#it was literally only 10 dollars but i can't let myself become someone who buys art supplies and lets it sit around 😫
autistic-shaiapouf · 1 year
Got knockoff copic markers and a shitton of gel pens from 5 below and I better COMMIT to my art after that
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speakingagain · 4 months
I am 24 years old. So far, being in my 20's I have learned quite a bit. First off, you think you know anything about life, you're wrong. Especially when you are just becoming an adult.
Second, your 20's will not be the best years of your life. Literally everyone lied about it. Being an adult sucks, and it doesn't get better. You just learn to manage it better.
Your 20's are just your era to actually figure out what you're going to do with your life and who you are as a person.
Here's what I have learned so far about life and myself:
1) Coffee is my addiction and I have no plans on getting rid of it. If I could, I'd replace my blood with a cold brew.
2) I'm worth more than I have ever thought, and I only learned this because others valued me less than I should have been.
3) Milk is expensive. Gas is expensive. Paint is expensive. Existing is expensive.
4) No matter how appealing it is to hit someone, I would NOT thrive in jail. Even if they deserve it.
5) I have serious issues letting go of things. Physically, or emotionally. I hold grudges. And I keep shit I don't need. I actually have an entire box of shit from people I hate that I refuse to get rid of purely because I want to burn it, but I have no way of doing that safely unless I go up to my family cabin which is a hour away and has other members of my family there pretty much all the time and I'm not about that.
6) I want to be an extrovert but I genuinely hate people and I don't think that will ever change.
7) I got drunk and ate an edible once before a work Christmas party for a job I got laid off from a week before and went as a plus one for someone. Apparently people were highly concerned about me because I was talking so much.
8) People genuinely don't give a shit about what you're doing. More often than not, they find you amusing or slightly annoying. And they go on about their day. Do the weird thing you love, because it makes you happy. Even if you get weird stares. It's worth it.
9) I like cleaning and having things clean. But I hate having to clean. Having a clean space has scientific research behind it, stating that it helps improve your mental state. Do I know this very well? Yup. Do I actually keep my shit clean? Hell no.
10) Your mom will tell you that you're an adult and don't need a mother anymore and then when she wants you to do something you don't want to do, she will say, "I am your mother" to get you to do it.
11) My mom is the coolest person ever because she will vape THC with me (medical purposes duh) before bed and then sit on the balcony and laugh and giggle while staring at the stars with me. It is one of my favorite things to do with her and I really hate the fact that winter doesn't allow that.
12) Your shitty job that doesn't pay you a livable wage genuinely doesn't give a fuck about you. You can get better jobs with little to no experience that pay you well and offers decent benefits. Just quit applying to anything that focuses on customer service and the like.
13) Everyone is dead inside in Walmart. Everyone.
14) Promoting people who are being rude in stores (looking at you Karen) to use their words and ask for what they need is either going to get them to behave like an adult or royally piss them off. Either way, it's hilarious.
15) If you're starting off with nothing and money is tight, the dollar store has literally everything required to start up your kitchen.
15a) do not buy a can opener from the dollar store. It will break every time you use it. Spend a few extra bucks and go to Walmart or target.
15b) thrift stores sells random bundles of kitchen ware for like $2. I once found a $400 set of kitchen knives for $8 that just needed sharpened and CAME WITH THE SHARPENER.
16) If you can't afford to do something nice for yourself every once in a while like go get your nails done or a new pair of sneakers or whatever floats your boat, buy yourself that nice expensive toilet paper. Your booty deserves the best and it's relatively cheap compared to the other things you can't afford but love.
17) You can work on improving yourself, even if you don't have a therapist. Start asking yourself the hard questions you don't want to answer.
19) It is okay to be upset. It is okay to be angry. It is okay to be sad. It is okay to express them. What isn't okay, is forcing everyone to feel your emotions and make them everyone else's problems.
20) I have no idea what I'm doing most of the time, and I'm not sure I will ever really know but it's a vibe.
21) Remember to relax your shoulders and your jaw.
22) I am actually a pretty good looking person, but I prefer to be comfy and wear 'unflattering' things than to cater to other people's images of beauty.
23) Space heaters are way cheaper than using gas to heat your home. Electricity is cheaper than gas. Candles can also be used to heat but aren't as effective, but can be used if you have no power.
24) know your tenant laws. Record every conversation with your landlord, or office people anywhere you rent. They will screw you over just because they assume you don't know your rights. They differ for each state but they are there to protect you from sleezy landlords. Which is 99.99% of landlords.
25) Feeling crappy? Make sure your basic needs have been met. Food, water (not coffee), hygiene, sleep, and attention. That will probably solve your problem.
I had a whole point to this post today. I don't remember what it was at this point. Stay safe y'all, and take care of yourself ❣️
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