#it was literally only 5 months i met him via bumble and we just dated since then but like. Bruh if
labetalol · 5 months
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Hi! I'm 24, and haven't had much experience in the dating world. When I was 16-19 I had an intermittent but ongoing friends-with-benefits relationship with my best male friend. Afterwards, I had a brief string of short flings which always ended before they really begun. From 20-23 I was so focused on work, school and friends, that dating wasn't a priority and I stayed single. As you can see, my experience with dating is super limited. Not only that, but my previous experience with my friends-with-benefits partner, which was very influential during my formative years, has caused me to have some skewed perspectives and lots of insecurity. The guy was my best friend, very attracted to me, loved my personality and loved spending time with me, but didn't have romantic feelings to ever want to date me. He did all of the "coupley" things a boyfriend would: sweet gestures, hand holding, cuddling, etc, but in the end, moved on to date someone else. He didn't do anything wrong, but it was a very confusing experience to me, as we had spent so much time together and had so many experiences, so as a teenager I had believed it would turn into a relationship. Because I don't really have any positive experiences to offset that one, my current mentality is a distrust that a guy would want to actually be with me romantically, beyond just sex and friendship. I know I have a lot to offer, (I'm attractive, intelligent, fun, open minded, caring, easygoing etc), and intellectually I know that my bad experience was just a matter of bad luck and not indicative of the future men I'll meet, but regardless I can't seem to shake the insecurity.Recently I decided to join the dating app Bumble, and matched and met up with a wonderful 34 year old guy. (He is mature in all the right ways, but otherwise does not "seem" 34 at all. Our maturity is very compatible despite the age difference). We have been seeing each other for the last 9 weeks, hanging out multiple times a week. We've spent a TON of time together, read: literally hundreds of hours, I'm sure. We do all kinds of things together, getting food, going to parks and other adventures, IKEA trips, as well as having sex every time we see each other. We sleepover at each other's houses consistently, and he looked after my cat at my house for 5 days while I was away (he offered). I also had a minor medical procedure done the other day, to which he came with me to the and helped me feel better afterwards. From the beginning, he told me how wonderful he thinks I am, and that he really "likes me". Near the beginning he was saying things like "you are perfect for me" etc.Now that more time has gone on, he is not verbally telling me he likes me all the time (I assume because it should be obvious by this point and therefore overkill), but that has been substituted with an increase in other actions like more phone calls, more checking in over text while out with friends, affectionate goodnight texts etc. Everything is going wonderfully. However, I'm unclear on what exactly he's looking for with me, and don't completely trust that this isn't just a "fling" like my other experiences. I know he loves spending time with me, loves my personality, is attracted to me, cares about me, feels we are super compatible etc, so it should be obvious that he would also like me romantically. But previously all of that stuff wasn't enough for my friend to like me romantically and want a relationship. I am developing some serious feelings, and I would be crushed if from his side this doesn't have the potential to eventually turn into a relationship. I don't feel that we are yet ready to become an official "couple", it feels premature to me at this point, but I want to know if he sees relationship potential down the road before I continue to invest emotionally.I know that the easiest way to find out would be to simply ask. I do already know from a previous conversation that he personally really doesn't enjoy or understand "hook up" culture. He's also told me that he feels he's happiest "in a relationship" versus sleeping with a bunch of different people. Based on this, I can safely gather that he was on the app to ultimately find a relationship. I just don't know for sure if he would want one with ME, specifically. I'm on birth control, so recently we decided not to use a condom. I wanted to protect myself from STIs though, so the other day I asked him if he's seeing/sleeping with other people. He isn't. So seems we are exclusive, but then again I don't know for sure if that's intentional because he likes me, or he just happens to not be currently seeing else. He really is just the most caring and conscientious guy I've ever met, so I know he wouldn't be purposefully "playing me". That being said, it wouldn't be wrong of him to just be enjoying his time with me and then ultimately move on with no intention to date me. We haven't had a formal conversation about intentions or expectations, so I don't think it would be wrong if him to do that. So that's why I feel scared to keep investing my heart without knowing what he wants.But I'm also just so hesitant to have that conversation though, because of all the advice that that sort of thing "scares men off". He's told me he was in 2 long term relationships over the last 10 years, 1 of which the girl was super emotionally and ultimately physically abusive, that left him absolutely miserable. His philosophy now is just to be in the moment and make sure he's happy with whatever he's doing. Because of this, I know that he's gonna be cautious and take his time when getting to know someone new, and I also know that he's just an easy going, go with the flow type of person that would not be in a rush to label anything or rock the boat when things are going so well as they are. This is why I think I risk freaking him out if I ask him "where he sees this going". (That being said, he is very open to talking about feelings and enjoys that kind of conversation, so at least there's that in my favour).What would you advise I do? Should I just look at the signs and trust that we are on the same page, or should I ask? If I should ask, any recommendations on the best way to do so? via /r/dating_advice
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Hi! I'm 24, and haven't had much experience in the dating world. When I was 16-19 I had an intermittent but ongoing friends-with-benefits relationship with my best male friend. Afterwards, I had a brief string of short flings which always ended before they really begun. From 20-23 I was so focused on work, school and friends, that dating wasn't a priority and I stayed single. As you can see, my experience with dating is super limited. Not only that, but my previous experience with my friends-with-benefits partner, which was very influential during my formative years, has caused me to have some skewed perspectives and lots of insecurity. The guy was my best friend, very attracted to me, loved my personality and loved spending time with me, but didn't have romantic feelings to ever want to date me. He did all of the "coupley" things a boyfriend would: sweet gestures, hand holding, cuddling, etc, but in the end, moved on to date someone else. He didn't do anything wrong, but it was a very confusing experience to me, as we had spent so much time together and had so many experiences, so as a teenager I had believed it would turn into a relationship. Because I don't really have any positive experiences to offset that one, my current mentality is a distrust that a guy would want to actually be with me romantically, beyond just sex and friendship. I know I have a lot to offer, (I'm attractive, intelligent, fun, open minded, caring, easygoing etc), and intellectually I know that my bad experience was just a matter of bad luck and not indicative of the future men I'll meet, but regardless I can't seem to shake the insecurity.Recently I decided to join the dating app Bumble, and matched and met up with a wonderful 34 year old guy. (He is mature in all the right ways, but otherwise does not "seem" 34 at all. Our maturity is very compatible despite the age difference). We have been seeing each other for the last 9 weeks, hanging out multiple times a week. We've spent a TON of time together, read: literally hundreds of hours, I'm sure. We do all kinds of things together, getting food, going to parks and other adventures, IKEA trips, as well as having sex every time we see each other. We sleepover at each other's houses consistently, and he looked after my cat at my house for 5 days while I was away (he offered). I also had a minor medical procedure done the other day, to which he came with me to the and helped me feel better afterwards. From the beginning, he told me how wonderful he thinks I am, and that he really "likes me". Near the beginning he was saying things like "you are perfect for me" etc.Now that more time has gone on, he is not verbally telling me he likes me all the time (I assume because it should be obvious by this point and therefore overkill), but that has been substituted with an increase in other actions like more phone calls, more checking in over text while out with friends, affectionate goodnight texts etc. Everything is going wonderfully. However, I'm unclear on what exactly he's looking for with me, and don't completely trust that this isn't just a "fling" like my other experiences. I know he loves spending time with me, loves my personality, is attracted to me, cares about me, feels we are super compatible etc, so it should be obvious that he would also like me romantically. But previously all of that stuff wasn't enough for my friend to like me romantically and want a relationship. I am developing some serious feelings, and I would be crushed if from his side this doesn't have the potential to eventually turn into a relationship. I don't feel that we are yet ready to become an official "couple", it feels premature to me at this point, but I want to know if he sees relationship potential down the road before I continue to invest emotionally.I know that the easiest way to find out would be to simply ask. I do already know from a previous conversation that he personally really doesn't enjoy or understand "hook up" culture. He's also told me that he feels he's happiest "in a relationship" versus sleeping with a bunch of different people. Based on this, I can safely gather that he was on the app to ultimately find a relationship. I just don't know for sure if he would want one with ME, specifically. I'm on birth control, so recently we decided not to use a condom. I wanted to protect myself from STIs though, so the other day I asked him if he's seeing/sleeping with other people. He isn't. So seems we are exclusive, but then again I don't know for sure if that's intentional because he likes me, or he just happens to not be currently seeing else. He really is just the most caring and conscientious guy I've ever met, so I know he wouldn't be purposefully "playing me". That being said, it wouldn't be wrong of him to just be enjoying his time with me and then ultimately move on with no intention to date me. We haven't had a formal conversation about intentions or expectations, so I don't think it would be wrong if him to do that. So that's why I feel scared to keep investing my heart without knowing what he wants.But I'm also just so hesitant to have that conversation though, because of all the advice that that sort of thing "scares men off". He's told me he was in 2 long term relationships over the last 10 years, 1 of which the girl was super emotionally and ultimately physically abusive, that left him absolutely miserable. His philosophy now is just to be in the moment and make sure he's happy with whatever he's doing. Because of this, I know that he's gonna be cautious and take his time when getting to know someone new, and I also know that he's just an easy going, go with the flow type of person that would not be in a rush to label anything or rock the boat when things are going so well as they are. This is why I think I risk freaking him out if I ask him "where he sees this going". (That being said, he is very open to talking about feelings and enjoys that kind of conversation, so at least there's that in my favour).What would you advise I do? Should I just look at the signs and trust that we are on the same page, or should I ask? If I should ask, any recommendations on the best way to do so? via /r/dating_advice
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