#it works so well with shou and im so insane abt it
espectres · 1 year
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Basic rundown, in your usual everyday modern world, vampires are a thing! Extremely rare, extremely unbelievable, don't live among humans, or do they? They actually do, yes, for they are excellent shape-shifters who have evolved enough to gain the ability to walk into the sunlight long enough so that it isn't suspicious to any human.
( tw: mention of child abuse & abandonment, somewhat detailed description of decapitation and neck injury. )
"Claw", known as "Fang" in this au, is an organization of vampires with the unrealistic goal of world domination, led by one of the oldest & strongest vampires to have existed and remained alive for the past two centuries, Suzuki Toichiro. While their goal might seem childish, their ways are far away from any joke, kidnapping people to turn them into vampires is their specialty, and turning random people into vampires just on a whim and leaving them to suffer the transmission horrors is not far from their deeds either.
Shou, Toichiro's firstborn, is a Dhampir, half a vampire born to a human mother and his vampire father, and as far as things went in the first eight years of his life, he was simply a human with no vampire features, he gained these after his mother abandoned him, unable to bear his father's growing cruelty and violence. Shou's transmission, done by his own father, was an experience, and it was an astonishing success, a Dhampir with all vampires strengths, and none of their weaknesses, but could very much get killed in the classic ways.
Enraged with the way he was treated by his father & the existence of Fang as a whole, Shou decides to have his revenge by murdering every single vampire in the organization, with his own father on top of the list.
Vampires don't age physically, Shou's true form remains that of an eight years old. Chronologically speaking, he isn't ancient like the majority of his kind. He is thirteen, he looks thirteen, too. Once you get a good hold on your shapeshifting, you can look any age you want. There is a limit to how much you can change your features, tho. Shou even keeps up the mild shapeshifting in his sleep, looking like the teenager he is instead of the child he was when he was turned. It’s that instinctive for him, being in hiding.
The last couple years of his life was spent hunting down vampires, making a team of those who agreed to join him in taking down Fang, and freeing Vampires who were forcefully taken in, all while concealing his identity as the culprit of many crime scenes. Toichiro isn't an easy target. He's constantly moving all around the country, and Shou aims to take down as many vampires as possible before he would have to confront his father again.
Shou likes to call himself a miracle of genetic engineering, he thinks it's funny.
Feasting on humans ends up with two possibilities, either the victim survives to become a vampire, or is killed by the vampire culprit. The later option considered the kindest for many reasons, but those working at Fang never consider it, aiming to get more and more soldiers under their grasp. Shou isn't a fan of hunting humans for blood, in fact he has never needed to do it even once, anything he drank was either ready & served to him when he was with his father- or something he got from emergency rooms in the hospital, not asking about the details in the best decision if you ask me.
Vampires can tolerate the sun for short amounts of times, like walking from one place to another, but dhampirs like Shou don't need to avoid the sun at all. And while some vampires can tolerate some human foods with many many exceptions, Shou can digest anything without a problem, he still doesn't get any nutrients from human food, but that doesn't stop him from enjoying it. And aside from things that straight up kill a vampire, none of their weaknesses work on him.
The best way to kill a vampire is to decapitate them, and the best way to decapitate them is to twist their necks from behind, a broken neck is the worst injury for a vampire, it takes the longest to heal with their regenerative ability, it's enough if you plan to deem your opponent paralyzed for a few minutes, but if you gotta kill that vampire, then you twist until the head is in your hands and the body is on the floor.
" What about a heart? "
And Shou falters, the red stained straw falling from his lips, revealing his fangs and their sickening white colour, slightly tainted by his drink. He never falters.
❝ What? ❞
" A heart, the books said- "
❝ Don't worry about the hearts. ❞ He cuts short and sweet, a reassuring smile hiding away the sharp teeth, and his gaze shifts to his drink again, crimson and shimmering and basking in the sunlight pouring through the window. ❝ They're too hard to get to. ❞
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bingobongobonko · 1 year
4 hour sleep gang but sooo worth it.. lancer rpg. blinks wildly. im. 3-session long bossfight, fucking INSANE. hardest fucking fight we've ever dealt with, surrounded by webs of bombs and mines, and the Fool is a literal stand user and she fucking summoned it to kick our asses. actual hell on earth.
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became this at some fucking point 😭 EVERYONE WAS SO FUCKING TIRED OF HERRRRRRRRR SHE WAS DOING SOME MIND GAMES SHIT WITH INVISIBLE MINES ANDIT WAS GRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOURE DONE!!!!! YOURE OVER! such a good fucking battle though, albeit.. [TREASURE] and kuruushi got really fucked up throughout, im pretty sure more than half of us structured at some point. i fended off a bit better cuz i kept a distance, since my balor's a long distance mf. i love my superheavies. but yeah it was. bad. because even after we kill her stand basically, she's still puttin up mines and shit, and we realize. Oh we have to do a systems check.. we have to see the mines. and WOW its bad. its bad. we're completely and utterly surrounded. one fucking step in any direction, and either the Fool or [TREASURE] is getting blown to BITS. so we're freaking out... eventually though, [TREASURE]'s got rapid jet system or summat like dat, and he fucking bolts the shit out of there, but he's STILL NOT SAFE!!! BECAUSE SHE KEEPS TARGETING HIM.. THOUGH now she realizes the mines aren't gonna work (except on kuru, who at this point has exploded on those mines and structured like 30437498494 times now... it was miserable), so she hops out of the mines and right into us and we're like AHA YOU ARE SO SURROUNDED. AND WE DO. for [TREASURE] unfortunately, she's permainvisible and so a GOOD portion, if not all of his hits, don't land :( shitty fuckin rolls, it happens though tbh. im able to get a shot in at her regardless of missing, cuz cyclone has reliability tag of 5, and tellius basically grabs a spear and forces it into her mech, making her immobile and slowed. and THEN, i ram right into her mech and slam it into a nearby pylon, and force her prone. we're all fucking dogpiling her - but then we realize, thats WHAT she wants, because she grabs her grenade launcher and points it at the ground beneath all of us, knocking back the party a good amount and im pretty sure someone NEARLY structured from that. i dont get pushback thankfully, but im not the one who does the killing blow either. tellius rams himself back into the fight and fucking grabs his drills and forces it right into where he thinks the cockpit is, and lo and behold, there is a gaping hole in the thing. and it just keels over. and in the rubble and the dust thrown about, she's still alive. she's crawling out her mech pit, barely alive, bleeding from her midsection. this is *new.* we. won? i guess. the party, particularly skink and tellius get their words in, i know it gets revealed where the people who fucked telly over are, so thats OUGHG. thats. not good is it....... we will see.. but. the fool looks up at yves and is like. "Well? What are you waiting for? Do it." and yves does not need to be asked twice. he crushes and mangles her body under the heel of his mech, like he's killing a bug. and he.. doesn't feel anything. it's not satisfying. at all. and god it makes me so sad. when all of it is said and done, [TREASURE] picks up the parts of whats left of her, and just. holds them gingerly. it barely looks like anything. its so fucked. ooc i feel so bad abt it.. we really could have saved her. if we wanted to. we could have. but i know yves wouldn't let that happen. he has no reason to. yk. the military comes in, and they just kinda cat_blink.gif at us cuz like. ermmm are you guys okay lol. No. Not really. and the party's tryin to ease the tension, and make jokes and shit, but yves is like. Shut the Fuck Up. Shut the Fuck Up. and getting riled up and upset, because he just. doesn't feel anything. and its not funny anymore. none of this is funny. and elias kinda pipes in from the back like... hey man maybe we should calm down. yk? and i wont lie to you, yves's first instinct was to start screaming and kicking his cockpit, but realizing it's elias saying this, its kinda like. You Know. and they have a whole scene and... oh :(. well. yeah. i. well. yeah. its bittersweet. he's able to calm yves down, and it's just. really sweet.
im like.
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its fucking over man. hes not wrong. but also, like i was telling flore, yves is a ticking time bomb, and the fear far outweighs anything but at this very moment, its fine. its fine. he's not wrong. shit is changing. it has to mean something. even if its doing this forever and ever and ever and ever. and dont get me wrong, he loves elias a lot, but he CAN'T do this forever. not anything personal with elias, elias is. more than he ever thought he could have, just. vague hand moments. all of this. if he could get away from all of this with just elias, he would. he'll do this forever if thats whats gonna happen, but it's not preferred, even having elias there. thats the bitter part. you can love someone, but it doesnt change the horrors. but the love makes it easier. if anything. yeah. nothing changes, the horror is still lingering, but the love is there
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