group.
“Okay, clear. Clear, come on, let’s go.” The entire group rounded the corner before Robin abruptly said.
“That was close.”
“Too close!” Dustin said with an angry tone.
“Dusty, calm down.” Y/N said with Steve following closely after.
“Relax, All right? Relax. Nobody saw…” He was cut off as he entered a large room full of Russian men. They were in every nook and cranny. There was loud announcements over a speaker, that none of them could understand. The men were hustling and bustling all around, and talking to each other in strong tones. No one wasn’t moving.
The group stood staring in fear at what they had become witness to.
“Oh fuck.” Y/N said under her breath from besides Steve.  They kept looking around at all of the differently uniformed people. There were ones dressed in military garb and others dressed in lab coats. Some were in business attire and others looked like average citizens. Their staring was interrupted when they almost got caught.
“Shit.” Steve whispered as he threw himself to the ground in attempts to hide, the rest of them falling in line with Steve. “Oh Jesus!”
“Red dawn.” Dustin said in a breathy voice, clearly showing he was in shock a bit.”
“What are we even looking for?” Y/N said finally asking the sacred question.
“I saw it!” Erika replied. “First floor, northwest.”
“Saw what?” Steve asked her, Y/N inevitably agreeing with his question.
“The comms room!” She whisper shouted at him
“You saw the comms room?” Steve and Y/N said in unison.
“Are you sure?” Steve asked again.
“Positive. The door was open for a second, and I saw a bunch of lights and machines and shit in there.” She replied, as if it was a stupid question.
“That could be a hundred different things.” Dustin snapped reality to everyone.
“I’ll take those odds.” Robin said turning towards Steve and Y/N. Y/N looked into Steve’s eyes. Without any words, she could tell he was asking her what she thought. Somehow, she showed to him that she would do it but she was scared. He shook his head and let out an exasperated sigh. He leaned out from behind the large box they were behind, the group following suit. He leans back and they had all turned to him.
“Alright, we’re gonna move fast, we’re gonna stay low. Okay?”
“Okay.” The group all responded to him. They beginning crouching and running with quick steps from behind the box. They move to behind another large object, they were almost like grates. Y/N wrapped her hands around one of the cold metal bars in order to ground herself. Happy thoughts, happy thoughts, happy thoughts rang through her head. Steve tapped her hand that was resting on the bar and shooed her forward, along with everyone else. They moved once again, now they were extremely close to the door to the comms room. A man walked out, and the door started to close slowly.
“Let’s go!” Steve said rushing them all to the door. They all get through the door, Steve whispering “come on” to the group as they shuffle inside. All of them facing towards the door, watching one another. They all get inside, and Steve turns around only to notice that there is still a man sitting at the control desk. He removes his headphones and turns to look at the rag tag group that just walked in. The man gives them a scared yet angry look, and all the group can do is stare back at him. He reaches for a weapon from his hip, and Robin blurts out a part of the code, reaching her hand toward him to show that she isn’t a threat. However, all this does is confuse the man who is still reaching for his weapon. He begins speaking in Russian which none of them could understand. Robin continues saying parts of the code, regardless of if they make sense or not. This cycle repeats itself a few more times before he actually starts working to get his weapon out. The scared silence is broken by Steve screaming and running straight towards him. He slams his body into the mans, shoving him back against the desk. The man immediately throws Steve over to the other desk, causing Steve to stammer a bit. He goes to throw a punch at Steve but he misses after Steve falls backwards. The man grabs Steve by the collar and throws him over to the side once more full force. Steve’s stomach hits the desk, the man grabs his neckline to turn Steve around and just as he does so, Steve’s elbow flies straight into his stomach. The man stumbles back a little bit, giving Steve just enough time to grab a hold of a wired phone in order to turn around and hit the man in the head with it. The man falls to the floor with a grown, passing out immediately. Steve stands straight up and runs his hand through his hair in efforts to actually catch his breath. Y/N couldn’t believe her eyes on what just happened.
“Dude!” Dustin yelled, causing Steve and everyone else to turn towards him. “You did it! You won a fight!” Steve glances down at the man on the floor and Y/N started giggling immediately.
“Jeez.” Steve said with a soft and breathy chuckle. Dustin runs up to the man on the floor and snags his key card from his belt.
“What are you doing?” Y/N asks her little brother, who was doing something that could potentially be very dangerous.
“Getting us our ticket out of here.”
“You want to walk all the way back?” Erica harshly replied.
“Well, we can hang out for a little bit, relax, have a picnic maybe.” Dustin said sarcastically. The two bicker a bit as Y/N goes up to Steve.
“That was stupid, but I’m proud of you. Thank you for essentially saving us.”
“Anything for you, my damsel in distress.” He makes a mocking joke, which hit Y/N in a weird way. It made her feel special, and like Steve did it exclusively for her.
“Yeah, yeah. Are you gonna brag about that now? How you won a fight against a Russian soldier?”
“Hell yeah I am! I lost to Billy and Jonathan! That’s embarrassing.”
“Oh, so you’re finally admitting to losing to J, huh?”
“Oh, shut up, no need to point it out.” She smiled at him before looking back at the group.
“Shit, where’s Robin?” As if on cue, Robin entered once again.
“Guys, there’s something up there.” She said in a worried tone, pointing to the top of the steps. As Y/N glanced up, she happened to notice the glowing and flickering light. The group ran up the steps and through the door to see what Robin was talking about. Dustin, Y/N and Steve all look forward into the space in front of them. It was the gate. Glowing and open once again, even though El had closed it less than a year ago. Y/N instinctively moved closer to Steve, pressing their bodies together gently. It made her feel slightly safer that she was with Steve, but she was still terrified.
“Holy shit.” Dustin let out with a breath. The three of them looked at one another before muttering “the gate” and continued to stare ahead at it. Y/N almost felt bad for the two other girls with them. They had no idea what this was, hell they had no idea that this even existed. She also felt concerned that it didn’t necessarily shock her that this is why they were in Hawkins. Y/N ripped herself away from the group and out of the door. Steve signaled to the other girls that it was time to go and they all ran after Y/N.
“I don’t understand, you’ve seen this before?” Robin asked, confused as to why they were rushing aware from this brand new discovery.
“Not exactly.” Steve replied.
“Then what, exactly?” Robin asked in response.
“All you need to know is it’s bad.” Dustin said, trying to catch up with his sister.
“It’s really bad.” Steve agreed.
“Like end of the human race as we know it kind of bad.” Y/N finally spoke up again after storming out.
“And you know about this how?” Robin asked the three of them, only to be distracted by Erica.
“um Steve? Where’s your Russian friend?” They all get snapped from the trance they were in and look to the floor where they had just left the soldier. Just as they do, an alarm starts blaring.
“Oh shit!” Steve starts running around , peering out the door to see that every one of the Russians are teaming up with one another to find whoever these intruders were. Except, they saw him looking. Steve slammed the door and shuffled everyone out of the room they were in. They rush from one room to another trying to find somewhere to hide. They run into the control room for the gate, and instantly run back out, trying desperately to escape the armed men. They run out onto the platform next to the laser, only to realize that it’s a dead end. Dustin begins shrieking “holy shit” over and over again, which doesn’t really help their situation. Steve looks to find an exit, and when he does he yells out to the group which way to go. They run down a set of metal steps, almost being caught by guards meeting them at the bottom. Steve pushes a few metal barrels towards them, throwing them off their track. They hurry into another room trying desperately to shut themselves inside. Steve pushes his body weight against the door.
“Help me! Help me!” Steve yells, causing Robin to rush to the door and propel herself onto it as well. Erica discovers a vent that she can climb into, yelling for Dustin and everyone else to join her. Y/N looks back to Steve to see what he wants her to do. Dustin yells out to Steve .
“Come on!”
“Go! Just get out of here! Y/N go with them! Keep them safe!” Steve yells to them as they begin piling into the vent. Right before she ducks into the vent and the Russians break through the door Y/N yells out to Steve.
“Don’t break your promise. I can’t lose you.” As soon as the vent is shut, she lets out a breath and shoos the kids along. They get a bit farther away, just enough so they can no longer hear yelling men.
“Fucking hell.” Y/N lets out, stopping the group for a moment.
“Are you okay?” Dustin asks his sister.
“Dustin, what do you think? No. Fuck me. Oh my god.” She continues to let out a string of curses while trying to figure out what they hell they should do. Her mom wandered every thought possible, but the only thing they could do was keep moving, find Steve and Robin and get the hell out. “Okay, well, we can’t stop moving or else we will die and so will Steve and Robin. So just keep crawling until we find something, someone or somewhere.”
“I don’t think that’s gonna work as well as you think it will.” Erica said from behind the girl.
“Oh really Erica? You have better ideas? Because the last time I checked, all you have been doing is giving everyone else grief. Now pipe down and let’s get moving.”
The three started to crawl through the vents until they hit fans that were cooling down the vents.
“We have to get them to stop spinning, that way we can get through. Do you have tools in your backpack?” Dustin said once they arrived at the first one.
“I have a few.” The two younger kids rummaged through the bag before taking the initiative to stop them.
“Be careful Dusty, don’t electrocute yourself.” Y/N said keeping a watchful eye over her brother. He stops the first vent after about a minute of fumbling and continues to crawl through.
“Could y’all tell me how you know this shit is bad? You got all freaked out and left.” Erica posed the question in a harsh, almost accusatory tone.
The two siblings recounted the woes of the past two years to the young girl. From the very beginning all the way up till now. They told their own sides of the stories in connection to one another. Y/N sharing about fighting off a Demogorgon and going face to face with one. She shared about fighting the Demodogs first hand and she told her perspective of the tunnels. Dusty told of the day they met Eleven and when they discovered Will wasn’t dead. He shared about his connection to Dart and then he told his stories of the night it all went down. They didn’t spare a single detail of who was there, what happened, when it happened and why it seemed to happen. Erica responded asking for it to be broken down quickly once again, leaving Y/N to run through it all.
“When we set fire to the hub, we drew the Demodogs away so El could close the gate. But now, for some insane reason, the Russians appear to be trying to reopen it, which just destroys everything we all risked our lives for.”
“By ‘we’, you’re including Lucas?”
“Yes, of course.” Dustin said from in front of the fan.
“So, all that shit you told me, Lucas was there?” Dustin and Y/N both affirmed that question before Erica continued, “My brother, Lucas Charles Sinclair?”
“Yes!” Dustin lowkey shouted.
“I don’t believe you.”
“So you’re telling me that you believe everything about El, the gate, the Demodogs, the mind flayer, me coming face to face with a liter monster but-“ Y/N said, getting cut off by Dustin.
“But you don’t believe your brothers involvement?”  
“That’s correct.”
“Yeah, that makes total sense.” Y/N sarcastically said. She watched as Dustin continued to fiddle with the screwdriver, trying desperately to crack open the casing for this set of wires.
“You need help with that?” Erica asked, getting a negative response from Dustin. “Well, I mean, it’s taking a while so-“
“Yeah, no shit Sherlock.”
“All right, so if we don’t find a more efficient method to stop these fans, we’re not gonna find help and your boyfriend and little ice cream buddy are screwed.”
“He’s not my-“
“With that attitude they are, Jesus.”
“I’m just being realistic. I mean, we’ve made it about point three miles in nine hours. Then we had to walk three hours down that tunnel, so I’d estimate ten miles back to the elevator, which should take us approximately twelve and a half days.” Erica rambled off in response to the siblings.
“Did you just do all of that in your head?” Dustin asked, noticing the same thing as his sister.
“I’m good with numbers.”
“Holy shit! Erica, you’re a nerd!” Y/N said with glee looking unto the smaller girl.
“Come again?”Erica asked, denying the accusation.
“You. Are. A. Nerd.” Dustin said, word by word, demanding her attention to them.
“Okay, you better take that back nerd!”
“Can’t put the truth back in the box!” Y/N said for her brother.
“But it’s not the truth.”
“Hmm, Dusty, you wanna take this one?” Y/N asked, egging her brother on.
“Let’s examine the facts, shall we? Fact one: you’re a math whiz apparently.”
“That was a pretty straightforward equation.”
“Fact number two: you’re a political junkie.”
“Just because I don’t agree with Communism as an ideology-“ Erica was cut off once again by Dustin. Y/N had to admit, it was extremely funny watching Erica try to convince them she wasn’t a nerd. She was pulling excuses out of excuses.
“Fact number three: you love My Little Pony.” Dustin hit Erica where it hurt.
“And what does My Little Pony have to do with this?”
“Ah, let’s recall the ponies’ latest adventure shall we? The evil centaur team and Tirek turns Applejack into a dragon at Midnight Castle, and then Megan and the other ponies have to use Moochick’s magic to defeat his rainbow of darkness, saving them from a lifetime of enslavement. All the pink in the world can’t disguise the irrefutable fact that centaurs and castles and dragons and magic are all standard nerd tropes. Ergo, My Little Pony is nerdy. Ergo, you, Erica, are a nerd.” Dustin finished off his argument strongly. Y/N couldn’t help but chuckle a bit to herself. Erica’s eyes were widening, her jaw a little bit slack.  This is why Y/N feared Dustin’s intelligence a bit. He just shut Erica down in three sentences. Erica regained her confidence to ask another question.
“And how do you know so much about My Little Pony?”
“Because, I’m a nerd.” Dustin pronounced as he pulled the wiring from this casing, turning the fan off. The three kept wandering through the vents. The conversation that just happened replayed through Y/N’s head over and over and over again.
“Steve isn’t my boyfriend by the way Erica.”
“That’s a lie.”
“No it’s not. We’re not dating.”
“Could have fooled me. The way you’re both always looking at each other is gross, plus you never stop flirting.”
“What are you talking about?” Y/N said trying to understand where this is coming from.
“She means that whenever you two talk to one another, you’re always sickly sweet to each other or you’re protective in ways only couples are. Besides, you’re both in love with each other; you just haven’t done anything about it.”
“You guys haven’t done anything? Nothing at all?” Erica asked, dumbfounded by the revelation at hand.
“We kissed once, but never talked about it after.”
“You’ve kissed?!” Dustin asked, grabbing his sister’s arm. “And you didn’t tell me about it?”
“Dusty, it’s not a big deal.”
“When? When did you guys kiss?”
“After graduation.” She felt like she was being drilled by a drill sergeant. They kept bombarding her with questions about Steve over and over again. It was tiring but they were curious. She walked them through their entire friendship and everything in between. The two kids exhausted their questions and remarks about the two, just as Y/N noticed a glowing vent about them. She pressed against the vent and it popped right open.
taglist: @mochminnie @queen1054 @prettysbliss @voidnarnia
32 notes · View notes
stardust-walker · 3 years
High Hopes: Chapter 6
Previous Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5
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word count: 5078
If anyone wants to be added to my taglist, feel free to reach out!
Glenn couldn’t be gone there was no way. There was no time to really process what happened before Daryl’s attention immediately turned back to the boy. Dove lunged forward and tried to grab Daryl’s arm, but was only able to grasp his shoulder tightly as he swung at the boy. She dug her heels into the ground as she heard Rick and T-Dog approach. “Stop it,” Rick shouted.
Dove nodded quickly and stepped aside as Rick grabbed Daryl. The two of them pushed back further into the alley. T-Dog looked confused as ever but Dove just pointed. “Grab him!” She motioned towards the boy who looked ready to make a break for it.
“I’m gonna kick your nuts up in your throat,” she heard Daryl shout as she marched over and grabbed the boy by the wrist. Her head was pounding.
“Let me go!” The boy shouted.
T-Dog shoved him back against the wall, “Chill out!”
“They took Glenn! That little bastard and his little bastard homie friends,” Daryl yelled as he paced like an animal. Rick looked back quickly before he turned his attention back to Daryl.
“He’s not making it up,” Dove called over to Rick, “His friends took Glenn…and tried to get the guns.”
Daryl pointed over Rick’s shoulder. “I’m gonna stomp your ass, kid.”
Dove felt her anxiety rising as the chaos ensued around her. Then she heard Rick yell for them to move and the boy was pulled from her grip by T-Dog. “C’mon! Let’s go!” She followed as fast as she could. Part of her still wanted to raise absolute hell and just run down the street to try to get Glenn back, but that just sounded like more of a death wish than anything had in the past few weeks.
She realized once they were inside that her hands were empty. “Shit!” She stopped in the middle of the hallway. T-Dog shoved the boy against the wall again as he turned to scrutinize her.
“Why’d you stop,” he hissed back down the hall.
Dove threw her hands up in the air before she rested them on the back of her head, “The crowbar! I promised Jim I was gonna…” She trailed off as Rick and Daryl rounded the corner. The weapon was shoved roughly back into her hands as the two of them walked past her. More stomped in Daryl’s case.
“C’mon. I meant what I said. No one’s savin your ass. Better not drop that shit again, girl,” Daryl called over his shoulder after her. Dove sucked in a deep breath as she wrapped her fingers tightly around her weapon again.
It was hard to keep up with a fast moving group when your head was pounding. Dove entered the room and her gaze fell on the boy seated in a chair. “I ain’t telling you nothing,” was the response he gave to whatever they had asked him. This was going great.
T-Dog looked away from the boy, back at Daryl. “What the hell happened back there, man?” He had a right to ask. There hadn’t been much time to explain.
“I told you! This little turd and his douchebag friends came out of nowhere and jumped me! Damn near knocked bird out tryin to beat the shit out of me too,” Daryl glared at the boy as he paced.
Dove narrowed her eyes as the boy replied, “You’re the one who jumped me, puto. Screamin bout trying to find his brother like it’s my damn fault.”
“Yeah? And your guys ganged up on him with weapons. On top of that, it was two on one. He tried to ask you a question, you didn’t answer. So I think it’s best you start answerin,” Dove pointed to crowbar in the boy’s direction. A warning look from Rick only caused her to shake her head and set the weapon down. Eyes not leaving the boy, she leaned up against the side of the desk as she chewed on the inside of her cheek.
“They took Glenn. Could’ve taken Merle too,” Daryl attempted to reason with the others. On one hand, she could see how it made sense. On the other, it definitely seemed like he was reaching for any possibility that his brother could be alive and not bleeding out in the street somewhere.
“Merle? What kind of hick name is that,” the boy snickered, “I wouldn’t name my dog Merle.” Dove pursed her lips and shared a worried yet amused look with T-Dog for a moment before Daryl lashed out. This time, he aimed a kick right for the boy’s head. The brunette really had to admire the sheriff’s reflexes, especially when it came to keeping the angry redneck from beating someone.
Instead of staying back, Daryl marched right past Rick and began digging in Glenn’s backpack. Dove straightened up and tilted her head to the side as she observed what was happening. “Want to see what happened to the last guy that pissed me off,” Daryl said. His tone was eerily calm as he turned to the side so they could see what he was holding. It was the do-rag he had borrowed from T-Dog.
“Oh Jesus Christ,” Dove whispered as she brought a hand up to cover her mouth. She fought back a laugh as Daryl threw the severed hand right into the boy’s lap. She couldn’t understand why she found it funny, but if she had to venture a guess it would probably be the stress.
The boy screamed as he threw himself out of the chair and onto the floor. “Start with the feet this time,” Daryl still sounded amazingly calm as he gripped the boy up by the collar. Rick took advantage of the situation, he was really good at playing good cop.
“We just want to talk to your friends,” he said calmly as he got down to the boy’s level,” See if we can work something out.”
Daryl leaned over to pick up the hand off the ground as Dove spoke up again from behind the desk. “We don’t wanna have to let him cut your feet off, but if you don’t talk to us or tell us anything,” she shrugged her shoulders, “We just might not be able to stop him.” She smiled at the boy. The boy’s eyes flickered nervously between all of the others in the room.
He gulped and nodded his head slowly. “Alright. Just keep that crazy puto away from me!” It was almost sad to see the way the boy almost plead with Rick, but it was worth it. They were going to get their answers.
A little while later, Dove was seated alongside a brick wall; dark eyes locked on the boy as he sat away from the rest of them. She found herself feeling bad for the boy. Odds were he had no idea what was going on when Daryl started yelling about Merle and yet he found himself in this insanity with them. Dove’s attention shifted to Rick as he spoke up. “You ready?” He stared at her for a moment before she nodded.
The brunette nodded her head as she looked down at the gun that had been placed in her hand. It made her nervous as hell just holding the thing.
Daryl narrowed his eyes at the boy again as he threatened to put an arrow in his ass. T-Dog shook his head as the kid retaliated with, “G’s gonna take that arrow out of my ass and shove it up yours. Just so you know.”
“G?” Rick questioned as he finally turned his attention back to their hostage.
“Guillermo. He’s the man here.”
Dove rolled her eyes as she rested her back against the wall. “Some man he is. Sendin a kid out to do his dirty work and shit.”
Rick hummed in agreement before loading his gun. “Let’s go see Guillermo.”
Dove stood as she watched Daryl disappear through the window.
There was a moment of silence before either one of the lookouts spoke. “We don’t tell Carol about what a shit show this was or I’ll be the next one handcuffed except this time to a fucking car. Deal?” She turned her head, a serious expression on her face.
T-Dog pinched the bridge of his nose as he shook his head. “Christ. Deal. Only because Dale doesn’t need to be putting us all on lockdown either.”
Dove smirked as she followed quietly after T-Dog. “Knew you’d see it my way.”
Once they were in their positions, Dove peeked over the edge of the building. “Holy shit that’s a lot of people,” she mumbled as she looked through the scope of her gun.
“If this goes south, I say we book it,” T-Dog whispered. The only response he got was a gentle slap on the back of the head.
Finally, the other man looked in their direction as he followed Rick’s gaze.
“Make the trade. Please,” T-Dog practically prayed.
There was a shout from down below and she saw Rick’s gaze go up toward the roof of the building. Dove’s attention snapped in the same direction and her stomach dropped. She gripped the handle of the gun tighter as she bit down on her tongue hard to keep from shouting. Glenn was alive at least for now.
“Fuckin bastards,” Dove’s hands began to shake and her ears rang. She couldn’t even pay attention to what was happening with Rick right now. In fact, a shoot out could be happening right under her nose and her only thought might still be about getting Glenn down off that roof safe and alive. T-Dog nudged her arm, finally bringing her attention back to reality.
“Let’s go, cmon.” He didn’t seem happy at all and they were walking away without Glenn.
Dove paced the room as Rick slammed the bag of guns onto the table. She chewed on her already bitten thumbnail as she tried to keep herself calm.
“Those guns are worth more than gold. Gold won’t protect your family or put food on the table,” Daryl said. Was he actually trying to reason with someone? “You willing to give that up for that kid?”
That triggered something in Dove’s brain and she stomped over, a finger pointed right in Daryl’s face. “You best take that back, Dixon!”
“What? It’s the truth! You willing to give away something that could keep you or your sister from dyin to save some kid who wanted to put himself on death’s door,” Daryl didn’t back down. She had counted on that.
“You’re damn right I am! I would die for Glenn if I had to! You were about to put both of our asses in the grave when you decided to fight Miguel in that alleyway when you thought he might have Merle. So don’t you dare try to preach to anyone about what we gotta give up for anyone else in the group. You got me,” Dove’s hazel eyes could have burned holes right through Daryl if T-Dog hadn’t stepped in between them. A hand pressed against each of their shoulders as he pushed them away from each other.
“Listen. If I knew he would hold up his end of the deal and give Glenn back, I might agree to it. But you think that Vato across the way is just gonna hand him over?” T-Dog looked right into Rick’s eyes as he said this.
“You calling G a liar,” Miguel piped up from the floor.
“Are you a part of this,” Daryl snapped at him just before he slapped him on the side of the head. Dove gripped the edge of the desk tightly as she struggled to regain her composure. “You want to hold onto your teeth, kid?”
“Question is, do you trust that man’s word,” T-Dog spoke up again.
“No. The real question is, what are you willing to bet on it,” Daryl cut him off before he could say anything else. “Could be more than guns. Could be your life.” Dove glanced over her shoulder and caught Daryl’s eye for a second before he looked away.
“What life I have I owe to him,” Rick stated. “I was nobody to Glenn. Just some idiot stuck in a tank.” Dove stood up straighter, arms crossed in front of her chest. “He could’ve walked away but he didn’t. Neither will I.”
“So you’re gonna hand the guns over,” Daryl was surprisingly calm. Dove felt even more embarrassed about losing her cool as she listened to him actually talk reasonably to others in the group.
“I didn’t say that. There’s nothing keeping you three here. You should get out, head back to camp while it’s still light out,” Rick tried to explain to the others in the room.
“And what do we tell your family,” T-Dog sighed as he closed his eyes.
“We leave you here alone and we go back without you, without guns, without Glenn. Hell, without Merle? What was the point,” Dove shrugged her shoulders as she shifted her gaze to Rick.
The four of them looked around at each other for a moments before Daryl nodded his head. Dove reached over onto the table and grabbed the gun closest to her. She paused a moment before she shoved the crowbar back into the bag in its place. “You know how to shoot that?” Rick questioned as the other men examined their guns.
Dove pursed her lips and looked the gun over for a moment. With a shake of her head, Dove flashed Rick a surprisingly confident smile. “Nope, but I’m countin on your diplomatic talkin to make sure that I don’t have to.”
Rick frowned before he nodded at her. He held his hand out for the gun and she handed it over to him slowly. Dove’s eyes studied his hands as he loaded the gun for her. “Now listen. If it comes down to it, the safety is right here, alright?” Rick showed her and Dove nodded her head. “You remove the safety, place the butt of the rifle against your shoulder, right here. Then you look through the crosshairs to get your target. Then you pull the trigger and pray the kickback doesn’t get you.”
Dove nodded her head as she took the gun from Rick. “Thanks, Sheriff.”
Dove followed closely behind Rick as they moved through the courtyard of the building where the Vatos were holed up. She was still praying that they wouldn’t have to actually use their guns, but the way that Daryl shoved the boy through the door didn’t look promising for any of them.
Dove raised her rifle slightly as she followed Rick into the building. She could feel eyes on her as she walked through the doorway and she tried her best not to shiver.
“I see my guns, but they’re not all in the bag,” the leader that Dove recognized from before smirked slightly as he addressed them
“That’s because they’re not yours. I thought I mentioned that,” Rick retorted as he raised his rifle slightly.
“Let’s just shoot these fools right now, ese,” a bald headed man spoke up from next to Guillermo. Dove clenched her jaw as she felt her hands begin to shake. “Unload on their asses, ese.”
“I don’t think you fully appreciate the gravity of the situation,” Guillermo eyed Rick suspiciously. Dove felt some ounce of gratitude for the man. It seemed like he had some sense still, unlike the man that had just threatened to unload on them all.
Rick shook his head at the shorter man, “No, I’m pretty clear.” Rick nodded at Dove. The brunette lowered her gun and took the pocket knife from Rick with a shaking hand. She cut through the tape around Miguel’s arm as quickly as she could before Daryl shoved the boy forward. “You have your man. I want mine.”
For a second, she thought it was over. “I’m gonna chop up your boy. Gonna feed him to my dogs.” Dove felt a hand on her shoulder and a slight shove backwards. She caught Daryl’s gaze out of the corner of her eye as he raised his gun again. She followed suit as she took in a deep breath through her nose. Nothing could ever be easy anymore. “They’re the evilest, nasiest, man-easting bitches you ever saw. I picked em up from Satan at a yard sale.” Dove quirked an eyebrow at the man. He was really trying to put on a show for a guy who seemed so ready to kill them. “I told you how it has to be, are you woefully deaf?” Yes.
“My hearing’s fine. You said come locked and loaded.” Rick raised his rifle again. Daryl and T-Dog were right behind him, gun’s locked and loaded. Dove’s hands froze in place. Her brain knew what to do but her body wouldn’t listen. She didn’t want to have to shoot someone but she sure as hell wasn’t expecting what happened next.
“Felipe,” an older woman called as she entered the room. Dove’s eyes widened in shock as T turned and pointed his gun in the direction of the new voice.
“Abuela, go back with the others,” the bald man called back at her.
“Dude what the hell is your grandmother doing,” Dove couldn’t help but hiss through gritted teeth at the man. What the fuck was going on. 
“Get that old lady outta the line of fire,” Daryl snapped, though he didn’t lower his gun.
Guillermo just sighed and seemed to roll his eyes before he turned his attention away from them. “Abuela! Listen to your mijo, okay? This is not the place for you right now.” Dove’s head was spinning. He genuinely seemed concerned about the older woman as she continued to walk closer to them despite the many protests.
“Mr. Gilbert is having trouble breathing,” the old lady pleaded with Felipe. “He needs his asthma stuff! Carlito didn’t find it.”
Despite what everyone else seemed to be doing, Dove lowered her gun. Her right hand held rightly to the butt of the rifle as she raised her left hand to cover her mouth. Then it all clicked in her head. There was a reason they didn’t just kill them all in the alleyway. They could have easily killed her, Daryl, and Glenn and made it out with the guns with no issue. But they didn’t want to. They were more like them than Rick or any of them had realized.
“Felipe!” Guillermo shouted and it broke Dove from her train of thought. “Go take care of it! And take your grandmother with you!”
She noticed the change in the bald man’s demeanor almost instantly too as he turned to his abuela. He tried to pull her away, but the old lady wasn’t leaving that easy. “Who are those men? And that girl?” The woman squinted at them and began to walk closer. Felipe tried to plead with her in Spanish again but she didn’t listen. “Don’t you take him. Felipe’s a good boy. He have his trouble but he pull himself together. We need him here.” Dove felt herself choke up a little bit at the old woman’s pleas. She turned her head and locked eyes with T, who looked just as torn as she felt.
“Ma’am. I’m not here to arrest your grandson.” Rick tried to reason with the older woman.
“Then what do you want him for,” she questioned Rick. The sheriff struggled for a moment before Dove spoke up.
“Well, you see, ma’am,” she stopped for a moment. The brunette woman turned to Rick, who just nodded his head. “Our friend went missing. We think your grandson might be able to help us find him. His name is Glenn…”
“The Asian boy,” the old woman perked up slightly. “He’s with Mr. Gilbert! Come. I show you.” She reached out her hand to Rick and he paused for a moment before taking the old woman’s wrinkled hand in his. Dove could only look on in shock as the two of them started to walk away.
Guillermo closed his eyes, clearly a little frustrated before he waved his hand. “Let em pass.” Dove didn’t wait for the others as she immediately pushed past Felipe and followed as close behind Rick as she could.
She fell back a few steps as they rounded the corner into another courtyard. “Whoa…” Dove caught the eye of Felipe as he walked past her except this time, he smiled a little and nodded his head at her. “This place is amazing.” She whispered to Daryl as she fell into step next to him.
“Better than a quarry for sure,” was the only response she got. They walked up the steps and into another building in silence. Dove peered into the first room they passed as they walked inside just as Rick was taking his hat off. Another old woman was sat on a chair in the room and she turned just as Dove peeked into the doorway. A small smile appeared on the old woman’s face as she waved a hand feebly. Dove waved back slowly as she felt a hand on her shoulder. It was T; with a slight nod, he motioned for her to keep walking.
She couldn’t help but look in every room as they passed. Her heart jumped in her chest as they finally arrived in what had to have been a cafeteria of sorts. There was a little stage in front with a group of people crowded around the front of it and in that group was “Glenn!” Dove shouted. She couldn’t hold in the excitement at seeing him alive for a second longer as she ran forward.
Glenn turned his head just in time for Dove to wrap her arms around his shoulders. “Oh my god, you’re alright!” She whispered as she tried to fight back tears. Glenn chuckled a little bit as he wrapped his arms around her.
“Yeah, I’m more worried about Mr. Gilbert right now. I’m fine,” he assured her.
Dove released Glenn from her grasp, only to place a hand on his shoulders before emotion took over her once again. She leaned forward and placed a kiss on both of his cheeks as Rick and the others approached. “I’m chaining your ass to that god damn RV when we get back, Rhee! I swear it.”
“What the hell is this,” Rick hissed.
“An asthma attack,” Glenn explained. Dove finally turned her attention to the scene in front of her. Her hands slipped into her back pockets as she observed Felipe administering the inhaler. These weren’t bad people at all.
“I though you were being eaten by dogs, man!” T-Dog snapped.
Glenn turned suddenly and all of their gazes followed his until they landed on three little dogs in a bed on the floor.
“Are those…” Daryl raised an eyebrow.
“Chihuahuas?”  Dove cut him off. She was quiet for another moment before a hysterical laugh escaped her lips. “Oh Jesus Christ,” she shook her head as she covered her mouth to try to stifle another laugh.
Rick was clearly not as amused as Dove heard him speak to Guillermo, “Can I have a word with you? You’re the dumbest son of a bitch I ever met.”
Dove turned her attention back to Glenn as she pointed a finger at him. “You’re lucky we like you or I would be totally kicking your ass right now.”
Daryl shook his head in amazement as T-Dog let out a deep sigh. Rick interrupted anything either of them had to say as he called out to them from the doorway before he motioned for them to follow him.
“C’mon, Karate Kid. Say goodbye to your little friends, you’re grounded,” Dove said as she grabbed Glenn by the arm and pulled him after her. She thought she heard Daryl let out a snort of laughter.
When the six of them finally reached a more isolated room, Rick questioned Guillermo. “What about the rest of your crew?”
 “The rest of the Vatos trickled in. They came in to check on their parents or grandparents, they saw how things are here. Most decided to stay,” Guillermo explained. “It’s a good thing too. We need the muscle. The people we’ve encountered since this all started? The worst kind. Plunderers. They like to take things by force.” Dove leaned back against a wall as she listened to him
“That’s not who we are.”
“How was I to know? My people got attacked and you show up with Miguel hostage. Appearances,” Guillermo shrugged.
“I guess the world changed,” T-Dog piped up from his spot on the floor.
“No, it’s the same as it ever was. The weak get taken so we do what we can here.” Guillermo shook his head.
Dove bit her lip as she shook her head. They really were more alike than Dove thought they could ever be when she first met them in the alley way.
“These people here? They all look at me now. I don’t even know why,” Guillermo said.
Dove thought for a moment before speaking. “They probably see that you’re smart. Capable. Plus, there’s no one telling them that they can’t,” she shrugged her shoulders as she ran a hand through her long hair.
Once Rick finished splitting up the guns, they were led to the door. An immense sent of relief rushed through Dove as she realized they were going back to the group. With a final goodbye, the five of them set off in silence towards the box car. It had been a long day and, surprising no one, it was Glenn who broke the silence.
“Admit it. You only came back to Atlanta for the hat,” Glenn teased Rick as Dove let out a snort of laughter.
“And you probably only wanted to come back to steal another car,” she elbowed Glenn in the side gently as she walked alongside him.
“You gave away half our guns and ammo,” Daryl growled from alongside Rick.
“Not nearly half,” Rick corrected him calmly.
“For what,” Daryl snapped back, “A bunch of old farts? How long you think they got left anyway?” Sometimes Dove just really just wanted to grab him by the hair and slam him against a car for being so ignorant.
“How long do any of us have,” Rick retorted.
“Son of a bitch.” Dove shouted as her gaze locked on where the box car should have been.
“Where the hell’s our van,” Daryl sounded dumbfounded.
 “Who the hell would take it,” Glenn stared at the empty spot.
“Merle,” Rick snarled.
Dove clenched her jaw and shook her head. “If I ever see that bastard,” but she trailed off as a horrible thought entered her head at the same time Daryl spoke.
“He’s gonna be taking some vengeance back to camp,” Daryl actually sounded worried.
“Then we best get fucking walking because he’s not going to take some revenge on my sister,” Dove frowned as she began to move forward.
Rick nodded his head. “Right. Glenn?”
Glenn rubbed his face before releasing an annoyed grunt. “We can probably make it back by nightfall.”
“Let’s go!” Dove shouted as she slipped through the hole they’d cut in the gate. The only thing on her mind now was getting back to her sister before things got bad.
Dove ran behind Glenn as the thought of getting back to Carol was the only thing that kept her moving. Her legs were tired and her lungs were burning, but for the first time all day since Glenn had went missing she thought of her family. A million emotions and thoughts ran through her head as she ran. Guilt, fear, and regret were among the many. While she was happy that they were all able to return safely, she was worried about what had happened while they were gone. What if Ed had done something while she was gone? She was really going to kill him when they got back.
“We’re getting close,” Glenn spoke up as they slowed down.
Dove drew in a deep breath but any reply was lost as gun shots rang through the air. Panic shook her to the core and before anyone could stop her she screamed, “Carol!” Dove was off like a shot in the dark. Her feet carried her faster than she could ever remember running as the screams and gun shots got closer with every second. The metal from the crowbar in her hand dug into her palm as she gripped it tight.
A scream left her throat as she broke through the tree line and brought the claw end of the crowbar right down into a walker’s face. She had never killed one before but there was no time to think. The screaming kept continuing and the gun shots from Rick, Glenn, T-Dog, and Daryl rang out around her. Dove’s brain only seemed to focus on Sophia. She was screaming from somewhere up by the RV. As she looked around, she caught sight of Daryl as he slammed the butt of his gun into a walker’s head over and over.
“Carol,” Dove shouted over the chaos. “Sophia?” She shouted even louder as she saw Carl run forward and hug Rick. Finally she saw them. Carol was crouched next to her, arms protectively around Sophia. A sob escaped her as she stumbled forward towards them. It seemed like it took forever, but she collapsed next to them on her knees and wrapped her arms around both of them. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry I wasn’t here.” The words spilled out through choked sobs as Sophia cried and wrapped both of her arms around her aunt’s waist.
Carol smoothed Dove’s hair out of her face as she stifled a sob. “We’re okay…we’re okay.” Then anything she said was cut off by Andrea’s screaming. It chilled her to the bone as Carol grabbed Dove by the arm and helped her to her feet, Sophia still clung to her waist as the three of them continued to choke back sobs.
“I remember my dream now,” Jim spoke suddenly. Dove turned her gaze from her sister to the older man. “Why I dug the holes.” Then he said nothing else. He didn’t have to because as she finally took in her surroundings, Dove could only see bodies littering the ground around them.
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
Hi there! Can I get something with #13 and #39 with lots of hurt!Billy?, please friend?
Thank you for your request!
13: “Does it hurt?”
39: Stranded with a broken-down car
This got very long, and very angsty although I tried to throw some sweetness around. I hope you enjoy! I have included a lot of my own headcanons about Billy’s mom and his early life soooo. I was also thinking this takes place after season 2, maybe late April? idk.
There isn’t all that much hurt Billy, more Billy’s hurt leads him to word vomiting at Steve and them bonding 🤷‍♀️ I really hope you like it though!
Steve was fucked.
The engine of the BMW was cold. It wouldn’t even try to turn over when he turned the key in the ignition. No sound came from the under the hood.
Steve was on the edge of Hawkins, he had been at the quarry, wiling away some time while he couldn’t sleep. It was probably close to four in the morning now, so he said fuck it, got out of the car, and started walking home. He would hopefully make it with enough time for a shower and some coffee before walking to school. Maybe his old ten-speed was in the garage still...
Headlights blared at him from around the corner, sweeping over and past him before the car stopped and reversed, pulling up with the passenger door at Steve’s elbow.
“Harrington, what the fuck are you doing here?”
Billy Hargrove, his knight in shining denim was speaking through the window, near shouting over the loud purr of the engine and the screaming of some metal band Steve didn’t bother to know the name of.
“I’m walking.”
“I see that, dumbshit. Why are you walking down the fucking highway at four-thirty in the fucking morning?”
“Car broke down by the quarry. Figured I would walk home.” Steve shuffled his feet, looking down. “I, uh, couldn’t sleep. So. Went for a drive.”
“Get in.” He almost didn’t hear Billy’s command, but Steve knew not to look a gift horse in the mouth. So, he got in.
“Thanks, man.” Billy just nodded slightly, his face mostly hidden by the darkness of the night. He floored the car, speeding along away from Hawkins. “Um, you know my house is-it’s the other way.” Steve took in how tense Billy was, his jaw clamped and his shoulders raised. His grip on the steering wheel was nothing like the lazy one-hand her usually kept.
“You ever just need to escape? Even for a little bit?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I really do.” Steve settled in his seat. He was not opposed to taking a drive with Billy, who seemed to relax a bit. Steve was always good at reading other people. Sometimes he ignored his gut feelings in favor of something he so desperately wanted (the whole Nancy situation was example enough for that), but he could tell when something was wrong. And something was really fuckin wrong with Billy Hargrove tonight.
They drove in silence, flying down the main highway, past the Leaving Hawkins sign.
Steve turned down the music a fraction. “You wanna go get breakfast? I know a good all diner in Indianapolis. They’ll probably be open by the time we get there. My treat.”
Billy just shrugged, but he didn’t turn the music back up, and Steve called that a win.
It was nearly two hours to the city, longer if the person driving you wasn’t a speed demon, so the sun was rising by the time fields began to give way into suburbs, suburbs blooming into urbanism.
Steve sat up, ready to direct Billy to the diner on the corner of Shelby and Norton when he caught sight of Billy in the weak morning sun.
“Jesus fucking Christ. Billy, what happened?” His left eye was puffy, the cheekbone below it swollen and purple, a cut right on the high point. His jaw had long bruises on either side, as though, well it looked as though someone had grabbed him by it.
Steve thinks the worst thing were Billy’s hands.
His knuckles were white, his grip a vice on the steering wheel, but they were free of any bruising, any splits. Steve had been on the receiving end of those fights. He knew Billy fought back, and well, so if he didn’t.
Maybe he couldn’t.
The thought sent a chill down Steve’s spine.
“Can it Harrington. I’m fucking fine.”
“You’re obviously not ‘fucking fine’, Billy. What happened? Who did this?”
“Look, Princess. I’m not one of your fucking kids, so just shut your fucking mouth and leave it the fuck alone or I will make you get out of my fucking car and WALK back to shithole Hawkins. Give me directions, or get out.”
Steve sighed and led Billy along, only speaking when absolutely necessary.
They pulled up in front of Joe’s Shelby Street Diner just as a kind looking waitress with a round face and a gray ponytail was flipping the sign from closed to open.
“Welcome in boys. Take a seat anywhere you like and I’ll be by with some menus.” She blinked at Billy’s face. “And some coffee.” Steve just nodded at her and led Billy to a corner both against the windows.
“My parents used to take me here.” Steve was staring down at his hands on the table, not knowing where to look. “When I was little my dad opened a branch in the city and got an apartment out here. He would only come home on weekends so every Tuesday my mom would pick me up from school, and we’d drive out here together, and meet my dad for dinner.” He doesn’t know why he’s telling billy all of this.
“My mom worked at a joint like this. I would come and hang out after school. She would sneak me rootbeer floats and help me with my homework on her breaks.” He was smiling bitterly. Steve had never heard Billy say anything about his mother before.
“What was she like?”
Billy took a breath, his own hands nervously tugging on the sleeves of his jacket. The denim one. Steve liked it.
“She had me real young, dropped outta high school when she got pregnant at fifteen kinda young. My dad was in Vietnam when I was born. Married her when he came back. I was six. She was a total hippie, she got kicked outta her house when she got knocked up, and lived on a commune with a buncha people until my dad came back. I think she only married him so she could have a place to sleep that wasn’t a tent in a field. I don’t remember a lotta that. didn’t eat any meat until I was, like eight years old. And she fuckin’ named me after William Pester, this like hippie leader who was real famous or something. ”
Billy took a break from his story when the kind waitress returned to get their orders, both boys loading up on breakfast. Steve tried not to speak so loud, afraid of breaking this spell he had created in this booth with Billy.
“Once my dad was back in the picture, it was pretty different. He’s an asshole. Made her change everything about herself. She was always real Catholic, but kind of a free spirit. Only listened to the parts of The Bible that were nice and said to love everyone, but my dad said pickin’ and choosin’ from The Bible was just pussyfooting around religion. She didn’t like that.
“He was a piece of shit from the jump. Married her because ‘a good man supports his family’ or some garbage. Good man my ass. He would yell at her about how she was raisin’ me. Said he left to defend our country, and here she was making sure his only son grew up to be a fuckin’, well. He has a few choice words about me.”
Their food was set down before them, Steve absolutely enraptured by everything Billy was saying. They ate in silence for a minute.
“Do you mind if, I mean, did she pass away?” Steve wanted Billy to keep talking. He liked learning more about him. Every word he said only softened the edges, made him so much more human.
“Nah. She left. Packed her shit one night and was just, gone. She called me a few weeks later and I fuckin’ BEGGED her to take me with her, but she wouldn't come back. I think she went back to her commune or something. I haven’t seen her since I was ten.”
“So, you’ve been with your dad ever since?”
“Yeah. He’s not jazzed about it. Always likes to remind me that I’m a bastard. He’s the one that fucked a fifteen-year-old. He was like, twenty when he did that.”Billy rolled his eyes, shoving a piece of toast into his mouth.
“Did he, do,, that?” Steve asked the question slowly, carefully. Billy snapped his eyes up to meet him.
“So what if he did?”
“I mean-I just, does it hurt?” Billy just stared.
“Are you stupid?” Steve recoiled. “Of course it fucking hurts. He got me real good this time. He’s been especially bitter since we moved here.”
“I’m sorry. That was a stupid, stupid question.” Steve pushed around the scrambled egg on his plate. “Why did you guys move here?”
“You want Neil’s fake answer, or do you want the real one?” Billy leaned in conspiratorily. Steve mirrored him without even meaning to. “Can you keep a secret, Pretty Boy?”
Images of tunnels, of monsters, of staring death in the face and charging it with a spiked bat, dreams of hard, muscular masculine bodies flashed through his mind.
“Yeah. I’m good at secrets.”
“So Neil likes to say it’s to get a fresh start. Move somewhere where nobody knows us. We can have a clean slate as a family.” He spat the last few words out. “But the real story is, he wanted to get my gay ass outta liberal, free lovin’ California, to a shitty hick town where I would be the victim of a fuckin’ hate crime if I let my impulses run wild. He caught me with a guy. We weren’t even doing anything good, just makin’ out. Dad went apeshit though. Threw me down some stairs.” He rolled his eyes and casually kept eating like he hadn’t just dropped this enormous fucking bomb on Steve. 
“I’m so sorry, Bill.”
“Why are you sorry? You didn’t hit me. It wasn’t the first time, sure as shit wasn’t the last.”
“Is that why your mom left?”
“Yeah, she was gettin’ it pretty bad there. I mean, so was I, so I don’t get why she left me there with him. Sometimes I really hate her for it.”
“I’m sor-” Steve cut himself off when Billy gave him a sharp look. “You don’t deserve that, is all.”
“I don’t get you, Harrington. You sit there, after I dumped all this shit on you, gave you some incriminating facts about me, and you just tell me I don’t deserve to get hit by my old man. I beat the shit outta you, remember?”
“Yeah, but honestly, I was being super shady that night. I shouldn’t have lied to you about Max.” Steve shrugged. 
“That wasn’t all you, Harrington. I had gotten into it with my dad about her, how she’s my responsibility and all that, and then Mrs. fuckin’ Wheeler was all over me when I went there-I mean, don’t get me wrong. I definitely flirted a little to get some information from her, but all I really did was like, stand there. I think I ate a cookie. Usually, older women just get a little flustered, but she was, like, into it. So, I was runnin’ pretty hot by the time I met you.”
“Oh my GOD, Karen used to flirt with me all the time! I would just sit and awkwardly smile and be like, yes hello, I am here to see your teenage daughter, since I am her teenage boyfriend.” Billy laughed at that, a real boisterous laugh Steve had never heard from him before. Steve decided he liked it. 
“That’s fucking disgusting. Just because she’s unhappy with her life, doesn’t mean she gets to throw her cat at teenage boys.” Steve choked on his pop, trying not to spew it all over the table. 
“Please never say that again,”  he coughed out as Billy threw his head back and laughed. He slowly regained himself. “And, you know, I mean what I said. I’m good at secrets. I won’t, I’m not gonna tell anybody.” Billy smiled at him. 
“Yeah? King Steve got some secrets? Any you’d like to share with the class? You know, so we’re on even turf here.” Billy winked. Steve’s face went hot. 
“Well, I mean, you and I may have some things in, uh, in common.” 
“What, like shitty dads?”
“No. Well, I mean yes, but other things.”
“Mommy issues?”
“Oh, definitely, but like, OTHER stuff, too.” He willed Billy to understand. He didn’t know if he’d be able to say it out loud. 
Luckily Billy got it. A look of pure shock spread over his face, followed by a huge grin.
“No fuckin’ way. No fuckin’ way you’re gay too, Harrington.”
“Well, I mean. I don’t know.”
Billy’s face fell.
“You don’t know?”
“I mean, like, I like girls. A lot. Like I love girls and everything about them, but there’s also, there’s also guys. And I-there’s definite interest, is what I’m saying.”
Billy smiled again, a softer one this time. 
“That’s okay. Y’know some people are into both. Bisexual, is the word. David Bowie is bisexual. For some people, it’s more about the personality of the person, less the, bits I guess.”
“There’s-I mean-Bowie? Sorry, I just mean, like, there are people like that?”
“Yeah, the whole thing doesn’t have to be black and white if that’s not what you feel.”
“Fuck. That was-thanks man.” Steve mulled the word around in his head. Bisexual. It made sense. It felt, good. “Bisexual.” Billy smiled at him again. He returned it.
Billy checked his watch, yawning like a huge cat. 
“Fuck, Pretty Boy. We should probably head back. If we go fast we could probably only be a little bit late for class. 
“I mean, or we could say fuck it.” 
Billy’s eyes lit up.
“Yeah? What do you suggest we do?”
“I don’t even care man, but it’s been way too long since I’ve been in the city, and I feel like we could both use a break from fucking Hawkins. Plus, I don’t know. I like hanging out with you.”
Steve ducked his head, studying the patch of table by Billy’s left elbow, face hot and undoubtedly red. 
“I could go for a nice day of playing hooky with you.” Steve beamed at Billy, throwing some bills down on the table. 
“Then lets fucking go then.” He bounded back to the Camaro, Billy’s sweet laugh ringing through the diner.
Oh yeah, Steve could definitely get used to this.
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fireblaze5555 · 4 years
Fire Away: Chapter 10
Chapter 10: You Know and I Know That I’ll Always Come Back for More
Also on Ao3:  Fire Away: Chapter 10
Karen came awake slowly, a sensation on her cheek pulling her from sleep. She opened bleary eyes to see Frank, hair mussed and eyes hooded, stroking her cheek with a careful thumb.
“It’s a good thing you’re awake, I was two seconds away from dumping you in the floor, my bladder was startin’ to get impatient.” His voice was rough from sleep and Karen couldn’t understand how he managed to be sexy while also being annoying.
Scoffing she gave a dramatic stretch and pushed away from him. Once she was sitting on the edge of the cot, Karen felt Frank lay a quick kiss on the back of her head as he rose and padded barefoot to the bathroom.
Karen gave a jaw popping yawn and wondered about the time, it certainly felt too early to be up. Glancing at the surveillance monitors it looked almost pitch black outside, only a hint of graying sky showing here and there and when she looked at her phone it confirmed it was, in fact, far too early to be awake.
“Really Frank? 5:30 am? You really think that is an acceptable time to be awake?” She asked as soon as he re-appeared from the bathroom before she made a show of crawling back under the covers and pushing her face into the pillow noisily.
There was a soft chuckle from the direction of the coffee maker followed by the associated sounds of coffee being made, “It’s a hard habit to break. Doesn’t mean you have to be awake thou…”
She was asleep again before he finished speaking.
The next time Karen woke up it was to the demands of her own bladder. Pushing groggily out from under the blankets, she checked her phone to see a much more respectable 9 am, stretching as she stood and making her way to the bathroom. When she emerged it was with brushed teeth and a fresh face, shortly followed by her pouring a rather large cup of coffee.
Karen followed the sounds of exertion coming from somewhere in the small warehouse and came to an abrupt halt, nearly dropping her mug when she saw Frank. He had a chain around his waist and was doing pull ups on a crossbeam, straining with each rep. Karen’s eyes followed the movement, biceps bunching, abs contracting at every lift. He was actually glistening, sweat  trailing down dips and planes of corded muscle and gathering at the low swung sweatpants and she didn’t think it was possible the man could be any more sexy.
That is until he dropped from beam lightly, stepping over to a punching bag to go through a series of punches to a suspended bag in the corner that allowed her to also appreciate the muscled expense of his back. Goddamn, that’s not fair…
“Can I help you with something, Miss Page?” He sounded breathless but she could still pick up the teasing lilt in the question.
Snapping her mouth shut, which she hadn’t been aware was slightly ajar, Karen took a sip of her coffee trying to think of something pithy to retort. Nothing came to mind quick enough so she just gave a grunt over her cup, continuing to watch him.
After a few moments, Frank glanced over his shoulder to see that she was still watching him, Karen gave him a smirk making a show of setting her coffee down to gesture to him to continue before crossing her arms over her chest.
Raising an eyebrow at her, Frank gestured in the direction she had come from, “Don’t you have work to do? Something more interesting than me?”
The small smirk Karen had grew into a full blown, devious grin. It appeared the big bad Punisher got a little flustered when he had an audience. Sauntering forward, she gave a helpful shrug, “I was just checking your form.”
Frank gave an incredulous laugh, watching her with increasing interest as she moved toward him with purpose. “You a boxing professional now on top of everything else?”
“I punched a guy once. I could probably give you some pointers.” She teased as she came to a halt beside him. She hadn’t really had any intentions when she came further into the room but giving Frank a hard time was too tempting to pass up. However, now that she was standing close to him, eyes trailing from his raised eyebrows, down the column of his neck, following a rivulet of sweat as it snaked down his chest, seeing where the a small dark trail of hair on his lower abdomen disappeared below the sweatpants, she found her intentions were shifting. Her eyes slowly slid back up to Frank’s and the hunger there made her blood spike.
He must have seen something similar in her eyes because in an instant, Frank had lifted Karen off the ground, wrapping her legs around his waist and pinning her to the wall. They came together in a kiss that was not gentle, full of nips and and lewd noises all while she was grinding into him and he was probably leaving finger shaped bruises on her hips where he gripped her and helped guide the motion.
It was frenzied and primal and Karen could barely keep up. Her hands scrabbled at his sweat slicked shoulders while he nipped at her collarbone; suddenly her underwear was being pulled aside and his pants jerked down enough to allow him to spring free and then he was inside of her, both of them groaning at the sweet friction. Karen’s nails left red lines down his shoulders where she was holding on and Frank’s punishing thrusts would no doubt leave bruises but neither were interested in slowing down or being gentle. Several minutes later, once she let out a soft shout and he let out a feral growl with their release, they stayed propped against the wall just breathing each other in.
After, as they both stepped into the small shower to clean off Karen marveled at how quickly they went from afraid to touch one another to fucking against a wall after some hot looks. She isn’t unhappy with development, mind you, but it was a pretty large shift in their dynamic. She supposed that is what years of repressed sexual tension and emotions will get you. Karen was pulled out of her musings by a cascade of cold water pouring over her from the shower head.
“Jesus Christ !” She sputtered and nearly knocked them both out of the shower in her haste to escape the frigid water. Frank steadied them both with a curse of his own, bracing her against his chest with one arm while the other swung wide to catch the wall.
He looked concerned and confused for a moment before he felt the cold water splashing against his legs. Karen gave him a dark look when he started chuckling.
“Sorry,I probably should have warned you that sometimes the plumbing is a little unreliable.” He didn’t sound apologetic at all as he carefully righted her and reached through the spray to turn the water off. Thankfully they had both been finished, Karen was just appreciating the warm water and Frank was just appreciating the view before it turned cold.
It didn’t take long before both of them were toweled off and dressed for the day, Karen settled at the small makeshift table with a renewed cup of coffee while Frank worked on putting something together for breakfast. He was efficient in the kitchen, just like everything else with Frank, there were no wasted movements as he threw together toast and omelets. She found herself staring again so as a distraction, Karen retrieved her phone to check for any messages. There were a few from Foggy just letting her know any tidbits he had picked up in his own research and one from Matt. It was simple and short, ‘ I’ll be there, let me know if you need anything’ .
With a small smile, she read the text a couple more times before returning to Foggy’s information so she could cross check everything after breakfast. Soon, Frank was placing plates in front of her, not so subtly scooting her phone and notes away in the process. Shaking her head, Karen picked up her fork and set to work on her breakfast. It was delicious, as it usually was when Frank cooked.
“So what is the game plan today, I mean before the game plan ?” She asked in between mouthfuls of eggs.
Frank regarded her carefully in between his own bites of food, his face pensive. He seemed to come to some sort of conclusion in his head because he set his fork carefully down and scooted the plate away. “Final checks on the gear and loading up the van are pretty much all that is left. And uh...convincin' you to sit this out and let me handle it?”
Karen sent him a withering look. Is he being serious right now?
“Look Karen, I can relay whatever information you need to the lady. You’ve already done so much, I can take care of the rest and you can be safe. ”
Her look never wavered, her voice hard. “Absolutely not, I’m seeing this through Frank. End of story. It is most definitely not up for discussion.” Her own fork clattered to her plate as she sat back and crossed her arms over her chest. “Also, I don’t think you have the diplomatic aplomb I do. Negotiations aren’t really your style.”
Despite her small attempt at a joke, Karen was incredibly annoyed. Why did the men in her life insist on having the same conversations over and over when she had already made up her mind? Judging by Frank’s face, this was going about as well as he expected.
He held up his hands in surrender, “Alright, alright. I figured I would give it one more shot. In that case, we will go through some safety stuff after breakfast. You just being able to shoot isn’t enough.” He sounded resigned.
“Fair enough.” Karen grabbed her silverware again and resumed eating. The remainder of their breakfast was quiet and it wasn’t long before she was waving Frank away, opting to take care of clearing the small table and washing the dishes since he cooked.
The day ended up being a strange mix of flying by and dragging on. Frank walked Karen through basic hand signals in the event they weren’t able to verbally communicate, drilling her until she could answer each signal without hesitation. Next, he showed her how she would be following him through the house, tucked closely behind him while he cleared the way.
“I don’t like the thought of using you like a human shield. I thought that is what the bulletproof vest was for?” She asked after they walked through it a few times, practicing movements, ensuring she would stay covered while he still had full range of movement. She really didn’t like the idea of him taking a bullet for her. Again.
It was Frank’s turn to give a hard stare, “Either you use me as a human shield or you stay here, that is not up for discussion.”
God she hated when he threw her own words back at her. Her face must have been obstinate because in a second he was standing directly in front of her.
“I said we’d do it your way and talk to this lady but we are going to get you in there my way. Besides, military tactics and infiltration aren’t really your style. ” His voice was serious and low but she saw his lips turn up.
Goddamnit he’s so annoying.
“Fine, but if you get shot I’m gonna be really fucking mad at you so keep that in mind. Seriously, I’ll have Matt carry you back and I’ll let him preach the whole way.” She was attempting to hide her nerves and failing. The corners of Frank’s eyes crinkled in the way they did when he was trying not to be amused.
Resting his hands on either side of her face, Frank tipped her head to give her a chaste kiss before muttering, “Deal. Go rest for a bit, we can run through it again later, I’m going to check the gear.”
The rest of the day went by in a daze for Karen, alternating between practicing with Frank, napping fitfully and thinking about how she wanted to handle speaking with Vanessa. The exhausted, scared, angry part of her wanted to threaten the woman with violence, to make her understand that Karen Page was not someone to just lie down and take it. However, the logical side of her knew that tactic would only cause more issues than it would solve.
They had a light dinner that Karen had to make herself eat, the closer they got to go-time, the less her appetite got and before she knew it, Frank was helping her strap into her vest and holster. They both knew she was capable of doing it herself but it made him feel better. Karen watched his hands, steady and sure as they checked straps and buckles and when he spoke his voice was strong with no hint of a waver. Overall he looked steady as a rock.
Karen, on the other hand, felt like her heart might explode in her chest. Her hands were jittery, she felt like she might throw up if her stomach wasn’t tied up in knots. She watched him strap into his own gear and took a moment to appreciate Frank in his element. She was not just seeing the Punisher, she was seeing the soldier. Anytime Karen could witness other sides of Frank she tried to soak it in as much as possible.
He caught her staring and raised an eyebrow. Clearing her throat to keep her voice from being shaky, something that was only moderately successful she asked, “How are you so calm? I feel like I’m going to crawl out of my skin.”
Frank gave an understanding nod, “Right before a mission is always the hardest, it’s hard to figure out what to do with all the nerves. It’s not that I’m calm, I’m just better at pretending I’m not anxious.” He positioned his earpiece and Karen followed suit. Before she could turn away, Frank ran a reassuring hand up her arm, “It’s going to be fine, Karen. I won’t let anything happen to you.” His voice was filled with such conviction, she couldn’t doubt him if she wanted to and it did much more to soothe her nerves than she expected.
Just as she was about to remind him he needed to make sure nothing happened to himself either, her earpiece crackled to life, startling a squeak out of her.
“ Hey Kids! Ready to get this show on the road?”
Frank let out a curse and stepped over quickly to turn Karen’s earpiece down before adjusting the volume on his.
“Indoor voice, David, Jesus Christ. ” Frank clipped before he opened the passenger door for Karen. Once she was settled he jumped in as well and started the van.
“Sorry about that.” He replied in a much more reasonable volume, only sounding a tiny bit remorseful. “ Everyone appears to be in their expected places so far, it looks like there was a staffing change for one of the security guards but nothing that should affect the plan.”
“Thanks David, we are leaving base now, I will be in contact once we have parked and are moving towards the target. Let us know if anything changes.” With that, Frank began to pull out of the building and start on the route that would take them upstate. The drive would take about two hours, give or take with traffic.
“ Roger that. ” The line crackled and went dead.
Karen, for her part, was doing her best not to let her nerves take over. She kept reminding herself that she had been in sketchier situations with much less competent people, so this shouldn’t be so bad. Those situations weren’t usually planned though, so she had never really had the time to fret before. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Frank glancing at her in between merging through traffic and following the route. He didn’t say anything but he did turn on the radio to a station she remembered mentioning to him being one of her favorites. It warmed her and helped soothe the nerves, if even a little bit.
It was nearly ten when they pulled into a small side street that was a five minute walk through a small wooded area to their destination. Closing her eyes, Karen drew in a long breath before letting it out slowly. When she opened her eyes again, her determination must have shown on her face because Frank gave her a nod, the pride clear on his face.
“You remember everything we went over today?” He asked, his tone clipped, all business.
“Yes. You remember what I said would happen if you get shot?” Her tone was just as clipped.
Frank’s eyes crinkled at the corners in that way that she was beginning to love.
“Yeah I remember.” His face softened and he stared at her for a moment before he spoke again, “Look, Karen…”
In an instant Frank was facing the windshield again, his .45 fixed on a point in front of the van. Karen’s heart was in her throat but when she looked out, a relieved breath escaped her in a rush.
“Jesus, Matt. You’ve gotta ease up on the ninja stuff.” She gasped and watched him hold up placating hands, the red suit imposing as he finished materializing out of the shadows. She wasn’t sure but she thought she saw a small smirk on his lips. Frank still had his gun trained on the other man and looked like he was having  a serious debate with himself before he slowly lowered the weapon back to its holster.
“I guess that means it’s go time.” Frank said tersely. Karen gave a stiff nod and turned to open her door but she was jerked back quickly and into a lingering kiss, all of Frank’s worry and devotion poured into the embrace. Karen hummed, feeling bolstered by the affection but then it began to turn raunchy and she pulled back to see a smirk on his lips. She glanced out to see Matt trying desperately to hide his scowl. Shaking her head, Karen turned back to Frank and shoved him towards his own door.
“You are such a child.” Her voice was scathing but she was grinning at him over her shoulder.
The trio rounded the van so Frank and Karen could throw on the last of their weapons. In the off chance they had gotten pulled over, they didn’t want to be strapped down with several firearms and knives. It probably wouldn’t have gone over well paired with the fact they were both in bullet proof vests.
Karen checked her .380 and holstered it before securing something Frank had presented to her before they left in her dominant hand pocket in easy reach. It was a wicked looking contraption she held in her palm that had claw-like spikes protruding between her fingers when she made a fist. She began to go over he mental checklist, playing the hand signals Frank had shown her in her mind’s eye, thinking about their strategy and actively trying not to think about the many ways this could go bad.
“....Karen will be on my six so if you can bring up our tail to ensure no one is sneaking up…”
“I don’t really like the idea of you clearing the way Frank. That tends to leave a lot of bodies.”
“ Christ , Red. That is the safest way for her. I told you I would be on my best behavior, no fatal shots.” Frank was trying to control his volume and only moderately succeeding.
“How about, Karen stays with me and you bring up the rear, if anyone manages to get near us from there you can step in.” Matt’s tone was just this side of snarky and Karen was tired of listening to them.
“ How about we stop talking about me like I’m not even here before I shoot you both in the foot and handle it myself.” Karen meant to go on but there was muffled giggling in her ear.
“ She told you!”
“Can it Micro.” Frank ground out but he did have the good sense to look a little sheepish, though not apologetic. They had agreed not to use David’s real name while on the mission as additional safeguard for him and his family.
She fixed both of the men with a glare and made sure it was heated enough that Matt could feel it if nothing else. He seemed to because he squirmed slightly under her gaze. When she finally spoke again it was with authority and left no room for discussion. “Matt you go in ahead of us, you can hear more, let us know how many people there are or if there are more people than we expected. You can also take them down and restrain them more easily since I won’t be holding on to your belt. Frank, I’ll stay close to you just like we planned and I will make sure no one grabs me from behind. I will be aware of my surroundings. Now, if everyone is done bickering, let’s get moving.”
There was more giggling in her ear before the men standing before her both gave a slight nod, neither looked happy but they had the good sense not to argue. Before they started moving again though, Frank turned back to Matt, “Last thing, once we are on the second floor and Karen is in with the target, I will be stationed outside the door. I need you to ensure no one else gets to the second floor.”
“Got it.” Was Matt’s simple response before he stepped up to Karen and gave her arm a light squeeze and pressed a small kiss to her temple. Then he was stepping around her and dissolving into the trees once more.
Frank watched him go before pulling Karen gently to his chest and pressing an equally light kiss on her other temple. The sweet gesture from both of them had tears gathering at the corners of her eyes but she willed them away when Frank met her eyes with seriousness, his hand resting at the juncture of her neck and shoulder as he gave her a light shake.
“No heroics in there Ms. Page, ya got me?” His voice was pitched low and his words were edged with anxiety but he was fighting through it, respecting her wishes to see this through to the end.
“I got it Mr. Castle. Same for you, let’s both get out of this without any bullet holes, okay?” Karen was proud of herself for keeping the wobble out of her voice. Frank just gave her shoulder another squeeze and another, more lingering, kiss to her forehead before he stepped around her and she fell in behind him, moving toward the house.
“ You two are just precious. ”
“Shut up.” Said in unison, though Karen’s was filled with amusement while Frank’s was filled with annoyance.
The short walk felt like an eternity but in reality, just a few short minutes later they were behind shrubs to watch Matt move stealthily past the guard that was now unconscious and bound by the back door. With a final lingering look and a quick nod, Frank stood to a crouch and waited until he felt Karen’s hand at his back before he started toward the house.
Karen’s heartbeat was so loud in her ears she was sure anyone in a ten mile radius could hear it. Vaguely she heard a commotion directly ahead of them as Frank turned to a room to their right, confirming the threats there had already been neutralized. Micro confirmed through their comms that Matt was just up ahead and had nearly cleared the way to the staircase they were needing to access.
Heat was radiating off of Frank in waves, Karen could see his muscles were so tight it looked like they could snap at any second. Every corner or potential hidden threat he would pivot and turn, clearing each point. It was interesting to see Frank, the soldier, in the forefront. She had seen him as the grieving husband and father, the vigilante, then the Punisher and she had seen him as just Frank. If she hadn’t been so focused on following his every move just like they practiced and eyeing every dark place with suspicion she would have pondered on that more.
A man suddenly lunged at Frank and Karen found herself pinned to the wall at Frank’s back while the assailant attempted to wrestle the Carbine out of his hand. If she had thought her heart was beating quickly before, it now had blood thundering through her veins with enough force to make her lightheaded. An elbow caught her in the ribs and she only just barely avoided catching Frank’s head with her face before her instincts took over and had her in motion. Able to reach in to her pocket, Karen pulled out the spiked weapon and held it in her fist, striking out as hard as she could at the man's side. She heard the man grunt and material tearing but before she could try again she caught an elbow to her hand, knocking the weapon from her fingers. Karen thought furiously, looking for any other opportunity when she realized her legs were mostly free. Okay, Plan B. With concentrated effort, she managed to separate herself, her leg free enough to kick the man hard in the hip, forcing him to take a step back. It gave Karen enough room to sidestep the fray and  pull her gun from the holster and hold it at the ready if someone else appeared.
When Frank felt her break free he reared back and headbutted the man with a grunt. It only took a few seconds after that for the man to be stunned and on the ground, Frank’s gun pointed at his head with singular focus and breathing heavily. Karen watched him carefully and was about to say his name when his eyes snapped over to her and she saw the battle raging in him. She’s not sure but she thought she heard a curse before Frank gave a terse command of “Watch my six” then used the stock of his weapon to knock the man unconscious before he bound him quickly.
Karen was scanning around them, gun at the ready, jumping only slightly when she heard a thump through the floor above them, watching for any other attackers. Her eyes moved in the pattern Frank had shown her and didn’t stop until he was at her side with an approving nod, tucking her back behind him and continuing their route.
“If you want me to stick to my ‘not killing shitbags’ promise you better do your fuckin’ job Red.” Frank’s voice was nothing more than a harsh whisper but they both knew Matt heard him. Karen squeezed his bicep appreciatively before tucking back into her position. She knew how difficult that was for him and needed him to know she saw the effort he was making.
Their earpieces crackled to life with David’s voice as serious as she had ever heard him, “ Daredevil has it clear all the way to Vanessa’s room, from my surveillance she entered the room 30 minutes ago and hasn’t left. ”
As if on cue, the staircase materialized on their right and Matt was descending, breathing heavily.
“Everyone is tied up, we don’t have long before they will start coming to, though.” He spoke quietly. Frank just gave him a curt nod and Karen squeezed his hand quickly as they went past. It was a huge relief to see that he hadn’t sustained any major injuries, at least that she could see anyway.
They reached the top of the stairs and just as Matt had said, five men were bound together and bleeding at varying degrees of severity. When she was able to tear her eyes away from them, Karen noticed the door to Vanessa’s room loomed ahead and a cold calm came over her. Weeks of turmoil and anxiety were coming to a head and she felt righteous anger giving her the strength to push forward.
Once Frank was certain the floor was secure, he turned to Karen right outside the door and asked quietly, “You’re sure you don’t want me to go in first? I can verify there are no other guards.”
Laying a gentle hand on his wrist where it clutched his gun, she gave him a reassuring smile, “Micro confirmed that all of the hostiles are neutralized for now so I can handle it. I feel like if the Punisher goes in first she may not quite believe that I am not here to hurt her.” She gave a small laugh but Frank remained stoic, every line in his body rigid and struggling to remain in place. Placing her palm to his cheek, Karen made Frank look at her and it made her breathing stutter unexpectedly. Having the undivided, full focus of the Punisher at the height of adrenaline on you was an exhilarating experience. But Frank was there too and she saw the fear underneath the heat of his battle hardened gaze.
“I’m going to be fine Frank. I have my .380, I’ll clear the room and let you know immediately if there is anyone besides Vanessa in there. Okay?” She knew it didn’t ease his anxiety at all but he gave a short nod, pulled the Carbine to his shoulder and began to sweep their surroundings, trusting her.
With a deep breath, Karen pulled her pistol out at the ready and took a steadying breath before she slid through the large door to the master suite. She swept the room with her firearm, only lowering it when she had confirmed there were no other guards stationed there. Karen took a few tentative steps further into the room, tucking her .380 back into it’s holster. She didn’t see Vanessa anywhere in the opulent room and had momentary panic that maybe the woman wasn’t there after all, despite what David had said. Maybe she had an escape route and made a break for it if she heard the commotion. Her thoughts took off in a gallop of dread, what if they had done all this for nothing? What if this only made things worse? However, a second later, Karen’s thoughts came to an abrupt halt as the beautiful brunette stepped from the ensuite bathroom in a silky looking robe with a brush in her hand. A moment of shock registered across her face before it was replaced with a cool mask.
“Well, I’d like to say I’m surprised to see you here Ms.Page but it isn’t too much of a shock really.” Vanessa said, voice low and lightly accented. She stood with her shoulders back and an air of nonchalance but Karen could see the unease in her stance as well. Good, you can be uncomfortable for a while after the shitty few weeks I’ve had.
“I didn’t have much of a choice did I? I have a job to do and I can’t really do it on the run, looking over my shoulder the whole time. Not easy to hold down a 9 to 5 when there’s a contract on your life, who’d have thought?” Bitterness was seeping into her tone so Karen forced herself to take a slow measured breath.
“That is an unfortunate thing but I am unsure of what it has to do with me.”
Karen rolled her eyes before leveling a hard stare on the other woman. “Can we skip the theatrics? I’m honestly exhausted and would like to settle this so I can go home.”
Vanessa raised a manicured eyebrow at her. Sighing, Karen stepped forward a bit and spoke matter of factly, “I’ve seen all of your files, one of which was the contract on my life. I know about your art shows that double as little club parties for the local mob families and that is just a few of the things I’ve found.”
Vanessa tossed the brush she was holding to the chaise to her side and crossed her arms over her chest loosely, fixing Karen with her own unflinching gaze, “So you came to threaten me?”
“I came here to get my life back. To make sure the threat to my friends’ lives is neutralized. I have no intention of hurting you but I will send you to prison, just like we did your husband. It may be a bit more difficult to have all those phone calls if you are both behind bars.” It was spoken matter of fact, no malice. It took everything in Karen not to spit at her like a viper.
The brunette scoffed, “And just how did you get in here Ms. Page? Is breaking and entering considered an acceptable method to speak with someone now? I’m sure the information you alluded to was found legally as well? Knowing your proclivity for violence and murder I’m sure you left more than a few dead bodies in your wake to get this far, so please, how do you intend on sending me to prison without signing your own sentence in the process?”
Karen was livid. She dared to call Karen a murderer? Did she have any idea what her husband had done? The people he had killed in his pursuit for power? Judging by the cool, calculating look in the other woman’s eyes, she did. Karen let the rage settle over her in a cold shroud, a sneer tipping her lips up at one corner, “There won’t be any record of my ever being here. The cameras you have set up, including the one hidden in the moulding over there above your dresser, won’t have any record. You��re right, some of the information I found was found in a questionable manner but enough of it was sourced legitimately to have you locked up and more serious inquiries will follow. What wasn’t sourced legally will be enough to raise suspicion and have you under surveillance at the very least. There are no bodies left behind, Mrs. Fisk, because I am nothing like your husband. I don’t kill indiscriminately or when it suits my needs but I can list at least a dozen innocent people who have died at Fisk’s order if not by his own hand.”
“You took someone very dear to him, shot him in cold blood.” She spat the words out at Karen, anger finally showing through her calm facade.
The sneer vanished from her face but Karen kept her head high, she would not show guilt on the account of James Wesley, “I did shoot him. Interesting that Fisk would tell you that but leave out the fact that Wesley had drugged and kidnapped me. That he had threatened to kill all of the people I cared about before ultimately killing me. I want to be very clear, I did not enjoy killing James Wesley and I wish it could have been avoided, but I would do it all again if it meant my friends were safe. Even so, I still lost people that were very dear to me because of Wilson Fisk.”
From the unsure look on Vanessa’s face, it appeared that part of the story had been omitted. She didn’t say anything but  her arms wrapped a little tighter around her midsection and her face showed the barest hint of what could have been sympathy before her expression schooled again into defiance.
When nothing was said, Karen continued, “You can think of me what you will, either way I have no intention of hurting you. I am simply here to have the contract on my life eliminated and your assurance that my friends will be safe, from you and your husband. If you concede to that, I will not release the information I have to the police and you can continue on with your life.”
“Continue on with my life without my husband you mean? As he is still locked away, his efforts to better this city, ruined because of you and those lawyers.” She was still speaking softly but the bitterness was present.
Karen shook her head slowly, “Wilson Fisk put himself there. He is a criminal and a murderer.” She was trying to speak softly as well but a hardness was filling her words, “He had enough money and influence to better the city in legal, legitimate ways. Instead, he used fear, blackmail and murder to bring people to heel. I won’t ask for forgiveness because he deserves to be in prison, though considering the freedoms he is still enjoying, I would hardly consider that prison.”
She regarded Vanessa for a moment, eye scanning the woman then wandering around the room briefly, before uttering a question that had been eating at her, “You are a successful art dealer from a good family and you have a clean record. Why would you want to be with someone like Wilson Fisk?”
Vanessa seemed surprised by the question and took a moment to answer. She was ready to speak when the door behind Karen came open just enough to let Frank enter. The air of confidence left Vanessa when she took in the white skull emblazoned on Frank’s chest, her whole body tensing as she took several steps back into the room. She was a sensible woman after all, anyone with a healthy respect for their own life would be frightened when the Punisher entered the room. Those with a guilty conscience anyway.
Karen looked over to him and watched as his eyes scanned the room for threats before settling for only a second on the other woman who had put greater distance between them, finally turning to Karen herself. He was standing close, his vest brushing her arm and his gun held between them carefully. His voice was low so it would not carry over to the other occupant of the room when he muttered, “The perimeter is still clear but we need to get moving soon.”
She didn’t bother to point out that was something that could have been conveyed over the comm devices.
They held eyes for a moment, a million other things passing between them before she gave him a nod and placed her focus back on Vanessa. Frank took a half step back, standing at Karen’s shoulder but far enough back to raise his weapon if need be. Said weapon was pointed at the floor but there was no question in his stance of if he would be willing to use it to protect the woman in front of him.
Vanessa was now watching with interest, her previous unease bleeding into focus as her sharp eyes went between Karen and Frank before something seemed to click into place. “You keep interesting allies for someone who is against murder, Miss Page.” She held up her hand when Karen opened her mouth to retort, “I will rescind the contract on your life and I will see to it that your friends will not be in danger from mine or Wilson’s men. You have made a compelling case and I am not blind to your talent for finding information. Now, if you don’t mind, I would like to finish up my evening and go to bed.”
Before Karen could say anything, Frank demanded, his voice low and gruff, leaving no room for argument, “Cancel the contract now.” Karen gave him an annoyed look for cutting her off but said nothing.
Reaching slowly into the pocket of her robe, Vanessa pulled out her phone, tapping away at the screen for a moment before holding it up to show them and placing it back in her pocket.
Frank’s head tilted slightly just as she heard David give a quiet ‘confirmed’ in her own earpiece. Frank gave her a small nod, the hacker verified that the contract had been cancelled, so they could go home. Sighing imperceptibly in relief, Karen made a conscious effort to keep her shoulder straight and not let them sag with the tension that left them. They weren’t out of the woods yet so it was not time to relax.
“Thank you Mrs. Fisk. I hope we don’t have to see each other again.” Turning, she made her way to the door while Frank divided his attention to the hallway to check for threats and also  kept a careful eye on the woman across the room. Karen was about to step out and follow Frank when Vanessa spoke up from behind her.
“We don’t get to choose who we love, Ms. Page. It rarely ever is someone that we anticipate.”
For a moment the women locked eyes, a camaraderie of sorts between them. The moment was broken by Karen’s huffed, quiet laugh.
“That’s the fucking truth.” And then the door was closing as she followed Frank into the hallway.
Frank felt Karen fall in behind him and only allowed himself a quick breath of relief, they were in the home stretch but not out yet. He could hear mumbled curses and shuffling as some of the men were starting to come around and wanted to get some distance between them and the house. It went against everything in him to still have hostile targets alive, especially with Karen in tow but he knew how much it meant to her so he was doing his best, hyper focused on their surroundings to stop any threat before it could reach her.  
He couldn’t wait to get back to the safe house. He was always tense when going into a mission but taking Karen into the middle of it had him so uneasy he felt like every muscle in his body was strung tight enough to snap at a moment’s notice. It did help that Karen had followed instruction perfectly. She was always in a defensible position, stayed close to him without impeding his movement and had her eyes constantly in motion. She would have made an incredible soldier.
They met Matt at the bottom of the stairs and followed not far behind as he cleared the way of any additional guards. They were making good time through the house, Frank knew around the next corner they would have a short hallway and then exit out a side entrance that would have them a little closer to the vehicle.
Matt had rounded the corner just ahead and they weren’t far behind. There was the sound of a struggle where Matt had just disappeared so Frank slowed as they approached but as they stopped there David’s voice cut through the careful silence.
“ Behind you! One of them is loo-...”
In an instant Frank was turning but not before a shot rang out. Pure instinct had him dropping to a knee and removing the threat with one efficient bullet to the head. He didn’t have time to think about that though because when he lowered his eyes from the target, he saw Karen bleeding on the ground at his feet, her hand gripping her neck where blood flowed through her fingers, and Frank’s whole world tilted and came apart.
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deathvalleyusa · 4 years
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the last bit of the basement chapter!! holy moly. i think i have a whole chapter of this done. wild. anyway, it’ll be a while before i post anything else that isn’t memes so enjoy!!
She hated playing angry. Hated the energy it gave to the rest of the band, hated how it affected her voice. But Candy couldn’t find it in herself to calm down by the time The Misfire’s set rolled around. Everyone else was heated as well; Kyle, normally the most level-headed of the band, suggested swapping out a few of their more ballad-like songs for angrier ones. Rizz and Erin agreed.
So when their set came, The Misfire threw every hurt feeling, every ounce of anger, into their music. The banshee wail she had come to be known for echoed in the small space, an unfathomable noise from someone so small. Rizz slammed away on the drum kit, hard enough one song to break a drumstick. Erin took some liberties with the synth, switching her setting at the last moment to give it a grittier noise as she messed with the pitch bend. And Kyle. Beautiful, wonderful, Kyle let his voice distort in ways he hadn’t done since he had been a part of his last band. Growled out every response to Candy’s lines, strumming away at his bass as his face contorted with his added screams.
The energy the crowd gave back sent her back to a place of calm. This was where Candy was in her element; a good crowd dancing and yelling along to songs they remembered, seeing a pit form when they started up their signature song, Immolated.
Burn it all down No longer seeped in shame Immolated Smouldering in the dying flames (Who am I? Who am I?) (Who am I? What have I become?)
“Thank you guys!” she called out, flipping orange hair from her face. One more strum of her guitar, Rizz’s drumsticks crashing against the cymbals as the song ended. “You guys have been great tonight, seriously. Keep up the energy for the next band, Oct 29!”
God, she thought, I hope someone recorded our set tonight.
As they filtered off stage, Erin came behind her, giving a tight squeeze.
“You sounded ferocious,” she exclaimed, the shag of her pink hair slowly curly from sweat. “Oh my god. We totally need to re-record Immolated like that.”
“Agreed,” Kyle said, trying to get a grip on Erin’s Roland. “Seriously, fuck that Rhett guy, but we sounded rad with that extra push.”
The last of their equipment had been loaded into their respective cars, a reminder to Candy to get back into lifting weights, running, something to make carrying Rizz’s set easier. A cigarette, and the band was back inside, taking in Oct 29’s patented chaos. Drinking, mingling, the stain of the night forgotten for now. 
For some reason, Candy couldn’t bring herself to truly enjoy it all. Maybe it was the heated exchange earlier, perhaps it was the reminder that for the past year, she had been attending these gigs with Devion. Now, she was without the man she had grown to love, lost in a sea of people. 
This place didn’t need her dour energy. She had done enough damage. With a sigh, she grabbed her jacket, giving hugs as she made her way out to the back of the house. It’d be easier taking the alley back to her car, anyway. As she made her way to the porch, she checked her phone, the slight blue glow illuminating her disheveled makeup before it made its way back into her jean jacket. 
There Rhett was, sitting on the crumbling steps of the back porch. Black hair hanging in ribbons off his shoulders, a stream of smoke dissipating into the air. Candy hesitated. Another fight wasn’t something she had the energy for. 
Rhett looked back, his faraway expression snapping back to reality, hardening at the sight of her. The intensity between them was almost as visible as the smoke coming from his cigarette. 
“You’re not staying for Boy Blu’s set?” he asked, voice tense although he seemed to try his best to keep it unbothered. “Thought they were pals of yours.”
Candy kind of hated how he was trying to act so casual. Like they could have a conversation after screaming at one another not even an hour ago. 
“They are,” she answered, jaw setting. “But they’ll be fine. Boy Blu plays all the time, one missed set isn’t gonna hurt their feelings.”
“Bummer,” Rhett said, taking a drag of his cigarette. “Heard from Jamie they’re gonna play a few new songs.”
“Again,” she said, patience wearing thin, “they’ll understand. Did you want something?”
“I’m just trying to be nice, Jesus Christ.” The anger was back in his husky voice. “We both got heated, isn’t good for either of our bands since, y’know, we play so many shows together.”
He had a point. As much as Candy wanted to stonewall Cain Is Able after this, they were often booked together. Playing nice for now might have its benefits. Heaven forbid The Misfire be labeled as a band that was hard to work with, especially in such a tight knit local scene. 
She gave a sigh, blowing wisps of orange hair from her face. “Hate to admit it, but you’re right.”
That got a chuckle out of him. “I’m right about a lot of stuff, Hawke.”
Jesus, the ego on this one. Candy rolled her eyes, breezing past him as she gave him the finger. “Get bent, Rhett.”
Brown eyes narrowed, her head whipping back to look at him. “What.”
“You really thought my singing was good?”
It was such an earnest question. Worse was how sincere his face was, deep eyes nearly black in the shadow of the porch light. She almost felt sorry for her comment earlier. How many of her friends back in Madison had dealt with similar problems, having to step away from music entirely because of their problems? Rhett was fucking lucky. He had come back, albeit not in the position he left in. 
Candy would never tell him, but when she did catch Cain Is Able’s sets, she always listened closer for his voice, backing Perry. Wished he would let the growl of his voice overpower the crisp, pop sound of Perry’s voice. When she had first arrived in Milwaukee, it was impossible to not hear his distinct, deep voice coming from one of the clubs. Once it was gone, the hole it left felt enormous.
“Yeah,” she said. “You were really the only thing that made you guys stand out, man.”
She couldn’t tell if the answer pleased him or not. Candy wasn’t going to stick around to delve further. She dug out her keys, giving a nod in his direction.
“Later, Rhett.”
“Yeah,” he echoed. “Later.”
TAG LIST: @erinbeatty​ @lunalove4537​ @alias-b​ @redjadequeen​
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cruecifymesixx · 5 years
Love and Leather /part eleven/
Word Count: 1.9k
A/N: drunkenly writing chapters. Enjoy :)
Warnings: language, sexual(??? Is that a thing? Don’t worry, it’s not smut...yet (;)
Taglist: @oskea93 , @brideofdraculana , @aryssav , @miserablecunt , @electradestiny , @dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol , @inthebackofmycarlaytheirbodies , @venus-calum , @justjodeye , @fandomshit6000 @supernaturalvikingwhore , @are-we-real , @hi-my-name-is-riley , @extremesadnerding , @thatbandchick39 , @awkwrdcait , @dillightfulpickle , @baiabouk, @awesomealmostdopestudent , @madsthegroupie , @martabastic, @brooklyn-antiques, @romanticvengeance, @moonlightxcal, @countrygirlswonderland
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Nikki’s POV
“She’s your problem Sixx.” Tommy said while slamming his hotel room door in my face not wanting to deal with me anymore tonight as I was holding onto Vanity who was a drunk, fucked off on heroin mess
“Fucking Christ.” I mumbled, “I heard that.” I looked at Vanitys glazed over eyes as they were trying to roll into the back of her head, “Lets get you to bed so you can sleep.” I said and pulled her along by her hand, “Sixx, slow down.” She said while trying not to trip over her own feet, “Just...ugh..god damnit.” I huffed getting irritated but I know I shouldn’t be because it was my fault.
I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder and continued walking down the hall way. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her struggling to pull down her dress as it was rising up. I smirked at myself and kept walking until we got to my room.
I unlocked my room and dropped her on the bed, “Rude.” She scoffed and I rolled my eyes, “Just go to bed.” I said while plopping down on the couch across from the bed and closed my eyes,
“Why did you even have smack?” Vanity asked me, my eyes opened and i stared at her.
I couldn’t dare look at her golden eyes and tell her what I’ve become, “I uh...someone just gave it to me.” I replied nervously, but I knew that she knew I was full of shit.
“Oh, okay.” She stated, but then I noticed her face get clammy, “You okay?” I asked her while getting off the couch and walking to her as she got off the bed. “Just sit down.” I told her but she shook her head, “Is my brother okay?” She asked with closed eyes as she was swaying back and forth, “He’s okay Van, he’s with Tommy and Vince.” I reassured her and she nodded “Mhmm.” Was also she could say, not being able to form a coherent sentence, she was way too fucking high, I can’t believe I did this shit to her man.
She sat down on the bed, nearly missing it, “Nikki I’m gonna throw up.” She told me and I got up and grabbed a trash can and handed it to her. I held her hair back as she started puking again, “I’m so fucking sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking.” I told her as she was finished. She wiped her lip with a tissue that was close by and looked at me through teary eyes, “I’m fine.” She said blankly, and put the waste basket on the floor.
She grabbed by forearm and used me as a crutch to stand up, “I don’t want to wear this.” She told me while shimmying out of of her dress and sliding it down her body.
Jesus Christ.
I wanted to smack myself across the face to wake up from this dream. She was standing there half naked, only wearing a black thong. I couldn’t help myself, my eyes traveled down her body. She had her naval pierced and a small rose tattoo on her hip that I never knew about. It looks as if it was done at a house party. My eyes traveled back up to her chest, I wanted nothing more then to fucking play with those tits. I had to adjust myself through my pants with the ideas that were popping into my head.
I bit my lip while trying to push the inappropriate thoughts I’ve had about her for the past year out of my head. “You enjoying this?” She asked me,
I was so preoccupied with my thoughts that I didn’t even notice her looking down at me. I cleared my throat, trying to find anything else in the room to look at, “Can you give me something to wear please?” I nodded quickly and got off the bed and walked over to my suitcase and rummaged through it finding an old ratty muscle tee. I handed it to her while not making eye contact with, “Thanks.” She mumbled while slipping it on,
“Do you have any booze? I want some more.” She asked me, “I think you’ve had enough partying for one night, Van.” I said softly and she rolled her eyes and stumbled away from me, holding onto the wall and going over to the fridge. The shirt itself barely covered her ass, I have to fucking take a cold shower after this.
“Ah ha!” She said while holding up my bottle of Jack and taking a sip of it, “why’d you give me smack? That’s so fucked up.” She said while walking over to me and putting a hand on my shoulder while she held the bottle in the other.
“I just i don’t know, I thought it would be funny....but it wasn’t obviously.” I explained to her and she nodded, “What do you think of my tits? Are they as nice as the girls you fuck?” She asked while cocking her head to the side and taking another sip,
I smirked at her and let out a laugh, “Doll, they’re better.” I answered her, trying to keep my thoughts at bay with her being this close to me, but my eyes couldn’t help look up and down her body again, and she noticed it.
She takes another sip while gripping my shoulder trying not to fall backwards. Her hand glided over my shoulder and rested on the back of my head, her fingers weaving through it and gently tugging to make me look up at her, “Do you want to fuck me Nikki?” She questioned me in a seductive tone.
Of course I wanted to fuck her, I’ve thought about it since the first time I met her way back at the diner. She’s been my greatest chase to date and the only woman who hasn’t thrown herself at me and begged me to fuck her senseless. I wanted to fuck her, hell maybe even make love to her. I wanted to hear her scream my name, I wanted to feel her cum around my cock, I wanted to make her mine.
“‘Course I do doll face, but I wouldn’t when you’re fucked up like this.” I told her and her eyebrows raised in surprise, “But don’t you fuck those whores when they’re fucked up off your drugs and alcohol?” She asked me and I nodded, “But you’re not a whore Vanity, you deserve more then that if we were to ever fuck.” I explained to her but also being careful of what I told her. I didn’t want her getting any ideas of me maybe or maybe not having feelings for her.
She laughed, “How romantic.” She teased me and I rolled my eyes, “What makes me different? Why won’t you just fuck me right now? I know you want too.” I sighed, she was asking too many questions right now. All of the right fucking questions but she wasn’t sober enough for me to do anything about it.
“You’re fucked up Vanity. I’m not gonna take advantage of you.” I told her while avoiding her eyes at all cost as they were screaming for attention and for me to touch her.
I got off the bed and stood in front of her, “Why don’t we get you in bed and to sleep, Alright?” I told her while pulling back the blankets and taking the bottle from her,
“Y’know...I think you’re scared to fuck me and that’s why you won’t do it.” Vanity said in a matter-of-fact type of tone, god why did she always have to fucking push my buttons,
“Vanity, you aren’t going to taunt me into fucking you. It’s time for bed, you’re fucked up.” I said with a little bit more bass in my voice. God, I wish she was sober so I could fuck her the way she wants it.
She crossed her arms over her chest and huffed, “Maybe I should go find someone that would fuck me right now.” She retorted, immediately putting a scowl on my face.
“Maybe Vince....he fucks every girl.” She told me and i clenched my jaw, “Vanity, you only want me to fuck you because you’re fucked up. You would not want this if you were sober.” I tried hiding my anger from her. My skin crawled at the thought of Vince, let alone any guy touching her the way I want to touch her.
“You know what...fuck it, you go fuck Vince and I’ll go fuck the first girl I find in the lobby, hm about that?” Vanity stared at me as I let my jealousy bubble over, “Sound good to you?” I said bluntly while trying to hold back an eye roll.
“I mean...are you giving me permission to go fuck Vince?” She wanted clarification and I just about lost my shit,
“I don’t give a fuck what you do Vanity...let’s go to their room and you can get what you fucking want. I don’t fucking care.” I said, hands shaking in anger as I started walking over to the door,
But Vanity fell onto the bed cracking up in hysterics, what was so god damn fucking funny to her?
“God, I love you.” Vanity said, but quickly sat up and looked at me, “Not like that...but as in your so easy to mess with it’s fucking priceless.” She said while trying to control her giggles. She walked over to me and grabbed my hand and pulled me back to the bed so I can sit with her,
“I wouldn’t fuck Vince even if if he was the last guy on the face of this planet.” She told me, and I tried calming myself down, “Yeah, I wouldn’t fuck Vince either. Not my type.” I told her while trying to play off how jealous I got, at least I got a laugh out her,
“So are you gonna show me your dick or not?” She asked, eyes full of hope. I got annoyed with her and stood up and lightly pushed her onto the bed so she was laying down, “Goodnight Vanity.” I told her before walking over to the couch and laying down, but she sat back up,
“Why are you sleeping over there?” She asked yet another stupid question, I wish she would just shut up and knock out already.
“Because you’re in the bed tonight, obviously Van.” I said, trying to avoid laying next to her at all costs knowing only dirty, disgusting, sleazy thoughts would keep me up all night. I saw her tits already tonight. If she shows me anything more I won’t be able to control myself and she will be under me naked and a sweaty, hot and bothered, dripping in cum mess.
I snapped out of those thoughts when a pillow hit me in the face, “Vanity! Knock it off!” I shouted at her and she gave me a shit eating grin in return, “You slipped me smack, make me throw my guts up and you won’t even come hold me as an apology?” I perched myself up on the couch. I couldn’t tell if she was serious or not,
I laid back down and put my hand behind my head, “You’ll regret it in the morning princess. It’s better if I stay over here, just go to sleep.” I spoke softly and I heard her sigh, “Fine, goodnight Nikki.”
I rubbed my face glancing at the alarm clock seeing how late it was, this woman is gonna be the fucking death of me.
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 14)
"To Clvlnd She Goes"
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Colson tells Emma that Luna is going to fly in tonight so they can have lunch tomorrow.
"Is she staying with you?" She asks.
"Nah, she's gonna stay down town." He reassures her. They agree on a time, Emma calls her mom to confirm Colson can drop Casi off for while. "Cool. Thanks Em."
She nods her head, smiling at him. "You're welcome." She says before he walks off to collect Casi.
After booking her flight, Luna heads back to Ashley's. She's home now, chilling on the couch with Jagger. Luna tells her of her plans to fly out to Cleveland. Ashley's shocked. She knows Casi but she didn't meet her until she and Kells had been friends for a good while. "Wow!" She says, cocking her head back.
"I know. It's like meeting his mom, but obviously not his mom, you know?" Replies Luna.
Ashley doesn't want to but she can't help but laugh. Luna's never done well with parents or any type of authority. "Well, she is an important mother to him. Considering..." Referring not only to Emma being Casi's mother but also to Colson's own absentee mother.
"I know." Says Luna quietly "That's why it's important and I don't wanna make a bad first impression."
"You'll be fine. We're not 17 anymore. She's a mom, but she's your peer. Just be your shining, brilliant self." She says popping off the couch. "Now come on, I'll help you pack AND even drive youuuuuuu."
"Oh, FUCK! A ride to the airport?? Now THAT'S friendship!!! Laughs Luna as the girls head up stairs."
Luna gets comfortable on the bed, pulling out her vape pen. The flight was smooth and she had easily ubered to the hotel.
She'd FaceTimed Colson once she'd checked in and had gotten settled. He was home playing FortNite Casi. They spoke for a bit, he gave her shit for not letting him pick her up. She told him to shut up, that she was fine and to enjoy hanging out with Casi. He's going to pick her up around 1230 tomorrow, after he drops Casi off. They exchange goodnights and I love yous.
He texts her his Snap code later and sends her a dick pic through it. She screenshots it but doesn't reply.
"A little teasing never hurt no body..." She thinks as she snuggles into the bed. After a few minutes she misses Colson. She Snaps him her slender legs propped up, toes and tattoos in full view. She tries to fall asleep after, hating the familiar feeling of a once full but now empty bed. It makes her think of Justin. "But you'll SEE him tomorrow." She reassures herself before popping a lunesta to shut her mind up.
Casi and Colson had hung out, played video games and now she was in bed. He's in his own too, smoking a joint, waiting for Luna to Snap him back. She does. When he sees it, he instantly gets hard. He screenshots it so he can jerk off to her.
"Fuck, she gets me!" He thinks as he easily cums. Once he lays back down, he looks over at his empty bed missing Luna. "Soon enough." He falls asleep with dreams of their future adventures together dancing in his head.
Colson and Luna arrive at Blue Point for lunch. Emma is already seated and watches them come in. They're dressed causally but stylish. Luna in a black lace top, cuffed ripped boyfriend jeans and nude heels. Colson spots Emma and waves holding Luna's hand, leading her to the table with him.
"Hey!" He says leaning over to peck Emma. "Emma this Luna. Luna, Emma." He introduces them.
Luna smiles brightly and reaches her hand out to Emma. "Hi! Nice to meet you!" She says.
"You too." Responds Emma, taking her hand. Once they sit down, the server greets them. Taking their drink and appetizer order. Emma asks how they met. Colson first speaks of their past not meeting all those years ago. It rings a bell in Emma's head. "Don't tell me you're The Girl in the Cheetah Print coat!!" She exclaims, astonished.
Luna laughs and looks at Colson. One look. He blushes. "Yup!! This is her." He says proudly, throwing his arm around her without a thought.
They order food. Conversation between Emma and Luna flows easily. Emma asks Luna what she does, where she lives, if she has any kids.
Luna answers, that she calls NY home. That she does not have any children. Explains that she does a little of everything. That she's a singer/songwriter on an independent label. How she's had a few art showings and has successfully sold some solid pieces. That she enjoys scouting, shooting and helping upcoming artist break through. She mentions a bit of her political activism.
"Wait, so you went to Flint?" Emma asks, impressed.
"Yeah, we loaded up 3 large Uhauls, packed to the gills with thousands of cases of water and drove them from NY to MI. I went the first 3 times to establish a solid connection, then set it up to where there's been 2 full monthly deliveries for the last 4yrs. It's still not nearly enough though. So, I'm currently working with this great guy in the community, Gary. We're building a class action lawsuit at the moment. We're preparing to take it all the way to the Supreme Court, if we have too. Not that those biased fucks will really do anything... But we either fight or die, right?" Luna concludes.
"Wow." That's really admirable." Emma says listening intently.
"I have the platform, resources and the intelligence to help. I'd be a Fucking dick and a part of the problem, if I didn't." Luna says with a sadness in her eyes.
Emma nods in agreement.
She looks at Luna seriously, making her nervous. "I feel like I can ask you things and you'll answer them honestly, which I truly respect and appreciate." She continues looking over at Colson "I like you, you seem like a strong, independent, educated, KIND woman, who can potentially have a very positive influence.." She looks at Colson again "Over our daughter. But I have to ask you. What drugs do you do?"
Luna laughs, catching Emma off gaurd. "I'm so sorry. That was incredibly rude. You just me threw me off!" Luna apologizes. "To answer your question, I smoke a LOT of pot. I LOVE a mushroom and maybe some pure MDMA, but I don't fuck around with scary drugs. Like meth or heroin. I'm already too hype for coke. I drink but... Pot, pot's the go to. Always."
Emma looks at her, appreciating how candid she is. Then she looks at Colson, who's staring at her. Hard. "You know how much coke Colson blows?" She asks dead out.
"What the fuck, Em??" Colson throws his long arms out.
"I'm only asking Colson, because if you're serious enough to want her to meet Casi. Then, I need to know, that she knows what she's getting herself into. So, that our little girl doesn't get attached and her heart broken, if Luna decides it's too much in 6mnths." Emma states emotionally.
"You think I'd bring Cas around someone who I didn't think was gonna ride with me for the long haul??" He snaps back.
Luna interrupts them both. "Guys, chill out." She grabs Colson's thigh with her left hand squeezing it under the table. While she reaches across the table with her right, to lightly touch Emma's hand. "It's ok. It's a valid question, Bunny. That's why we're here." She says looking at Colson. Then she turns to Emma, "Honestly, obviously I know he does blow and addies, I don't know how much because I don't do it with him, but I have an idea." Luna pauses. Then continues. "No one can guarantee anything in this life, but as adults we CAN control our own actions. The only thing I can tell you, with absolution, woman to woman. Is that, I've never done this before. Being in love with a man who has a child. I will guarantee, to you, her MOTHER. That if I do develop a relationship with your daughter and for some crazy reason Colson and I don't work out. I still have control over my own actions and if Casi wanted to continue being friends with me, as long as it was ok with both of you, I WILL make it a point to maintain my relationship with her. IF, it came to that, which I do NOT think it will. Because, honestly. I love Colson, Emma. For all of his greatness and all of his flaws. I'm all in. If I wasn't, we both know I wouldn't have cared to jump on a plane last night to be here today. This. Colson. Casi. Your opinion. They're all very important to me." She squeezes Emma's hand slightly, giving her a comforting smile.
"Fuck." Is all that Colson can think. Completely enamoured.
"Thank you." Emma says. "That is a lot more mature and understanding than I expected from someone without kids." She smiles at Luna.
"No. Thank you for giving me a chance. Kids fucking terrify me." Luna let's out a light laugh.
"Well, be ready then because Cas is a pistol!!" Emma laughs with her.
Colson watches both women enjoy each other's company while they finish lunch. "Wow." Is all he can think, falling even more in love with Luna while being equally grateful for Emma.
Heading back from lunch, Colson tells Luna how much her coming to meet with Emma means to him. "I know, Bunny." She says. Going on to express her relief of how well it went. That, when they were leaving though, she wasn't surprised that her and Emma had hugged sincerely, before parting ways. As she sweetly, leans over to kiss him on the cheek.
But it's not enough for her. So she moves to his jaw, then his ear, his neck. While her hands slide over his pants unbuckling them, pulling out his hard cock. He lifts his ass so she can slide his pants off slightly. Then she takes his cock into her mouth.
"God Daaaamnn!!!" Colson thinks, trying to focus on the road.
"FUUUUUCK, BUNNY!!!" He groans loudly lifting his hips, pushing himself deeper into her mouth. As they drive through downtown Cleveland, she sucks his cock intently. He cums just as they pull up to the hotel. "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST." He says in exasperated satisfaction. She pops her head up. He wipes the stray cum from her open mouth. "You're so fucking HOT. I love that you swallow." He smiles at her, his hand resting on her face, from where he wiped his excess cum. "Want me to come up and return the favor? He asks.
"Mmmmmm...as hard as that is to turn down. You should get back to Casi. She's waiting on you and I've taken enough of her time today."
"Are you sure? What are you gonna do?"
"Honestly? I'm probably gonna go upstairs and book a flight tonight. I'd rather get back to LA late and tired, then be weird and manic in a city I don't know." She laughs.
"You can come over and hang out with me and Cas."
"Nahh... this is her time. Are you coming back to LA with her?
"Yeah, tomorrow. Especially if you're leaving tonight."
"You talk to Casi, like I said, tell her about me, ask HER if she'd like to meet me and let her choose where. Even if I don't meet her officially tomorrow, I'll slide by to see you." She says kissing him.
"Aight." He begrudgingly agrees.
"I love you. I'll let you know when my flight is and no matter what, will see you tomorrow." She says kissing him deeply. He agrees before she slides out of his Cobra. "Looooove you." She beams before closing the door.
"LOVE YOU!!!!" He hollers, laughing from inside the car before he pulls off.
"Fuuuuuck, I love him...... Damn! She's REEEEEEALLY nice, I wasn't sure how this would go, but I enjoyed her a lot." Luna thinks, happily trotting into the hotel. "That was much less painful than you had anticipated, ya freak." She mocks herself, laughing, heading to her room.
"I knew Em would like Loons. How can you not? I can't wait for Cas to meet her. They're gonna have so much fun together.... She really is amazing." His heart gets a little sad, missing her already as he heads to pick up Casi.
To be continued....
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kwanisms · 5 years
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Difference threshold is defined as the minimum noticeable difference that someone will be able to detect at least fifty percent of the time.
⤑ genre: smut, angst, fluff, Best friend!Jihoon, Neighbor!Jeonghan ⤑ pairing: Jihoon x Reader, Jeonghan x Reader ⤑ warning: none ⤑ summary: (Y/N) moves out of the apartment and in with a friend temporarily. After a month of separation, (Y/N) calls Jihoon drunk one night and asks him to visit her, confessing that she loves him. After reconciling, (Y/N) ends things with Jeonghan, telling him how she truly feels about her best friend. ⤑ word count: 6.4k
⤑ 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | {08} | 09  
tag list: @younghee-17
a/n: I’m working hard to get this story finished without rushing anything. Pacing is important but I want to finish this and Give it to You before I start posting any other stories. Also, I love you guys and I am sorry.
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Packing up your things was easier than you thought it would be. You didn't have much. Soonyoung stood in your doorway, trying to block you in. He wasn't going to let you leave so easily. “I'll talk to him, (Y/N). He can't kick you out. This is my damn apartment, too.” You smiled sadly as you zipped up your suitcase. “Don't anger him Soonyoung,” you replied before pulling out your phone.
You made the call to an old friend, Yeonji, asking her if you could crash with her for a bit. She said she would be by to pick you up shortly. You sighed, lowering your phone to your lap. Soonyoung crossed the room, taking a seat next to you. “He'll come around, (Y/N). He always does.” You felt his arm wrap around your shoulder as he pulled you into his side.
“Things can't end like this,” he whispered softly. Light footsteps approached the room as your phone vibrated. Your friend was here. You got to your feet as Jihoon appeared in the doorway. You avoided his gaze as you grabbed your things. “I'll help you,” Soonyoung said standing but you grabbed his hands and shook your head.
“I'm fine. It's not like I have a lot of stuff anyway,” you said as you slung your duffle bag over your shoulder. You looked at Soonyoung. “You'll take care of Mochi until I can make arrangements to get her, right?” You asked. Soonyoung looked at the car lying on the mattress before looking back at you. “Yeah, I'll take care of her,” he said.
Soonyoung reached out, grabbing your hoodie before pulling you into a hug. “Text me if you need anything,” he said softly before pulling away, holding you at arms length. You turned toward the door to Jihoon standing just inside the door. You walked past him, not saying a word.
“(Y/N),” he started but you ignored him and continued out into the main room. Jihoon and Soonyoung followed closely as you headed for the front door. “(Y/N),” Jihoon said a little louder as you reached the front door. You pulled on your coat, scarf, hat, and boots. You turned, offering one last smile.
“I'll be back for Mochi soon, and once I have a moving truck, I'll get the rest of my things.” Neither one answered you. Soonyoung stood next to Jihoon, arms crossed as he looked at his friend and roommate. Jihoon looked at you, seemingly struggling with what to say but you didn't want to hear it.
You reached for the handle of the door and that was when Soonyoung snapped. “Jesus fucking christ, Ji! What the hell is your problem?! You're just gonna let her walk out like this?” He threw his hands up angrily. Jihoon looked up at him, a scowl forming on his face. “I already said-” he began but was interrupted.
“I don't give a fuck what you said! She's your best friend. First you knock her to the ground while fighting her boyfriend, then you slap her and now you're kicking her out? For what? Some unresolved feelings that YOU haven't been able to handle? That's not (Y/N)’s fault. That's on you!” Soonyoung shouted.
You gripped the doorknob tightly before you finally turned it and rushed out, not wanting to hear anymore. “(Y/N), wait!!” you heard both men call after you but you didn't stop. You made your way to the elevator and lucky for you, it was already on the floor. You hurried in before the doors closed and inside you were met by Seungcheol. He caught sight of your state as you enter the elevator, the doors shutting behind you. He said nothing and looked straight ahead.
“I'm sorry,” he finally managed to say and you looked up at him. Sincerity was etched into his face. “I really am. I knew this could only end one way. Jeonghan is… upset isn't the right word. I don't think any of us expected Jihoon to physically attack him. He didn't strike me as the type.”
You sniffled, looking away from the tall man. “It's not the first time he's gotten into a fight for me…” you whispered as the doors opened upon reaching the lobby. You made to grab your suitcases but Seungcheol beat you to it, grabbing the largest one by the handle. “I'll help you. It's the least I can do,” he said as he followed you off the elevator.
Outside on the sidewalk, Yeonji was waiting next to her car. Her eyes widened when she noticed Seungcheol before looking at you pointedly. You shook your head before turning to Seungcheol. “Thank you for your help. Tell Jeonghan that I'm sorry. Really, I am.” You reached for your suitcase but Seungcheol didn't let go.
“Are you really going to leave without saying goodbye?” A voice asked softly to the side. You turned, eyes landing on Jeonghan. You weren't sure when he appeared but it took you by surprise. You tried to force the words out but noticing the bruising on his cheek where Jihoon had hit him made you stop.
You turned away from him. “I'm sorry. Really. I never wanted any of this to happen.” You started loading your things into Yeonji's car. “I shouldn't have moved in. I should have just gone back to my parents’ house or something. I've only made things worse by being here.” You moved to shut the door but a stronger pair of hands held it open.
Jeonghan had moved and was now holding the door in place. “I'm not sorry. For any of it. I like you, (Y/N). I don't regret any of it and given a chance to redo it, I would do the same thing. Jihoon be damned, I can't help what I feel for you.”
You weren't aware that you were crying until you felt one of his hands cup your cheek, brushing the tear away with his thumb. “I know you don't regret any of it, either. You wouldn't be this upset if you didn't harbor something for me.”
You pulled back, pushing Jeonghan's hand away. “I do. Feel something for you, but Jihoon is my best friend. Without him, I'm not me.” You took the time to shut the door before opening the passenger door and turning back. “I just need some time alone right now. I'll text you, okay?” you said softly. Jeonghan sighed, admitting his defeat today. “Okay. Just let me know when you get to your friend's house safely, that's all I ask,” he responded.
You answered him with a nod as you shut the door and put your seatbelt on. Yeonji drove, heading back for her apartment. “You gonna explain what's going on?” she asked, glancing over at you. Resting your head back against the headrest you nodded with a sigh. “In time.”
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The first week passed rather quickly, during which Soonyoung was the only one you kept in contact with. He visited you everyday, promising to bring Jihoon with him next time. You reassured him that was unnecessary. Jihoon would come to you when and if he was ready. In the meantime, you focused on work and apartment hunting. Yeonji was kind enough to offer you the couch but it wasn't a permanent solution.
Your hunt for a place to live took you all over the city. You were picky in the place you wanted to live since the last place wasn’t safe, even with the coded entry. You gave your list of requirements to the realtor who was helping you on this journey.
“This is a very... thorough list,” he said examining it after you handed it over. “The last apartment I lived in was broken into and things stolen,” you explained as he looked up from the paper. “I never want that to happen again. For my safety, I thought it best to be picky.”
The realtor gave you a warm smile as he set the paper on his desk. “I’ll do my very best to find you something that meets your requirements,” he said holding out his hand. You took it and shook it before standing and leaving his office.
Soonyoung was persistent in attending every apartment walkthrough with you. To protect you against potential scammers. He stepped up, doing everything he could think of to keep your thoughts from wandering to Jihoon, leaving you to wonder where your friendship stood with him.
Jeonghan on the other hand checked in on you once a day. He was kind and always made sure you knew he didn't want you to stress and that there was no pressure to contact him back. He just wanted to check in on you. It was sweet and thoughtful.
The second week was harder. You had never gone so long without seeing Jihoon before, even when the two of you broke up in college, and it was a lot more difficult than you had anticipated. You found yourself missing him as each day passed. You caught yourself subconsciously about to call him numerous times and instead called Soonyoung.
You began responding to Jeonghan during the second week. You answered his messages and thanked him for thinking about you and asked how he was doing. He was always the gentleman and made sure to check if you were okay. You told him you were okay. You lied to him. You weren't okay.
The third week was quite possibly the worst of your life. You cried a lot. You cried whenever you weren't with Soonyoung or at work. You answered less and less of Jeonghan's texts, citing a larger workload along with apartment hunting. He never questioned you.
Going on the fourth week, a month since Jihoon had kicked you out, you decided to use some of your vacation days and take a break from work. Soonyoung was all for the idea. He offered to take some days off to spend more time with you but you dismissed him, telling him you were fine and not to worry.
You lied to him, too. You definitely weren't fine. You were worse than last week. You cried even more, locking yourself in the bathroom so Yeonji wouldn't see you cry but that didn't stop her from tears you. She approached you one day when she got home from work, a bottle of your favorite wine in hand.
“Are you comfortable?” she asked and you looked up at her. She held two glasses and the bottle of wine. You nodded slowly. Yeonji climbed over you and settled into the corner of the couch nest you had made yourself. “I have two of these bottles. I'm off tomorrow and I don't have anything to do, so we're drinking both of these,” she said handing you the glasses.
You took them so she could open the bottle. She popped the cork and reached for one of the glasses. You handed it back and she filled it before filling the one you held. She set the bottle on the end table beside her and turned back to you, holding out her glass.
You clinked your glass against hers in a silent cheers before raising the glass to your lips and taking a sip. The two of you sat in silence, enjoying the taste of the wine before she spoke. “How many times?” she asked softly and you raised your eyes to meet hers questioningly. “I'm not deaf, (Y/N). I lost count how many times I've heard you crying in the bathroom.”
You let out a nervous laugh and lowered your gaze to the glass in your hands, your fingers playing with the stem of the wineglass. “I've lost count too,” you admitted quietly. Yeonji took another sip, letting out a sigh. “Are you going to tell me what happened? What kind of mess have you gotten yourself into this time?” Yeonji asked and you winced at her tone. Mess?
You turned to her. “It's… complicated,” you said, a frown settling on your face. Yeonji leaned back against the pillows and raised an eyebrow. “Try me,” she said raising the glass to her lips.
Three glasses later, she was kicking your knee. “You big dummy! Of course Ji has been in love with you this entire time. He gets those stupid heart eyes every time you open your mouth to speak. He practically worships the ground you walk on,” she said with a scoff, gulping down the rest of her wine before reaching for the new bottle.
“So basically everyone knew but me?” you asked with a scowl. Yeonji nodded as she poured more wine. “I guess so, buttercup,” Yeonji said setting the bottle of wine back on the coffee table. You groaned loudly setting you empty glass on the table and covering your face with your hands.
“Why the fuck am I so stupid?” you shouted. Yeonji let out a laugh and you glared at her. “I'm sorry, (Y/N), but you really didn't know? When it's so obvious? Was your head really that far up this Jeonghan guy's ass?” Yeonji said, snorting into her glass as she bright it up for another sip. You groaned in disgust.
“I don't need your bullshit, Yeonji. I'm not gonna sit here and let you insult me,” you said angrily. Yeonji's smile fell immediately. “I'm sorry, sweetie. I didn't think it bothers you that much. Besides, you and Ji tried this before and it didn't work, right? So why not give Jeonghan a chance? He seems like a good guy from what you've told me.”
You shrugged. You weren’t sure anymore. What you felt for Jeonghan was real, but what about what you felt for Jihoon? Your best friend. Perhaps the reason you were so upset was because you still loved him. You shook your head, banishing the thoughts from your mind, hazy from the alcohol.
“Pour me another glass,” you demanded grabbing your glass and holding out for Yeonji who obliged with a smile. You took a long gulp of the liquid, enjoying the way it tasted and even more, the way it clouded your mind, pushing all thoughts away. Until it was too late.
The last thing you remembered was Yeonji pouring you another glass. Suddenly, you were avoiding her by rushing around the couch with your phone in hand trying to find Jihoon’s number. “I’m gonna tell him he’s being stupid!” you said, your words slurring. “Don’t (Y/N). You’ll regret it. Just give me the phone!” Yeonji said grabbing for you but in her own drunken state, she missed and you made a dash for the bathroom, shutting and locking the door.
She banged on the door a couple times while you searched your phone. You found what you were looking for. Hoonie. You pressed the little green phone next to his name and raised the phone to your ear. You could hear Yeonji muffled through the door, probably telling you to unlock it, but you didn’t care. You focused on the task at hand: calling your best friend stupid. He needed to know.
It rang a few times, for what felt like forever before the ringing stopped and a groggy voice answered, “hello?” You sat upright. “Ji?” you asked softly. There was a pause before he spoke. “(Y/N)?” he asked and you sighed. “You must have been sleeping. You never look at the caller id when you’re sleeping,” you said and Jihoon cut you off. “Yeah. I was sleeping. What do you want?” his tone took you by surprised. It was curt and harsh. In your drunken state, you had half forgotten he was mad at you.
What happened next surprised both of you. You burst into tears, sobbing into the receiver of the phone. Jihoon fell silent on the other side. “(Y/N)? Calm down, talk to me,” he said a little clearer over the phone. “What’s wrong?” he asked. He sounded worried. Your mouth moved faster than your brain. “You’re so stupid, Jihoon. I’m so stupid. Why am I so stupid?” you sobbed in between the words.
You heard Jihoon sigh, and no doubt he had pinched the bridge of his nose. “(Y/N), you’re not stupid. Well, you kind of are, but that’s besides the point. What are you being stupid about?” he asked and you took a deep breath. “Everything. You, Jeonghan, me, all of it. I’m a big dumb idiot and I ruined everything,” you cried into the phone. Jihoon fell silent. “I--” he said before stopping himself. “I’m gonna send Soonyoung over there, you don’t need to be alone like this and if you’re this drunk, Yeonji can’t be far behind you. I don’t want you to do anything stupid,” he said but you cut him off.
“I don’t want Soonyoung,” you said stubbornly. “I want you here, you idiot.” You heard a sharp intake of breath. “(Y/N)...” he warned but you ignored it. “I want you here you idiot. I love you. I’ve always loved you. Just get over here please. I need to see you,” you said softly, you sobs turning into hiccups.
Jihoon was silent for a long time, so long you thought he had hung up but then he spoke. “What did you say?” he asked softly. “I love you,” you repeated, knowing he needed to hear it again. He was quiet again. “You’re just saying that,” he accused and you burst into tears again. “I’m drunk, Ji. Do you really think I could lie to you right now? I fucking love you, you stupid idiot. Please, just come see me.”
Jihoon sighed and you heard the rustling of the sheets as he moved around. “Okay, leave your location on. I’ll get dressed and head over. Don’t you dare fall asleep before I get there, you understand me?” he said sternly and you nodded, and realizing he couldn’t see you, added, “yes.”
“I’m gonna hang up now, okay? I’ll be there soon.” He hung up and you lowered your phone to your lap. Yeonji had gone silent on the other side of the door. You got up from the toilet seat and unlocked the door slowly. Peering out into the dark hallway, you saw it was empty. You checked the front room and found it also empty. You checked the bedroom, where you found Yeonji, passed out on top of the sheets.You closed the door and returned to the front room and straightened up the couch to the best of your abilities. The clock read 1:43 am and you checked your phone.
Jihoon hadn’t texted you yet. You sighed, feeling the onset of sleep but refusing to succumb to it. You forced yourself to stay awake for Jihoon. He should have been there any minute. Ten minutes turned into twenty, twenty into fourty. An hour had passed by when you heard your phone go off. You snatched it off the coffee table. It was Jihoon. “Let me in.” You set your phone down and rushed to the door, peering through the peephole.
Jihoon stood outside. He was dressed in a pair of charcoal joggers, a sweater with his winter coat over it. His hair was a mess, presumably from rolling out of bed and hurrying over. You unlocked the door and opened it. Jihoon’s eyes met yours and before you could stop them, tears welled up in your eyes. Jihoon pushed the door open the rest of the way before pulling you into his arms.
“Why the hell are you crying?” he hissed, burying his face in your hair. You sobbed softly as he held you. “Stop crying, you idiot,” Jihoon laughed. He pulled back and took your face in his hands. “You’re so stupid,” he said softly and you let out a mix between a sob and a laugh. “Come here,” he said, pulling you back into a hug. The two of you stood there in front of the open door.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered but he shushed you. “Don’t. Not right now. Let me just be here,” he said before turning to shut the door and lock it. “Where are you sleeping?” he asked and you looked over your shoulder at the couch. Jihoon sighed. “That can’t be comfortable,” he murmured and you shrugged. “It’s better than the streets,” you commented as you walked over to your makeshift bed.
Jihoon turned you to face him. “You know I would never let that happen. I was just… I was mad. I told you how I felt and you just seemed to brush my feelings aside and dismiss them. And then I saw you with Jeonghan and I got jealous. I wanted you for myself and when he had you in ways I couldn’t, I snapped. It was a rash decision to kick you out and I have never felt worse in my life for doing that.”
Jihoon sat you on the couch, kneeling on the floor in front of you. “I don’t deserve your forgiveness, I know that. I’ve been selfish. But I am truly sorry for how I behaved, how I acted, and how I treated you.” He reached up and cupped your cheek. “I am so, so sorry (Y/N).” You placed your hand on top of his, tears still flowing freely and you gave him a weak smile.
“You don’t have to apologize,” you said and Jihoon shook his head. “I’m the one at fault here. I did brush your feelings aside. I was scared. I was scared if we tried again and it didn’t work that I would lose you forever and I couldn’t stand the idea of losing you Ji, you’re too important for me. I love you too much.” Jihoon took your face between both of his hands again and pulled you in, pressing his lips against yours. Your heart hammered against your ribs.
The kiss was short lived when Jihoon pulled back. “You’re drunk. I shouldn’t do that,” he said. You took his hands and pulled him up on the couch as you laid back. “(Y/N),” he warned but you silenced him with a kiss. “I don’t want that, I’m just really tired. So just lay here with me,” you said. Jihoon laid on the edge, trapping you between him and the back of his couch.
He pulled you tight against him. “Wait, your coat,” you said and he shook his head. “I’m fine,” he whispered, pressing his lips against your forehead. “Go to sleep, (Y/N). We’ll talk in the morning,” he said. You closed your eyes, feeling the warmth from his embrace seep into your skin. Slumber came to you quickly thanks to the alcohol and the last thing you remember saying was “I love you.”
You heard Jihoon sigh in response, “I love you, too.”
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You woke the next morning to Jihoon still holding you against him, his face buried in your hair. You groggily began to look around before you heard a loud “ahem!” Your eyes snapped open and you looked up. Peering over the back of the couch was Yeonji. She had a smirk on her face. You grimaced at her before she rolled her eyes and moved to the kitchen to make her morning cup of coffee.
While she bustled about, Jihoon began stirring. He opened his eyes, blinking a few times before he settled on you. A small smile broke on his face and you couldn’t help the one that appeared on yours. “Good morning you two,” Yeonji said from the kitchen. Jihoon peered over the arm of the couch at her. “Morning,” he called in a deep hoarse voice. “Sorry I spent the night without permission,” he added as he attempted to sit up. Yeonji waved her hand as she poured coffee into three mugs.
“Don’t worry about it. I’m sure it was for the best,” she said setting the coffee pot back on the heater. She opened the fridge and pulled out the creamer. “I poured coffee for you guys but I don’t make breakfast. That’s (Y/N)’s domain,” she said as she poured creamer into her mug and added sugar. Jihoon had taken his coat off at some point in the night. He got up and headed into the kitchen.
“She’s too hungover. I’ll do it,” he said and started looking through the cabinets for cookware. “Skillets are in this drawer,” Yeonji said lifting her cup to her lips and taking a sip as she watched Jihoon pull out two skillets. “I keep the fridge stocked so everything is in there,” she added. Jihoon opened the door to the refrigerator and pulled out a carton of eggs and package of bacon.
“Do you want toast?” he called to you in the living area. You looked up and nodded slowly. “How do you like your coffee?” Yeonji asked moving to fix the other two mugs. You got to your feet and headed over. “I’ll do it,” you said and squeezed between the two. You added the sugar and creamer to yours and Jihoon’s cups and stirred them before testing them. You pushed one mug toward Jihoon and lifted your own. “I’m gonna run a few errands,” Yeonji said downing the rest of her coffee.
You turned to her and she winked when Jihoon wasn’t looking. “I’ll be back in a few hours,” she added. You looked away from her prying eyes. “You don’t want breakfast?” Jihoon asked and she shook her head. “I’ll grab something while I’m out. You two enjoy though!” Yeonji said as she headed to the door, pulling on her coat and slipping on her boots. “I’ll be back later!” And with that, she left.
You leaned against the counter, silence falling over you and Jihoon. “She seems….” Jihoon started. “Annoying,” you finished and Jihoon laughed. “I’m just glad you said it,” he replied putting bacon in the skillet. You snorted into your mug. “She’s a good friend. She is annoying though,” you admitted. Jihoon lifted his mug to his lips and took a sip of his coffee. “You make my coffee better than I do,” he sighed and you smiled, a soft blush dusting your cheeks. “About last night,” you started. Jihoon shook his head. “Don’t. It’s fine. I meant what I said last night and I know you did too,” he said.
You nodded, glad you didn’t have to explain any further.
After breakfast, you hopped in the shower, cleaning off quickly. You stepped out, wrapped in a towel and opened the bathroom door. “The water’s still going if you want to hop in!” you called. You heard Jihoon’s footsteps as he headed down the hall and stepped into the bathroom. His eyes landed on you and he turned away. “Sorry,” he said softly and you laughed. “It’s nothing you haven’t seen before,” you murmured and couldn’t help notice the smirk on his face.
You left the bathroom, handing Jihoon a fresh towel and grabbed your clothes. “Enjoy,” you said jokingly. Jihoon snorted and shut the door. You headed to Yeonji’s room and finished drying off and got dressed. By the time you were done, Jihoon had finished his shower. You opened the door to hang up your towel and were greeted by Jihoon naked except a towel around his waist. You cleared your throat and hung up your towel before quickly exiting. You could have sworn you heard him chuckle.
When he entered the living room, he had dressed and was drying his hair. “I should head home. Soonyoung asked where I was going last night and I kind of brushed him off. I’ll come back later and get you.” he said and you looked up at him from your seat on the couch. Jihoon’s eyes landed on your confused expression. “I’m not going to let you sleep on that couch anymore. The only thing that made sleeping on it last night bearable was you,” he said before folding the towel he was using to dry his hair and held it up. “Hamper?” he asked. You nodded toward the hall closet. “In there.”
Jihoon deposited his towel and made his way toward you. He grabbed his coat off the back of the couch and leaned down, pressing his lips to your forehead. “I’ll call you when I’m on my way back,” he mumbled against your forehead. You smiled and looked up as he pulled away. “Okay, I’ll start packing my stuff,” you said standing up to walk him to the door. Jihoon stopped to wrap an arm around your waist, pulling you into him and pressing another kiss, this time to your cheek.
He opened the door and stepped out into the hall, you shutting the door behind him. When he left, he took your heart with him and you finally knew where you stood. Now you had to talk to Jeonghan. A talk you were dreading.
Your thumb hovered over the little green call button, trying to determine how to proceed. It's now or never. You have to talk to him, girl. Set things straight. You pressed the button and took a deep breath before holding the phone to your ear.
It rang twice before Jeonghan answered. “Hello?” He said in a chipper voice. Always so happy. Your heart hurt. Regardless of your feelings for Jihoon, you still liked Jeonghan and didn't want to hurt him. “Hey,” you said softly. “How are you doing?” Jeonghan asked. “I'm okay,” you admitted. “I was wondering if we could meet up somewhere,” you added.
“Of course! I’m not home right now, but I can meet you somewhere close to where you’re staying,” Jeonghan said. You stood up and started to clean up and pack. “Sure! There’s a little cafe downstairs in the same building I’m in. I’ll text you the address and we can meet there in say, an hour?” you asked. You heard the sound of a car door open and close on his end. “Sure! I’m leaving for the store now but send me the address and I’ll be there in an hour.” You said bye and hung up.
After texting the address to Jeonghan, you finished packing up your clothes, making sure to check the hampers for anything you might have missed. Once you were satisfied that everything was packed, you got ready to go out and meet Jeonghan. You locked up the apartment and headed down. Once on street level, you entered the cafe and found an empty seat in the corner. You checked your phone for the time. He would be there any minute.
You took several deep breaths trying to calm your nerves as time ticked on. Finally your screen lit up. A text from Jeonghan, indicating he was here. You shot a text back telling him you were waiting inside. A few minutes later, the door to the cafe opened and Jeonghan entered. His eyes found you and a smile lit up his face, making your heart hurt.
He approached you and sat opposite of you, removing his coat beforehand. “This is a nice little spot,” he said taking in the atmosphere. You smiled and looked down at the table. “So, what’s up?” he asked leaning forward, folding his arms on the table. You glanced up, finding his eyes instantly. It sent a chill through your body. You took a deep breath before you launched into an explanation.
“I like you. I really do Jeonghan. I like spending time with you, I like being with you, I like the cute texts you send me,” you started and a smile formed on Jeonghan’s face. “But?” he asked and you hesitated. How did he know? He chuckled. “Oh come on,” he said lightly. “I’m not stupid, (Y/N). You like me, but you love him. I can tell. He’s been in your life longer. He’s had more time with you. It’s obvious you love him,” Jeonghan said and you looked down at your hands on the table.
“I’m not mad. A little upset because I do like you. I really like you but my feelings can’t compete with the love Jihoon has for you. I know that now. And I’m okay with that. Really,” he added looking at your expression. “All I ask is that you remain my friend. I may not need to be with you but I don’t want you to cut me off completely. I think we would be great friends, (Y/N).” You smiled and nodded.
“I think that would be nice. Start over as friends,” you agreed. Jeonghan smiled and reached across the table, extending his hand. You took it and shook it. “Friends,” he said, as if sealing a deal. “So, are you looking for an apartment?” he asked and you nodded. “I’ve been looking but nothing has popped up in my price range nearby. I don’t want to move out of the city. I like being here and being close to everything.” Jeonghan nodded. “I’ll let you know if I hear about anything nearby,” he said and you thanked him. The two of you continued to talk until your phone buzzed. A text from Jihoon.
“I should head out. I have to get back to the apartment,” Jeonghan said standing up. You stood too, grabbing your coat as he put his on. He turned to you and pulled you into a friendly hug. “I’ll see you around, (Y/N),” he said and with that he departed, leaving out the front door. You opened your messages to find Jihoon’s text asking if you were ready. As you were preparing to reply, Jihoon’s face flashed across your screen. He was calling you.
Answering with a laugh you held the phone to your ear. “I was about to text you back,” you said as you put your coat on and headed out onto the sidewalk. “Too slow,” Jihoon’s voice said playfully. “Where are you? Are you packed?” he asked and you rolled your eyes. “Yes. I’ll meet you downstairs since I’m down here already,” you said watching traffic as it passed by.
“Why aren’t you upstairs? It’s cold outside,” Jihoon said and you laughed. “I’m a big girl, Ji,” you reminded him as you walked along the curb slowly before you looked up and saw his car at the intersection, waiting for the light to change so he could make the turn. “I met Jeonghan to talk. I wanted to talk to him face to face,” you said as you waited for the light to change. “I see you by the way,” you added and when Jihoon looked over you waved at him.
A smile broke out as the light changed and he started to move, following the lines on the pavement. Everything happened in slow motion. You saw the truck run the red light as Jihoon made the turn and you knew what was about to happen before it did. You stood frozen as the truck hit Jihoon’s side with an deafening crash. All sound seemed to cease the moment the truck made contact. The two vehicles coasted for a bit before coming to a stop. Your legs moved before your brain had time to keep up. You raced over to the scene as the driver of the truck stumbled out of his vehicle.
Several onlookers had their phones out, calling the police, some recording the incident. You pulled open the passenger door of Jihoon’s car where he sat unconscious in the driver seat, his head back against the headrest, blood trickling down the side of his face. You looked around, trying to figure out what to do. After what felt like seconds but what was probably minutes, an ambulance came screeching to a halt, siren blaring as a few cop cars pulled up on the scene to direct traffic and began questioning passerbys.
The paramedics made their way over to attend the situation. You were checked over, despite insisting you were fine. You weren’t in the accident but your best friend was hurt. Another ambulance arrived and the paramedics made their way over to the truck and its passengers. Jihoon was checked over but the paramedics needed to move the truck so they could get him out and into the ambulance.
You waited by the curb as a firetruck appeared, the men inside getting out to respond. They waited until the truck was cleared and then they pushed it back out of the way. The door on Jihoon’s side was completely smashed in, refusing to open. They used a cutting tool to remove the door and threw that aside. The paramedics were able to reach Jihoon, who still hadn’t woken up. They checked his neck, his legs and prepared a gurney for him.
It took two paramedics and a firefighter to pull him out of the car carefully and place him on the gurney. You waited patiently as they strapped Jihoon in, putting a neck brace on him before they wheeled him over to the waiting ambulance. You stepped in, asking if you could ride with him. The paramedic gave you the once over before nodding, remembering you had been in the car when they got there. You sat out of the way as the ambulance hauled it out of the intersection and made its way to the hospital. You were aware of the tight grip you had on your phone and remembered that Soonyoung was home, waiting for you and Jihoon to arrive. You would call him later.
The ambulance arrived at the ER entrance and you hopped out when the doors were opened. Jihoon was lifted out of the ambulance and wheeled into the ER. You followed closely behind as they brought him in and one of the paramedics had you stop by the front desk to fill out his information. You sat in the waiting room, filling out the information to the best of your abilities before handing the clipboard back to the nurse. It was at this point you pulled out your phone to call Soonyoung.
He picked up on the second ring. “Hey, roomie~” he started to say but you cut him off with tears. “(Y/N), what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” Soonyoung asked, suddenly serious. “Soonyoung,” you began with a sob. You couldn’t get the words out. They were there, on the tip of your tongue but they wouldn’t come out. “(Y/N)?” Soonyoung‘s voice asked and finally, you broke.
“There’s been an accident.”
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p.s: W O W. I’m a terrible person lmao. S U F F E R. I love angst so much haha. Yell at me. I love it. bwahahahahaha!! I know it seems like they made up quickly, and maybe the did, but a month did pass before he spoke to her again. So I actually merged my original plots for parts 8 and 9 together to make this part so we have 1 part left; part 9. I might still make an epilogue to show the future but we’ll see.
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sympathetichorror · 5 years
OKAY i got a couple of responses so here’s the first chapter of my WIP tentatively titled “little stranger!”
i’d love comment/critiques but please be kind
[word count: 3,034]
Dad bought Mikey the Rickenbacker for his tenth birthday, back in ‘64. The Beatles had hit it big and Mikey had decided that he wanted to be a rockstar too, so without hesitation or any real kind of money in his pockets, Dad went down to a music shop in Austin and picked up the same kind of guitar that George Harrison wielded. At the time, Dad had given up hope on making Mikey into a sports star, so he decided to try to make him a rockstar. Rock music was masculine in Dad’s eyes, and if Mikey was a big man rock star who could pull in girls like those English boys did, even with their floppy hair, then the rumors about Mikey being light in the loafers couldn’t be true.
But Mikey, being Mikey, was over the rockstar dream by the time he unwrapped the guitar on his birthday, much to Dad’s ire and disappointment. The guitar got hung on the wall of abandoned dreams in the basement, alongside Mikey’s old baseball glove, football helmet, and cleats. I was only six at the time, but I used to sneak down in the basement all the time to steal glances at the mystical instrument, which hung just high enough to be out of my little reach, not that my fingers were big enough to do anything with it. By the time I grew tall enough to be able to take it off the wall, Dad gave in and let me have it.
He didn’t want me to have it at first because he didn’t see the guitar as a “ladylike” instrument, but once he realized that Mikey was never going to be the guy in the letterman with a beauty queen on his arm, he didn’t care anymore. An unladylike daughter was bad, but significantly less bad than a queer son. He already had a queer son, so what was the harm in letting me, the often ignored second child, be a little unladylike?
That guitar was the only thing I took with me when I went to New York to try to find Mikey. Well, I took some clothes and all the money I’d saved up babysitting, but nothing else besides those necessities and the guitar. I didn’t want anything else. I wanted to leave everything behind in Lampasas to die in the Texas heat - the bullying, the rumors, the cruelty, Mom’s bruises, Dad’s growing pile of empty beer cans, all of it.
Mom might not have been able to gather the guts to save herself, but I was determined not to let myself have the same fate as her. So at seventeen, fresh out of high school and full of teen angst, I took a bus up to New York City to try to find my brother, who’d disappeared into the concrete jungle four years ago, just after he got out of school.
It took a while, but I did manage to find Mikey, though he now went by the name Oscar and was nearly completely unrecognizable from the brother I’d once known. At the same time, he never looked more like himself, even if himself looked rather ridiculous in leather and feathers and unkempt hair. He was an artist now. He’d been fronting a band for the past couple of years, a band that was the even poorer man’s version of the New York Dolls, but he was having a ball nonetheless.
That was two years ago. Now, Oscar was deep in a heroin addiction, unable to do anything but turn tricks and shoot up. I was the breadwinner of our little fucked up household, bringing in the money for everything other than drugs. I was the artist now, though I wouldn’t know if I’d call myself that necessarily. I fronted my own little punk group and I did my own shit my own way, and that was all I’d say about myself.
“I’m heading out!” I called to Oscar through the bathroom door. “You good?”
“I’m good!” Oscar yelled back throatily.
There was no doubt that he was in there slumped over the toilet, either from being too doped up or not doped up enough. I didn’t know which it was and I didn’t really care. So long as he wasn’t dead as I was leaving, I didn’t care. I probably should care more about my brother and his current state of absolute drug addiction, but at this point, I couldn’t. I’d cared too much for too long, and I’d learned that if he didn’t care, I couldn’t care either.
With that, I threw my guitar over my back and headed out of our little shithole apartment. For a New York apartment on the budget we had, the place really wasn’t that bad - but rats and mold and pushers still filled the place. If only Ma knew where we were living...she’d probably keel over just hearing a description of it.
But Ma wasn’t here. She was back in Lampasas with her bruises and probably more broken bones at this point. I called her once in awhile to let her know that I was doing okay and that Mikey had yet to die. I didn’t bother to tell her that he’d changed his name and become nearly totally unrecognizable from the son she’d last seen almost four years ago now. She’d had enough heartbreak in her life thus far. I didn’t need to add to it. Besides, that was Oscar’s story to tell her, if he ever got the guts and decency to call home sometime. He never had, not even once, since moving to New York.
“Hey, what took you so long?” Lenny asked.
I glanced down at my watch, then looked up to my bandmate and said, “I’m five minutes late. It’s only five past eight; that’s hardly late at all.”
“Yeah, but you’re hardly ever late,” he reminded me, keeping up with my strides as we hit the Manhattan streets.
We were too broke to afford cabs unless we were buddies with the drivers, so we walked the city for the most part.
“Well maybe you should find something to do to occupy your time other than hanging out around my building waiting for me,” I suggested with a wink.
Lenny rolled his eyes, but laughed. “Hey, things have been rough since I got kicked out of Marcia’s place.”
“I can’t be sorry for you for that,” I said, tucking my hands into the pockets of my beat up leather jacket. “You’re the one who decided to fuck her best friend on the floor at her place...you kinda deserved that one.”
“Yeah, but I mean, I never told her that we were like, a thing,” he told me, trying to justify his actions. Seeing the serious side-eye I was giving him, he sighed and relented, “Still, I guess I coulda told her that we weren’t.”
“Exactly,” I said.
We walked in silence for a bit, only the sounds of the ever-rowdy city filling our ears.
“You still think I’m a piece of shit for that, don’t you?” Lenny pressed.
His expression was serious - he was genuinely concerned that he’d permanently tainted my opinion of him. Lenny was the one of the closest things I had to a best friend. That position used to be occupied by my brother, until he went and fucked himself all up. He was definitely my best guy friend and my favorite guy out of the three of them who played in my little “band” with me. We both had similar stupid senses of humor and not-so-secretly harbored major loves for David Bowie. Lenny said he was the only guy he’d go gay for, and I couldn’t fault him for that.
We’d went and seen Bowie with Iggy Pop and Blondie a couple of weeks ago at the Palladium, and Lenny had nearly shit himself out of excitement and arousal. I was just as excited, of course, but I had a much better poker face than he did.
“I don’t think you’re a piece of shit, I think you did a really shitty thing,” I clarified. I gave him a small smile, seeing as he was still desperately waiting for my approval. “But that can be remedied...you can always learn from your actions. Just no more treating women like shit, right?”
“Right,” he nodded eagerly. “I won’t sleep around and I’ll--”
“You can sleep around,” I interjected. Seeing his surprised expression, I added, “As long as you’re being safe about it and you’re telling girls that they shouldn’t get their hopes up, that is.”
“Right,” Lenny said again. “Will do, Kathy.”
“Good,” I said. “The last thing the city needs is another misogynistic asshole in a band.”
That got him to laugh, which I was glad. I laughed alongside him as we rounded the corner to go into the back entrance of CBGB’s, the one reserved for the ‘artists’ that would grace their stage. We were one of those groups that got to use the door, though we weren’t big names like the people we opened for. Then again, in the grand scheme of things, we weren’t even that big.
“Jesus Christ, Kathy, don’t you have better clothes to wear than those in the middle of winter?” questioned Terry G., one of the bouncers/security guys. He was far beefier than he was brainy - I doubted he even had the brains to play ‘Blitzkrieg Bop’ - but he was a nice guy nonetheless.
“Naw, I’m fine,” I told him with a polite smile.
“Your lips are turning blue,” he informed me. “And your cheeks are all chapped.”
He was right, but I brushed him off, repeating myself, “I’m fine, really. A little cold never bothered me.”
Lie. That was a big fat lie. The thing I hated the most about New York was the cold. I loved the cool autumns, the mild springs, and even the sticky city summers, but the frigid winters were the one thing that made me miss Texas.
“Well, either way, you guys should get inside,” Terry G. said. “The other two Black Eyes are in there waiting for you.”
“Thanks,” Lenny said, speaking for the two of us as we hopped the couple of stairs into the building.
By the other two Black Eyes, Terry G. meant the other two guys that played in our little band, Phil and Keith. Phil was on the bass, Keith was on second guitar, Lenny was on the drums, and I was on guitar and vocal duties. We were quite an odd foursome, having come together after our stints in other bands didn’t work out. Phil was hanging onto the New York Dolls look with his platforms, scarves, and eyeliner, while Keith dressed more like an accountant, in button downs and ill-fitting blazers. Lenny was the one who went the most wild with his punk style, loving the safety pin and spikes look, enjoying sticking up his hair with loads of Aquanet, and always working on bettering his impression of Johnny Thunders with that lip curl thing.
I, the lone female in the band, was also the most boring looking, except for my Kool Aid red hair. I’d cut it all off when I moved to New York, and now that it was long enough to graze my shoulders again, I’d decided to go a little crazy with the dye. I didn’t love it, but I didn’t hate it either, so we were working with it. Lenny and the guys were insistent that I keep it for a while - they said it was good for our image, that it made me stick out, which was exactly the reason that I kind of, sort of hated it.
“I always thought it’d be a cold day in hell when the two of you showed up after the two of us,” Phil joked as we entered the green room. He had a cigarette dangling from his teeth and bright blue glitter accentuating his eyes.
“It is like negative ten out,” I informed him dryly. “So that might have something to do with it.”
It was March, almost April. It shouldn’t have been this fucking cold still, but it was, and I hated the cold more and more each day.
“Haha,” Phil deadpanned. “Funny.”
“Are my drums all set up already?” Lenny asked. He helped himself to one of the beers in the cooler in the corner of the room, downing half of it in on impressive swig.
“Yeah, Keith and I took care of ‘em,” Phil nodded. We kept our spare equipment at Phil and Keith’s place, since they were the only ones with any space to put all of it. “We’re just waiting for someone to tell us it’s time to go out there and do the damn thing...unless you wanna do a quick soundcheck?”
The question was rhetorical, and he knew that. I shook my head to verify, though. I wasn’t one for soundchecks. That was too much effort, and unnecessary effort when playing at a place like CBGB’s. The louder and fuzzier, the better, or so I’d found.
“Hello hello, shiners,” came an all too familiar voice.
Before I knew it, I was being squashed in a hug by Ray. Every time I saw him I was shocked by how tall he was, more than a foot taller than me, to be specific. I should’ve been used to it by now, after everything, but I wasn’t. I lingered in his arms for a moment, taking note of his old familiar scent that I still loved - Camels, Pabst, and a dash of that cologne I couldn’t remember the name of.
“Hey, thanks again for asking us to open for you,” I said as he released me from the hug.
He pressed a light kiss to the top of my head before completely separating himself from me, something he still did everytime we saw each other, despite having been broken up for four months and some odd days. I’d been keeping track of the days for some time without really meaning to, but I quit when Lenny told me I should forget about it and try to move on to a new dick.
“Of course,” Ray said. He grinned down at me, his dark eyes glassy. He must’ve shot up not too long ago. “If I can’t have you playing with me, I’ll have you open for me, anytime, gladly.”
“Thanks,” I said. Glancing to Phil and Lenny, I said, “We all really appreciate it.”
That was true. Ray’s band, Raymond Garbage and the Trash Junkies, always pulled a big crowd. Their crowds were the good kind too - the people who really loved the punk scene for what it was, not the posers who crept it to check out what the whole ‘punk’ thing was all about. Ray and the guys were good, but their sound wasn’t the kind of sound the punk inspectors came to see, nor were we. Those curious spectators came for the Ramones or Blondie, not the Trash Junkies and the Black Eyes.
“‘Course,” Ray assured us, but mostly me. “Someday I’ll be opening for you guys.”
“I doubt it,” I said. “But that’s a nice sentiment.”
“It’ll happen,” Ray said. He flashed me that charming smile of his that’d won me over, rubbing at his eye. “Excuse me, shiners, I’ve gotta hit the little boys’ room before you go on.”
With that, he made his exit, much to my disappointment. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t wish that Ray and I were still together. I didn’t know if I loved him anymore in a romantic kind of sense, but I missed him. Sure, I saw him all the time and in reality we were closer than ever, albeit in a platonic way, but I still missed what we had. I missed waking up in his bed with my head on his chest and his fingers in my hair, and how we stayed up all night talking about Nietzsche or reading Vonnegut novels to each other.
“We need to get you fucked by someone,” Phil said, breaking the silence left in Ray’s wake.
“I’ve been getting fucked by plenty of people,” I said.
That was true. Since breaking up with Ray, I’d become just as promiscuous as anyone out here on the Bowery. Well, maybe not just as promiscuous. I refused anyone who refused a condom, which ended half of my encounters before they could ever happen. Still, I’d shared a bed with more people - mostly men, a couple of women - than I bothered to keep track of. A few weeks ago, I truly realized that the promiscuity thing just wasn’t for me. I was a monogamist at heart, and I’d learned that the hard way. I hadn’t stopped sleeping around, though. Once you got in the cycle, it was hard to get out of it.
“Clearly it hasn’t been good, though,” Phil replied. “Or else you wouldn’t keep on staring at Ray like he’s some sort of messiah.”
“She doesn’t wanna get fucked, she wants a nice guy to settle down with,” Keith chimed in, emerging into the room. His gray tartan blazer was so oversized that it was bordering on ridiculous. He stopped and thought about it for a moment, and said, “No, maybe you don’t want to settle down now, but you get what I mean.”
“What I need is to not date for a while,” I sighed. I flipped my guitar so it hung around me the right way, absentmindedly fingering out my arpeggios.
“Amen to that, babe,” Phil said, holding his bottle of gin up to me in praise.
He, Keith, and Lenny all took long gulps of their drinks. Lenny finished his entire beer, slamming the can into the wall. I was the only one not drinking, per usual. I was damn near being a teetotaler, something I got a lot of loving shit for around here.
“Black Eyes, you’re up,” said one of the CBGB employees, ducking their head into the room. “And just a heads up - you’ve got a bit of an unruly crowd out there tonight.”
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