#it would be wild if Pomni were the CEO
cushfuddled · 5 months
Current Digital Circus theory: Yes, Pomni worked for a company which figured out how to translate the human consciousness into video game code. My roommate speculates that some quirk of the job exposes all workers to this new tech, copying each person's consciousness and uploading it into the digital world (perhaps without said workers' knowledge or consent)...thus, a new version of that person is born with no memories of their prior life as a programmer/PR director/resident IT guy.
My first thought was, "Oh, so Caine's the CEO." As in, the boss was also exposed to the tech (whether on purpose or as a side effect) and is now a trapped amnesiac alongside everyone else. But Caine's described as an AI, and after tonight's episode...If the boss is trapped in this world with their employees, I'm crossing my fingers that they turn out to be Jax or Ragatha. Jax would make the most sense to me, since he seems like a silicon valley "move fast and break things" type—the sort of person who would throw money at the first unhinged indie tech startup to claim they've unlocked (digital) immortality.
If I'm right about this trapped-amnesiac-boss scenario, Ragatha probably isn't the boss—though I think it would be a more shocking reveal, considering her compassion. I'm curious if I'm wandering into a conversation that's been going on for a year already.
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