#it was very beautiful though i remember that part fondly. i def need to go back one day
woundthatswallows · 2 years
in high school we did a class trip to yosemite and like 5 kids got sick and went home early the first two days and then i got sick but was just going to rough it out until everyone had to leave the morning of the third day because of flash flooding 🖤 and also one of the teachers drove there on his motorcycle
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nashwillms · 4 years
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Have you seen ERIC ‘NASH’ WILLIAMS ? This THIRTY-EIGHT year old is a ROADIE / BREWERY OWNER who resides in QUEENS. HE has/have been living in NYC for THREE YEARS, and is known to be HELPFUL and RELAXED, but can also be IRRESPONSIBLE and UNRELIABLE, if you cross them. People tend to associate them with LIVE MUSIC and WELL-TUNED ACOUSTIC GUITARS.
y’all there’s rly no intro necessary, this is all you need to know about nash: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2SzEYKbxSg now that tHAT is out of the way, here’s yet another idiot man! feel free to hmu for plots or like this and i will hYu (is that a thing?) 
tw: suicide, violence mention, underage drug use
about —
full name: eric williams age: 38 birthday: december 14th, 1981 ( sagittarius ) sexual orientation: heterosexual gender: cis male pronouns: he/his
bio — tw: suicide, violence mention, underage drug use
the eighties were a wild time. fifteen-year-old evelyn williams had ran away from her home in kentucky to pursue her dream to be a country singer, landing her in nashville, tennessee. but instead, she ended up tangled with some shady people in the industry, people who got her intro drugs — and eventually she ended up pregnant.
at age sixteen, evelyn delivered a boy, in a home for unwed mothers, about an hour away from nashville. her original plan had always been to simply leave the child there, because her christian upbringing would not emotionally allow her to have an abortion. but she changed her mind at the last second; she took her son with her, and named him eric. no specific reason, it was just the first name that she thought of.
despite the hurdles, she still attempted to pursue her dreams. at a very young age, eric was hanging out backstage at different small venues, watching his mother perform. so, it could be said he grew up around music.
( suicide tw!! ) when he thinks of his mother, he tries to remember the smiling singing girl in cowboy boots and button up shirts — and not the lifeless corpse hanging from the ceiling he walked into, aged six. why she’d taken her own life, the boy never understood. and while he never felt anything negative towards his mother, he was angry she had decided to leave him alone. after having to call 9-1-1 (a thing he will now refuse to do), some people came and took him away.
eric proceeded to grow up in the foster system. from home to home to home to home, it was like nobody wanted to keep him. no matter how good he was, how smart he was; families would always end up sending him back. 
when he was sixteen, though, an argument with his then foster family ended up in violence. his foster father have eric a black eye, and in a moment of complete desperation, he grabbed what he could in his book bag and ran away, slowly making his way back to the city. 
one night, he decided to go to the venue his mother would perform at, sneaking backstage. of course, he got caught almost immediately — but the the performer’s crew leader told security he was with them, so the boy was let go... and he had a job. of course he was asked what his name was, and his answer was nash. eric williams was on the run, so he couldn’t give that name! and surprisingly, it stuck. when he talks about how he met john and how he got to work for him, a smile always appears. the story is so ridiculous.
he started working for this man’s crew, mostly as a roadie: carrying, loading / unloading, setting up and breaking down equipment for different performers, all around the country. being unsupervised, nash got himself into a pattern of irresponsibility: drugs and girls, girls and drugs. it is very probably he has scattered a large amount of children across the country in the last 20 years, yet he has not even entertained the thought. 
fast forward to sixteen years ago: nash scored another gig working with violet banks’ crew. he had heard of the musician before, and the young man was thoroughly impressed. she was incredibly talented and beautiful — not to mention successful, and his age. that was what impressed him the most, how much she had accomplished when they were so close in age. so, one could say he had a crush. not very rare in nash, but alas.
how he managed to get her to even give him the time of day is still a mystery. he did consider himself a charming person, so it probably had something to do with this trait of his. knowing they didn’t have a lot of time, as the end of the tour approached, the pair got involved in a very fast but very passionate romance. to this day, nash still remembers this specific love fondly. it was probably the most interesting thing that had happened to him, too.
however, after violet’s tour was over, he never heard from her again. mostly because he never even reached out. when he heard she had had a baby, it made him want to reach out even less. of course, the thought that it could be his child didn’t even cross his mind. ( so, he has no idea jamie is his, and has NO idea what has happened to him or to violet. mans gonna have a bad, bad time! but a well deserved one! )
a few years later, he found a puppy tied to a pole while staying in a crappy motel in atlanta. he figured the owner would get back to the pet soon, but when he walked by the same pole and saw the pup still there, nash decided to take it with him. 
he’s a german shepherd named bullet, and he’s 11 now. probably the closest thing nash has had to an actual responsibility.
how the man ended in new york was also a funny story, or so he’ll say. although it really wasn’t funny, it was mostly sad. while on a job in new york, bullet got ran over by a yellow cab. he survived, but the vet advised to let him rest at home for the foreseeable future. which was of course a problem, considering nash didn’t really have a home. he mostly lived in cheap motels or on friends’ couches. he drove an old truck, and now he had to find himself a place to live in the most expensive city in the world.
all of his savings went to this venture. he’s not poor, but not well off either. he’s somewhere in the middle, because he had been saving his money to buy that venue in nashville — of course that doesn’t seem possible anymore.
although he’s legally been living in queens for three years, he has been in and out of town for the most part, really making it more of a consecutive year, maybe a year and a half. especially now that bullet is old, and after the accident, he’s become prone to more ailments. it wasn’t bad until recently, which was why nash would still come and go, leaving him with a dogsitter, but now that he’s become more frail, nash is trying to be consistent and be with his friend.
some connections: ANYTHING / EVERYTHING ( always down for anything! )
more specific ones ( at least the ones i can think of ) - dogsitter: someone who’s close to nash, very trustworthy. he wouldn’t leave bullet with anyone when he leaves! - friends: he def needs those! he’s a very flexible character too, as in he’s been pretty much everywhere in the states, so there can always be a plot there when/ if your character isn’t from new york! - ex lovers: he def needs all of these, basically the same terms from ‘friends’ apply here: he’s been everywhere, and he’s one irresponsible idiot. he’s definitely never called anyone back. - music people: nash loves music! he still works backstage at a bunch of venues in the city (nothing gigantic though), but he def loves anyone who knows anything about music. he plays the guitar, if that adds any depth!
( this is my second attempt at trying to post this intro... tumblr ate my first draft and i was so very sad... so forgive me if this is terrible. second attempts usually don’t turn out as great but ! i tried my best. my two remaining brain cells and i thank you for reading this AT ALL. ) 
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